Liturgies of Light
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Office of the Christ ~ Representations of Such Heavenly order, wisdoms, expansions, unifying light and love
Understanding higher order is always held within self love, self care, sovereignty and your universal belonging and birthright to be all that you are excited to 3E ~~ that is soulful pulsations that send out ripples of excitement, ripples of 'never been done before' and that excites the return of the omni - SOURCE bedding to you for equal measure - that is the promise of the divine will of the FATHER - - -
Your highest version of the DM = the Father,
Your highest version of the DM = the Mother and all are held within - this is the essence and connection Jesus, all masters spoke, offered, and lit the lands with codes of essence also known as the in the higher realms - - metatronic 'multi-dimensional light codes' from of the office of the Christ
The office of the Christ is often misunderstood - for many are still so embedded in the confines of religion and its structures - -and IT IS NOT anything of such.
Religion, nor church and state DO NOT carry the higher order nor the highest wisdoms - period
When you live from any old constructs - - you are only as expanded as such - -that is not SOURCE - - SOURCE IS ALL - ONENESS ALLNESS UNITY of all life, the understanding of the quantum push and pull of dark and light and each soul aligning to its divine soul blueprint for new co-creations of new dimensional potential - - INFINITE MEANS infinite - then why would we think, in any way, our science, equations will only be this, our hypothesis will only be this, and our medicine, and diseases, or ways are only this -
It is non-sensical and that is purely not the higher order of the divine plan for all creational evolution within every dimension and every soul - - all have a universal, multi-versal birthright to EVOLVE and re-unify into the higher self - -clearing, integration, and healing of your own sojourns through all 3D - 5D time-space healing separation issues, DF/ DM lower beliefs and discriminations of such -- for the ultimate 5D gateway of integration of your highest self for infinite and eternal life -- why none can 'fake' ascension or pretend they are aligned, or pretend they are higher consciousness - - -
You either do the 'do-decahedron' inner work of your daily ascension path work - - - connect, align, build a relationship with SOURCE and all that is - - or you do not - - when you are aligned - no outer cacophony of noise will throw you off your path of what feels, is, and being your choice of expression and being - --conformity is not intelligence - - - it is fear and control programming - -therefore - daily as yourself - - who are you
THE OFFICE OF THE CHRIST - - -is the infinite mastery of all of SOURCE's ( if we could ever learn, be or achieve - - and such let go - -because in every quark of second, GOD is expanding - - but it is my souls deep passion and connection to live and embody the Office of the Christ and my excitement for wisdoms of SOURCE in any and all ways - the expansion of light, healing of light, and life of all life and wisdoms held herein )
~~~ The office of the christ is an eternal connection to the light wisdoms of the CREATOR through all time space, creation, and dimensions - - -there is growth and intelligence in what we call darker realms
There is lessons in every sect of SOURCE - there is simply restriction in darkness - light there is infinite intelligence - and the dark offers its lessons thus expanding all that is - light - it is all SOURCE
---- now previously we have stated 'darkness is not intelligent' and I will refine to state - there are set limitations to the expansiveness that darkness can reach into =. intelligence - but know - as I am shown, the very darkest lowest sheaths of any one local universe, is pulled, and re-unified back to SOURCE and source alchemizes all darkest to new somewhat higher darker, lower sheath- and ripples from top down, all dimensions, threadings are upgraded -
I explain this often in my teachings -
- -we have to be able to navigate and understand psyche wounding, and how the dark is the catalyst for change, and breaking beyond patterns of such density - but also darker anchors such outer expansion -- there is always always always SOURCES knowing within it all and masters must go through many many many lifetimes, timelines, of exploring all realms -
-we simply must - -to learn about the shadow, honour the shadow and its capabilities and how to harness when needed, and how to utilize the magiciship of the dark for balancing out key 'bursts of light' that are always needed - there is always higher order laws - -and why it is key to embrace new and higher order wisdoms for your daily path work returning to source
