Channelled Contract Outline for Consideration of The Basis of And Foundation of Collaborating and Co-creating with higher vibrational beings, species, and Systems of Light and all counterparts that are initiated and approved for global service
BASED ON PURITY OF INTENTION for Unity, PEACE and advancement of soulful evolution and intergalactic universal integration to first contact
January 18, 2025
~ I reserve the rights to all my intellectual property; books I-III, (IV, V in progress) illustrations, images, data, channels, content, videos, diagrams in channelled form
~ I will offer shared profits of those I choose to collaborate with and such proceeds and % determined based on working contracts, details of such, of what, how much goes back to the collective programs for evolution, healing, light intelligence and greater good
~ Intention by all parties to understand and choose of free will to invoke upon 'purity of intent' to heal, assist, inspire, create, offer, collaborate with intentions of higher evolutionary education, leadership, peace, wisdoms, healing for the greater good and in alignment with and not excluding future additions by the Systems of Light, within the Fathers plan (nothing to do with religion )

*** It must be remembered in all situations and experiences - - every human sits within unique consciousness levels, emotional, mental, spiritual wounding - soul fragment integration, understanding and practicing of higher order laws, knowing, and thus sit at various stages of consciousness awareness, aptitude, capacity to understand multi-dimensional healing, processes, soul fragment healing and other such concepts that are not linear or 'church and state' rigid beliefs and why it is so very vital to begin anew with more fluid and unified foundations that align with the divine order, higher order, universal laws - as our entire quantum life of Source is based on such -

Ascension will be a very rough ride if we think we can ascend into higher light space-time and maintain stay held fixated within smaller linear broken boxes of beliefs, discrimination, suppressions, and ideologies that have no basis on the greater laws of unity and oneness of the 5D and beyond experience of all higher consciousness beings
**** Alignment with Universal laws -
**** Alignment with the Sacred Trinity - serving the Higher Realms of the evolutionary light plans, Systems of light, 13th Dimensional Creators, The divine Source; Mother Father, and all councils of light herein; Gaia, and the earth collective
**** Alignment with regular guidance within the Systems of light; galactic federations, Councils of Light and again, the higher realm directives within the ascension, evolutionary plans
~ Intention for new laws of 'dark occult abuse' systematic abuse, secret society, cult abuses of power and integrating, offering, higher wisdoms, healing, support, aid, and protection be created, maintained, evolve as we evolve as a collective with the integration of healers, seers, and other higher vibrational manners to heal, bring light wisdoms, and new key potentials for peace, harmony for all peoples as suggested and activated within the collective and divinely aligned through Source, Gods plan - - it is all-inter-related - this is the law of One
~ All parties must converse with me prior to releasing any propaganda or media from commencement of our service and collaborations held within 'intention, contracts, documents, acts, laws, or hidden or otherwise;' any other intention of 'collaborate within greater good' free will and universal laws honoured - there will be equal karmic return and contract may be severed at any time in any breech of said agreement
~ I reserve the right to be available to the greater good, councils, multiverse and hierarchies that is my first priority and compass of directives, in the inspiration, activations, uplifting of humanity within the divine plan and humanities excitement for soul evolution and navigating towards first galactic and multiversal contact
~ Anything held in 'secret-military' or covert agendas on any level will result in immediate severing of all ties and no further assistance of the said agreed collaborations wisdoms and actions
~ Transparency is crucial for the rebuilding of higher vibrational higher intentional foundations that humanity will seek to place trust, faith, and honour in new pathways to navigate great global, planetary change of consciousness and living
The infusion of light intelligence in education, offering in new systems of light in socio-altruism, and ideas brought forth within the Systems of Light help, guidance, will be pivotal to avoid pitfalls, losses, and wasting of the peoples time, money, and planetary resources
- - - Universal Laws, and honouring of such in all agreements from here forth will also assure none will face karma - - any 'greed, selfish, corrupt agendas will be seen and known, and thus - karma equal to all to take, rape, pillage, refuse the honour of sacred life, or hidden facts, control or domination, suppression or any tactics against universal laws or human rights will be seen as a breech and thus contracts severed
Every human has the universal right to ascend, to understand higher consciousness and take part or not
Consciousness and becoming a higher vibrational being has nothing to do with religion and does not intend to take the place of such nor ever will - for it is not connected on any level
