Thursday, 30 January 2025

Healing is NOT linear -- 5D is all Multidimensional - - you have always been MULTID

 Healing is not a linear process

We are divine sacred, vibrational multi-dimensional beings entering into new cosmic light, omni presence of Source,
And your soul is enmeshing in new wisdoms, love, unity, every day - and you are a threaded pearl to your grander versions of you - -all dimensions of wholeness - - this is you - therefore - there is always a new perspective of 'do-decahedron' of you to be reflected, honoured, loved, and made whole in every new day - -

None can imaging the amount of density you can and are able to clear in the daily ascension path work
and daily alignment with Source, your highest self and building that 'Alliance with Light' IV book and how, what, softening into your wholeness can allow you to transcend what you never thought was possible

On my walk this morning - I said to Source, my teams, and all the spirits that walk with me in all moments - shifting in and out of dimension and time with me - - 'I am only here in this experience because of the Love Source, Mother Father, and my teams refused to give up on me - in my remembering whatever love I could in the most uncertain, confusing, diabolical mess that no outer 'official' or authority could have, nor would have offered and none did an ounce of making right, bringing truth, being honourable and nor offering me a drop of peace for what had been decades of ruining, sabotaging, and destroying my life for others to feel blessed, falsely taking advantage of me, my gifts, talents, energy and wisdoms, ideas, and work, platforms 

- -- they took every ounce of who I was, and am and made my life into a false story for their crimes, taking, inheritance, insurance, anything they could take, claim, and falsify they did - they were organized, quick, and missed no loop and paid any to ensure the false stories were backed up and even signed by so called officials - -

Why few make it out - - they have the ones that study you on a daily basis and make notes of any weakness or change in character - they then go to the spiritual content, warlocks, witches, and are given tactics, tips, military style attacks to get what you are working thorough beyond and or stuck in -

- as they mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially rip you apart for their gain and domination - they are a cruel cruel human testing, human destruction group of global haters, demonic beings, that are paid to rip you apart on all levels to assure you not survive or enforced into their rings of crime, or trafficking, or less than, play thier character for bidding, selling, exploiting and making money while you sit numb and dumb in black magic, sex magic, and satanic rituals to ruin your mind,

* mind-scraping, #epsteinAgendas #humantrafficking #eliteSoulHarvesting

See my playlists on the many downloads spirit gave me and only in my daily relentless healing, transmuting and alchemy was I able to survive and live on the teachings, and light intelligence I offer - only through me - even though every part of my life

- who is any to think they can arbitrarily destroy, inhumanely stalk, spy, hack, illegally watch, study, and then target to take out or enforce suicide or insanity -- it is vile on the highest degree - -
Human rights offences - 15 of more federal crimes in my case
Universal laws offences - none did the right thing and GOD is intervening to force justice -
the refusal to see, know, that church and state will not see humanity through ascension and any person that is a light worker and aligned in the divine plan - is certain you will be targeted by bigotry groups, hate groups and paid minions of the elites - - they have been harvesting for a very long time and few make it out --

So surrender to GOD - let god take their fate over - -they are not ranked and write nothing for humanity - - they are wounded little souls that refuse to stop bullying - -

- since #projectStargate - was nothing but a lie and set up to be watched, stalked, spied on, targeted, and scraped for any level of what I could would give, be used, abused, and entitled for them to live large while all others sat in 'no way out' of their sick entrapment schemes, plots, plans that include people all over ht world and there are very elite, very so called important and high status officials that refuse to let go of their 'stuff or title in 3D ' for the making right -- and thus - ancestors will rip up what they had intended - - NONE will be missed

- - there was nothing these people 50+ that did not touch, harvest, take, siphon, copy, use as a way to make money and exploit while at the same time, destroying any level of stability and truth by manipulating, falsely producing whatever was needed to blame, make it look, and dump all of their dirty deeds of dark occult spiritual hits on 1 innocent royal, holy healer - - meant to assist humanity to a new level of evolution - --

GOD hath spoken and given authority for every cult, coven, warped masonic and maffia false ass leader that thinks they are untouchable while they destroy the only light that will save humanity and truth they continue to suppress and they call themselves the 'liberators' and not sure how when their speech is nothing but discrimination on 95% of our population and none of them are aligned wiht their higher selves. not 1 has done right made right - - and they are 'liberators' ????