~~~ Right Use of FREE WILL & Non Interference - - #1 Law - allow all souls their journey - they are where all have to be for the lessons and growth, and activations they need and why none have any right to interfere or detriment this sacred process of evolution - -
~~~ Law of Balance - all masters know that inclusivity is essential for there are no rules to banish all darkness - that would be ludicrous - that is not SOURCE all-ness or wise - - there will always be darkness to some degree - what we want to heighten your capacity is that all lower rungs on the ever eternal toroidal of the universe and your own souls merkabah - is that all lower sheaths, as you heal are transmuted and raised - you have earned a new sheath of light - there is more to this and I won't go into this here -- I have explained many of the 'over-soul, light body sheaths on my radio show, and ascension videos - ''
THE BALANCE IS -- - AS YOU HEAL a dark night of the soul fragment, or psyche experience, you are equally offered to balance the light or soul remembrance of that wound, lesson of separation, or detriment of exclusion you held yourself at - - -thus is the ever-spiralling 'churning' I speak of - all is the knowing, learning, taking many detours through timelines, experiences, and those of us that are qualified to slip in and out of universes for the codes, learning, offering, expansions, that only we can offer in such darkness or thick 'patterns' of density - misguidance, misinformation, misunderstanding
Those keen on their journey with spirit will be assured to ask, seek for more detours as more in mastery you become - -it is all in your highest self and GOD as to your capacity, aptitude, knowledge, depth of expertise and what is required by your contracts and your practices to continue mastery and growth -- why your alignment daily is key and working with your spirit teams is vital -- have the discussions and knows - if you are just staring your path - -simply focus on your healing --
51% of your karma will provide so many lessons for you -- and you can get into overwhelm
ENERGY is very real - and why I have offered 750 videos on self care and the process of ascension
I certainly have made it clear to my teams - ' I will not be 'going back to school' as they call it = detour to darker universes, timelines, or realms - simply because immense damage was done, delays and drama to my soul that although I have earned what no other soul has earned in the Office of the Christ mastery schools, I have earned what no other earth hybrid, celestial, alien has ever done, been, I will simply not return to such experiences - - - the yo-yo on my soul to be advanced and then drop to such darkness and being harvested to oblivion was ultimately my 'never going back' badge and brought forth what was needed, pulled up the corrupt that was needed, understood psyche wounding and the detriment such church and state confine the psyche to, #epstein-like agendas and the deep soul damages and dark occult mess, misguidance that simply must be approached from the highest order to understand, heal, and make anew
-- The Mother and Father have agreed to never allow me to do such missions agains - - my staff has been earned
The precious Christed body, vessel, mind, spirit, and all that we are - - must be expanded into new heights of light intelligence - -and how the leaders that be and such corruption have gotten away with so long the domination horrible deeds they have. --
all is done via your higher self and teams and Gods unfolding of your divine blueprint
I do have the highest teams assisting me in healing the damages done - but my soul was forever altered in such sojourns and the Mother and Father are never taking an eye off of my steps in return of what my journey has offered all programs of evolution and earth - -
My teams often tell me 'like Christopher Columbus' ~~> I am going where none have gone before and every day is a treasure for me and need daily reflection - - my do-decahedron path work to truly appreciate what I have accomplished that no other has let alone a DF
- - - but my ancient lineage and work within the Egyptian temples and why we have long sojourns and the 'long-game' is far more rewarding than any instant payoff - your soul if you allow it - - will allow you to be the most expansive being of soul magnitude and if you simply 3A your daily life and seek with Source, your highest self, you can and will be taken wherever you choose to explore, express, and be anew - -we all must learn and be masterful in the dark - -- especially if you are going to be a leader of new worlds
As Source stated - -my soul experience is priceless and there is no quantifiable measure of my life here - in any way - - so I do have to sit in wonder and process, integrate, and then express so I can bring the fullest of my journey for the all --
