Spirit Prediction
Ascension Truths & Collective Energies#5D Wisdoms
On ‘trump’ ~ seed of arrogance ~
‘He won’t last ~ there is a new order that will replace all indecent souls and it is hand picked by the divine’ ~ Source
Playing bully and raping of human rights - intimidating the ways of freedom of speech and internal play of fair equal voice choice votes ~ same old boys school low consciousness sit in wounding as they bully take force and play life under them for their ‘handling’
Like taking back an abusive boyfriend
And the American people wonder why they will continue to receive bad health - bad karma
You cannot expect higher when you vote lower
Quantum Theories
Adjusted and manifested in proof of our consciousness within IT
The theory of String Fields,
Blankets of omni - divine intelligence - -the SOURCe, GOD in all that is life, all breath, all matter
If there is a blanket - threading of bandwidth, harmonics, within any dimensional level of intelligence,
DIMENSION = vibration + information
thus then, any blanket of SOURCE, within any dimension, lower 3, 4D, or 5D then all travel within, beyond, in, around, through, is based on a vibrational touchpoint on the thread, string, or within the threading of bandwidth - -
therefore thus then, one could not seem to travel from point A to Z but simply align vibrational to the point Z -
This is vibrational alignment -
You cannot hold the consciousness of any dimension without the vibration first
and why you must earn, learn, grow your way into any higher dimension
None at a 3D level - - could never plot, pivot into any higher dimension without raising consciousness, aligning with HIGHER SELF and being guided of such and ready multidimensionally for what EXISTS IN SAID DIMENSION
the 4D, 5D - 13th DIMENSION is not 3D - - any and all not vibrationally, nor mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically prepared - would GO INTO DEEP PSYCHOSIS - - higher dimensions from 5D on the bandwidth of ALL BLANKET - omni, threading, dimension -- is NOT LINEAR - you could not pop in and say HI to a non-linear and manifesting from thought, if you are wounded, not integrated at a 51% DF / DM separations, you cannot pop into any higher dimension in the being-ness and vibration of SEPARATION ie ; GOD is separate from science - -GOD IS SCIENCE DF are Not leaders nor healers, or masters - - DF ARE GODLY QUANTUM is all connection -- - there is no GOD in nature -- such separations, will not allow you to be in any higher dimension than separation BUT at least we are now beginning to release past bonds of limitations, separations, discrimination of GOD, and SOURCE, who we are, what we exist within, and what is within us each - - why healers, vibrational CHRISTIC healers can read the field while being in pure harmony with the ALL THAT IS
- - -I see soul experiences and bring peace, healing, clearing where the wound, density occurred
- it is ALL now in the spiral soul, do-decahedron of YOU
And so - -begin your seeking --
Blessings and light
The Galactic Princess
Happy quantum travels - - -
Consciousness is everything and so called leaders of this planet show you daily where they sit
Makes no sense
0 care of human rights
0 care of universal law and care for land or people / they play life and humanity like a ‘hunger game’ business
So be the equal karma
Poor leaders and corrupt #epstein souls that do nothing but take rape steal and bully ~ and that’s the mentality ?
0 connection to higher order
They don’t care - what more do you need humanity?
Time wake up ? 5D is earned Heaven and your ticket in to any blessing in 5D light must be earned You cannot will not have or receive what you are not the vibration of Get right leaders ~ God showed all blatantly the path of correction
So very exciting I personally am excited to work with many that Spirit has shown me and already vetted for me ~ Thank you systems of light and the federations of light ~ All the beings and ancestors and the holy Mother and Holy Father ✨💕🙏✨🙏 Book your session or donate and let’s connect for 5D miracles ✨✨✨90min $250usd ✨✨✨4x45min $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss We are stepping into infinite love and genius of creative diversity Arise Claim your authentic soul story The universe is lovingly helping, guiding, and watching 👽💋♾️💫 #ascension Blessings and light Celeste - --
Galactic Princess
What compass do you align with ?
Who are you?
What do you exist within ?
What exists within you?
This IS my word
Judgment on all that care nothing for people or sacred life but to rape it and call it theirs - you don’t have a right to lead or state you are ranked
Ascension truths
And who doesn’t want to be higher aligned ???
