You are a part of the ALL - - -
infinite body types, forms, gender - all - ness - is all-ness diversity is our unity and true authentic destiny As light continues to bathe our planet - there will be those ready, celestial, hybrid, indigo, crystal, empathic children that are awakening to their fields, and gifts of sensing - they are highly telepathic - we are aware of our thoughts carrying, and how are we building new platforms and intelligence of light wisdoms for such to learn how to work within their gifts, altruistically - and never have to go through secret society abuses, black magic abuses -Knowledge and wisdoms is so key at this time - - we cannot and no longer hide our multi-dimensionality and our children are so advanced - but systems and constructs are so restrictive and none are teaching, showing the vibrational way to self healing, self accelerating, and self design - we are meant to be more than 3D numb dumb constructs of normality - - As a conduit, as a Source interfacing agent, empath and vibrational healer - I cannot help but be interfacings and engaging with all life - - nature, wildlife, all that is alive with Source has a story - I am working to refine what I am want to tap into and how when to read, see, and live within the song that is always awake within me - -
every human oscillates at a unique cyclization
with Source, our planetary vibration - yet none care nor show, nor teach, nor enlighten - - all is energy how could we have missed all this?
I use mudras with my fingers, and intention to weave anew - to bring new light, life, alchemize the old or simply play with Source songs of all that is - - - I know how to do this - it is who I have always been - it is a part of moving and living with energy of your planet - the higher realms live in this way - - it is 'engage, building relationship with the Source song - - it is a living ongoing song - I cannot help but sense it all - it is what I was born as and as a child it was shunned deeply - - eventually to the point I turned it all off - - until you realize - it is exactly what and who you are meant to be and show the way for billions of others - - - - Why super fast processing of the high functioning, fast rappers, are shifting their way of communication similar to light languages that they have yet to tap into - - - music will be light language offering sounds, healing song, and new ways of higher communication - - we are just tapping into vibrational living - soothing, healing, activating, and bringing forth higher intelligence to our planet - - eventuating in telepathic communion - - -all is a song of Source, the higher we go, the more we are able to sense, understand and trust that inner - outer link of song and go within it - - -
Takes practice when you have been shut down for eons and saying that 'hearing voices' is a bad thing - - it is not - - some are audible, some are clairsentience, some are Claire audience, and on and on -- - - there is many ways your specific hybrid codes, awakening, fields, and what you are able to sense that IS YOUR PUZZLE PIECE to new earth and only to you it is meant to be - - Source knows what Source is doing - - - You are not going crazy - you are awakening to higher dimensional communications - simply work with your teams, higher self to refine how, when, what you want to tap into - - practice - - - There are those in the collective have been 'overwhelmed' by people,, or outer environments simply because they were never taught, told they were sensitive, or higher functioning and then misdiagnosed as anxiety or claustrophobic of life -- and such is utter wrong
- - - you simply have a unique blessing of how to work with your signature of reading all that is - --
When your fields turn on - it is unmistakable - you will feel nervous and anxious, overwhelmed and even frustrated to be around a lot of people or noisy environments and get to a point of shutting down - or you may get prescribed big pharma to make you numb and dumb to what is actually your gifts
- -- - be discerning - - we are meant to hear, to sense, and to know more than the seen or tangible -- many of you are star seeds and have shut down what has always been you
* as 3D doctors or counsellors are not multidimensionally trained - -it is not 'normalized' to be a vibrational knower, seer, healer -- so thus then - you will be boxed into the check box of their questionnaires - that have nothing to do with being a unique star seed meant to hear, see, feel unique vibrations - - why we need higher consciousness light wisdoms - -
* You are not stupid, or not smart - - your genius simply did not fit into old constructs pressing their perspectives at you - - you are not meant to conform to outer - but be your pure higher inner - - inner creates outer - - none told you - - let go and surrender to your divine genius - -
There have been agendas for humanity to be enforced to listen to discordant eneryg and vibrations - - the so called leaders have intentionally enforce discordant energy of 444mghz and know knew what they were doing - - enforcing disruption, imbalances mentally, emotionally - expression suppression will be devastating to our planet - and discern any asking, wanting, enforcing such - they are not to be heeded on any level - - - walk away
