Greetings Dear lighted ones,
In such times of dynamic shifting, and it will continue and it will accelerate, it is vitally important that we honour the little ones on this journey. As most of our world is now being offered the intensities of pure and more rarified love-light, there will be more and more awakening, and with so many are still asleep and simply won't understand the basic daily practices and care tips for balance and harmony that perhaps we can begin to perceive our reality anew and thus call forth the heightened sacred practices that can allow spirit to flow with us in all ways in our ever-shifting multi-dimensional experiences.
I have been having recurring dreams to prompt my own inner reminders and care with my children that my Higher Self and teams often bless me with, so again, pay attention to your dreams, for you are becoming more and more liquid within the malleability of our consciousness states and there will be much wisdom criss-crossing for you to take heed within.
Oftentimes these dreams are ushering me into perceiving my new reality in higher more expansive ways. The earlier that we allow our children to know how truly powerful and empowered they are to begin to play, nourish, honour, and work within their unique multi-dimensional dynamic wholeness, the greater alignment they will seamlessly move within and co-create within. At the earliest of ages, we as parents can begin to offer the empowerment of owning, claiming their light, multi-dimensional bodies, and even have them practice how to easily stand in their light, honour it, clear it, and maintain it as their whole God self and in this light of perceiving ourselves anew, the children become openly and vastly aware of why they feel and experience what they do; therefore garnering their inner guidance and help systems to navigate beyond and through any struggle they may have.
Oftentimes these dreams are ushering me into perceiving my new reality in higher more expansive ways. The earlier that we allow our children to know how truly powerful and empowered they are to begin to play, nourish, honour, and work within their unique multi-dimensional dynamic wholeness, the greater alignment they will seamlessly move within and co-create within. At the earliest of ages, we as parents can begin to offer the empowerment of owning, claiming their light, multi-dimensional bodies, and even have them practice how to easily stand in their light, honour it, clear it, and maintain it as their whole God self and in this light of perceiving ourselves anew, the children become openly and vastly aware of why they feel and experience what they do; therefore garnering their inner guidance and help systems to navigate beyond and through any struggle they may have.
My dream and meditation times have offered me weekly tips of everyday living wisdoms that can soften and smooth the intensities that our children are feeling and yet rarely do we bring forth this consciousness and new story to them. It is key that we begin in our homes; now, daily, to speak of the 'new' ascension as 'now' and that we are already enlightened, and to live in the 'now' as much as possible will help ground and anchor their tiny bodies holding such big energies.
Tips for Our Ascending Children
I have written before about how we have defined, categorized, and even labelled our collective of children in various types, styles, and behaviours, and although that was a normal practice of 'old world' ways, it no longer serves in our unity and Oneness consciousness. We labelled children in ways that they behaved, with little awareness of their DNA and energy soul blueprint that they came in with to explore and experience.
We are now awakened and know that each and every human comes with a unique and Divinely designed soulful blueprint with cosmic, earthly, and Universal DNA to activate, explore, and expand within their journey with Source, with Creation. This DNA is both crystalline and carbon; the helix that encompasses our vastness, experiences, God essence, wisdoms, intelligences, star recognition, patterns, and themes of exploration unique to us each and how this will serve the greater souls and collective, Universal plan within the All. As we as parents move through our DNA upgrades, so too will our children shortly thereafter move through theirs; Divinely sewn and threading together in this collective uprising and upliftment.
Carbon DNA is the more physical material essence of their DNA, and crystalline is the more star-crystalline essence of their DNA. More and more children from here henceforth will be born with more and more galactic and star DNA, for this is simply within the higher Divine plans for evolution and expansion. How are we helping prepare our fields of play for the potential of such highly intuitive and gifted children so that they are openly offered wisdoms, intelligence, sacred play, sacred inner knowing of the expansiveness only found within?
We will offer ongoing reminders, tips, hints, and daily loving practice aligned within Sacred Love, that can be helpful for those finding themselves tuning into the imbalances within the home, within their families. These obviously are not the only ways in which Divine balance, wellness, and nurturing of the Universal multi-dimensional bodies that is available, and one can simply begin to create sacred time each day to intend to 'tune in for family balance and wellness' to begin such downloads and offerings.
