Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Vibration SHOWS ITSELF - be it TRUTH or CORRUPTION - ITS CALLED ASCENSION, Evolution or Refusal to heal

Secret Society Corruptions - the Cancer Cell of every City 

City Corruption - Elite Corruption, #Epstein Agendas, human testing, systematic abuses and any person that actually believes anothers life, ideas, content, energy, state of being is theirs as ownership and many groups of warped wounded beliefs - all 100% healable - but group think hate is very dangerous and we all know this - organized with a lot of members and covert business representation, paying people in the court systems, policing and even falsifying any type of document one may need to bring the utter innocent to their knees - and in ruin - these groups love the illusion of power over others and then exploit further suffering, pyshcological damage of their victims, by selling on the black web, snuff films, using spiritual ranking in bidding wars of satanic ritual communities to see who is powerful enough to take out the most current light worker of the moment - 



Systematic abusive tactics, schemes, intent to take down, silence, enforce suicide, ruin, poverty, block all access to making a living, love, and normalized life - these people will attack any avenue of freedom and life, money, you may deserve and have as a human right - they will attack, harvest, and believe in their minds they are owed what you are, owed your spiritual ranking, owed your ideas and content, or videos - - 

#youtubeCorruption - -I have been calling youtube out on their involvement and taking money from elite global companies to silence me and other platforms simply because there are some that want me to go away and not be me - while they get to do, say, and be criminals and pay others to be criminals - - me offering ancient and higher vibrational healing wisdoms, light, and higher truths, as seen on the GAIA channel, and similar to any other world channeller trained to speak, hear, and be with Spirit 24/7 = -while my version of my reality is unacceptable to those sitting in hate, domination, satanic overlord, cloning and #Epstein like cults, warped masonic groups sacrificing any that get in their way of enforced trafficking and prostitution rings of brining any innocent to ruin their life as they attack with magic, voodoo, manipulation schemes, drugs, sex magic, group manipulation events and underage everything - these people will stop at nothing to bring any and all into their harvesting of life rings of crime and then not only do you have to barely survive their decades and eons of attacks, sabotage, they group, gang and then blame, falsify and deflect all of their crimes onto their victims - 

It is horrible tormenting psychological, spiritual, mental, emotional torment and it is all covert - they are very good at what they do and can fool an entire city and pull any and all into their web of criminal mess by playing church or business or officials - #calgaryCorruption #calgaryCult #ERPEREZ when they say they are 'all for the people' and literally plan sacrificing rings in their bedrooms and do voodoo to take out, do sex magic for forcing energy and dream raping, and any other disgusting tactic to take, cloak, veil, sabotage any that they have been called out by and simply have no right to even be in public around - 

These people run rings of crime, and will hang with witches, warlocks, hire for sex people that can set up blackmailing parties, video and filming every corrupt act to blindside, pull in and begin their life of crime and pretend in the day they are all 'official' while they harvest, sell drugs, and exploit the innocent illegally on the black web - - #youtubeCorruption - -I show weekly pilfering and views, being messed with for the past 8 yrs - the time I sought divorce - and the 0 growth of my channel - my e

x refusing to let my energy go and refusing to return monies, inheritances, and property he stole, falisfied and did the unthinkable and blames his victims for his acts - while gang, group sit and do confusion magic on court, officials, and pay officials to keep quiet or fix their criminal acts - while the innocent, the healers the seers, and truth tellers have every aspect of their life ripped apart and sold, trafficked, false marriages as if any have the right - - but these idiots think they own you in some way and get to abuse you and entitled to what you are, make and create and will covertly abuse, destroy any relationship and work, opportunity until they get what they want - - 

The intent is simple --  may the abuse be so bad that you kill yourself, go insane, live on the street, or you come back and live in my hell - - misogynistic satanic masochists that have videos to empower such wounded people, men, warlocks of their refusal to heal thier own childhood pain and then target successful women, and those women that refuse to bow, nor be less than, or a coven girl so they can harvest with their other wives and sick polygamy mess of cult like brain washing Epstein mess that are affiliated to higher cells of global cancer cells of hate, satanism attacks, misogyny, abuse of power, abuse of any and all innocence for their - 'power over others' and sick mad scientist projects, cloning and taking over the world projects that to them are very real and will sell anyone, bid anyone, traffic and harvest anyone. - - cloak and use children energies for their never having to be seen, known for the deeds they have been getting away with for decades and they belong to a global collective 

