Monday, 1 April 2019

Divine Journey of the Soul ~ Your Divine Remembrance

Greetings dear lighted ones, and Happy April 1!
Spring is Springing!

While sitting at my lightship, Universal family window this morning, in my own personal sacred offerings; from the left side of the sky, a beautiful orange fireball danced across the sky at speeds of sonic joy.
It has been quite a while since I have seen a lightship dance in this way; and an offering of celebration for the recent shifts and releases I have gone through. 
I was sent into a joyful memory of celebration and Oneness and remembrance of the deep love, reverence, and honour I hold, I am, for this work. I am honouring my place, my work, my life within this Divine offering, and this is new for me. 

A necessary step and deeper held within self-acceptance and appreciation, for we are stepping within the union and remembrance of knowing, living, and offering ourselves as Source embodiment, and we must recognize ourselves within all moments; majesty and the courage to walk and love it all.
Truly profound.
Ode to My Universal Family
Lightships, oh lightships, 
Family oh family, 
My heart yearns, my heart aches, 
In remembrance, in love, 
I walk here, 
I walk with you,
I am the light bringing forth anew,
Thank you for your shining presence, 
The healing dream-time, and the dances in my sky;
Deepest love and Oneness,
Until we meet again,
Thank You.
In loving joy of our Oneness,
Trust in the Divine timing of your unfolding.
There are times for clearing, healing, acceptance, integration, opening within anew, honouring the peace of this new soul level and the excitement to explore and grow again. 

The Journey of the Divine Soul
This is the journey of the soul.
This is the expansion and reunion of the All that you are as LOVE.
Pure, expansive, Divine, Holy, blessed, paradoxical, honouring, and held with the wisdom and depth that is the elegance of Source.
All things blessed, in Divine timing.
All healings graced, in Divine timing.
How may you open your heart, open your soul to the genius that you are navigating to new heights of your own Divine remembrance.

You are Heavenly and a master so vast,
Your soul is the essence through which you are reunifying with, the ALL that is Source.
Trust dear ones, trust.
You are held within the heart of God.
That is who you are.
For those that so desire, here is our latest podcast about the value, importance, and Divine healing potential that is held in the fields of grace, the now, for all children. 
Join us weekly for our global free light activations, meditations, and unity consciousness anchoring and weekly podcasts with Soundcloud on ascension, higher dimensional living, healing, and activating the sacred life with Creation. 

Holding you, so dearly, so purely in the knowing you are the destiny, you are the love, you are the peace, you are the elegance that is.....Source.
And so it is,
Blessings and graceful unfolding,
 Spring Forth Celebration Event
April 25th
Join us for this special sacred land event and celebration.
The Anchoring the Universal Human

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