There is need for a new level of awareness and open dialogue for what we have before us and what we see our children trying to courageously to navigate through. How may we being to offer loving and open dialogue in the home about their multi-dimensional bodies; multi-dimensional feelings, sensing, and intuiting? How may we have them 'tune-in' to trusting their innate bodies, and the Divine communication and wisdoms held therein, and how this is a role they will own, claim and play to listen, honour, and activate within themselves, their innate gifts, their innate inner balance and wellness to bring forth a new level of human value, human potential, and human-universal belonging as was always intended. For this is our birthright.
Community Leadership to Begin
Children are now sensing change in very profound ways and are coping, managing as best they can with what they have, with how they are supported, and what tools and awakenings we offer for them to step forth to explore within. Children with a higher percentage of crystalline DNA, will feel and be aware of the energies collectively; within the home collective and within the global collective at higher sensitivities than those with a higher carbon percentage. We each come with this unique design within us, and it is our own responsibility to ignite, explore, seek, experience, express this journey in our own unique ways; however we must begin to perceive that we are already ascended, and this new reality right now is needing of our new leadership within ourselves, our homes, our communities so that our children can know we are NEW, and we are here to live in a new enlightened and awakened way.
How may we honour our own plans; bodies, wellness, and live as the examples, and in this, open the platforms for our children? Honouring the soul, the spirit, the bodies, and how we each add uniquely to the whole, and what plans, excitements, and ideas can our children begin to tap into and explore for their own sharing? We all have our own unique plan, theme, blueprint to walk and to walk it within grace, wellness, balance will be key for the parents, guides, ambassadors and other community leaders to bring to the forefront for this Divine and earthly-universal transition we sense within the earth ushering us to begin.
The Profundity of Grounding
Crystalline children are generally very sensitive to change; it can be sensed within the collective, the grids, and within the home. They can know a shift, a movement, an experience is on its way and they begin to internalize the stressors of this 'unknown' in many ways that can be seen outwardly as their struggles and inabilities to cope. Why there have been an uprising in the imbalances we have socially defined as mental-emotional imbalances, illnesses, and a myriad of other diagnosis that still do not consider the grander movement at play, but how there is always an equal and opposite offering from the ALL for our healing and transcending of it. Gaia. Source. Love. Allowance.
There is such a profound healing power in the practice that we call 'grounding.' Many crystalline children, as we have written before, in their own movement about earth and the discomfort of experiencing the level of suppression and density they do, merely only walk within their daily lives only half present. Many crystalline children spend much of their time in their higher astral, semi-present states of awareness and why so many are labelled or perceived as lack of focus, daydreamers, or even autistic, and regardless of our social systems ways of defining, we can choose to step beyond and perhaps feel into the vastness that which they come within and begin to seek out new ways of behaving to match their vibrations, rather than having them slow down, or be placed within boxes to be defined within even greater limitation or gradation.
Grounding for Children
1.) Begin with breath; have the children take full body simple and easy, fun, and soothing breaths.2.) Have them imagine the sun coming into their breath, with warming, loving, allowing energies, calming and soothing their feelings, emotions, and physical bodies, washing away worry, or even visualize a soft loving rain of golden light showering upon them, and have them being into the visualization what they intuit for a clear, balanced, and grounding effect
3.) Have them think about our planet; sand, soil, grass, roots of a tree; I often play this game with my son and our play times at the beach; digging into the sand, feet going way deep, and feeling the nurturance that Gaia will provide, and have them feel the love that earth offers through their feet, flowing up their bodies, into their hearts and arms, and chest, and head, and up to the sun again, and then out flow of breath then going back into the ground.
4.) Doing this as a playful grounding offering will have them sense how they feel bringing their full awareness back into their body and to be and feel present, and if they are sensing times of discomfort, or pain, or confusion, then to talk and allow the waves of change to move through them as a cycle.
Grounding will help them stay present in their bodies, honouring themselves and the ride they have chosen. Helping them rediscover new techniques to guide their bodies and higher states into a now moment and again, direct positively the energies they are here to set free and co-create with. Proper and regular practice of grounding will also help elevate the presence they need as they run, play, and climb, to safely stay present and not playing only half present. Many children find themselves not fully engaged and present and oftentimes are considered clumsy, when really their bodies require greater Gaia shakti energy to remain present. Art, painting, singing, music, and animals are also more of the gifts they may come with a propensity to be guided to that allows them a sense of peace in expression and exploration.