You are the proof That’s the only measure of your divine success ~ souls evolution I started back in the very initial offerings - I have nothing to prove - I never will You will do this for yourself - All that is required is you ‘do the inner work’ daily self love self design - tap in and commit to what I teach offer as simply universal quantum omni Source and evolutionary light laws of God ~ not church and state but higher aligned order of you with Source ~ mother father and your life will reflect to you your divine enmeshment and growth and successes Those that I refer - write about offer as icons mavericks - they watch and they are fed - nourished ✨✨✨ - many come for such - it’s simple it’s nourishing it feels stable and truthful and all get to expand within themselves and new dynamic higher intelligence of All That Is ~ Source Love Forgiveness Compassion Alignment
You are the proof That’s the only measure of your divine success ~ souls evolution I started back in the very initial offerings - I have nothing to prove - I never will You will do this for yourself - All that is required is you ‘do the inner work’ daily self love self design - tap in and commit to what I teach offer as simply universal quantum omni Source and evolutionary light laws of God ~ not church and state but higher aligned order of you with Source ~ mother father and your life will reflect to you your divine enmeshment and growth and successes Those that I refer - write about offer as icons mavericks - they watch and they are fed - nourished ✨✨✨ - many come for such - it’s simple it’s nourishing it feels stable and truthful and all get to expand within themselves and new dynamic higher intelligence of All That Is ~ Source Love Forgiveness Compassion Alignment
And those I have written on as those aligning with their inner ~ 3Es of their craft - they are recognizing growth health clarity improved creative genies and success
That is what DF offering in Christ Consciousness and light codes of simple truth is ~ prove it to you That’s what God wants Who are you? I am a master - it’s never about the teacher ~ we simply remind activate and offer the highest light wisdoms as Jesus did - not meant to wrap limitations religions and trauma or discrimination around such light expansiveness ✨✨
God reminds you ~ you are loved and godly
When you heal - you do not behave as ‘ego godly’ ~ you behave as a representation of the heavens - as I am - I prove nothing
Show yourself
Heal what was
God is all life ~ how can any enforce 1 style way - all sit at varying stages of integration and consciousness- we are meant to 3E in our own guided manner of reunifying with spirit and all creation
We had so much backwards
It’s time to grow up
It is time to heal
God is omni
God is breath
God is alignment
The inner magnificence of you returning to you - why source knows your actions choices and needs before you and always lovingly guiding you and will help to alchemize what you cannot carry
Do the inner work for 1 month and book a session if you need encouragement or guidance ~ but you will show yourself you are connected - loved ~ adored and a master of creation
So be it
Follow or commit for a month the inner path work ~ follow spirit the gentle nudges and allow the dense purging and letting go I am so proud of all of you ~ whether you reach out or not - you chose to break eons of lower patterns and choose self love - sovereignty and caring about your souls evolution - this fulfills me ~ this is why I do offer and so passionate about my gifts and path ~ even if I can assist to realign 1 ~ it alters all creation and heart is at peace
Follow or commit for a month the inner path work ~ follow spirit the gentle nudges and allow the dense purging and letting go I am so proud of all of you ~ whether you reach out or not - you chose to break eons of lower patterns and choose self love - sovereignty and caring about your souls evolution - this fulfills me ~ this is why I do offer and so passionate about my gifts and path ~ even if I can assist to realign 1 ~ it alters all creation and heart is at peace
Love is this way
Truth is this way
You are now recognizing how quantum you are
Your love and commitment to being anew is far grander than any wound or shadow of misalignment you will integrate - know this
Love is greater than any ounce of past trauma or obstacle ~ live from here - that’s intention, direction & focus
Your creational story is far grander than any obstacle or block ~ remember this So keep getting up No matter what - keep getting up I am that I am Celeste ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨✨🛸🛸
Sessions 90min $250usd Sessions 4x45min $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss So be it I am that I am Celeste The Galactic Princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️ You cannot hold be offer what you are not the vibration of
Your creational story is far grander than any obstacle or block ~ remember this So keep getting up No matter what - keep getting up I am that I am Celeste ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨✨🛸🛸
Sessions 90min $250usd Sessions 4x45min $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss So be it I am that I am Celeste The Galactic Princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️ You cannot hold be offer what you are not the vibration of
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD
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