Preparing for Higher Vibrational Higher Dimensional Beings,
Co-Creating the New Earth Star, Highest Creative Timelines in alignment with 5D, Multi-versal Plan of
Light Evolution
Topics ~~~> Understanding the Divine Souls Blueprint every human walks with, Our infinite connection to all life and all realms, all experiences, with as Source, and the abuse of power in past cycles of cloning, experimenting, replication, and so on
copyright ©,
Liturgies of Light, New Systems,
~ what is this and why? ~ > a working directive of new foundations in alignment of the Universal Laws, and higher dimensional ethics, integrity, and natural order
~ assisting humanity in alignment of higher dimensional expanded knowing, healing inventiveness of non-evasive practices using light, harmonics, divine design and higher guidance of consciousness within all life threadings, and how such is in all medicinal, practical and non-practical agreements of 'soul respect' in as much as all things to the human matter, body, vessel, its inclusions that encompass a spirit, soul, and links of co-existence within all creation and in this understanding of 'wholeness; and our infinite representations, it is key we align medical practices, doctorates of 'agreements' in any level of 'study' or experimental design for greater good that DOES NOT inhibit nor extract, pull or manipulate to hinder or bring detriment to in any way on any level and all parties of such knowing and honest transparent representation - will be held in every co-creation forthcoming
IE: none will have any legal, or spiritual right otherwise to extract, hinder, add, enhance, or 'replicate' any level of life to private, 'secret' or hidden cloning or otherwise in agendas going against natural divine order, natural evolutionary offerings, the souls independent blueprint designed at the highest level of creation with Source, and all teams such human, said human vessel; all of ITS encompassments belongs with and to
IE: none have a right on any level; legal or otherwise to touch another human and play cloning god, or military ultra human species replications - on any level - there was never any legal right, and governments, private and elite groups of such, underground experimental testing, lab experiences will be brought karma for their knowing and why they continued, did, paid, operated in 'secret'
- - - ALL COUNTRIES around the world; and all leaders, that know of such, participate, in any level of such; of any species upon this planet, landing from first contact trials, or otherwise - will be held to the same ethical, integrity laws, and karmic laws of the MOST HIGH will be forth coming and immediate
THERE WILL BE NO Testing, replication, or enhancements that are not in full disclosure of only the GREATER GOOD of the human, and their alignment with their higher self to be guided in direction of such DNA, body, mind, spirit and soul operatives - - however and knowing, all humans, have their equal right without dark occult thwarting, magic, voodoo involvement to experience and express their souls expression how they choose in their discoveries of who they are and choose to be ~ LGBQT+ all souls have their right to express who they are, and how they choose to be, and age requirements will be such noted on any operatives for the rights of legal representation and medical malpractice - -
GOD KNOWS WHAT GOD IS doing and offers every human unconditional love to choose for itself how to navigate along any eternal life expression - - there is learning, expansiveness within it all even if you choose to not heed spirit and come right back to where you started - there is learning and every soul is designed, connected, honoured, loved for its journey of such growth and taking risks of exploration, expression, and experience for all creation - there is GROWTH in all paths of self design, self knowing, self choosing, and self expression - none have a RIGHT TO INTERFERE and touch another soul - PERIOD - - why all those that do practice dark occults and magic over any - - will be sitting in the same 'lack, or no sense of self' when they choose to not heed basic human rights, and basic spiritual laws -
to NOT INTERFERE - stay in. your own lane - if a 'speaker, or channel on youtube' is not your thing - -move on - you do not have the right to systematically attack, bully, and sabotage any, nor veil, shadow ban any
None shall be coerced, or placed in manipulation on swaying of any spirits, souls, humans desires of its own unique expression in any way and any level of 'secret society' abuses, cult, coven, government, or bodies of experimenting otherwise will be held immediately in karmic laws and the abuses of soul development and growth of its own unique journey with Source, Creation, and its own expression
We have forgotten in our extrinsic seeking of self importance, wounding, belonging all outer, that everything within and every step upon our spiritual unfolding is held within a spiritual webbing with the higher beings across all timelines, realms, planets, and design with SOURCE creator and every soul is unique to what, how, when, why it requires ITS OWN UNIQUE participation in the way it chooses - for the expandedness of all creation - there must be the rights of free will and non-interference and growth for all humanity as a ONE collective to seeks its pure belonging within first and the spiritual alignment to know thyself, and then choose responsibly