We will get there; but we must open the gates of liberation within the homes first. Discussions can be as light and lofty as; 'our world is lovingly changing, so we can all prepare a lighter way for you, and there are many that are not ready for this, for it will be a loving, uniting way; how are you feeling about changes lately? Do you sense or see changes at school and / or with friends, and how do you feel, what do you think, or sense when you heard this, saw this, or experienced this?
Open dialogue, and open living is a brilliant start. Intention and prayer are powerful; and begin to set the vibrational tone. Create open and heart-felt, even selective times at which communication, communion, sacred gathering, sacred time, snuggle and talking time, ways for them to innately and unique express their feelings, their thoughts, and expressions in ways that safe and honouring for them; while offering the grander Universal Divine plan they are a part of. They can grasp images and intricacies; and it is how we present it that will be key to them remaining open and excited about what will unfold within and without in their world experience.
Divine Alignment Tips for Children, Families, the All
In my own experience, I have vastly noticed a difference in loving Divine alignment offerings, conversations, and healings when I use the above image lines of intentions before touching base with my own inner family. I am transitioning my own parenting skills, wisdoms, to new world Christic vibrations; not telling, or hovering, or managing in the way I use to think parenting was done; more often I feel myself masterfully guiding myself more deeply into loving trust, loving allowance, and loving offerings so that I encourage and empower them to walk their innate path in power, and intuitive knowing. I believe the more we live within an honouring vibration, we innately flow within Divine sacred living, trust, and this brings forth the highest vibration and field of potential for others.
Really letting go of what was, how we use to parent, and bring the best of what we have learned, gained, and experienced, and soften within the new of our higher mind and higher heart now activated within new Universal consciousness.
I have been given herbal wisdom, food potentials, creative musings, and home Feng Shui as only some of the advice my teams will offer, as I know my teams are in constant communion with their teams and higher selves.
Really letting go of what was, how we use to parent, and bring the best of what we have learned, gained, and experienced, and soften within the new of our higher mind and higher heart now activated within new Universal consciousness.
I have been given herbal wisdom, food potentials, creative musings, and home Feng Shui as only some of the advice my teams will offer, as I know my teams are in constant communion with their teams and higher selves.
Aligning within intention is the easiest and most pure way to align with spirit and allow for the most open, allowing, honest, and authentic healing potential to unfold. It doesn't have to be a uniquely designed experienced, but it may require that we set the intention, the field of potential for the highest and best, for the ALL so that we practice our way to walk and live within a sacred human-Divine Universal experience.
Even to impart ones own desired outcome, or desired ego intentions is not in the highest and best of the ALL; so it is key that we ground, centre and align with Source, align within higher resolve integrity and discernment and as we practice this, we can gain our own confidence and clarity. We truly are masterfully feeling into the appropriateness and integrity within all moments of this now Holy awakened earth and subtly sensing into each situation and moment will always guide you if done from the heart and with the 'highest and best and Greater Good,' as your serving grace.
Here are some quick tips to Divinely align within the Source potential for the highest and best unfolding as you feel into your collective families energy fields begin to heighten and flow in new ways.
Sacred Communion for the Every day
1.) Breathe, Ground, Center within the Heart beat of Gaia, breathing in Oneness with her crystalline heartbeat and soul essence - 3 breaths, soft, joyful, loving intent - about 5 seconds
2.) Call in your teams, the highest energies of love and light, place your hand upon your heart, Call in Source to live through you as you open new levels of sacred communion and Divine OPEN, NEUTRALITY and integrity; 1-2 breaths, - about 3 seconds (if you choose to set up a sacred space, as you are intuitively guided, this will take longer but can add a very special and loving dynamic for you and the child; sage, essential oils, flowers, alter space and so on)
3.) HOW TO HELP CLEAR YOUR CHILDS fields; Imagine your child standing before you; this is a remote version and can be done at any time, simply by visualizing them and saying their name; 1-3 times with loving pure honour. Call in their higher selves, angels of healing, their teams, for the assistance as they oversight and assist in their clearing, cleansing, and moving the energy in their multi-dimensional fields;
a.) As you feel into the presence of the teams before you; Ask in the appropriateness of this and feel an immediate 'yes or hesitation-no' so go within and feel into this before intending the Christ Consciousness shower of light;
b.) Call in the Angelics for healing, the Christ Consciousness, and the Higher Self for each child; invite the highest wisdom, energy, guidance for the benevolence of their Divine soul; know that only the most appropriate information will only come through; this is the Divine plan that will always be honoured through benevolent groups of service and that we will be continuing to work within in all energy work.