They create snuff videos on the black web, make a lot of money on the people they target, and exploit suffering, AI web pages of pilfered videos and then sell for the black magic attacks 

I have given proof of 16+ people signing on in livestream of my weekly upload

ds and they sign off when I state 'all are being investigated' - - -hate group systematic abuses and the authorities know and do nothing - I have sent several reports in to Calgary Police and they do nothing while my life sits in homelessness, and these corrupt sex coven diseased criminals pass diseases, lie, defame, falsify medical records and stories so they never face the countless spiritual take outs, crimes, theft, fraud, abuse of power, abuse of technology and 15 other federal crimes that 50+ or more are involved in to silence me simply because these people refuse to simply 'stay off my free will channel' on youtube - - they come and seek me out- enforce their way into my life, energy, and follow, stalk, spy, and hack anything I touch to ruin me and take me out anyway they can to keep harvesting, and spying, creating thieving and harvesting rings in the black web disgusting ass succubus mess of criminality of disconnection of spirit and corrupt church and state that know all these people do and are paid by elites to ensure their elite corruptions and false trafficking business affiliations are never seen known 

IT is a global organized, systematic hate groups and black magic, voodoo, hiring any person that does any level of magic and voodoo, hired hitmen found on the black web - and I have been doing the work of the world leaders, secret so called 'protection' officials and policing to give all the information as a seer on the depths and levels of daily, hourly abhorent abuses that 1 light-worker goes through to simply live outside of corruption and being sold in sick trafficking and harvesting rings - - how is any of this ok?

COVERT Secret Society abuses occur daily that support and enforce innocent, youth into prostitution

There are organized groups, cults, gangs, maffia that are paid by elites, business, even leaders to do bring down any that will negatively sway their corrupt and fear-based programs of fe

ar, domination, power, and numbing humanity into same old systems that have been broken for eons - - same discrimination Jesus spoke of and all masters brought forth since his time here - - religions and misguidance, misleading, and undermining the liberations, sovereignty that is the CREATOR Of all that is - all life - and yet they get away with such separations, and hate work and all will be very surprised to see how, who has been paying community secret cults into destroying the only ones speaking truth and bringing healing 


Ascension is a very sacred process and it matters not any 3D corrupt anything - be it false document, group, or an entire city, country - or collective or billionaire of hate - - matters not their sick agendas - you see the light bathing our planet and quantum awakening beyond any so called power hungry false ass leader, or group of power over others think they have - their false clout, false words, and false anything - not being aligned with spirit, Source, higher order is being seen, felt, known, and shown every day and all corrupt karmic deep hateful liars, bigots, and misogynists will be seen and known in every corner - that is the beauty of life light -- GOD knows who does what and I merely speak on it

why is it criminals false elite have had far greater power say than the pure and innocent fighting for an ounce of our same right - ??? human rights abuses are abhorent - occurs every day hourly COVERTLY and all these people think they are untouchable by law because they do everything in the dark and rely on dark occult and witches and warlocks - sick masons that think they are ranked - - until the ones they target carry more rank and power then they do - they no idea of basic universal laws - their focus has been nothing but money and power - ignorant dark arrogant and why all will remain in such cycles of same karma and mess - they all choose - - - 

SOURCE< GOD sees every intention, pay, hit, or target - -- NONE WILL BE MISSED 

You will not silence what must be seen - - entitlement to abuse so that corruption continues is not ok - 

NONE DESERVE daily abuse due to wounded minions and whoever pays them to stay dark ugly thieving souls of demonic harvesting - because they refuse to heal and do right  - - the world has suffered greatly due to such misguidance, elitism, corruption, misinformation, wrong directing of church and state - none are teaching, showing nor aligned themselves - how will any show you through to 5D gates? they are all corrupt - - and this is your compass - if there were any leaders aligned with their higher selves - my simple requests would have been granted years ago - -all know my legal rights, and the deeds done, refused to be accountable for, and refuse to return what is rightfully always mine - while I sat suffering homeless and none  - - all refuse to help, support, do the right thing - they all knew who I was, and still kept doing the selfish Lower vibrational acts of paying minions to spy, stalk, copy and take out -- - thus then - sit in your karma - all were told billions of times 