Why daily ascension path work is critical and monumental - when you know thyself, you will never be swayed, manipulated by those that seek personal gain, agendas over who you are and what you represent and all spiritual laws are adhered to
However with eons of misguidance, warping of misinformation of GOD, and our expanded design across all timelines, and the loosing of knowing, faith, and higher design of a souls blueprint and SOURCE, God being with us in every decision
- why, how, when, what way we choose what we choose, such 'disconnection' has led to many within the collective, elites and otherwise, taking full advantage of the 'lost' collective seeking anything and all things to 'belong and fit' when all that was required to go within and seek the divine guidance, honouring, purpose of the divine souls blueprint to your unique story, puzzle piece and what you add to the WHOLE and why how you add to such for unconditional love and acceptance of all that SOURCE Is and humanity is just awakening to such diverse expansiveness and how all are unique, pacing, temperament of consciousness integration of light codes, and who you are at a soul level is mind-boggling to most and perfection is the pure acceptance of such in all moments - there is no need to seek outer manipulation and operation of any kind
There is the navigation of expansive and very complex order of operation within every souls blueprint and the simplicity of moving along such profound complexities will require as we have stated; higher light intelligence as to who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us each and when as such is done, daily and regular building relationship with your highest self, there will immediate reduction of chaos, violence, tragedy, disease, illness, and other separative experiences like competition, secret societies taking people out due to the words they speak, and offer, or leadership that is stuck in ego, wounding, and power over others, and suppression of what is needed for all evolutionary GROWTH and universal expansion
ALL, every human has an intricate soul blueprint - - -DESIGNED at the highest 13th DIMENSION and is a living document as you integrate your soul fragment of 51% of all life experiences and exist most importantly as 'psyche' woundings of whatever realms, bodies, lifetimes you hold as a 'wound' of separation within the DF / DM energies and why it is key to NEVER EVER hold enforcement over any person, soul, spirit, human of their working with and through such psyche experiences of their own souls 'healing acceptance, and REINTEGRATION' of their souls wholeness of DF / DM - -- -
IE; as I am an expert of soul fragment healing ~~> if our collective discriminated Jesus 4000+ yrs ago and took his life in his choosing to ascend - for the mere speaking of Source, higher knowings, quantum life and how we are all connected - if the powers that be at the time - 'church and state' then, are the same church and state now, hiring their dark minions to silence, suppress, bully, intimidate and harass, or sacrifice any and all they feel in 'competition' with or such misogyny and wounding of - - refusal to do the healing so they 'take out the innocent ' and have no clue who any are, meant to be, and to the creational plan of all evolution - and such lower vibrational behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes, is in discrimination, separation, hate, and bigotry
- and if this was such in the time, era of Jesus, what would occur in the DF healer, master that is knowing of such soul fragment IMPORTANCE to the journey of ones soul to live in utter 'freedom to heal, expand, 3E's and ascend as IT chooses ITS path with Source, Creation' and left untouched - there is unquantifiable' advancements to all creation - - and thus the extinction agendas have been to suppress, and repress such - the powers that be refusal for humanity to see its expansive potentials and live in peace, health, and honour in higher guidance to a divine soul blueprint only between the higher self, healing teams, of higher realms and GOD - - - none are to know, interfere, inhibit, and replicate, clone, or otherwise - against all natural order, natural laws and spiritual laws and why KARMA will be immediate and continue to be when any and all interfere with any outside of yourself - -
FOCUS ON YOUR OWN blueprint and life, soul, healing of your own 51% of Karma - and any interference is immediate karma on your soul for you to clear on top of the 51% you chose to be here - and remember, every new ascension cycles, there are new light, new codes, and higher order and if you refuse to keep up, transmuting, and honouring self love, and respect for all life in the unity consciousness - then there will be shifts of natural attrition
The body, mind, spirit, soul can only integrate so much when you are choosing to not do the healing and transmuting
Ascension is a sacred journey
Humanity, Gaia, and all life upon her - is moving from 3D - 5D and has been since 1987 - do your research
