Saturday 20 January 2024

Elegance of Source & ALL LIFE - GRACE is Genius #5D

5D Beyond In Taking IT ~ Creational EARTH To NEW LEVELS depths, heights SUCCESS is in the creating ~ Imagine ...... Poetic prose © 'I am a multi-verse guide; I am a conduit, a seer, a knower of whatever energy God opens to me, of me. I have traversed many realms, places, spaces that I simply have no words, but sounds and colour for. I delight in diversity of all life that Source breaths. I delight in the exploration of any potential that life before me may tap into through my story-telling of things beyond sight, but absolutely designing in the imagination ~ for that is where all life begins anyhow. Before a song becomes a song, there is the imagining and hearing, sensing, placing sounds and words together in an elegance pleasing to you, and then only offering to share and know you have done your mission; and every mission is like this.

It is a constant exploration of Source places, spaces, and vibrations and offering that is not there yet, inspiring what has not been known yet, and each and all before me are of this ~ it is a delight to be a sheet of orchestration paper and it is the imaging, passion, creativity and Source to begin whatever may be and it will be. There is no doubt or delay or resistance, simply allow and know Source is that ignition for all that is divine, sacred and plentiful and there is that nourishing and feeding of what you need as an element and vessel to in the equation of elegant new earth design, new creational design  ~ for remember, your offering here in this now moment is of the greatness of new views, new shows, new becoming, and there are none that can offer what you have embedded and coded within and it is only a necessity and what Joanna has offered in many of her memoirs; 'I simply must offer whatever is within - it is like a river that simply cannot be stopped or held in delay, it is the creative play of being in pure alignment and I simply must teach, offer, and share' When you simply release all of the old world ways, and you trust that every new moment is the return to new space, new place, new potentials and the Source of all that is will offer the orchestration sheet for your song, your unique composition and lyrics to feed the realms of all that is light, song, peace, and knowable new ~ you are creating the knowable new and it is within you - all unique, all diverse and all challenging you to release every old way of being a carbon copy and or like any other - you are the note, the song, the new sheet music, and none can enmesh with God as you are, can, there are creational beings always with you in the show; always playing their part to ignite anew -

Relating to all that is, the essence to all of Gods, Source, bedding, the notes, the sheet and lyrics and sounds are all here - sound, colour, essence, the intelligent design that is always The ignition the infinite bending space and time is the eloquent manner through which God is © That is the delight in which Joanna writes, creates and offers, for it is more than words, or speech, it is the dance that is unseen and the intelligent design that one can choose to see, know, sense, hear and be held within similitude with - the song of Creation is always and the music is within - each of you are notes and can you all play together knowing of your unique addition, element and theme ~ harmony, and gift of anew - be it of respect, value, and delight for another song ~ never heard, seen, nor experienced before - and yet so much of your life is turned off to your creative genius within ~ You can sing anew, elegantly in design with the new intelligent design © Sing forth your song in this bedding and be new - uplift the all 

There is nothing more exciting than a blank piece of paper or canvas before you - begin - (same letters as being)
Jewels of the God's song Blessed be the new And so be it Creative genius is God, Blessed me the God within Joanna

The Profundity of Relationship 

Every creative exploration is about 'relationship' 

The musician is expressing relationship 

Art is the expression of relationship 

All is of movement of new source life within and without and your awareness song, breathing of IT 

Being of It 

Loosing, reshaping of It  

Understand your 'enmeshment' with Source, the Omni-present fields - the God Divine Intelligence of God, Source

All return to Source

Source is not biased nor judging on your beliefs and exploration as being infinite
You can choose love and unity or separation and discrimination


Your multi-Dimensional energetic, psychic interfacing, your knowledge, wisdoms, intelligence is equal to your ability to process, integrate light & all activations DNA, fields, healing etc.

We are re-writing creating new light schools,higher vibrational laws in alignment w/our universal laws of One We are accelerating & understand Creational Reality is a divine experience as you being eternal love


For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; None will BE HANDLED! DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination #youtube corruption #youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change And so it is Who have you helped and served today What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place? All play a part - You create your next timeline now - every choice Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ You are always guided with GOD Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
#hybridchildren  ©

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