INVESTIGATE EVERY Dollar go in and out of all they are involved with 

receipts not just taking thier word for it - 

follow track their IP history and who and how they move and how they pay their overseas voodooists and what elite groups are paying them - what government bodies are paying them to stalk, jack off in the car next to them at the beach - blue Tesla - esquimalt lagoon - on 2 separate occasions and stalking me, parking behind me on several other - and these are corrupt government employees - --  pretending to be 'official' - - - so who pays them and this in on company government time - - the

info is logged at the police - 2 reports on each day - - and this is a daily occurrence and nothing is done -- 

DAILY FUCKING ABUSE to 1 innocent healer, light worker, author, blogger and human rights activist that merely states what is blatant and seen by all if you wake the fuck up and see what goes on under your nose - 

* LOOK AT THE YOUTUBE channel history and every click on every account, channel blocked and where is the human rights, legal due diligence - after calling it out for years - 

LOOK BACK on the past 6yrs of my channel videos and track, watch all the real time bringing forth of truth, wisdoms, predictions - - then do your research of the same corrupt systematic covert abuses - elite covert systematic slow daggar abuses -- and the police, courts do nothing - 

So not only do we barely survive - daily attacks, our children are covertly attacked with magic, their lives, the potentials of the work, jobs, life and love we are equally meant to have is attacked daily by hate, sex magic, freezer spells and any other state of attack they can muster to throw at anything we do simply because they refuse to heal and stay in their own lane - how is this ok? 

They enforce abuse entitled to abuse, and think they own you to abuse you - - these are sick underground masochistic #epstein rings of hate and play on the vulnerable and hurt wounded men, or gay confused, and bring them into a world of hate, videos of hate, snuff videos and MKULtra style mind-scraping - the word spirit gave me when I first began taking downloads of the underground abuses - GO LOOK AT MY VIDEOS on my playlists - 

My stalking spying, abuse began at my birth and the mess, DNA alterations done in the #projectStargate and I have called many abuses, breeches of contracts that GOD, source, Spirit told me to call out for the bringing down of all corrupt church and state of the many abuses from the #Eisenhower administration and all that continued from there of such targeting agendas of making, creating, 'ultra human' then attacking these ultra humans to see how much we are able to transcend know and survive - so you not only abuse the breech of contract in the 1950;s of first contact of sweet divine sacred beings and you extract thier DNA and place it into other DNA and replication programs up the 1970's and then you target, attack, sabotage their entire life if they survive you refuse to be accountable for the illegal deeds, illegal acts, testing, sabotaging and MKUltra type of mind-scraping

 - - testing like we are lab rats - but you refuse to pay us for our legally owned monies, inheritances for our royal and holy lineage and if we do survive, we are attacked by rat minion cult groups and sent 50+ rituals a week to take us out by sick satanic cult members of hate and misogyny ???? so this smells #epstein all over it - - -you create beings and then attack them if they are 'not controllable' or you cannot 'handle them' for your domination programs - - 

#corruptGovernmentPrograms HUMAN RIGHTS - - -ALL KNOW WHAT THEY CHOSE and took part in - how important is your souls evolution - none miss their karma - matters not your earthly 3D rank or tittle MEANS NOTHING to the heavens - abuse is abuse theft is theft and inhumane treatment is criminal abuse

I was the only one of 4 of my kind to survive and it was GODs plan - no government ass corrupt degrading inhumane military style abuse for decades on my life that none are taking accountability of and all were told 3 yrs ago - make right and return my birth records and 'secret files' they have no legal right to hold, nor withhold from me - no legal right to test and do what was done - there were never any signatures - never any authorities and I AM OWED BY NONE - ILLEGAL HUMAN ABUSE

CRIIMINAL inhumane treatment and the worst abhorent systematic abuses - of premeditate murder plots, pulling in any and all that any can think of to Destroy discredit me and enforce insanity or suicide that many did not make it and I DID And I WILL SPEAK ON IT - - inhumane #Epstein human domination and human cloning and replication of the sacred and celestial is corrupt as fuck and I will not SIT DOWN 

ABUSES over 15 federal crimes and offences and GOD has had enough - all will come down 