a.) As you feel into the presence of the teams before you; Ask in the appropriateness of this and feel an immediate 'yes or hesitation-no' so go within and feel into this before intending the Christ Consciousness shower of light;
b.) Call in the Angelics for healing, the Christ Consciousness, and the Higher Self for each child; invite the highest wisdom, energy, guidance for the benevolence of their Divine soul; know that only the most appropriate information will only come through; this is the Divine plan that will always be honoured through benevolent groups of service and that we will be continuing to work within in all energy work.
c.) As you feel the softening and acceptance from the teams 'yes' ~ using your hands as Divine Christic tools of light emanations; from the crown to the feet, use gentle movements like windshield washers clearing the fields of the aura field; from their core of the chest to about 8 ft out in diameter, visualize and ask the teams to assist in moving the shower of Christic Divine white light for the highest and best; In, Around, Through the sacred space.
d.) As you intend purity of love, compassion, and Christic white light, to their highest and best, through all fields; Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric, Magnetic and Multi-dimensional aspects of their now moment; you will feel the tingling and pulsations in the tiny light chakra's in your palms and finger tips live through you.
e.) You can recite a full field clearing like this for example; 'I offer the Divine White Christic light for the highest and best in clearing, cleansing all that can be replenished, nourished, and brought to the highest and best for my child; I shower Divine White Christic healing light through _____________(name of child)_____ physical field now.' Use your hands from top to wash across and around the physical body, down to their toes, visualizing in an open and receptive manner; as there may be blockage that you can see, sense, feel, as you remain in an open and neutral state; usually sensed in the abdominal area, where you have the teams intuitively help you in this area, and ask for guidance as/when this occurs.
f.) If the child is present, in agreement, and desiring to be an active part in their own healing and clearing; have them deepen their breaths so that the greater light can be absorbed and felt, and nourished. Breath deepens the ability for light to move within all spaces, molecules and areas of the multi-dimensional aspects; have the child playfully 'tune-in' to what they are feeling, sensing, seeing as their multi-dimensional bodies and senses also ignite.
g.) Have them come up with visualizations that honour their power to create within the clearing; they may intuitively be coming forth with ideas and sensing that will work for them, and we must allow them to also begin to trust their innate systems.
h.) As you move through each field; Physical, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, Magnetic ~ this can take about 15minutes; and can allow them to feel light, like a load of worry taken off their shoulders, and have them 'tune into' how they feel; their connection with the before-after, is very key to helping them own and take responsibility for their fields, their health and wellness, and feel the empowerment of doing so. Their connection with the invisible and the empowering can be very inspiring for children as they so often feel as if they are alone, and can begin to have conversations with their teams and higher selves; 'is there a blockage or an area of my bodies that need attention, what foods to I need now to feel better, what can I do to feel better, how can I feel confident...' and so on.
i.) Have them feel into; visualize, sense, honour, own the right to their perfection and cleared state of being, and that this is energy that they can intend to ground within sands and soils with their etheric cord to the heart beat with Gaia with 3 deep breaths; this completes their clearing and ground, and presence within a new heightened and cleared state of being and remind them to ask within, go within, feel within on how often, when, and create new tips and tools for them to work with on their own to guide their own inner path with the Divine.
When we do feel our children struggling and suffering, oftentimes we are alerted in our dreams and meditations, or the intuitive parental higher knowing; we are supported in calling in for help and benevolence to help anchor a new potential of light, Source love. Have them tune into the soft and loving language of Source, of their own inner teams and Gaia, and how playful and loving this is, and how even a smile, a little giggle, can shift them into a new vibration and having them become aware of this is a profound beginning of tuning into the fields of light and love always at play within and without. We are offering and empowering our children, through our own inner path, our inspirations of softening and compassion, to acknowledge, own, claim, and work within all the gifts and tools that we have to be the masters that we are. Reminding ourselves of our impact of joy and love in the infinite waves of potential that is Creation, that is Source.
d.) As you intend purity of love, compassion, and Christic white light, to their highest and best, through all fields; Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric, Magnetic and Multi-dimensional aspects of their now moment; you will feel the tingling and pulsations in the tiny light chakra's in your palms and finger tips live through you.