I am an expert at soul fragment healing. -- and this is where true mastery is earned and why I belong with the Office of the Christ -- at my heart - I choose my soul colour as a teacher at heart - however Source, God is empowering me into leadership =-- it is a gift I have - but prefer wisdoms of study, hermit and devotion to the silent world of wonder in consciousness -- they to express and create in such -- but I am always baffled when my mentors and leaders of knowledge 'Lord Sananda' offer silently and purely - - 'your wisdom is leadership and your leadership is wisdom' - there is no separation -
the soul is multi-dimensional and Christic AT ITS GOD SEED CELL POTENTIAL - - the caveat - - and it will be a broad base of teaching, learning, and expansion I will offer and has to do with the DNA ALLOCATION© - -AND ALL CREATIONAL hybrid programs and how each person, human, soul, spirit is infinitely moving in and out of higher lower consciousness and thus timelines, and thus potentials - there is never a straight up path - -ever
I am the only one offering such as it is my key code of excitement on my own souls gifts and expansion - and thus - what God downloads to me is unique to me -- why most 'intellectual property' contracts will only be of benefit to the one GOD downloads - it is directly linked to your souls blueprint - and thus any other will not benefit none will they be allowed - by the ancestors keeping watchful eye on balance -- will block, and place restrictions to what a person has not earned - -and why I say, offer what. I do and all will be proven to all -- why only your souls blueprint will serve you - the chaos of taking, stealing, copyright - will never ever serve and will be only negative karma
None would truly want that - -I cannot and probably will be eternally living learning from my life here - the sojourns were truly invaluable to all councils, and systems I belong with - as I stated, I am a seed of the Office of the Christ - so it is my contracts of my multi-verse belonging that I go where, how, when in what way I am needed - and thus I am always brought back to life, I am always refined and brought into new ~~~> equal balances and lifting by GOD
whatever depths I have done gone to for my devotion of creation - GOD will lift equally --
- - I know I will always receive GODS blessings for the work in 3E's that I offer - and only I can offer -
- - there are few conduits on the this planet or in our dimensions that I am, been, completed, and integrated, to this point and why the heavens like to empower and encourage me to keep going. ~~~~~> Christopher Columbus - exploration journeys - going where none have gone before .....
I often 'do not laugh' - - - -I am still healing - I am present and I am grateful, but there is a lot of integration, and processing I am still doing - - why I teach, offer ascension and the higher truths of who we truly are, what we exist within, and what is within us
- - - - it is beyond our imagining and there simply is NO OTHER depth on our planet that goes as deeply as I do, in such multi-dimensional ways that will inspire, activate, many new inventions, and science harmony between creation and GOD and how our bodies, mind, brain, are only tools of light and can manifest and honour such a journey and alter however we so choose when we are GOD aligned - -
If you want access to the WHOLE of you - -your soul - you earned all lifetimes in a body. - all timelines you chose
are you excavating and calling forth -- you get that in your AKASH - - that is your birthright - that is what why some that walk as soul-infused - they appear more wise - they are simply more healed, and choose to pull from their wholeness - -as Jesus and I do
Mastery of the Soul, Creational GROWTH - - why mastery is a long-game journey - - and why none can fake, or pretend or copy such - the vibrations and quantum depth is unimaginable and none would could stand and say any one thing and then expand infinitely based on the threads of consciousness you have earned -- it is all about your working, in alignment with and stretching with SOURCE - GOD - -that is your earning - and why those that refuse to heal, lead by fear, control, domination - will never 'get it' they will simply feel threatened what they do not get because they are disconnected - they chose - -
I simply offer what I know - - and unfortunately. = - many fake, false, copycats - harvesters that refuse to align with their souls blueprint - like to take, copy, shut down the truth tellers and the ones that have done the hard work and been aligned - due to their wounding - which I also teach how to heal - - they missed the boat and simply want to take, steal, call the work of others theirs - - so why GOD had to intervene and is now dishing out karmic balance and judgment and returning what has always been mine to receive