Every elite and matters not your rank, your title, or your money - -matters not - - karma will continue hourly until all is made right - every minion, every cult, every city and every ass that thinks they are 'investigating;' when all they do is get the information from seers and psychics like myself the abused, and the victims that have 0 fucking support and 0 fucking aid and 0 protection - - so much corruption it is not funny - - humanity is knee deep in the most horrible abuses - and as the light bathes - all will be seen and no light worker or seer will have to do a thing - BLATANT MISALIGNMENT IS seen and when you have no clue what alignment is - nor work with your own higher self, nor follow spirit, nor have any clue of consciousness, or enlightenment or what I have taught devotedly for 17yrs - unconditionally - -go back to my channel - do your research - same message - -same devoted healer, same devoted message and they were not able to take me out -

#corruptGovernment #CorruptProjectStargate 

See my video on 'MindSCraping' 

See my playlist on the many videos done on the corruption within US government and elite businesses and owners of such - - 

- I was never meant to get up - they intended their 'slow dagger' and sending disgusting warped ass masons to my every step and intimidate, stalk, spy, and attack me daily that was my ex - spiritual hitman that pretended to be an HR professional -- now warlock of the elite and corrupt underground - - you all must be so proud of the stories all creation will know you by and the karma and darkness you all dump on your children - without thier choices - you dump your shitty ass corrupt ass refusal to heal choices on your children to transmute your poor wounded choices of hate - crime, 

And the innocent - -living in poverty, homeless, fighting for my voice, rights, healer, teacher, seer, and that has under poverty wages being attacked by the elite daily, suppressed and shadow banned by a $450B company #youtubeCorruption and all that has to be done is blatant investigations - all will be seen, evidence is mountain high - every click of illegal following, illegal hacking, spying, stalking and shadow banning, 8 yrs of 0 growth - suffering PTSD of daily magic and death wishes - when all these people have to do is go heal and stay out of my lane -- if you do not like what I teach - -don;t come to my Channel - -but they are not happy with basic human rights of all having a say and right to be exactly who they are - why they hide, and play in the dark and secret - -they are all dark minions - hiding their beliefs and hiding what they do and how much sex they have to harvest what they are not getting is not how you manifest ranking or sacrificing or death rituals on the innocent you take out and disappear and then sell exploiting of your crimes on the black web - what is the co-relation of #youtube and the #blackWeb????

DONATIONS Ascension Sessions, creative Consulting ~~> PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss 

What is the click history on snuff videos and the IP addresses, elite IP Addresses, and the ones paying city minions, warped masons, and warped warlocks to 'take out' and pay to torment and ruin their lives- it is a sick ass hunger game business - - - do your fucking investigations so called 'policing' while you watch innocent children being trafficked and lost daily -- 

this is what your power to others and giving power away - not healing and not heeding spirit is creating and will keep creating in your city - -the dark ass energy has to go somewhere - it will manifest and every city, every ounce of corruption will manifest - it must - - GODS hands are not having an ounce of mercy on any involved since #Eisenhower - and all that refused to do make right on the 3 simple human rights requests and returning of monies stolen and withheld - they all know who I am 

they stalk and follow every prediction = their jobs rely on me and yet I sit homeless - 

All will have equal karma 

Doing nothing, and being ok to abuse the most divine divine feminine on this planet - equal to that of JESUS will be equal hell and karma for all - matters not your so called earthly ranking - it means nothing and you all know it 

THE ONLY WAY THROUGH is truth and making right - - - same message - 3yrs too late - - 

LET THE KARMA UNFOLD #ERPEREZ - #corruptioninCalgary - - Corrupt cults, false churches and false businesses - - you are a dark corrupt warlock #calgaryCult thieving cult mind controlling warped imbalanced criminal and all you belong with and if any simply do the investigations on every dollar - verify jobs, work history, and references in person - you will see your flaws on 'taking the word of pathological warlocks' being your issue of why your city is the most corrupt in canada 

* 1000+ rituals on my life for decades that I survived, transmute daily 

* 40-+ sacrifices on my life - and we are working into the 50+ now 

* 100+ selling of my name, in the underground sick ass cult rings, black web - dark occult sadistic attack schemes plots, spiritual clout, and energy title and my ranking as if any has an ounce and GOD WILL KEEP BRINGING WRATH daily to think any has an ounce to speak write, or touch my name in any way - - all will get karma x 10 immediately and every day until made right 