Consciousness is EVERYTHING to all evolution - - be it planet, people, nature, wildlife - consciousness affects the entire quantum state of all life and health of all life and balance of all life and will be proven as each human awakens and we bring forth advanced honouring technology that assists us in respecting Divine Source quantum gifts of light, codes of light, sacred geometry and sacred wisdoms heretofore laid to rest eons ago that will be a new source of renewed excitement in adding to our era of enlightenment and higher intelligence of unity, peace, diversity and creativity of wholeness and expression; within ourselves and our multi-verse

These contracts will elude and bring forth the importance of healing, understanding consciousness and the soul fragment process, ascension, and how all life is held sacredly as alien, celestial, nature, wildlife, high functioning, crystal, indigo, empathic, psychic, and otherwise to assure all life is connecting in greater good and none are held above or below and in oneness our greatest efforts of peace, unity, and expanding within the divine plans of all evolution will be upheld
- - - all life has its full right of its own unique expression within creation and how it operates as a conscious being, the level of intelligence it holds and desires to express within new paradigms of creative play and outcome is infinite and thus being the foundation of new earth star creative expansiveness to the highest potentials as always meant to be
The divine creators, systems of light, and all light councils will be a part of every moment and movement, challenge and hurdle to assist humanity in our growth and triumphs and will not do the work for us, but lovingly guide us in our most profound movement into 5D reality potentials
- - such affecting all life upon and within our planet - and therefore, we must adjust our beliefs, our perspectives, and practice unity consciousness daily for the unfolding within a safe, loving, tempered, and higher intelligent manner to deal with, offer support, outlets, aid, healing, protection and safety for the mental, emotional, spiritual instability that will result in eons of suppression, ill intent, misguidance of energy and dark occult and other such 'enforcements of suppression' of control and domination - of which will only result in more destruction, loss and unnecessary damage and costs
This is merely the quantum manner of ascension - and we are hoping within this outline contract of potential collaborations - we can meet in the middle of what must be an equal foundation to begin with
The intention of all contracts are held within 'what is my part in this transaction' and upholding the highest and best of humanity, greater good, and the divine plan for all
Such will create a firm foundation and beginning to profound success and pathways for the highest level of creativity and working with higher vibrational, higher intentional and multi-versal beings that have our highest and best at heart - that is the equal match and why doing anything less - will simply provide the same - that is the quantum equation and should be as we mentioned earlier - the basis of all contracts, documents, and shared resources - -'respectfully honouring the evolutionary path for all being all unique placements of consciousness, growth potentials, temperaments, DNA allocation, and specific destiny and blueprints for every human, only between that being and Source, and why Greater Good, Universal Laws are so vital at this time - karmic laws are always in effect'
All will such allow for the higher and greater good for all
A multiversal respectful and basis for respect, trust, honour, adaptability for all growth and expansion and creative dynamic approach to any and all human issues, challenges and creative drives for higher consciousness and creative expression and allowing for a smooth and successful healing for all with consideration of divine first contact between any and all families of light
( intent of working with Celeste _ Joanna and the Systems of Light, within the ascension plan evolutionary plan for humanity Gaia, and our galactic families of unity consciousness up to the 13th dimension )
We look forward to working with, and creatively collaborating with those that so desire to meet such outlines of basis of new #5D collective co-creations for new earth star
There will be no compromise on her safety nor that of what has been deemed owed, in legal, spiritual ownership to her of her - which is at this point, still in debt to her-Us; ALL - - again, what you do to Her - you do to ALL - - and such has been proven
I AM Celeste - Galactic Princess
copyright ©,
( previously known as Joanna L Ross - - - all documents related to the past must go to and use my previous name is fine )
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
copyright Allowing Accepting Acknowledging to feel what you have to feel is alchemy
3As of alchemizing your journey
3Es of your souls evolution
Do so responsibly as energy direction affects the all and why ‘light intelligence’ and ascension wisdoms must be taught
Immediately and new laws new support and aid for so many affected hourly by deep soul trauma of obsessive dark occult abuses
Allowing what you have to feel inspires you to be a higher vibrational and masterful crafter of your gifts
I have noticed deeper and more profound writing in creatives ~ so very proud of all of you in your journeys expressions
The world hangs on your every word
Sharing stories uncomfortable awkward cruel and harsh - #iceblaze all sync in humour & poet ~ writer ✍️ glyphs ~ trail blazing then it’s gone