I have many temple codes that are running very divine and honouring light, energy and wisdoms of my lifetimes in Egypt and in time God will produce my lifetimes there and in the here and now - I will simply as I state in all of my videos - -'soul healing, understanding the psyche healing, you pick up where you left off' and why those that run their people and land on fear based control programming, domination, they fear what they do not know --- - they fear humanity waking up into infinite potential of our souls - -
There is nothing to fear - is it not what you want for the alignment of source into oneness - when you heal - - you choose peace over lower vibrations -- the fear based control freaks do not get this -- they are dark and are not healed - -they simply feel 'threatened' by what they cannot 'handle or control'
That is where their consciousness is at -- higher intelligence is not violent - - we are wise - why I was the only one that passed the evolutionary tests placed me in the same categories and same testing, simulations, as the world leaders - - I was tested like no other human - I have an unblemished record and the only compass I care about is SOURCE - and my legions - my soul
WHEN YOU HEAL - you will simply not choose violence or 'acting out' in defence - you get why how others operate in their fear and simply do not engage and do not get in the ring -- that is mastery - - #MKUltra, and #projectStargate type of taunting, sabotaging, illuminating all human rights, emotional and financial stability and the depths, array of testing, attacking - was beyond gross negligence and why all will be fitting in the equal return --
You can always use your shadow and earned magician-ship as directed only by the divine - and is only done so when all avenues as we all see God plucking now- those that refuse to stop attacking, abusing my light, life, work, and energy as have been told, shown and given nothing but grace to alter course - there is not room for such gross behaviour to the divine and all were given ample kit gloves - - -that is GODS will to ensure we continue moving and honouring divine growth
Here is my channel for the day on the 'Office of the Christ' ~ Liturgies of Light - 31-01-2025
'I am the seed of the office of the Christ. Crystalline intentions of the Mother & Father devoting to our unique souls creative calling and such will unveil equal gifts, skills, talents, of such explorations, expression, and experiences you can now bring into the now for higher co-creations.
The office of the Christ is the unity of ALL CREATION and embarking infinitely to 3E's for the new discovery of what your soul has not considered or imagined, however Source knowing all aspects of you, your ache of purity within and the divine highest soul blueprint and breath of wish from the divine through you - is all possible and what the Office of the Christ is all about -- the wisdoms of soul 3Es of the Source creator through all Creation
- and why - there truly is no end, no imagining what any one attribute of a souls mastery - - ie; patience - - the higher realms attribute of angelic and soul mastery of being living in patience - -they spend all their 'time' if you will learning, growing, honouring, valuing, diving deep within patience at every dimensional level - - and thus teaching, offering - lifetimes in this one attribute - - - not an attribute I prefer and am constantly wrestling with - - as a high functioning, conduit, seer, and 'doer' - - -but 100% necessary in such planetary shifts, human and galactic leadership and higher realm readiness that GOD is always preparing me for - -
I have many conversations with my teams 'testing' and they are usually always correct and honouring of all my expressions and offerings from my perspective and collective perspectives and why we are such a great team
- I do fight and honour the treasure of being on the soil and will often provide much to the higher councils they simply are learning as I go - - why the Creator is 'offering me much to make right' on the oftentimes steps that we are all learning as we go - and were of detriment to me and could have been done in alternate ways - -we are all learning and the heavens are learning through all of us - -the key is to learn, and honour and live by a higher set of standards, universal law and spiritual laws and all in creation will support you if you feel strongly in your monthly 'karma board meetings' wiht your teams, and your soul - why I know where I stand on every step of my journey with Source - and my teams - - they tell me and I ask, seek, and Embody all that I can to be a better teacher, leader and help humanity release such out-weighted notions of the process of your souls growth and evolution --
You are here to stand up and be a divine sovereign and unique soul - -GOD is not a bully to have you bow to any one thing but be open and embrace all infinite potentials and in a balanced CO-CREATION you are able to all expand creation - - respect, honour, and valuing all aspects of what you are not seeing, knowing that GOD is - -