e.) You can recite a full field clearing like this for example; 'I offer the Divine White Christic light for the highest and best in clearing, cleansing all that can be replenished, nourished, and brought to the highest and best for my child; I shower Divine White Christic healing light through _____________(name of child)_____ physical field now.' Use your hands from top to wash across and around the physical body, down to their toes, visualizing in an open and receptive manner; as there may be blockage that you can see, sense, feel, as you remain in an open and neutral state; usually sensed in the abdominal area, where you have the teams intuitively help you in this area, and ask for guidance as/when this occurs.
f.) If the child is present, in agreement, and desiring to be an active part in their own healing and clearing; have them deepen their breaths so that the greater light can be absorbed and felt, and nourished. Breath deepens the ability for light to move within all spaces, molecules and areas of the multi-dimensional aspects; have the child playfully 'tune-in' to what they are feeling, sensing, seeing as their multi-dimensional bodies and senses also ignite.
g.) Have them come up with visualizations that honour their power to create within the clearing; they may intuitively be coming forth with ideas and sensing that will work for them, and we must allow them to also begin to trust their innate systems.
h.) As you move through each field; Physical, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, Magnetic ~ this can take about 15minutes; and can allow them to feel light, like a load of worry taken off their shoulders, and have them 'tune into' how they feel; their connection with the before-after, is very key to helping them own and take responsibility for their fields, their health and wellness, and feel the empowerment of doing so. Their connection with the invisible and the empowering can be very inspiring for children as they so often feel as if they are alone, and can begin to have conversations with their teams and higher selves; 'is there a blockage or an area of my bodies that need attention, what foods to I need now to feel better, what can I do to feel better, how can I feel confident...' and so on.
i.) Have them feel into; visualize, sense, honour, own the right to their perfection and cleared state of being, and that this is energy that they can intend to ground within sands and soils with their etheric cord to the heart beat with Gaia with 3 deep breaths; this completes their clearing and ground, and presence within a new heightened and cleared state of being and remind them to ask within, go within, feel within on how often, when, and create new tips and tools for them to work with on their own to guide their own inner path with the Divine.
When we do feel our children struggling and suffering, oftentimes we are alerted in our dreams and meditations, or the intuitive parental higher knowing; we are supported in calling in for help and benevolence to help anchor a new potential of light, Source love. Have them tune into the soft and loving language of Source, of their own inner teams and Gaia, and how playful and loving this is, and how even a smile, a little giggle, can shift them into a new vibration and having them become aware of this is a profound beginning of tuning into the fields of light and love always at play within and without. We are offering and empowering our children, through our own inner path, our inspirations of softening and compassion, to acknowledge, own, claim, and work within all the gifts and tools that we have to be the masters that we are. Reminding ourselves of our impact of joy and love in the infinite waves of potential that is Creation, that is Source.
I know that oftentimes, I hold space and offer compassion and I feel their teams working with them energetically; I will get a 'we are working on it' and to simply allow and honour with compassion and unconditional love; empower sacred play, empower sacred exploration, empower the gifts and God within, and open the unconditional faith and trust knowing that as you get use to working within the cycles and teams that we are all threaded within and working within.
We can hold and offer love, compassion, and higher knowing for their path with God, Source Creator, and belief in their power to navigate with grace; this alone is holding higher intellect platforms that we have ever been taught.
(Again, dependent upon their path; there may be times that you sense you will need to help more fluidly move and clear their fields, or help with a specific issue that is troubling them, so their teams will assist in flowing the information and wisdom necessary, and why it is important to respect, honour, and value their path by calling in their higher selves, knowing that you are there as a 'helpmate' and earthly guide to help with their transitions in their teams guidance, and the guidance you have called in.)
~~~ This may take a few minutes until you are use to tuning in to their teams, and there will be times in which their teams may indicate, 'they are working on this, give them time and space' and little if no information will be given; in such cases, we can merely hold space in loving allowance, acceptance, and understanding and allowing unconditional love and compassion to flow. Remember, we are not to walk the path, or make the path easier or different, but to merely honour the highest and best and accept all moments as perfect. We are the conduits of a new energy and this means the honouring of the perfection in all moments within allowance, acceptance, and unconditional love.
