Advancing, Expanding, Enhanced Humanity --- --
Higher Vibrational Living is a choice
Choosing to heal is a choice
Step off the karmic cycle, patterns, beliefs -- you are infinite and eternal
Divine expansive, and sacred
#5D is - -
OUR ASCENSION classes, webinars, sessions, healings, activations, writings, books, videos, mediations, light language and career vocations is such......
Purely aligned at the heart to be a part of the 5D ride and wave of higher timelines of soulful living - -- -
ASCENSION SESSIONS -- Co-Creative COLLABORATIONS - - -Rebuilding of our New earth star within higher divine alignment, sacred trinity - - Heavens, Gaia, Collective ~~> and the divine soul blueprint that every human comes with -- - this is ascension and soul fulfillment -- you are enteral - - - #5DAlignment
So very exciting
I personally am excited to work with many that Spirit has shown me and already vetted for me ~
Thank you systems of light and the federations of light ~
All the beings and ancestors and the holy Mother and Holy Father ✨💕🙏✨🙏
Book your session or donate and let’s connect for 5D miracles
✨✨✨90min $250usd
✨✨✨4x45min $550usd
We are stepping into infinite love and genius of creative diversity
Claim your authentic soul story
The universe is lovingly helping, guiding, and watching 👽💋♾️💫
Blessings and light
Celeste - --
Galactic Princess
ALL past issues, documents, papers, monies, must go through - - JoannaLRoss
****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )
******* 90min $250USD
******* 40min $125USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE -
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right
Gods directing your ship now
Karma is
Universal laws are - you are threaded with all -
Love and light
Divine blessings
copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $250USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
******* 40min $125USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
SESSIONS * Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $125USD
******* 90min $250USD
******** 4x45min $550USD
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD
copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )
Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships
#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity
Abuse of the Divine feminine
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness -
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend -
None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice.
God is
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