* 50+ involved in silencing, shadow-banning, stalking, illegal spying, hacking, following me like I am a criminal - - a 1 DF healer that moves little worms to the grass to help the soil - I simply call out elite and false leader and false church and state crime as GOD SAYS I WILL I AM - -get over it that is my job and my ranking - perhaps you all stop being criminals 

$1.5M spent to take me out and silence me because I call out the #stargateProject abuses and refuse to be accountable for inhumane testing, experimenting, DNA testing, and sabotaging of my life for decades - 

THERE WILL BE KARMA HOURLY until all is made right - -PERIOD - and the light will show who is who - that is GODS way - - the dark will show who they are and what they have done - - it is the way 

I have my legal and human universal rights - to be exactly who I am 

why do the criminals and corrupt elite have more power and say, walk tormenting enforcing trafficking to the innocent in every city - but the truth tellers, healers, seers, doing the jobs of everyone - have no right and live on the street -- - human rights abuses daily and none have the guts, courage and dignity to do right - therefore - - you will all sit in the lower realms and never come out - never incarnate again when all you do is abuse basic very basic human rights and universal laws - these are the higher order ways - 

YOU DO NOT GET TO ABUSE and deny any other of their right when they barely survive the decades of abuses - illegal illegal illegal - - all will be sued, and taken to the highest courts - PERIOD 

ENTITLEMENT to abuse - abuse of power abuse of technology abuse of privacy acts, abuse of information acts - while their little dark ass minions get to make up false allegations, crimes, stories, defame, follow and create doppleganger ID and pages, and not only ruin, but make money off of their victims then blame their victims for crimes against themselves - -how ridiculous and the 'officials' do nothing and allow spiritual killers, thieves, frauds walk free -- - so your city will sit in what you allow and what you all refuse to face, be accountable for - that is simply universal law and karma - 

And nothing not 1 ounce of due diligence, support, laws, protection, is done - we suffer daily in loss - and only way of our living is GOD, source, the one we know, practice, and the ones we are vibrating in higher realms of knowing not church and state - and this ticks the ones off that refuse to step out of their boxes which is fine - stay in your box - you do not need to freely come to my channel and force me into your abusive box - - it is HHUMAN RIGHTS abuse on so many levels and there are countless crimes that cannot even begin to be detailed -- - the things these groups do daily is disgusting - and my life has been targeted since birth and done by government testing, paid my old home town 

- Calgary cults, covens, of my ex when I chose divorce to join to 'get back at me' for not wanting to be a part of deceit, lies, corruption they were hiding and refused to be accountable for when I called all their dealings out and the police refusing to do an ounce about the sick ass corruption in their city - 2 officers were involved at the time I left Calgary

 - and 2 other reports to the police there that I will move forth in restraining orders, protection orders of such that go out of their way to abuse, create false crimes, stories, defamation and literally criminal acts on the victims they want to ruin due to their wounding of 'disempowerment' of their DM energies and childhood trauma

 - and all 100% healable but in the daily black magic, and voodoo and wounding of what they choose. - - the mind, brain, warped sense of being, warped beliefs and hate groups they intent, choose, and freely entangle with - they behave like vampires, wolverines, and stalking killers to any one with light, or that speaks out and refusing to sit down on our human rights - 

 - - how is standing up for your life story a crime 

-- how is standing up for your human rights when gangs, groups, idiots that lie their faces off every word out of their mouth while they spend 10hours or more a day doing magic, crimes, and betting on the underground rings of harvesting and then stalking, spying, covertly abusing the innocent that have no idea most of the time they are being harvested and taken from but a lot of bad luck, sickness, tired and loosing everything - while these ass criminals harvest lie, and do horrible things with abuse of energy and dark occult practices - - 


