Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Making of Gods, #5D new earth Star - - The Changing of the Guard

 Courage in the face of intimidation of bullies is a test

Liturgies of light Ascension Truths The Making of Gods ~ new earth star #5D God hath shown me ‘Will he fight for your heart and protect you as I have my daughter?’ After I asked and prayed no more battles for my essence and spirit of marriage ~ and the tribunal did allow such a battle I asked why is ‘fighting’ a thing God would allow the ethers spiritual realm to abide by when you can simply keep the vampires and wolverines from my breadth ~

‘Will he go to lengths of altering the world for your love and happiness as I?’ Your depths are wider than all skies You had been ignored and beaten down to be what you are not and every morning you pray for the children - 

If you were not tested by the most high, your higher self, you would never know how high you could go, create, be anew - -nor would you ever know you are always held safely and you will always get back up

--- THERE MUST BE TESTS in evolution -- we are building new worlds and a ways of higher order -- and only the most strong will be lifted that have refused to be trafficked, bent into lesser or bow to mental subjugation - You will be due of such of My will All men will be tested of their true nature All women will be tested of their devotion in care ~ none have risen but you ~ none will be worthy until I say’

Ego is not wise Arrogance is the stench of ignorance Why it will go round round in circles of the same behaviour and same outcomes Wisdom is eternal ‘There are prophecy and worlds being made anew and such of good men and queens of Unbreakable foundation for all people and never play the games of broken history’s of domination and raping ~ 
I as the ‘Father’ had to know ~ who will protect you as I’ ~ the Father ‘Who would fight for your precious heart and soul as I have Who will lift you as I have I prepare Gods There must be testing and running of ‘facing the biggest of bullies’ that do nothing but prey and take through entitlement ‘ ~ heavens changing of the guard - making of gods Gods are wise Gods are firstly to their queen and people Lands and the intent to which all behave is the path navigated wisely and in some battles

True noble men True new earth leaders lift all voices Stand for all life and bow to none But the highest wisdoms Noble men lift their queens words And way ~ not sell trade bet or bid or handle to dominate Earth is shifting Eons of erasing and abusive entitlement Earth All her children will be liberated I have not come this far to sit down I am just getting up There will never be another 3D earth There will be those lifted that ha

ve been the every person & every shadow and every Victor of which only nobility will survive the long game Destiny of purpose Steadfast in knowing God will test your soul mate and ensure they will not bow to lesser nor leave you when times are tough or the public disregard or throw you to the side There have not been wise leaders Until now God takes the changing of the guard with all the heavens heart - there were battles and the battles are done There is a pulling plucking shifting out Period 

True gods are made Earned Getting up and staying true to what is right not entitled through misogynistic incorrect beliefs Power is nobility God will test all Are you worthy of leading people and lands ? How deep is your heart to fight for a love so pure it’s breath of new stars in the sky? This is passion of what is right It’s earned by crashing through walls to follow your souls and hearts calling 

It’s a new era Nobility is Wisdom is Higher light intelligence is God is 3D is not 5D Ascension and Evolution Truths Higher order and aligning with universal laws - higher order spiritual laws will trigger you Get over it 
Time to get out of the bully playground 

And take accountability for the every hour conformity of such lower vibrational raping of sacredness - thinking the corrupt elites are untouchable is of the past and needs to be We can no longer hide behind dogmatic misguidance Understand who you are - what you exist within and what is within you Do you think - in all common sense - my brother - a master of up to 13 th dimensional wisdom of metatronic light - those not understanding ascension or the triumph of integrating a soul fragment of through the facing healing of separation and shadow - but do you think a Master of wisdom - showing all how to be love and be godly within would ever take away the highest order of multiversal birthright every human has to reunify within
Of one’s own godliness and metatronic wholeness by ‘popping in on a lightship or cloud and saving humanity from its own choices of discrimination?’