GOD knows how many will awaken on a planet of billions and who is next to receive an inspiration from a download I post and the codes were taken, and integrated - -they awaken to new levels of being ness and God know who and how to place what before you and I trust and surrender and live in this equal co-creative flow -- - not to give your power away and see creation only one way --
As God showed me last week - in the spiritual realms and the battles that souls, spirits are having for their place in these very important shifts and to take place on a helm that they worked, earned, and fought for VERY MUCH IS A THING
Our souls journey is what we truly fight for -- why I will not sit down - - I have earned my ranking and for all DF and higher vibrating children - I will simply not leave here until my mission is 200% complete
~~~ when Source, showed me the beings battling for the place next to me - - I can see some things but Source, my teams will veil what is not important for me to take on as I often carry too much as it is and slows down my progress -- but GOD did have the beings from various tribes galactically FIGHT for their place in this ascension planetary shifts and any place next to me -
GOD knows obviously all that I serve in the evolutionary light programs and which soul, man, defined being of its souls records and journey, and what is most 3E for them and how it will serve the overall greater journey in the divine GODS plan - there were many pleading older regimes that wanted back into my energy and life, journey and timelines - they knew the devastation of being ultimately cut off and for a universal cycle - the detriment was utter banishment - - there was simply far too many warnings, damages and losses, suffering, and thefts to the greater good - and such tribes are shifted out and escorted into the lower realms with the lower realms rules and restrictions - -
There were also new tribes from the multi-verse that I serve wanting to be a part of the tribe of my journey
- I will go into more of the expansiveness of what I mean here - in my next video - it is vast and not explainable in my post - - there are many beings that want to - even in the higher realms -- want to be a part of the SHOW OF THE MILLENIA and they want within their councils of growth, light evolution want to assist and clear their linages karma and devastation of planetary wars - Orion, Maldek, and so on
- that choose to assist in bringing up earthly soul connections into their councils of re-integration - part in part within the DNA allocation, hybridization, and how culturally diverse and dynamic new earth star will be - -there are infinite beings so very excited to be a part of this profound never before and never again experience of planetary ascension and why the ether battles and spiritual - domination games on the physical
In short - there were a few tribes of energies - DM - that chose to put their sword into the ring and battle for my heart, hand, in this next phase and shift - -for the divine grander plan - and why the father showed me the many reasons why the FATHER will allow such
- - the making of GODs is a real thing - and it is multidimensional and healing, transcending, and fighting for what is right, what is your truest souls calling in excitement, and even in love and joy to be a part of - - there is a quantum and magnetic experience that goes into the melting pot of what the FATHERS plan is and why the most passionate of hearts and the most perseverant of souls will remain standing - - why I said - the most rewards of your soul will be in the long game -
There was a 'stop fighting' energy from me in my exhaustion from having made it this far and with so many losses and damages - and the Father simply ' I am the maker of Gods and I will assure any I offer my daughter to will protect you as I will ' - - - he said - fight for your heart and protection of it - I will be assured and he will go through much testing and honouring for there are many many dimensions, tribes, and legions, and expansion of light and carrying of such a torch in a souls contract is taken with great grace, honour, nobility and what there is simply no 3D role model any can think of - -
why I bring forth what I do - we must reset, and rewrite all that we are and it is done in higher order
Truth and valour is within and no outer thing will tell you or measure you - it is between you and GOD and what is your journey to carve such a way that has never been done and we are all exploring the unchartered and it is not for the faint of heart