4.) Intend to offer a platform or open, free discussion, sacred communion, play, and togetherness; highest and best and recite the statement in the image above to prepare the heart and release all previous judgments, and releasing 'old world' ways of behaving. * 'I hold you in the most high, I honour your path with the Creator, I trust your path with the Creator, I trust you unconditionally, I accept you and love you unconditionally; and so it is.'
A simple process like this can allow you to feel into the natural and ever-flowing Source light that is now living through us that is ushering us to live in utter joy and Oneness of our abilities to transcend outdated limitations of fear, floundering, and not-knowing we had the help, the benevolence, the loving guidance that we do. We each have teams and guides assisting in all unfolding's; so how may we use, offer, swim, and dance within the benevolent wisdoms ushering us forth to new levels of loving sacred living?
One may even find the excitement in the setting of sacred space by creating a 'special night or special outing' with each child; as an initiation as was experienced in ancient tribal days in which Gaia, and special tools, and nature was used to usher in new cycles of growth, youthful and young adulthood; to present them with a new level of sacred unity and entanglement that the entire planet, collective, and Universe is threaded within to help guide them, honour them, and bless them as they walk in their light. The more that we allow our Divine minds, our Divine hearts, and all that we are as multi-dimensional beings to live in sacred unison within our daily experience, the more that we can surrender and allow Source to be our prevailing guiding light. We have not been accustomed to this however, and we have been trained, taught, and given the illusions and notions that all peace, and wellbeing exist outside of us, and we have been trained out of the simplicity and elegance, and beauty and love that IS only held within.
We will offer more on this in later articles for those that get excited about ringing in the 'new' within their homes and sacred living space.
Sacred Living and Soul-Harmonization
As you open within your daily unfolding with 'highest and best' intentions that begin and flow through the heart, you will feel the subtle shifts from 'thinking to lovingly allow' and after much practice, unconditional trust, unconditional love, and your mastery will begin to communicate in all facets of your life and you will feel your grander soul teams, YOU, helping you in every way navigate to much higher grounds of loving experience. This has been mentioned in our video's, audio, and is known as the soul-harmonization or the soul awakening and desiring your acknowledgement and love; when you take on the grander energies, after your lower personality ego releases, karmic clearing, and clearing the vibrational way for your own souls aspects to begin to merge and harmonize with you.
These transitions, and there are many, as you are very vast and wide, can be absolutely felt and synthesized with ease as you are aware and honouring of this Divine and sacred Universal harmonization of your reunification with Source.
Allowing them to play with the concept of 'energy' and have them tune-in to how they have created whatever is unfolding, and what this may have to do with their excitements, their worries, their gifts, and offer it with the underlying empowerment that they are POWERFUL and Divine beings for the steering and driving of their reality experience. There is much fear and worry within the social energies, collective energies, for so many are still asleep and simply fear the 'unknown' and our governments, our social structures will do its best to understand and keep social worry at bay, however they are simply not where the people will turn for answers. In general, most children already sense the unrest and so it may be us that brings a soft and loving peaceful, balanced breath to what can feel undeniable and fearful to reset the entire house to a new level of higher knowing and excited anticipation for the unknown.
Remember; how you perceive and go into any situation will define its unfolding, so what if you could set the intention of loving and infinite expansive potential; optimism, enthusiasm, and positive loving intent will set the fields for a new way of living and moving about your home. I believe in you, and so do the myriad of celestial and angelic teams at your beckon call to help, to soothe, and to honour the path of the ALL. Call upon them, for it is you in Divine decree to assist.
Each day there are infinite thought-forms that are collected within any one home; so regular tuning in and clearing or cleansing will be key until we shift through the collective releases and transitions. Know and keep the peace within; there is a truly Divine and elegant design to each and every soul, and how we each are offered the most miraculous plan of potential; trust.
Claim your light, claim your honour to live within it, and a peaceful sense of calm and higher knowing that ALL IS WELL will prevail. Peace is within, love is within, and you are enmeshed within infinite fields of potential to weave excitement and bliss within it all.
We ourselves have all experienced the varying degrees of sensitivities we awaken to and move through; our children are even more heightened, and we can simply and softly begin new sacred living to assist in this movement of higher intelligence, higher awareness, that they will gain greater access and master within their Allness; their DNA, their guides, their teams, and their innate knowing will guide them safely and Divinely in experiencing their fullest level of joy in uniquely being them. As we open, allow, begin and navigate these new Universal energies, we will feel very quickly, the ocean of love that we all swim within.
