Sunday 26 August 2018

Profundity of Inner Knowing ~ ALL IS WELL!

So Divinely pure with inner knowing God IS within.
We are remembering our Divine threading, and this means we are gifting ourselves every opportunity to 'let go' of all else that resides in resonance of limitation, fear, and control. Release, breathe, and know all is well within the unknown we are now stepping into.
In all dimensions, there is an aspect of Creator-God experience, reality experience through which one must move in utter Divine knowing 'All is Well'~this is the evolutionary thread that binds ALL One-present sacred service. Surrender & know all is well~JLR
Every master, every evolved being must walk through our beliefs, our perspectives about our 'eternal threading in unconditional love,' and this means we will present ourselves with all parts of the earthly cycle. Our awakening, our deepening in love will be present through each phase, each breath, as God is.
In all dimensions, there is an aspect of Creator-God experience, reality experience through which one must move in utter Divine knowing 'All is Well'~
This is the evolutionary thread that binds ALL One-present sacred service. Surrender & know all is well~JLR
Our live podcast from yesterday that mused and deepened our understanding on the 'Universal Destiny, Treasures of the Heart' and how threaded we are within the ALL, in all that we joyfully create NOW.
Hour II - Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~

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