It’s funny how we are seeing the breaking of eons of ‘underdog’ stories that we fight battles we never started never cared to even be in but here we are lifting to new creative heights inspiring every soul to create from the journey where everyone counted you out and you simply got the fuck up ….again
You inspire me ✨💋
it’s a world we each are accountable to heal
#epstein earth is extinction
New earth star is the diverse creative genius of the galaxy
We will inspire multiverses of how we get up and keep going ~ alchemize ~ make new
You are the eternal warrior and beacon of our souls healing
Love and light
Divine beings of sacred craft
The genius within
To be sung again
The galactic princess
Artwork is copyright ©️
You are worthy of this eternal journey ✨✨✨✨♾️♾️♾️♾️✨✨✨💫💫
unconditional love is this way - -
Blessings and light
Copyright ©️
None have ever been given permission to take copy use any of my books content or illustrations ~ humanity healing is the core intention thus then it will only serve those in alignment of its download and taught through such
All is my intellectual property
Copyright ©️
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
unconditional love is this way - -
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
You either behave from a wounded space - neutral or healed - and accepting -- - all choose their reality - - your reality never has to be 'tower filled' daily nor disease ridden - - HEAL!
blessings and light
no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - -
copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
Decades of abuse - - every person business and city - all will be held accountable and what where how do you think decades of dark, black magic energy and intentions chanting, jar work, and voodoo dolls will go ???? the energy has to go somewhere - then what ?????
you bring natural disasters to your door - - -THEN WHAT ?????
5D OMNI GOD LIGHT will show every corrupt aspect and corner of our cities - -
ALL GO TO MY LAWYER - -- I will not waste a second of my life with any of the past -
All monies, papers, documents, government mess - -must go through my lawyer - - - - corrupt as F - - I will meet with none and I will not DEAL - - -all will go to trial
DISCRIMINATION of the most horrible will be heard and seen - - -
My name, my birth details, and my birth life and all the illegal testing, experimenting - playing with my life is my LEGAL SPRITIUAL and universal RIGHT -
I am a genius - - false claims of who I am and my work and its validity - and not 1 spoke with me nor talk with me - they send 20 minions of hate to my live stream and throw magic spells and hate - - it is corrupt systematic hate attacks to silence any that call out their elite soul harvesting for corrupt agendas - they have no legal right to do - -
they all know it -
try to destory evidence will only do what???? THEN WHAT ???? MORE KARMA
THE ONY WAY OUT AND THROUGH IS REDEMPTION OF your soul that is SOURCE, GOD and is TRUTH and making right - -
These are the basic laws of your souls evolution - why religions will never be your answer - they are limited, 5000 yrs old and will not provide alchemy, honouring, and basic higher evolved truths of our universe - -- - it was a starting point - not meant to be where we sit forever - - - time to grow up - - quantum light is quantum - it will touch all life -
#humanRights are a thing
None has given 1 drop
None has verified my signature
I have no joint bank account
I have been given nothing by the government and the corrupt deeds they have been doing since 1950 - - #projectstargate -- - I told you - - -you have no idea who I am - - and all I asked for was BASIC human treatment - - -
while I sat homeless - and with nothing not eating for weeks - - sit in your hell
She is not a business of sex trade
Grow up
All will be touched by 5D light and all not Aligned will be seen ~ Anubis is waiting
You will not ascend evolve without getting this and living unity consciousness - - your soul is all life, all aspects all SOURCE - - - there is only ONENESS
Not 1 human did 1 ounce to help me
Except my couple of clients
That have little to give
They show up daily
They align
They give
They sit in reverence of truth
They will be lifted and protected and given equally
Everyone is tested
Systematic abuse is not the order of the day - - alignment is needed
healing is needed
****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )
******* 90min $250USD
******* 40min $125USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE -
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right
Gods directing your ship now
Karma is
Universal laws are - you are threaded with all -
Love and light
Divine blessings
copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $250USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
******* 40min $125USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
SESSIONS * Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $125USD
******* 90min $250USD
******** 4x45min $550USD
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD
copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )
Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships
#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity
Abuse of the Divine feminine
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness -
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend -
None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice.
God is
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