There have been agendas for humanity to be enforced to listen to discordant eneryg and vibrations - - the so called leaders have intentionally enforce discordant energy of 444mghz and know knew what they were doing - - enforcing disruption, imbalances mentally, emotionally - expression suppression will be devastating to our planet - and discern any asking, wanting, enforcing such - they are not to be heeded on any level - - - walk away
- - I empower you - - - call in the spirit of your higher self and ask for the most precious star-seed version of you and bring on your gifts one by one - - work with it weekly - - -journal and track your successes and becoming Godly - - you are not going crazy - you are returning to self - - you are a divine being - - the light, the codes, the songs of Source in 5D will shake away residue and less than, wrong beliefs and corrupt beliefs of 'nothing' and stupid or not fitting in - -
Many of those that took on so much projections of their dysfunctional environments that made the little children, youth, adults thinking they are stupid, or not intelligent - -utterly wrong again - it is simply you are reading, understanding, and offering the reality you experience in your way - - -
High functioning - when you look up some of the online information - - it is ridiculous of how they box, define, small-ify you into a 'lets make you like us' mentality - the words used, the low vibrational information, lack of union with spirit and such 0 integration of any higher knowing - - - then they prescribe you drugs to slow down and fit in
Why those with powerful emotional passionate expression - see their gift to channel, direct in new ways for creative art and pressing forth with new ways to grow your energy and direct in new creative talents, gifts, and never feel less than - you are not never were stupid - - they were the no sense of self of those in your environment that you were a gift for them to see, know, there is perfection in being different and being pure love and pure other worldly - - -
#Starseeds #telepathic #highfunctioning #crystalChildren #indigoChildren -
Lets raise our vibration and begin accepting all that we are in our expression - it is everything to our healing -
We are meant to transcend the verbal slower talking, writing - - -we are meant to be higher in resonance and able to communicate in infinite ways - -- - there are many that - go on to the social platforms and search out 'nature singing'
Again why any group, cult, coven, messing with any they have no idea of their sensitivities or corrupt illegal government technology testing and pressing out degrading energy impulses - have no clue the damage they do - - and why all will get their equal karma -
Can you imagine a sensitive being impaled daily with hate - - - voodoo, suicide taunts - this is what I survived -= - -it was cruel and unusual - - all for me to disappear mysteriously so the slow dagger and all involved could get paid - - -
We must teach, show the way of our children and let them know -- they are not meant to conform to slow, box, lower vibrational situations - they are the light within it to make it new - - show us children - - show us - - -
Conduits hear this, see this, harmonize, engage with this all the time - - why we prefer to be in nature than people - - the vibration is unique and uplifting - - not wounded - -
we are like a forest garden, field of infinite birds - - speeds, dipping diving, singing all unique - they all have a unique tone, tempo, sound, purpose, unique ring, unique song, unique chorus - - but what would the forest be with only one song, one sound ??? boring - - diversity is in all natural order of evolution - -
this is where all creativity resides - your diversity of your soul - -- create
I LOVE YOU - -- - be YOU FULLY unapologetically - -
copyright ©
Blessings and grace for your courage to be exactly you - -
Celeste - -
Joanna of old
I am that I am
I survived
I will speak on it
That’s my SOULs calling and birthright
It’s my RIGHT!!
All-NESS - - quantum GOD
Blessings and light
***** 90min $250USD
***** 40min $125USD
***** 4x45min $550USD
The image of your Godliness - - - love and light is your song
copyright © #ascensionTruths
#systematicabuse is Criminal abuse
#secretSocietyAbuse is Criminal abuse
#sacrificing is Pre-meditated murder - how about we all heal and grow up - - -
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, sharing, and honouring of our sacred work and human healing for our universal oneness
copyright -
Remember dear ones - not all psychics are christic and not all healers are vibrational - - - simply do your homework and ask - ask for who they align with and if they do not align with their higher self and the higher realms of light -- - then I would keep walking - - - -
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Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )
******* 90min $250USD
******* 40min $125USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $250USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
******* 40min $125USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $125USD
******* 90min $250USD
******** 4x45min $550USD
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD
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