Wednesday 28 February 2018

Alignments & Celestial Luck to Usher a New Rebirth

Thank you to Jamie Awakening Our Truth for sharing our light offerings and ascension wisdoms for an awakening human family. 
In every moment we are aligned within the ALL to awaken, inspire, and ignite the God essence within and our new moon, full moon, celestial alignments are a catalyzing presence of the Divine to usher and lift us to a new perspective of all that we are. ALL that we are is far beyond what we have ever been taught, told, or shown and is far beyond what words have ability to define. 
Universal Love and Light Wisdom ~ Enjoy these Heavenly ushering of the Moon as our full moon is in 2 days, and deepen the self-acceptance of you within you, God Within, and the Love of the All with Its golden potentials in every breath.
Breathe, align, create ceremony, sacred circles, sacred sharing, this is how we shift into new human paradigms of higher dimensional offerings, wisdoms, and potentials.
Blessings and great joy,


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