The highest order - any channel any aligned conduit healer teacher of the masters and initiate of the masters knows through their ‘doing the work’ how #1 priority ~ getting there on your own is to the souls evolution and mastery and when you heal beyond 1 dark night of the soul and return to Source in self love and self knowing - you can do the complete 51% of karma every human is responsible for thus completing the true Meaning of ‘return of the Christ’ You return your own Christ consciousness No master - as we stated a billion times No master - be it Buddha or Jesus would ever care not want ‘religion’ and generations to be stuck unevolved and wrapping life around 5000 yrs old 1/2 truths of consciousness written 5000 yrs ago 

No master - no master would ever ever say -‘build a religion around me and wait for me to pop up and save you’ None Any believing that ~ my channel ain’t for you - living purely Living in honour of all souls Living in unity peace Unethical deeds for your gain and stage time is not higher order It’s no sense of self What compass is your driver? Higher order will make you feel uncomfortable That’s where GROWTH and realignment begins ~ it must 

None will enter any higher realm nor heavenly wish with daily separations and 0 care about 95% of the collective that sits harvested trafficked and sold by elites and corrupt ass leaders that have 0 alignment and 0 care Triggers are your starting point Do the inner work Or you will sit in unevolved dark
#epstein realms with 0 connections to any ‘Jesus’ or higher light being You will be connected to the lower deities of power over others - taking others spiritual gifts - as if you could - again 0 understanding And the stuff popular important famous and is that your compass ?? Why do you do what you do? Do you live from wounding or self knowing radical self love ?? Can you go and live with the homeless for a month and help humanities cries? What do you exist within? What’s within you? Religions and dogmatic have given much Misguidance to humanities evolution of how and what it is 

It is not It was never ‘Jesus returning’ to give a free pass to any that have lived in 0 care of their neighbour or collective
Jesus only spoke in a ‘church’ a few times He was on the land He was with the people 
Christ consciousness is an essence of metatronic light - the embodiment of your wholeness and godliness Not sitting in your touchfree life where unethical deeds wipe out any you get ‘threatened’ by If you don’t want to grow Heal or evolve or hear heavenly truth Don’t come to my page or channel Yet harvesters can’t wait to copy the predictions and wisdoms Copying ain’t getting you into growth or evolution nor Heaven - none can fake ascension You will face the uncomfortable You will face your shadow And you can choose to integrate your soul fragments or wait for Jesus to save you

There is much misguidance Leaders suppressing truth tellers healers and truth Jesus was never ‘popping’ back to save a collective that gives nothing to the trafficked or speak out on corrupt leaders you all vote for Time to wake up I am that I am I AM the sister of Master Jesus Equal Perhaps in the 50+ yrs of the same discrimination sabotaging attacks 0 giving from any - harvesting so horrible my soul was forever altered and I will tell you right now - Jesus will not pop back and save you - it’s your job Stop giving your power away to 1/2 truths Stop voting for corrupt misogynists Get out and help give unity compassion and care ~~

Billions are hungry Billions are being raped Billions are being trafficked Billions are being systematically abused and destroyed daily with cruel voodoo spell work for ‘stuff’ And these are the no action no connection daily life that will never redeem you 

- So pure Be that Heal Be that Unethical acts for your self glory is and will be faced / it’s your shadow - go there Heal it That’s redemption Period That’s getting connected with Christ consciousness and ITS earned and cannot be faked That’s evolutionary truth So be it 

I am that I am I have my soul spirit Daily relentless energy light work love healing prayers - it’s all I had Homeless and still don’t give a fuck

What any may think They force block spell or sacrifice to me ~~ the billions of children I hear I speak for - the billions crossed that refuse to let their lives and stories be forgotten ~~
The children broken dirty sexualized will stand before every human - the shadow is you - your inner child wounding of your own refusal to heed and heal The children will keep crying out The children will keep telling their stories The children will write books poems songs and new worlds and ain’t no ‘Jesus’ going to face billions of trafficked children the entire planet knew allowed and did nothing to change

You want to be a master and redeemed Face your shadow Heal your collective The children will not silence I will not sit down until every child is liberated I don’t pray you all come to my page I don’t give a fuck I care about those that serve I care of those that don’t run off cause of a trigger they refuse to face of the arrogance to let and allow corruption Over the care of a pure heavenly soul In 50+ yrs of such abuse to me ~ lies deceit that over 60+ knew and took part And got paid - many harvested and took climbed their ladders of unethical badges and titles and fame -