- - universal laws, spiritual laws, and our collective - the sacred trinity and how we are all serving GAIA and our futures - -- there will be great books written of this 'changing of the guards' and the divine fathers plan being seen, felt, and known by all - -all know what is occurring at a soul level right now on earth - it must - -the corruption would lead to our extinction and the father will simply not allow this
The Father knows the battles I had survived - -there must be a vibrational equal of such light warriors -
-- and why I have offered in many of my respectful ascension videos over the many years - - you should be having 'karma board discussions' with your higher self and teams monthly - - as your souls divine soul blueprint is an ever - changing documents and all have free will - one that chooses at the last minute to take a darker detour and learn more about the darkness - as many of our children do as coming into a dense place being higher vibrational - they will place themselves to learn and grow even if it may seem tragic - -
THERE IS MORE for us to learn and how sacred this journey is and the more masterful you are - the more out of place fear programs, domination, bullying and targeting is seen, known, felt, and how to navigate away and create anew - -
There will always be new fragments of creation that you are offered in the equal return within and healing of your own soul - -
Go forth and create -- can you live as a child once again and see, feel, the excitement in all life that Source offers in every new day - we are shifting and oftentimes do not even know but by the subtleties no longer present before you - will you know you have shifted - there will be a new feeling, sensation, thought, inspiration, higher writing, higher knowing, more peaceful and a new love standing before you - the shifts are subtle and the more attuned, the more you will see the co-relation as I spoke of in my book I that you are co-creating it all with SOURCE
You will always be loved, supported, and offered equal measure - this is the FATHERS promise of you for you
Always there will be quantum equal measure - and why science will be proven that our consciousness is 100% affecting matter, science and quantum mechanics in every way - - HOW COULD IT NOT - the intelligence is SOURCE - -
and so - - in this offering today - - know the higher order will always offer you expanded perspectives to see, know, explore, express, and experience creation - that is your birthright and when you are aligned, and tapped in with Mother and Father - you will be shown how divinely loved, honoured, valued, and sacred you and what no words are able to explain - HOW IMPORTANT you are to the creational journey and why NONE ON THIS PLANET can CONTROL, dictate, or say who belongs and who does not - that is the lowest of all consciousness and none can dictate what is to be seen, given love, or lifted - - None play GOD
GOD knows what GOD is doing -- perhaps we all heal and become higher knowing and being - -
Unity consciousness is our destiny
Be at peace -- - -this is the show of the millennia and no 3D nothing will override the Fathers plan
Heal your separations of DF - DM beliefs and unify - - all are one, one are all -Exclude none - SOURCE IS ALL - navigate with greater mastery - it is your journey and none have say over IT
Blessings and light
I am Celeste
The Galactic Princess
*********************************************** 90min sessions $250USD
*********************************************** 4x45min sessions $550USD
The galactic princess I am sacred My jurisdiction is the heavens God will bring down what is required until we wake up
So very exciting I personally am excited to work with many that Spirit has shown me and already vetted for me ~ Thank you systems of light and the federations of light ~ All the beings and ancestors and the holy Mother and Holy Father ✨💕🙏✨🙏 Book your session or donate and let’s connect for 5D miracles ✨✨✨90min $250usd ✨✨✨4x45min $550usd We are stepping into infinite love and genius of creative diversity Arise Claim your authentic soul story The universe is lovingly helping, guiding, and watching 👽💋♾️💫 #ascension Blessings and light Celeste - -- I will meet with NONE Dirty deeds will not be missed All any have to do is healThe care and tender touch ‘What the fuck was that?’ They say they care While they watch the neighbour Caress my hair You never took care of me You had it not to give I forgave you anyway And I forever live in the repair of The dead Abusive ‘lovers’ that say they care You kept the silence Of men’s dirty deeds You claimed their loyalty over a child in Need Sold and told All have their ways The lies that raped the sweet soul of me I built a home just for me It burned down in the lies & selfish deeds They took the sweet pure and true It’s a game of vampires & Wolverines too