As God said - - 'they will not last - there is a new leadership and it is hand picked by GOD' all will be moved of the egregious arrogance of misalignment, false corrupt illegal human crimes that I should have never stood up from

~ sacrificing
~ secret society abuses
~ dark occult abuses
~ targeting the light workers, healers, truth tellers to maintain dark hold over humanity - - GOD laughs at such -
None have an ounce to write what how who any deserve and will receive - watch it fall - - the corrupt and ignorance is being shown daily -- humanity will manifest what it needs to wake up -

Unity consciousness is the only way through
TRUTH and making right is the only redemption
God is

ALL KNOW WHAT THEY STOLE, tormented, attacked, ruined, daily tormenting and ripping apart of my life while I sat homeless and they had the audacity to then put false claims, death, and 100% false claims with 0 due diligence, 0 due process, 0 signatures and 0 permission on any level #calgaryPolice #calgaryCorruptCults

I have only signed divorce
All else is a fraud
I have received not 1 penny from any ~~ ProjectStargate - - secret files on your deeds - destroy or not - all will be plucked and made an example of until all in my life is balanced and returned - -
Birth information, ID, monies, inheritance of my holy royal lineage - -none will escape Gods wrath - no mercy and all will be banished - -

Wasted of my life for decades to play cruel games and thieving -- you all must be so proud

ALL PAST - -documents, files, forms, monies, property - - all must go through my lawyer - -

I HAVE SAT in homelessness, stress, poverty, PTSD due to daily rituals lies, defamation, use of my energy in the underground, and disgusting plots, plans, I did not ever choose - I called out over 6yrs ago and many reports to the police and they know what these people do and infect - -and do nothing - - -and this is level of 'protection' you all hold and call yourselves officials - - and thus will be equal karma - how many lives were infinitely altered due to gross negligence by the city, businesses, corrupt judges, lawyers, business people and the signatures none thought to check and verify my life, story - -

I am a genius
I have never would never as a human rights activist, humanitarian, healer, conduit, of the divine - would never give my voice, signature to any lower vibrational pathological liar groups, cult, person - on any level - why I sought divorce 8yrs ago - and did any even consider verifying 1000's of documents and emails to my lawyer of my complaints and obvious blatant showing of perjury on financials - - while I sat not eating for weeks at a time?

The systems and the people running them are broken as FUCK - - and #youtubeCorruption taking money from these global organized targeting groups - - all will be investigated by the hand picked legions of AAMichael that do care about justice and truth - they care about their souls and evolution and heaven for their children -- truth matters -

All is being seen - -
there are some days in which - I read a headline on a vide and it catches me how lucky I am and that GOD will assure I will placed before any and all that think they play GOD on any level for the handling, taking, sacrificing, touching, exploiting, trafficking, selling, bidding, betting, or whatever any else will make money on - - YOU WILL NOT

THUS -- be the justice in gods honour of a new dawn - - let the corrupt be seen - -
~ over 1000+ rituals to take me out, destroy any level of good, receiving, honour I have earned rightfully and humanly, and spiritually - -
~ I was placed in the same global testing of the heavens and legions of light as all world leaders - -I was the only one to pass all tests - unblemished - meaning that when I could have used my gifts, skills to harm I did not - I allowed God, Source, The heavens to unveil the lessons of all souls as needed - and why being evolved at this level is MANDATORY - and these cults covens, manipulate and enforce false narratives that your genius is 'mentally off' when you can wrap circles around them before they finish their name - - even after being attacked daily
~ if I was not sane - how was I able to bring down a horrible organized cults, covens, crime rings all over the world 

My VIDEO on Spiritual RANKING - - > Why #YoutubeCorruption - on all of my video links for cutting pasting - my links are always far longer than any other video and include more coding --
I show blatantly weekly of pilfering and shadowbanning - messing with my views and blocked platform 0 growth for 8 yrs --

- GOD WILL SHOW - -and then keep writing 4th, 5th, books and survived daily attacks while still teaching, offering, and leading those also being ruined by the same - -
~ why GOD said there will be laws and mandates made in my name and after this pulling up of dark occult crimes systematic abuses - human testing

Spirits download of 'mind-scraping' 
- -

~ #corruptLeaders - -there is no running from the depths of horrible deeds done and not 1 chose to do right