WE belong to the multi-verse and our DNA is directly connected to our souls blueprint, gifts, skills, talents, that belong to you, you earned through all timelines, experiences, and when you clear your 51% integration - all gifts, skills talents, are now available to you - - you will remember your timelines, lessons, and growth in such lessons of separation, hate, and discrimination will be the foundations of working with shadow, and DF / DM energies in your path to self actualization and mastery
Understanding this sacred journey and why we will daily align to higher order, laws, and ethics -- - - this is the journey and it is unique to every human with unique DNA allocation and desires for 3E's and we are just beginning to see how pivotal it is to our intelligence, or low vibrational extinction, or to our unification and heightened souls explorations to all creation, or the limited no way out of control, domination, and broken church and state mistruths
We will expand within our unity consciousness - of al life is the existence of SOURCE and within the DESIGN of SOURCE and such SOURCE, GOD knowing of ITS design, puzzle piece, and expansive potentials -= no human has such to direct, dictate, nor replicate, clone, interfere otherwise PERIOD
SOURCE IS IN ALL DNA - codons hold your all-ness, wholeness and all gifts, skills, talents of activation that are a natural gift for your inner integration work with your shadow, 51% of life time lessons and honouring every step of the journey - you have earned whatever is held within your DNA and no outer body, or governing anything has a right to touch and mess with such EVER
-- Again the heavens asks all to reflect daily - - > how important is your souls evolution - -
The heavens, the legions and all beings of the higher realms will simply not support abuse, corrupt war making programs, nuclear mess, human testing, experimenting, secret societies abuses of energy and dark occult practices with 0 regard for basic human rights, spiritual rights of others, and the universal highest laws - - nor will there be protection of what you, any will manifest in such emulation of vibration - what you vibrate returns!
There will simply NOT be protection to any, nor support, nor healing to any and all that refuse to adhere to basic respect for all life and abuse of power is only one example of my life story, and the countless abuses that we will insert and create new laws of education, inspiration, evolution, healing, support, aid, and protection to any and all that feel their life, soul, spirit, and free will is in jeopardy of living life in alignment with SOURCE that every human, life, has to experience - all planetary life has consciousness purpose with and as CREATOR designed
Humanities past practices, misguidances, misinformation, low beliefs of power over others, in any way - outer seeking, greed, jealousy, envy, discrimination, wounding of the soul and not healing, heeding healing, or integration of such gluttonous energies - ( what we offer in ascension path work ) has been the core reason to all egregious acts on our planet and thus
- - our interference, ignorance, arrogance, power over life, has done tremendous damage and again, none will escape the damages and 'secret' agendas that have been intentionally designed to 'take advantage' harvest, rape humanity and earth of her precious resources for all life and maintenance of life - - there is a reckoning and such will allow us to come forth with our higher vibrational gifts, skills, talents to offer our new growing collective of liberated souls to higher vibrational living and honouring of all life
- - our interference, ignorance, arrogance, power over life, has done tremendous damage and again, none will escape the damages and 'secret' agendas that have been intentionally designed to 'take advantage' harvest, rape humanity and earth of her precious resources for all life and maintenance of life - - there is a reckoning and such will allow us to come forth with our higher vibrational gifts, skills, talents to offer our new growing collective of liberated souls to higher vibrational living and honouring of all life
And so be it
this is our offering for today in alignment of 5D transitions to higher order, ethics, and integrity
Topics #replication #cloning, #illegalhumanTesting #illegalHumanExperimenting #LGBQT+Rights
#indigoChildrenRights #hybridChildren #humanRights #SourceCreator #SoulsBlueprint
Copyright ©️
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
unconditional love is this way - -
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
You either behave from a wounded space - neutral or healed - and accepting -- - all choose their reality - - your reality never has to be 'tower filled' daily nor disease ridden - - HEAL!
blessings and light Joanna copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
You either behave from a wounded space - neutral or healed - and accepting -- - all choose their reality - - your reality never has to be 'tower filled' daily nor disease ridden - - HEAL!
blessings and light Joanna copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
Decades of abuse - - every person business and city - all will be held accountable and what where how do you think decades of dark, black magic energy and intentions chanting, jar work, and voodoo dolls will go ???? the energy has to go somewhere - then what ?????
