Ascension Truths - - - - DM healing their own DF energies
The most profound liberations will come from this healing, integration, and re-writing of your beliefs, perspectives, notions, ideals of what DF offers you, in you of you, and in your life - and how you are able to respectfully honour, bless, and integrate of holism of you -- - 100% being you of you - -There are many DM that will be integrating many wounding of their DF energies and this soul fragment healing can come into your life of many ways - - ~ oftentimes bullying in grade school, early middle school and throughout life - -as not fitting, or not expressing, or not exploring who each being, human is, and in ones own experience is key to allowing all soul fragments to be fully seen, accepted, acknowledged, and allowed to be held within itself safely - - this is Source returning to Source ~ You returning to you - and oftentimes, when a child expresses his/her creative genius, or artistic ways, otherworldly ways, mudra's or light language or seeing hearing, communicating with other worldly - - however any human expresses itself and the ostraciszation of such can do so much damage - and thus be then later integrating in the healing process of the 51% of yourself back to self ~ 3E's of our Souls Journey is KEY to not only being fully evolved and masterful - but understanding the soul fragment healing, and dark night of the soul bullying events, family abuse events of ostracized experiences not belonging, and not being 'ok' exactly as you are in your skin to 3E exactly as you see fit - -
~ it is so vital for all to be 3E purely, authentically, genuinely and radically - so that they can offer new codes, new information, new wisdoms, new intelligence, and higher ways for the growing, and evolving crystal, indigo, hybrid children all need path ways to see higher evolution and new ways of being -- - - ~ WE are not meant to remain 3D box of entertainment, music, expression, or creativity - we all have unique coding, of celestial, alien, human DNA and our gifts, talents, skills, and offering is VITAL to the evolution and healing of all HUMANITY and creation - - you belong on all systems, stars, planets, and realms - - you are vital in your authenticity ~ very ego, manly, alpha men will have to heal their DF energies and it is viable possible honouring, and the most liberating experiences you will have and it is key if you can seek those that have been through the process, understand and know about soul fragment healing, and energy healing, vibrational healing, so that you can express the DF energies within without feeling judged, or minimized for your 'old social, broken old boys school attitudes, and ego' that is everything broken in our reality - and imbalanced in all systems, and led to the corruption of our entire human collective - -PERIOD
~ if the DF energies within are not healed, integrated - the human will seek outer for its reflection of normality - or sensing of its reflection - in debaucherous ways that measure to broken ideals - - #5D TRUTH - - - #ASCENSION MEN - - even alpha men will have cycles of 3E's of their DF energies - - you will need to be ok in your vulnerability, creativity that is not 'mainstream' and your expression of self in this way - - sensitive times for your healing, recuperating, getting in touch with intuitive energies and harmonizing in such
ASCENSION IS ACCEPTANCE living as ALL-ness - - this is godliness - -
- - surrender to the process of being allowing, intellectually soft and yet knowing - what aspects of healing can you succumb to for yourself of yourself
- this is DF energy - allowing, honouring, sensitive, intuitive, compassionate, caring, and never ever allow any to tell you as a MAN - that living in such DF balance is NOT OK - - they are not healed, they are wounded, and they are projecting their lack of self - - -
DM will transcend all that is old boys school mentality and broken ideologies of church and state, power over others, enforcement, brutality of ways - and what you were shown as 'ideal role models' were truly nothing more than 1 sided misguidance corruptions of power and ego - and only remaining in 1 energy will bring your life into a necessary tower for you to heal - - - -
so embrace all towers -
Or you can do this as the energies of moving into new expressions, new relationships of balance, and reciprocity, healing, and knowing of higher ways - will allow you to heal the intuitive and gifts, skills, talents of compassionate leadership that ALL DM of 5D will need and require - - why the DF . DM pairing at this stage is key - -
WE are here to play higher role models for our next generations that are built within the foundations of love, balance, harmony, peace, compassion and higher order 3E's of your souls evolution -
The divine and heavens are very simple in its evolution
Every human has DF / DM energies that must be healed - - - integrated and valued as whole - -