~ 50+ involved in screwing my life over since incorrect birth records lies, manipulations, and none cared, the destruction they caused to my life for their human testing, human experimenting games - - like that - - I lived an entire lie - 'TRUMAN SHOW' and Hunger games for idiocy elites that will simply use, take, rape, harvest anything for money and false domination power --- - I should have never gotten up 
-- there is a plan and GOD is moving it into place no

So the deal on this planet under 'elite rule' and thumb is -- not only do you get blocked, silenced, hexed, sabotaged, and shadow-banned - but you get sent to secret corrupt cults, groups of the area and they are paid by organized resource riche elitists to further Destroy you so that you never remember and nor get up -- so basically this is a planet you are sold, traded, hunted, and used, trafficked and then forced to die -- - nice place - -

Any person thinking in all stupdity - that you are ranked in the destroying of healers, teachers, and light bringers, the divine plan leaders - - you will be met with directly the hand of GOD -- good luck and see all 50+ in my cases - #corruptUSGovernment #CorruptCanadianGovernment #corruptCults and warlocks - hitmen, and all will be seen, known and no mercy on sentencing -- -


THANK GOD for GOD and what I teach will save your life --
SO is truth
I AM celeste

The Galactic Princess

So very exciting I personally am excited to work with many that Spirit has shown me and already vetted for me ~ Thank you systems of light and the federations of light ~ All the beings and ancestors and the holy Mother and Holy Father ✨💕🙏✨🙏 Book your session or donate and let’s connect for 5D miracles ✨✨✨90min $250usd ✨✨✨4x45min $550usd We are stepping into infinite love and genius of creative diversity Arise Claim your authentic soul story The universe is lovingly helping, guiding, and watching 👽💋♾️💫 #ascension Blessings and light Celeste - -- I will meet with NONE Dirty deeds will not be missed All any have to do is heal

Venusian Chronicles Copyright ©️ 
Interdimensional Fiction, Non-fiction 
Prose and Genius ‘Tormented lover ~ I am unlike any other’ I don’t understand this game Confused by the words And years of pain I let go of wanting Yet My heart calls for you The bed warns me The battle cries torn me Slashed right through my precious Skin A heavenly one No one cared A forever first A heavenly last A deeper love A kinder love I deserve a gift Straight from the sun And houses I never knew Oh kindred one 

The care and tender touch ‘What the fuck was that?’ They say they care While they watch the neighbour Caress my hair You never took care of me You had it not to give I forgave you anyway And I forever live in the repair of The dead Abusive ‘lovers’ that say they care You kept the silence Of men’s dirty deeds You claimed their loyalty over a child in Need Sold and told All have their ways The lies that raped the sweet soul of me I built a home just for me It burned down in the lies & selfish deeds They took the sweet pure and true It’s a game of vampires & Wolverines too 

Wiser now I live alone, Small and humble My heart is the door of all that’s pure The seed of new I break the dawn ‘Care for me?’ I speak truth - they all run Let it break Let it fall Crashing homes Weren’t homes at all Built on lies deeds of dirt And chants of death I built a home just for me Seeding my garden & Love I believe I understand the game now Walking wounded Seek to take and rape Pivot anew They will never forsake Another ounce of the sweetness The heavens made Sweetly of eons of treasured memories Resilience and strength I need none I know that now Wiser in my soul My home is within I may not have much At least none will touch The sweetness of the heavens I reclaimed this much I remember what you said ‘Don’t be silly~ go outside & play’ Brushed off the torment Like a drive-by in prey

And so the layers and slashes still bare As if I mattered As if you cared Nothing but a spell or sacrifice A touch and a secret Dreams turned cold will i be sold The sweetness of the heavens I reclaimed my gold What you give is what you get I’m stronger now Wiser now You will never set A price or story for me I’d rather be alone Than your prey And no home I call my own I’m happy to be Simply With me & Honour of me 

I walk with spirit & The lightships that guide me Never knew an honest man Nor one that didn’t bruise me I suppose the game is done & Battles complete Ain’t nothing left at my feet Broken bones Broken homes Ache for more And a minute on stage As they sell their souls To the sick parade I get this game It’s simply not mine I’m out and she’s gone