#CalgaryCrimeRings #calgaryCorruption #CanadasWorstCorruptCity 

CalgaryCULTS - 

I call out the criminals and had my affected every ounce and refuse to sit down and how is standing up for my human rights, and right to be exactly who I am in my higher dimensional knowing, practiced, entrained knowing of ancient teachings, and higher heavens - and I don't get to be bt the hate asses that force their way into your lane, life, channel, and stalk, spy, follow and make your life a hunger game for bidding, intimidating, and stalking of such destruction and it gives them a kick and then exploit what they do for money and more black magic bidding - they think they are powerful and having to take out 1DF with 50+ or more so called officials and witches, warlocks,, and global hitmen found on the black web - the officials know, the secret policing groups follow and take all of my predictions and info and little are they doing thier job - they have me do it all and while I get paid nothing and have to fight for my voice, life, and rights - they walk off and pretending they have solved the worlds worst organized crime rings - and GOD will not allow any to take any level of credit for the abuses, and solving of it by any false fake piggy backers when we are the victims, and barely surviving on nothing and transmuting hate every day - - and we get 0 support - 0 aid, 0 money, 0 protection - - 

* INVESTIGATE All financial records and receipt - do not take any of these pathological liars, warlocks, experts at manipulation and deceit - never take their word for it - DUGHHH 

* INVESTIGATE every IP address of the groups, gangs that sign on to livestream of the videos and track back every youtube click on how, who, gets to choose who is veiled, shadow-banned, and who authorizes, and who pays - - this is done to many and I have shown proof - of the fucking with subs, views, and pilfering that goes on weekly and a 0 growth over 8 yrs when I promote 2 hours daily - - is unheard of 

#youtubeCorruption #youtubeAbuseofHumanRights #freedomOfExpression 

 How is the criminal white collar criminals - the warped masons, the warlocks, witches, dark minions being paid by the lites, elite business's and leaders - the world is littered with such dark minions, and spend their day in chanting circles, sacrificing bidding pyramids, and underground betting systems - - 

I have been calling out such for about 6yrs and daily - these satanic, corrupt church and state false leaders, misogynists and those making a ton of money destroying, harvesting, ripping the innocent lives apart, and then pay, bribe, do confusion, poverty, blocking, magic and voodoo to never be caught, for the crimes they have spent decades perfecting, and groups, gangs supporting their lies, deceptions, and masochistic moves to take out innocent people that call out their cults, covens, and spiritual hit business 

All is ther - do the investigations -- - all of my predictions are being shown, proven and all are scurring like little rats -- they know they are all backed against the wall they chose - -GOD gave all 3yrs to make right and return what was never legally any other than ME _ LEGALLY HAD NO OUNCE OF RIGHT TO TORMENT my life and destroy my life of time, energy, family I will never get back - all will be sued, every elite, every business, church, and officials - -none will be missed and it will go to the highest court - 

you all force your way into my life - - or you could just heal and move on - - but they stalk, hunt, vampire, ruin, lie, defame, and steal, fraud, and gather more and more lies, people confusing stories waste life, time, money and for what - -they will all end up in the same lower realm, devil land, karma and diseased bodies, minds, souls, spirits -- - they refused to heal - - and they refused to do right - therefore - spirit will not support nor protect and you are all - - the one that stalked me at the beach - and every person stating a hit on me 'I want her gone, she is bad for business' - - - all will get karma and keep getting karma until all are shown their deeds and facing of it -- - you do not get to abuse any you like to keep your sick ass unhealed deeds hidden - - perhaps you stop being criminals

I have been a teacher, healer, all my life - I get to be exactly who I am - PERIOD 

I will not be owned, or subservient nor handled - - how dare any treat the divine and the sister of Jesus the way you all have - -same discriminate same persecution - 'most would not have survived what you did' - spirit 

I should not have survived - and what would have the 50+ said to my children - if I did not survive and their sacrificing circles and taking of animals had worked - - - you would have blamed it on the victim - cowards - - your soul is seen and ANUBIS will not allow you to pass - - PERIOD 

 - - - #secretSocietyABUSERS #WarpedMasons #cultAbuse #secretSocietySacrificing #elitePaidHitmen #eliteCorruption 

ALL KNOW THEIR DEEDS - you will not karma dump, you will not cloak, you will not deflect and blame any other - you are due what you chose, and your every spell, intention, and voodoo, and tactical hit, or paying someone to jack off next to an author simply trying to write her book on surviving abuse - - 

And any think their elitism will save them --  go into your underground bunkers and see how your 'heaven on earth' will be your hell - that is your vibration - and all will get what they get -- follow me stalk me and stand on every prediction I offer - - think you are all ranked and you are not - you are copiers, and fake, false that refuse to heal and all you had to ever do was heal and do right - BASIC HUMAN fairness - and none could do fair on any level and thus - - let the games begin and karma unfold - none will be missed 

that is universal laws 

I am higher order and none will be missed 

KEEP testing GOD 

I did not deserve an ounce of what any did to me and relentless stalk like a piece of meat on wolverine day 