Perceive the Now as NEW - Because It Is
This 'new earth' energy and experience is very palpable, and it is lovely, and it is soft, and it is always elegant; for this is Source Creator as you embody the unconditional loving blessings always gifted from within. As we acknowledge and claim our 'new now' we deepen, they are open to deepening, although don't have to, and we sense the greater cycles and circles that we are all co-creating to better serve the grander plan of evolution and sacred play within the All.
Garner excitement, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy for this now moment, and open to allow; see how the gossamer threads of your vast soul will stream you inspirations, ideas, gifts, and blessings to anchor into this now. For remember, your guides, your soul, your teams, know and are enmeshed as well into the grander galactic, cosmic, Universal spheres of evolution and why they are assigned to you exactly when and how they are. You knew what you would need and from whom you knew would best serve you and as you sleep and meditate, you are forever in councils and meetings ever-adjusting the plan, the theme lessons and activations for the greater good of you and your souls earthly-Universal unfolding. Trust. You know what you are doing.
This new now moment is the new earth energy and we can perceive, if we so desire, this new earthly wisdom and communion Gaia offers through her nature, wildlife, and all creator groups within-without. Many will begin to feel the Elohim and nature groups move in and out of their meditations, sacred earthly play, to help awaken the wisdoms and gifts held herein; again, to bring forth and offer within the lush new collective consciousness templates that we are all co-creating and preparing as we do.
We can create fun, innocent, and sacred conversation in every day movement is key to bring forth the open and free platform of truly choosing to perceive all moments as 'new;' thus releasing the hold in this intentional choice. Thus this intention and heart-felt choice intrinsically helps in releasing much of the pressures, stressors, and wonderment all children hold within not even knowing how to express what they feel, think, or experience, and they may even be suppressing out of fear, worry, and concern for what is not apparent in their home, reality, to safe in bringing forth.
Children tend to react in ways that they believe will create greater 'safety' and they learn this at the earliest of ages from our society, and we are now, in this 'new' ascension embodiment, allowing them to be reminded of the 'safety' and unconditional love in this 'new' Universal earthly experience will offer them; they are fully supported and we can navigate such waters together in union, in commitment to the greater good, in commitment and discernment to the needs and honouring of cyclical shifts and multi-dimensional awakenings held in our potentials.
Simple Energies that Allow for Greater Flow & Alignment in Loving Balance
Any energetic experience that you desire to co-create is possible. Offer yourself the open, flow, allowance to this in any one inspired moment. Drop to your heart and ask yourself; 'What is the vibration of flow? What does flow and allowance feel like? What does unconditional allowance feel like and do I tense up when worries, or fears or everyday stressors arise?' How may I perceive the waves and cycles of life as movement into new; and open, trust, love, allow and what would this feel like?
Some really simple energies to muse and garner that help infuse open, allowing flow within the home, within the daily functioning and allowing of the home experience;
Some really simple energies to muse and garner that help infuse open, allowing flow within the home, within the daily functioning and allowing of the home experience;
1.) Muse, ponder, softly allow thought to arise from within a centred heart, with loving intention;
2.) Affirm ~ 'In the soft and loving cradle of Source Creator, my teams, our families teams, may I open my heart in loving flow of unconditional trust, honour, and allowance for the sacred spiritual experiences we all co-create. I call in the highest and most benevolent guidance to help with the daily unfolding's and that we may resolve in the most beautiful and soothing way for us all.'
3.) Perceive, intend, such vibrations of; joy, enthusiasm, miracles, better than you expected, Divine majesty, perfection, calm, soothing balance, harmony, partnership with Source - equal, balanced, calm, loving, unconditional. What does my own unique 'family joy' feel like, living sacredly within me, honouring of me, having optimism for me and my family, that the highest and best will unfold for the All, muse lovingly and softly - Source Alignment; upon the inner heart-felt knowing that 'ALL IS WELL' and all is held lovingly with Source and you will be guided, you will know through your intuitions and higher knowing what and how to shift to the new vibration of this higher 4th-5th dimensional vibration.