Like a breath divine They will never know The grace and heavenly Sweet magic that touchéd An earth in need And such is such I’m tired this relentless fight Tired of giving with no end in sight Gods moving me The tears of the heavens They can’t believe damage done A torn sweet soul of the sun Tired of dreaming and wishing Hopes unfulfilled I’m done and she’s gone Their thrill is to kill I am sacred I am pure I am priceless beyond measure None will truly know this divine treasure

I will never fight for you Come or go Soften sweet soul The choice is your choice Bow and humble Begin again Homes all crashing Blood and stains Then what? Still fighting to be seen By those meant to go When will you get it I will not fight for the blessing I am owed I will not fight for the love I deserve The universe will match Or I move on In a breath and then I’m gone I will never fight for what’s meant to go Measure up Only to god within The only home I belong in The taste of my well Brings song to your soul Your life is luck And health your troll What more do you have to be shown You have increased ten fold By musing in my light You are clear You are receiving And still you project deflect Question and spit negative plight

I will not fight for you I am the weaver of all heavens Homes break in their misdeeds Lies and crushing self wounds I cannot & will never Mislead It’s your choice I will not plead And in a breath I am gone Never fight for what doesn’t belong Never fight for what’s never fair Never fight for a being so broken They leave you slashed and bare Pivot move on Seed anew Build anew The only home you knew Your home was not a home It’s a place I slept The demons touched And evil that crept I will build a home on my own One just for me None will ever rape What’s inside of me I will not fight Go your way Do your healing Or spit in spite I simply Don’t care I will never fight for any to love me That’s just what’s right

I am the one that showed you Self love is the only home You cannot break You cannot touch You cannot rape All that self love builds I wish you well Forgiveness and peace You left your scars and I’m still standing at least This is my Home Invite only It’s sacred and pure Where all good things grow Stronger now Of that I’m sure I never needed any I’ve been shown the way I never fit where I was never meant to stay I am free I am priceless So be the home love made No games No dirty deeds No lies No shade Self love The home that love can be They say the care And leave you bloodied and bare It was never a home Just a place I slept Tormented by veils the selfish set My home is me now And none will stain The gentle golden hue I became 

No over giving Or fighting you to stay Leave me be I’m better this way No schemes I play the long game Stay beautiful and pure Rules are simple Rules are true Never fight for what’s meant to go Let it burn It was never you 🏠 So be the coming down It must fall Purge Cleanse Wave good bye of those that chose To stay wounded I am that I am Celeste Copyright I am the galactic princess My home My heart My soul My song

Your creational story is far grander than any obstacle or block ~ remember this So keep getting up No matter what - keep getting up I am that I am Celeste ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨✨🛸🛸

Sessions 90min $250usd Sessions 4x45min $550usd
So be it I am that I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Copyright ©️ You cannot hold be offer what you are not the vibration of

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $125USD 
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



The galactic princess I am sacred My jurisdiction is the heavens God will bring down what is required until we wake up

So very exciting I personally am excited to work with many that Spirit has shown me and already vetted for me ~ Thank you systems of light and the federations of light ~ All the beings and ancestors and the holy Mother and Holy Father ✨💕🙏✨🙏 Book your session or donate and let’s connect for 5D miracles ✨✨✨90min $250usd ✨✨✨4x45min $550usd We are stepping into infinite love and genius of creative diversity Arise Claim your authentic soul story The universe is lovingly helping, guiding, and watching 👽💋♾️💫 #ascension Blessings and light Celeste - -- I will meet with NONE Dirty deeds will not be missed All any have to do is heal

Venusian Chronicles Copyright ©️ 
Interdimensional Fiction, Non-fiction 
Prose and Genius ‘Tormented lover ~ I am unlike any other’ I don’t understand this game Confused by the words And years of pain I let go of wanting Yet My heart calls for you The bed warns me The battle cries torn me Slashed right through my precious Skin A heavenly one No one cared A forever first A heavenly last A deeper love A kinder love I deserve a gift Straight from the sun And houses I never knew Oh kindred one 

The care and tender touch ‘What the fuck was that?’ They say they care While they watch the neighbour Caress my hair You never took care of me You had it not to give I forgave you anyway And I forever live in the repair of The dead Abusive ‘lovers’ that say they care You kept the silence Of men’s dirty deeds You claimed their loyalty over a child in Need Sold and told All have their ways The lies that raped the sweet soul of me I built a home just for me It burned down in the lies & selfish deeds They took the sweet pure and true It’s a game of vampires & Wolverines too 