you bring natural disasters to your door - - -THEN WHAT ????? Perhaps light intelligence is the way - - 5D OMNI GOD LIGHT will show every corrupt aspect and corner of our cities - - JUDGEMENT - - ALL GO TO MY LAWYER - -- I will not waste a second of my life with any of the past -
All monies, papers, documents, government mess - -must go through my lawyer - - - - corrupt as F - - I will meet with none and I will not DEAL - - -all will go to trial
DISCRIMINATION of the most horrible will be heard and seen - - -My name, my birth details, and my birth life and all the illegal testing, experimenting - playing with my life is my LEGAL SPRITIUAL and universal RIGHT -
I am a genius - - false claims of who I am and my work and its validity - and not 1 spoke with me nor talk with me - they send 20 minions of hate to my live stream and throw magic spells and hate - - it is corrupt systematic hate attacks to silence any that call out their elite soul harvesting for corrupt agendas - they have no legal right to do - -
they all know it - try to destory evidence will only do what???? THEN WHAT ???? MORE KARMA
#humanRights are a thing None has given 1 drop None has verified my signature I have no joint bank account I have been given nothing by the government and the corrupt deeds they have been doing since 1950 - - #projectstargate -- - I told you - - -you have no idea who I am - - and all I asked for was BASIC human treatment - - - while I sat homeless - and with nothing not eating for weeks - - sit in your hell
Not 1 human did 1 ounce to help me Except my couple of clients That have little to give They show up daily They align They give They sit in reverence of truth They will be lifted and protected and given equally Everyone is tested Done Done DONE I AM Joanna MY LIFE MATTERS I CHOOSE THIS copyright Systematic abuse is not the order of the day - - alignment is needed healing is needed
ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE -
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings
Joanna copyright ©,
Decades of abuse - - every person business and city - all will be held accountable and what where how do you think decades of dark, black magic energy and intentions chanting, jar work, and voodoo dolls will go ???? the energy has to go somewhere - then what ?????
you bring natural disasters to your door - - -THEN WHAT ????? Perhaps light intelligence is the way - - 5D OMNI GOD LIGHT will show every corrupt aspect and corner of our cities - - JUDGEMENT - - ALL GO TO MY LAWYER - -- I will not waste a second of my life with any of the past -
All monies, papers, documents, government mess - -must go through my lawyer - - - - corrupt as F - - I will meet with none and I will not DEAL - - -all will go to trial
DISCRIMINATION of the most horrible will be heard and seen - - -My name, my birth details, and my birth life and all the illegal testing, experimenting - playing with my life is my LEGAL SPRITIUAL and universal RIGHT -
I am a genius - - false claims of who I am and my work and its validity - and not 1 spoke with me nor talk with me - they send 20 minions of hate to my live stream and throw magic spells and hate - - it is corrupt systematic hate attacks to silence any that call out their elite soul harvesting for corrupt agendas - they have no legal right to do - -
they all know it - try to destory evidence will only do what???? THEN WHAT ???? MORE KARMA
THE ONY WAY OUT AND THROUGH IS REDEMPTION OF your soul that is SOURCE, GOD and is TRUTH and making right - -
These are the basic laws of your souls evolution - why religions will never be your answer - they are limited, 5000 yrs old and will not provide alchemy, honouring, and basic higher evolved truths of our universe - -- - it was a starting point - not meant to be where we sit forever - - - time to grow up - - quantum light is quantum - it will touch all life -
#humanRights are a thing None has given 1 drop None has verified my signature I have no joint bank account I have been given nothing by the government and the corrupt deeds they have been doing since 1950 - - #projectstargate -- - I told you - - -you have no idea who I am - - and all I asked for was BASIC human treatment - - - while I sat homeless - and with nothing not eating for weeks - - sit in your hell
She is not a business of sex trade
Grow up
All will be touched by 5D light and all not Aligned will be seen ~ Anubis is waiting
You will not ascend evolve without getting this and living unity consciousness - - your soul is all life, all aspects all SOURCE - - - there is only ONENESS
Not 1 human did 1 ounce to help me Except my couple of clients That have little to give They show up daily They align They give They sit in reverence of truth They will be lifted and protected and given equally Everyone is tested Done Done DONE I AM Joanna MY LIFE MATTERS I CHOOSE THIS copyright Systematic abuse is not the order of the day - - alignment is needed healing is needed
****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )
******* 90min $250USD
******* 40min $125USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings
Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $250USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
******* 40min $125USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $125USD
******* 90min $250USD
******** 4x45min $550USD
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD
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