Claiming your own power, claiming your own truth, claiming your light, and your inner joy is key at certain phases of new growth, new cycles of offering. This claiming vibration is one of self-knowing, self-honouring, and your worthiness to live in this presence of knowing with Source Creator. How may we release and re-pattern our worthiness of joy, of Divine love, and of the light that we were born as?
Our society, our social imprints we are each here to transcend and release presents us with images, beliefs, notions that allow us to think, and feel that we are in need of the approval, the permission, the less than perfect ideologies that we are birthing from new levels of consciousness. As old systems of limitation fall away and deconstruct, we begin to see new communities, new beginnings, new social circles that are resonant within 'care for the all,' and 'service to the all,' and claiming this right to live, honour, and love as our unique hearts and joys will guide us.
There is a Divine and loving undercurrent and our inner knowing, inner trust of this upheaval and release, will allow for the new to burst through the soils and offer new colours, new scents, new dynamic ways of living sacredly, behaving in Oneness and kindness and care for the all. This is the new consciousness that is being re-birthed through each of us in Divine timing, Divine accord, and in each moment we claim higher values and honouring within ourselves and releasing the social norms and patterns of 3D fear and limitation.
There is a Divine and loving undercurrent and our inner knowing, inner trust of this upheaval and release, will allow for the new to burst through the soils and offer new colours, new scents, new dynamic ways of living sacredly, behaving in Oneness and kindness and care for the all. This is the new consciousness that is being re-birthed through each of us in Divine timing, Divine accord, and in each moment we claim higher values and honouring within ourselves and releasing the social norms and patterns of 3D fear and limitation.
One must activate, initiate, and invoke the energy to be amplified in this new known truth. There are infinite cycles and spirals within the many Heavens, and the Majesties of the Heavens, and is what the masters meant when this was offered.
It is our own pure intent, our own pure desire that works as the catalyst to new cycles and offerings from the Heavens and what will always remain available for our inner seeking, our inner knowing, our inner desire to explore and express within it.
This is how much we are loved.
For it is our intimate journey with Source that is being nourished and offered now;
How may we release outdated limitations, or ideals of such a unique and intimate path of own Oneness; of our own reunion with the ALL.
For it is our intimate journey with Source that is being nourished and offered now;
How may we release outdated limitations, or ideals of such a unique and intimate path of own Oneness; of our own reunion with the ALL.
Every moment we are in Oneness with Source.
Every moment we are in Oneness with Creation.
How may we invite this in and play within it?
How may we honour and own this, claim this, and hold this vibration to maintain and sustain our resonance of pure Oneness that upholds to new reality experiences?
Every moment we are in Oneness with Creation.
How may we invite this in and play within it?
How may we honour and own this, claim this, and hold this vibration to maintain and sustain our resonance of pure Oneness that upholds to new reality experiences?
Each moment allows us to maintain, sustain new frequencies of our own excitement of exploration with Source. New, New and New.
'I claim my innate Oneness with Source Creator, and I joyfully walk forth in celebration and sustenance of the Heavenly love offered in all moments; I am open, I allow, I surrender all limitation and fear, and I knowingly receive my perfection as Source offers this uniquely for me and my unified path of service and exploration.
I claim the light and love that I AM.
I claim peace, health, wellness, balance, harmony, and abundance now.
I claim my most Divine dreams and wishes as possible, as culminating for me now.
I claim my new beliefs and perspectives that align with the infinite.
I open my heart, my Divine mind, and my soul to new beginnings that are creative, loving, and joyful.
I CLAIM My Light-filled path with Source now.
And so it is.'
You are the dream of Source coming to life.
You are the majesty of the Heavens creating anew.
You are the love blessed forth into new paradigms to shift anew into love, joy, and creative bliss.
You are the majesty of the Heavens creating anew.
You are the love blessed forth into new paradigms to shift anew into love, joy, and creative bliss.
And so it is.
Blessings for the new and embracing of pure love in Oneness,
Blessings for the new and embracing of pure love in Oneness,
Join us every FRIDAY for our FREE weekly Divine Song Global Meditation as we anchor and create new light, new love, new Oneness of tonal joy, expanding what we know to be true about all that we are, all that we exist within, and what exists within us each.
Every Friday 9:00am MST
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Topic: Divine Sacred Song ~ Human~Universal Meditation
Time: Mar 29, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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