Wiser now I live alone, Small and humble My heart is the door of all that’s pure The seed of new I break the dawn ‘Care for me?’ I speak truth - they all run Let it break Let it fall Crashing homes Weren’t homes at all Built on lies deeds of dirt And chants of death I built a home just for me Seeding my garden & Love I believe I understand the game now Walking wounded Seek to take and rape Pivot anew They will never forsake Another ounce of the sweetness The heavens made Sweetly of eons of treasured memories Resilience and strength I need none I know that now Wiser in my soul My home is within I may not have much At least none will touch The sweetness of the heavens I reclaimed this much I remember what you said ‘Don’t be silly~ go outside & play’ Brushed off the torment Like a drive-by in prey

And so the layers and slashes still bare As if I mattered As if you cared Nothing but a spell or sacrifice A touch and a secret Dreams turned cold will i be sold The sweetness of the heavens I reclaimed my gold What you give is what you get I’m stronger now Wiser now You will never set A price or story for me I’d rather be alone Than your prey And no home I call my own I’m happy to be Simply With me & Honour of me 

I walk with spirit & The lightships that guide me Never knew an honest man Nor one that didn’t bruise me I suppose the game is done & Battles complete Ain’t nothing left at my feet Broken bones Broken homes Ache for more And a minute on stage As they sell their souls To the sick parade I get this game It’s simply not mine I’m out and she’s gone

Like a breath divine They will never know The grace and heavenly Sweet magic that touchéd An earth in need And such is such I’m tired this relentless fight Tired of giving with no end in sight Gods moving me The tears of the heavens They can’t believe damage done A torn sweet soul of the sun Tired of dreaming and wishing Hopes unfulfilled I’m done and she’s gone Their thrill is to kill I am sacred I am pure I am priceless beyond measure None will truly know this divine treasure

I will never fight for you Come or go Soften sweet soul The choice is your choice Bow and humble Begin again Homes all crashing Blood and stains Then what? Still fighting to be seen By those meant to go When will you get it I will not fight for the blessing I am owed I will not fight for the love I deserve The universe will match Or I move on In a breath and then I’m gone I will never fight for what’s meant to go Measure up Only to god within The only home I belong in The taste of my well Brings song to your soul Your life is luck And health your troll What more do you have to be shown You have increased ten fold By musing in my light You are clear You are receiving And still you project deflect Question and spit negative plight

I will not fight for you I am the weaver of all heavens Homes break in their misdeeds Lies and crushing self wounds I cannot & will never Mislead It’s your choice I will not plead And in a breath I am gone Never fight for what doesn’t belong Never fight for what’s never fair Never fight for a being so broken They leave you slashed and bare Pivot move on Seed anew Build anew The only home you knew Your home was not a home It’s a place I slept The demons touched And evil that crept I will build a home on my own One just for me None will ever rape What’s inside of me I will not fight Go your way Do your healing Or spit in spite I simply Don’t care I will never fight for any to love me That’s just what’s right

I am the one that showed you Self love is the only home You cannot break You cannot touch You cannot rape All that self love builds I wish you well Forgiveness and peace You left your scars and I’m still standing at least This is my Home Invite only It’s sacred and pure Where all good things grow Stronger now Of that I’m sure I never needed any I’ve been shown the way I never fit where I was never meant to stay I am free I am priceless So be the home love made No games No dirty deeds No lies No shade Self love The home that love can be They say the care And leave you bloodied and bare It was never a home Just a place I slept Tormented by veils the selfish set My home is me now And none will stain The gentle golden hue I became 

No over giving Or fighting you to stay Leave me be I’m better this way No schemes I play the long game Stay beautiful and pure Rules are simple Rules are true Never fight for what’s meant to go Let it burn It was never you 🏠 So be the coming down It must fall Purge Cleanse Wave good bye of those that chose To stay wounded I am that I am Celeste Copyright I am the galactic princess My home My heart My soul My song

Your creational story is far grander than any obstacle or block ~ remember this So keep getting up No matter what - keep getting up I am that I am Celeste ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨✨🛸🛸

Sessions 90min $250usd Sessions 4x45min $550usd
So be it I am that I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Copyright ©️ You cannot hold be offer what you are not the vibration of

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $125USD 
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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