why your DF / DM relationships are so key at this time - - what comes up daily must be healed and integrated -
Commit daily with your partner to ......... ~~ face the growing needs, desires, and changes of your souls nourishment ~~ face the growing intimacy that is required for these 'changing roles' for healing as you each go through your masculine and feminine integrations - ie; DF requiring her say on a new creative project - DM needing a time away at a healing retreat or creative weekend to write - - ~~ helping one another cross such old paradigms of attitudes and beliefs will show the way for all others - it is ok to traverse and navigate such with grace knowing, power of self, and incredible liberation - - - this is healing The masters are all fully balanced in their DF / DM energies and why they are the healers, wisdoms keepers, and leaders of legions - As Ashtar has mentioned to me in so many occasions - ' a profound and powerful leader is one that offers inclusivity and honour to every souls expression and experience as Source' - - Commander Ashtar in charge of legions of the infinite of light -- - how he does this is mind-boggling to me - with any 1 light ship as big as a country - - it is mind-boggling -- -
This is being truly powerful -- - power is not abuse nor power over others nor steam-rolling over any to get your way or push any loving being away because they are showing you what you deserve - - many abused, and ostracized men will push away what they seek the most - - they are still operating in the cycle of 'not worthy, not being nourished, nor fear of being abandoned when if how they express their sensitivities of being too sensitive or too intense or too expressive' Again - - - these are horrible falsities that destroy the balance and ultimately will manifest in health issues and mental imbalances or misdiagnosis from 3D doctors or those not understanding soul fragmentation - -or vibrational healing - - DM - - I empower you to your divine and sacred souls - -- -you are needed as the pure and honouring being you are and how courageous it is to be authentic and expressive in your authentic raw and vulnerable ways - and speak it - Show the way - - Seek those that can assist in your ascension path work and your souls healing - for you are all things, all beings and you will be the leader, teacher, shower of the way that I know you are No boy, no girl deserves to be told how to be and then bully, punish, and even abuse for being who you were meant to be - - - I LOVE YOU - - - -I LOVE YOU DEARLY and your soul and spirit is what the heavens see - - break all old 3D ideologies of what you were taught, told, shown - -as what a man is - - redefine it -- - being whole is being whole - - -- - 3A all that you are - -in all and any moments you have fragments of yourself come up for your revisiting
Commit daily with your partner to ......... ~~ face the growing needs, desires, and changes of your souls nourishment ~~ face the growing intimacy that is required for these 'changing roles' for healing as you each go through your masculine and feminine integrations - ie; DF requiring her say on a new creative project - DM needing a time away at a healing retreat or creative weekend to write - - ~~ helping one another cross such old paradigms of attitudes and beliefs will show the way for all others - it is ok to traverse and navigate such with grace knowing, power of self, and incredible liberation - - - this is healing The masters are all fully balanced in their DF / DM energies and why they are the healers, wisdoms keepers, and leaders of legions - As Ashtar has mentioned to me in so many occasions - ' a profound and powerful leader is one that offers inclusivity and honour to every souls expression and experience as Source' - - Commander Ashtar in charge of legions of the infinite of light -- - how he does this is mind-boggling to me - with any 1 light ship as big as a country - - it is mind-boggling -- -
This is being truly powerful -- - power is not abuse nor power over others nor steam-rolling over any to get your way or push any loving being away because they are showing you what you deserve - - many abused, and ostracized men will push away what they seek the most - - they are still operating in the cycle of 'not worthy, not being nourished, nor fear of being abandoned when if how they express their sensitivities of being too sensitive or too intense or too expressive' Again - - - these are horrible falsities that destroy the balance and ultimately will manifest in health issues and mental imbalances or misdiagnosis from 3D doctors or those not understanding soul fragmentation - -or vibrational healing - - DM - - I empower you to your divine and sacred souls - -- -you are needed as the pure and honouring being you are and how courageous it is to be authentic and expressive in your authentic raw and vulnerable ways - and speak it - Show the way - - Seek those that can assist in your ascension path work and your souls healing - for you are all things, all beings and you will be the leader, teacher, shower of the way that I know you are No boy, no girl deserves to be told how to be and then bully, punish, and even abuse for being who you were meant to be - - - I LOVE YOU - - - -I LOVE YOU DEARLY and your soul and spirit is what the heavens see - - break all old 3D ideologies of what you were taught, told, shown - -as what a man is - - redefine it -- - being whole is being whole - - -- - 3A all that you are - -in all and any moments you have fragments of yourself come up for your revisiting