IT IS sick and abhorent - all will be charged and no mercy on sentencing -

ALL documents, papers, files, monies to go to JNelson@speclaw.CA


EVER - duggbhh 

1000 hits on my life - I have my rights and you will sit in your hell - - any and all that do magic on others, and take orders from any to take any out -- where do you think your life will be??? do you have a mind, compass of your own - -  be prepared for all universal laws to return equal - that is quantum law - - I merely speak it - - -

so be it 

this is my word

ALL CORRUPT CULTS COVENS MASONIC whatever - - you do not get to nor entitled to abuse - you are all called out and you will go down 

Corrupt BLACK WEB - you are done 

Corrupt elites and sick ass #Epstein mad scientist cloning projects, harvesting organs and anything you can sell - called out and you will go down 

Corrupt Secret Societies paid to take out the innocent and take their monies, ideas, and work - - all are called out and you will go down - perhaps you all get healed and stop being criminals - - none will be missed - JUDGMENT  - -- keep testing GOD and see what happens - you choose your reality - hell or heaven -- -karma begins with intention -

LAW IS LAW - #5D is not 3D disgusting corruption on every level of human systems - and all seem to be

ok with daily abuses and corruption with 0 standing in higher order ethics or morals - -so sit in the reality you all choose - God will not give you a healed body or earth or higher consciousness - all is earned 

DO your homework - -what is the process of enlightenment, what is the process of light body embodiment, what is the sacred process of ascension for humanity, what is channelling, what is discrimination, what is systematic abuse and secret society abuses - what is mind-scraping and who uses it and why - - why would any person saying they are ranked, and special and that holds power over others or title - - use or even be involved with such in and against all human laws - 

We have to ask. - - there is no law, no spiritual law, and human law or universal laws that would have ever ok'd on any level the programs, agendas of such harm and abuses that were ignited in the #eisenhower administration and all presidents since did nothing to make right and begin again - what and where are the ethics, morals and consciousness of the people and focus on healing, liberating, and honouring of all life -??

Spirits final message 'there were many abuses, and harms done in the #eisenhower administration that forever damaged the relationship between higher dimensional beings, and your life, ( Joanna ) was a part of the redemption for higher vibrational species that were taken advantage of, contracts breeched, and how the ignorance of humanity thinking they have power plays over DNA and how they manifest their own demise in abusing such sacred souls, basic human rights, and basic contracts of higher order that were meant to bring peace and build the rainbow bridge from higher realms to lower realms - ) Spirit 

How will the so called leaders make up for past mistake and degrading errs of choice and false power moves - all need to heal their DF / DM wounding - all knew it - -#Eisenhower was not a healed man and why he chose what he chose - corruption - - suppressed DF issues and his own underground involvement - - shows and his choices affected millions - harm done due to refusal to heal and what leaders will do to millions if they do not wake up and heal - - - how will the new leadership of every city build new bridges of unity peace, healing, and diversity - liberation of freedom of expression and sharing our stories for healing and unity - - all have a choice for higher morals - or not - - all get equal karma - positive or negative =- there is no way out of the return of reality - it is what it is 

In reference to the DNA extracted from the 1950's being, and the replication agendas in which I was a part of and the government refuses to be accountable for - - I know my DNA and know truth - lies are lies and corruption is corruption it is all vibration - I AM TRUTH and why I will be lifted all else will not 

My life journey was meant to be as it was - God knew the deeds, and voices, choices, and all were proven - all are tested every moment - - who will align to higher order and keep speaking truth and standing in it and who will refuse and keep hiding - matters not -  the light will show all exactly who they are - - truth will always prevail - - corruption will be what all humanity has to face the corrupt deeds done for 'power, fear based programs and disgusting agendas of power over others ' ) when it should have been PEACE and higher intelligence for all healing of all creation - -how you know none of the leaders are aligned - they only care about power, title, false 3D rank and money - -they have no clue what a higher self is and why none act with integrity - - 