Not 1 drop Not 1 Ain’t no Jesus going to save any from intentional disconnection bullying and allowing the inner wounds to create more discrimination and broken children into broken corrupt dark occult adults Who’s healing Where is the highest light intelligence 

Where are the opening of healers platforms that have walked and served daily hourly night day - it’s all we think and do is serve and I cry for an hour when those that have no ounce of care for the trafficked pray to Jesus for them to be saved while their unethical deeds broken many - Bigotry Idolatry Discrimination Disconnection Separation None are above any - begin There Growth is uncomfortable The return of the Christ Meant ‘embodiment of the Christ consciousness’ and how had incorrect dogmatic mistruths have kept you all given your power away never healing the wounds you need to reclaim your own inner Christ

It’s a shift in consciousness Period Understand ascension Church and state will not heal you nor give you higher order or higher truth Easier to give your power away waiting for a master to fix everything all chose to turn a blind eye to Wake up Corruption is a choice Being unethical or aligned is a choice Being caring is a choice It’s your souls evolution - NONE will do the work for you That’s truth So be it I am that I am Celeste
So be it Celeste The galactic princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss
Banished are those that bully and rape All courses are being altered Corruption is done https://youtube.com/shorts/QnwsGtJSvV...

 The Galactic Princess 

 I have no boss 
 I am divine
 My work
 My ideas 
 My word

 My life is of the heavens 
 Owned by none 

 Never was Never will be I have no boss 

 I am not to be ‘owned’ for another’s selfish measures 
 I am sacred 

 Many have fallen in forcing their domination and will over what god hath already spoken - you see the arrogance is the ‘impertinence’ of what god hath placed before you that you disregard for usable or trade-able less than and worthless

 - God tested all 

 To seek within your own discrimination 

 What is your trigger of a heavenly DF before you of earned earthly and heavenly ranking ? 

 The majority sold used three away 

 ‘They will be banished my dear’ 

~ God Balance will be restored 

 All were told 3yrs ago 

 Return what is not yours 
 Do no touch what is not yours or given permissions to 
 Return birth records and monies withheld stolen hidden 

 None play God 

 None will write touch or enforce any to their cult civen slave ring or human agenda to use 

 That is law
 So be it

 I have no Boss 
 I am a creative consultant

 None have been given permission to ever use take copy pilfer shadow ban - all will be touched in equal intention and measure 

 Same message 
 Souls growth is 
 This is ascension 

 God is

There is no greater devotion than that of love and the creator The creator will breath a world just for you to play The creator will bring legions for you sing in peace The creator will shift time- space for your heart to shine ✨ The creator knows of such pure Pulsation of light and what transforms all creation from such None shall hide block veil the sun from shining None shall withhold the truth from being known None shall press on the breadth of all life in which god hath announced to be None shall pretend of thee When you are this devoted Matters not your walking in the shadows of death or desert 🏜️ of blazing deeds You will be lifted and only As God is says will 

Most have forgotten of such a great one I resurrect all ancients and new forums and tablets unwritten The depths of oceans have been waiting on me The tones and songs lifting worlds into New and unity of all creation I am Of equal measure I hold such truths Block veil and such will never stop The word of the heart of a greatness of holy light Bathe this earth on All child’s plight My word is magic of only sacred tongue Now sent forth the shining one I am the will of the great one Mother father I reclaim my place under your sun Lift me in my glory To you I devote Any land Any War Any reign of arrogance And pierce it in your eloquence I bow in honour of all lands The seed of love in all presence The return of song light the same Born me new under your reign I am that I am Oh holy one New songs rings through all lands Stand before me And God hath see The purity of heart before thee 