3E all that you are daily without apology - - - face all that you are and be TRUTHFUL daily - it will get easier and what was a monthly 'dark night of the soul' will simply turn into honouring, sacred ways you and your partner can build and create the unbreakable foundations built on 5D alignments, love, compassion, and care of one another's offering to the all and for one another - - - -
unconditional love is this way - -
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
blessings and light Joanna copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
You either behave from a wounded space - neutral or healed - and accepting -- - all choose their reality - - your reality never has to be 'tower filled' daily nor disease ridden - - HEAL!
blessings and light Joanna copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
Decades of abuse - - every person business and city - all will be held accountable and what where how do you think decades of dark, black magic energy and intentions chanting, jar work, and voodoo dolls will go ???? the energy has to go somewhere - then what ?????
you bring natural disasters to your door - - -THEN WHAT ?????
5D OMNI GOD LIGHT will show every corrupt aspect and corner of our cities - -
ALL GO TO MY LAWYER - -- I will not waste a second of my life with any of the past -
All monies, papers, documents, government mess - -must go through my lawyer - - - - corrupt as F - - I will meet with none and I will not DEAL - - -all will go to trial
DISCRIMINATION of the most horrible will be heard and seen - - -
My name, my birth details, and my birth life and all the illegal testing, experimenting - playing with my life is my LEGAL SPRITIUAL and universal RIGHT -
I am a genius - - false claims of who I am and my work and its validity - and not 1 spoke with me nor talk with me - they send 20 minions of hate to my live stream and throw magic spells and hate - - it is corrupt systematic hate attacks to silence any that call out their elite soul harvesting for corrupt agendas - they have no legal right to do - -
they all know it -
try to destory evidence will only do what???? THEN WHAT ???? MORE KARMA
THE ONY WAY OUT AND THROUGH IS REDEMPTION OF your soul that is SOURCE, GOD and is TRUTH and making right - -
These are the basic laws of your souls evolution - why religions will never be your answer - they are limited, 5000 yrs old and will not provide alchemy, honouring, and basic higher evolved truths of our universe - -- - it was a starting point - not meant to be where we sit forever - - - time to grow up - - quantum light is quantum - it will touch all life -
#humanRights are a thing
None has given 1 drop
None has verified my signature
I have no joint bank account
I have been given nothing by the government and the corrupt deeds they have been doing since 1950 - - #projectstargate -- - I told you - - -you have no idea who I am - - and all I asked for was BASIC human treatment - - -
while I sat homeless - and with nothing not eating for weeks - - sit in your hell
She is not a business of sex trade
Grow up
All will be touched by 5D light and all not Aligned will be seen ~ Anubis is waiting
You will not ascend evolve without getting this and living unity consciousness - - your soul is all life, all aspects all SOURCE - - - there is only ONENESS
Not 1 human did 1 ounce to help me Except my couple of clients That have little to give They show up daily They align They give They sit in reverence of truth They will be lifted and protected and given equally Everyone is tested Done Done DONE I AM Joanna MY LIFE MATTERS I CHOOSE THIS copyright Systematic abuse is not the order of the day - - alignment is needed healing is needed
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Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )
******* 90min $250USD
******* 40min $125USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $250USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
******* 40min $125USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $125USD
******* 90min $250USD
******** 4x45min $550USD
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD
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