copyright ©, 

How important is your souls evolution ????? ~ GOD 

I AM Celeste - Galactic Princess 


Joanna - - all old paperwork, monies made out to Joanna L ROSS 

Ascension. sessions donations - - PAYPAL.me/JoannaLRoss 

Copyright ©️

Happy healing For sessions, information, ascension activations - PAYPAL.me/JoannaLRoss Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - - ********* 90min $250 USD ********* 40min $125 USD ********* 4x45min $550 USD PAYPAL.me/JoannaLRoss copyright

unconditional love is this way - -  Happy healing  For sessions, information, ascension activations -  PAYPAL.me/JoannaLRoss  Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - - ********* 90min $250 USD  ********* 40min $125 USD  ********* 4x45min $550 USD PAYPAL.me/JoannaLRoss
You either behave from a wounded space - neutral or healed - and accepting -- - all choose their reality - - your reality never has to be 'tower filled' daily nor disease ridden - - HEAL!

blessings and light Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -

BLESSINGS AND LIGHT JOANNA PAYPAL.ME/JOANNALROSS #EliteSoulHarvesting #humantesting #corruptElites #corruptsystems #systematicAbuses 
Decades of abuse - - every person business and city - all will be held accountable and what where how do you think decades of dark, black magic energy and intentions chanting, jar work, and voodoo dolls will go ???? the energy has to go somewhere - then what ?????  
you bring natural disasters to your door - - -THEN WHAT ????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utoSl... Perhaps light intelligence is the way - -  5D OMNI GOD LIGHT will show every corrupt aspect and corner of our cities - - JUDGEMENT - - ALL GO TO MY LAWYER - -- I will not waste a second of my life with any of the past - JNelson@speclaw.ca

All monies, papers, documents, government mess - -must go through my lawyer - - - - corrupt as F - - I will meet with none and I will not DEAL - - -all will go to trial 
DISCRIMINATION of the most horrible will be heard and seen - - -My name, my birth details, and my birth life and all the illegal testing, experimenting - playing with my life is my LEGAL SPRITIUAL and universal RIGHT -

I am a genius - - false claims of who I am and my work and its validity - and not 1 spoke with me nor talk with me - they send 20 minions of hate to my live stream and throw magic spells and hate - - it is corrupt systematic hate attacks to silence any that call out their elite soul harvesting for corrupt agendas - they have no legal right to do - - 
they all know it - try to destory evidence will only do what???? THEN WHAT ???? MORE KARMA

THE ONY WAY OUT AND THROUGH IS REDEMPTION OF your soul that is SOURCE, GOD and is TRUTH and making right - -

These are the basic laws of your souls evolution - why religions will never be your answer - they are limited, 5000 yrs old and will not provide alchemy, honouring, and basic higher evolved truths of our universe - -- - it was a starting point - not meant to be where we sit forever - - - time to grow up - - quantum light is quantum - it will touch all life -



#humanRights are a thing None has given 1 drop None has verified my signature I have no joint bank account I have been given nothing by the government and the corrupt deeds they have been doing since 1950 - - #projectstargate -- - I told you - - -you have no idea who I am - - and all I asked for was BASIC human treatment - - - while I sat homeless - and with nothing not eating for weeks - - sit in your hell

She is not a business of sex trade Grow up All will be touched by 5D light and all not Aligned will be seen ~ Anubis is waiting Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss You will not ascend evolve without getting this and living unity consciousness - - your soul is all life, all aspects all SOURCE - - - there is only ONENESS 

Not 1 human did 1 ounce to help me Except my couple of clients That have little to give They show up daily They align They give They sit in reverence of truth They will be lifted and protected and given equally Everyone is tested
Done Done DONE I AM Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLross
MY LIFE MATTERS I CHOOSE THIS copyright Systematic abuse is not the order of the day - - alignment is needed healing is needed

****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -  ********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )  PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss ******* 90min $250USD  ******* 40min $125USD  ******* 4x45min $550USD  It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are ) 
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - - copyright copyright ©

ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE - JNelson@speclaw.ca
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is
Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings 

Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLross copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Donations and ascension sessions - PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss ****** 90min $250USD ******* 4x45min $550USD ******* 40min $125USD


#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames

* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines ******* 40min $125USD ******* 90min $250USD ******** 4x45min $550USD And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness 

Blessings and light You are dearly loved Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss copyright ©

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity


Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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