Wiser now I live alone, Small and humble My heart is the door of all that’s pure The seed of new I break the dawn ‘Care for me?’ I speak truth - they all run Let it break Let it fall Crashing homes Weren’t homes at all Built on lies deeds of dirt And chants of death I built a home just for me Seeding my garden & Love I believe I understand the game now Walking wounded Seek to take and rape Pivot anew They will never forsake Another ounce of the sweetness The heavens made Sweetly of eons of treasured memories Resilience and strength I need none I know that now Wiser in my soul My home is within I may not have much At least none will touch The sweetness of the heavens I reclaimed this much I remember what you said ‘Don’t be silly~ go outside & play’ Brushed off the torment Like a drive-by in prey
And so the layers and slashes still bare As if I mattered As if you cared Nothing but a spell or sacrifice A touch and a secret Dreams turned cold will i be sold The sweetness of the heavens I reclaimed my gold What you give is what you get I’m stronger now Wiser now You will never set A price or story for me I’d rather be alone Than your prey And no home I call my own I’m happy to be Simply With me & Honour of me
I walk with spirit & The lightships that guide me Never knew an honest man Nor one that didn’t bruise me I suppose the game is done & Battles complete Ain’t nothing left at my feet Broken bones Broken homes Ache for more And a minute on stage As they sell their souls To the sick parade I get this game It’s simply not mine I’m out and she’s gone
Like a breath divine They will never know The grace and heavenly Sweet magic that touchéd An earth in need And such is such I’m tired this relentless fight Tired of giving with no end in sight Gods moving me The tears of the heavens They can’t believe damage done A torn sweet soul of the sun Tired of dreaming and wishing Hopes unfulfilled I’m done and she’s gone Their thrill is to kill I am sacred I am pure I am priceless beyond measure None will truly know this divine treasure
I will never fight for you Come or go Soften sweet soul The choice is your choice Bow and humble Begin again Homes all crashing Blood and stains Then what? Still fighting to be seen By those meant to go When will you get it I will not fight for the blessing I am owed I will not fight for the love I deserve The universe will match Or I move on In a breath and then I’m gone I will never fight for what’s meant to go Measure up Only to god within The only home I belong in The taste of my well Brings song to your soul Your life is luck And health your troll What more do you have to be shown You have increased ten fold By musing in my light You are clear You are receiving And still you project deflect Question and spit negative plight
I will not fight for you I am the weaver of all heavens Homes break in their misdeeds Lies and crushing self wounds I cannot & will never Mislead It’s your choice I will not plead And in a breath I am gone Never fight for what doesn’t belong Never fight for what’s never fair Never fight for a being so broken They leave you slashed and bare Pivot move on Seed anew Build anew The only home you knew Your home was not a home It’s a place I slept The demons touched And evil that crept I will build a home on my own One just for me None will ever rape What’s inside of me I will not fight Go your way Do your healing Or spit in spite I simply Don’t care I will never fight for any to love me That’s just what’s right
I am the one that showed you Self love is the only home You cannot break You cannot touch You cannot rape All that self love builds I wish you well Forgiveness and peace You left your scars and I’m still standing at least This is my Home Invite only It’s sacred and pure Where all good things grow Stronger now Of that I’m sure I never needed any I’ve been shown the way I never fit where I was never meant to stay I am free I am priceless So be the home love made No games No dirty deeds No lies No shade Self love The home that love can be They say the care And leave you bloodied and bare It was never a home Just a place I slept Tormented by veils the selfish set My home is me now And none will stain The gentle golden hue I became
No over giving Or fighting you to stay Leave me be I’m better this way No schemes I play the long game Stay beautiful and pure Rules are simple Rules are true Never fight for what’s meant to go Let it burn It was never you 🏠 So be the coming down It must fall Purge Cleanse Wave good bye of those that chose To stay wounded I am that I am Celeste Copyright I am the galactic princess My home My heart My soul My song
Your creational story is far grander than any obstacle or block ~ remember this So keep getting up No matter what - keep getting up I am that I am Celeste ✨✨✨✨🌀🌀🌀🌀✨✨✨✨🛸🛸
Sessions 90min $250usd Sessions 4x45min $550usd So be it I am that I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Copyright ©️ You cannot hold be offer what you are not the vibration of