Making anew It will be My devotion of greater worlds and loving hue A new earth star of gods light Take a into a new holy night Of riches be in passion to create The children are free and laugh anew So be the blessing of devotion Thank you Holy Spirit Why you survived what most would not Truth be the holy heart That is the passion of pure of heart God is Holy mother Holy father I bow in service Amen Amen 🙏 Amen ✨✨✨✨✨

I am Celeste The galactic princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss I am sacred My jurisdiction is the heavens God will bring down what is required until we wake up

So very exciting I personally am excited to work with many that Spirit has shown me and already vetted for me ~ Thank you systems of light and the federations of light ~ All the beings and ancestors and the holy Mother and Holy Father ✨💕🙏✨🙏 Book your session or donate and let’s connect for 5D miracles ✨✨✨90min $250usd ✨✨✨4x45min $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss We are stepping into infinite love and genius of creative diversity Arise Claim your authentic soul story The universe is lovingly helping, guiding, and watching 👽💋♾️💫 #ascension Blessings and light Celeste - --

Galactic Princess #humantesting Corruption #consciousness What compass do you align with ? Who are you? What do you exist within ? What exists within you? This IS my word Judgment on all that care nothing for people or sacred life but to rape it and call it theirs - you don’t have a right to lead or state you are ranked 
Ascension truths And who doesn’t want to be higher aligned ???

You are the proof That’s the only measure of your divine success ~ souls evolution I started back in the very initial offerings - I have nothing to prove - I never will You will do this for yourself - All that is required is you ‘do the inner work’ daily self love self design - tap in and commit to what I teach offer as simply universal quantum omni Source and evolutionary light laws of God ~ not church and state but higher aligned order of you with Source ~ mother father and your life will reflect to you your divine enmeshment and growth and successes Those that I refer - write about offer as icons mavericks - they watch and they are fed - nourished ✨✨✨ - many come for such - it’s simple it’s nourishing it feels stable and truthful and all get to expand within themselves and new dynamic higher intelligence of All That Is ~ Source Love Forgiveness Compassion Alignment 

And those I have written on as those aligning with their inner ~ 3Es of their craft - they are recognizing growth health clarity improved creative genies and success

That is what DF offering in Christ Consciousness and light codes of simple truth is ~ prove it to you That’s what God wants Who are you? I am a master - it’s never about the teacher ~ we simply remind activate and offer the highest light wisdoms as Jesus did - not meant to wrap limitations religions and trauma or discrimination around such light expansiveness ✨✨ 

God reminds you ~ you are loved and godly When you heal - you do not behave as ‘ego godly’ ~ you behave as a representation of the heavens - as I am - I prove nothing Show yourself Heal what was Transmute Transform God is all life ~ how can any enforce 1 style way - all sit at varying stages of integration and consciousness- we are meant to 3E in our own guided manner of reunifying with spirit and all creation We had so much backwards It’s time to grow up It is time to heal God is omni God is breath God is alignment The inner magnificence of you returning to you - why source knows your actions choices and needs before you and always lovingly guiding you and will help to alchemize what you cannot carry Do the inner work for 1 month and book a session if you need encouragement or guidance ~ but you will show yourself you are connected - loved ~ adored and a master of creation So be it

Follow or commit for a month the inner path work ~ follow spirit the gentle nudges and allow the dense purging and letting go I am so proud of all of you ~ whether you reach out or not - you chose to break eons of lower patterns and choose self love - sovereignty and caring about your souls evolution - this fulfills me ~ this is why I do offer and so passionate about my gifts and path ~ even if I can assist to realign 1 ~ it alters all creation and heart is at peace
Love is this way Truth is this way You are now recognizing how quantum you are Your love and commitment to being anew is far grander than any wound or shadow of misalignment you will integrate - know this Love is greater than any ounce of past trauma or obstacle ~ live from here - that’s intention, direction & focus ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨
Your creational story is far grander than any obstacle or block ~ remember this So keep getting up No matter what - keep getting up I am that I am Celeste ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨✨🛸🛸

Sessions 90min $250usd Sessions 4x45min $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss
So be it I am that I am Celeste The Galactic Princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️ You cannot hold be offer what you are not the vibration of

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $125USD 
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD 

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity


Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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