4.) Before you step foot out of bed, muse about the miracles that you will be a part of co-creating in equal flow with the Creator; in sacred communion and sacred talk with Source, offer and invite this as your daily potential. Ask for the fields of God Consciousness to become evident and present with you and how you can feel into the guidance and flow offered in all moments and commit to yourself to be softly present and allowing of this.
5.) Lovingly intend allowance, flow, and open your heart to the innate inner trust, the family balance, the family harmony, and honouring of the ALL that IS always available and it is only within our perceiving and opening to this vibration that we manifest and co-create it. You will begin to feel the subtle shifts in your home and how you can all be a part of the loving sacred shifts to how you may all cohesively allow and flow to a new level of human harmony and sacred living.
6.) Remember that ALL beings within your circles and cycles will be perceiving and experiencing this ascension from varying vibrational levels of awareness and experience; this is Divinely perfect and designed. We have offered the above to assist in the 'letting go' and releasing judgment that we often have as parents and healers that we must solve and fix everything, as opposed to simply shifting perspective, opening the innate flow of who we are all innately, and the innate energy within the home, the All, to help with moment-for-moment flow and blessings that we are all gifted.
7.) Ongoing Clearing & Vibrational Maintenance ~ Set the vibration daily with soft and loving intentions, vibrations, and song; each room carries the thought-forms and vibrations of all comings and goings of the ALL in the home; so it is keen to feel into the needs and energy needed for every room; there are great aura and room sprays you can purchase online; here is one of my favourite;
Feel into what feels in-tune with your home and aura's and all available to bring with you on your travels, with special crystals and travel essential oil sprays to help calm, ground, and cleanse the spaces you intend as sacred. 

I usually do not promote any products unless I use it, so with these intensities and many shifts, I use this spray when I wake up, before and after meditation, and before going to bed and with my children when they are feeling the need for an upliftment. As they move about their day, they are picking up thought forms and energy from every aspect of their environment; video games, TV, social settings, and simply walking about, so these are all considerations that are easily shifted within our perspective of heightened energies within-without. Singing, toning, using your hands to set new intentions and loving thought-forms of joy, happiness, harmony, and balance for familial love and healing can all be regular practices that you can play and feel into the shifts that can be felt.
At this stage and phase of human-Universal ascension is held within mastery within the heart; living, allowing, trusting, honouring, embracing, and tuning in at every level as we live fully and sacred from the heart. Allow for each person to be held lovingly and within honour of exactly where they are and how they are perceiving their own world and path. It is, they are God, and you are Divine blessed in this gift to entangle with God in this way, and how may this knowing enrich the ALL of this unique perfection?
The Setting of New Global Communities
Many of those already well on the path of awakening will feel pulses and urges to move, to gather, to commune in locations, in communities, and in areas of the world that simply come to you as you awake, or come out of meditation; I have been shown that we are transitioning into a new level of energy and those within their souls blueprints will begin to tap into strong urges and ushering to shift, to relocate, to begin quite synchronistically connecting and communing with those that they are soulfully entangled with. Some you may not even think you know, however the pulsing for change, the pulsing for healing, the pulsing of the Divine new earth energies will allow you all to converge in the most Divine and Heavenly ways, so trust what you are being offered and inspired to do.
Our hearts are the pulsation center that interweaves within the collective hearts and will see many magical synchronicities to these sacred magnetics bringing us together in varying ways, in dynamic timing, and Heavenly grace. So allow the inner urgings, promptings to be your guidance and heart compass. We will intrinsically create, through our hearts, new healing and higher learning communities, and may begin in the most unusual and fluidic ways.
We are held beyond space and time when and as we live within our hearts, meaning that; once you thought and perceive restrictions about where to move, how to move, what is available, the rules and governing limitations that held you from moving forth, are no longer within the resonance of the heart. We are living more and more within the frequencies and vibrations of crystalline Source love. The more that one garners this as an inner knowing, the more that you will innately feel the 'letting go' of 'old world' restrictions.
Letting Go of Your Perspective on 'Timelines'
Timelines are only our definitions of moments that follow one another. We define our experience by time, however time is illusory. Then, yesterday, tomorrow, all illusory and malleable. Now is. Now is. Now is. God is. Now is. You are. Now is. We are living within a field of the ALL; all vibrations and potentials are available, and if you perceive the infinite within now, then you will being to open your higher mind, heart felt excitement to living within this field of the ALL; the unknown and perceive the excitement held within it. You and Source innocently and excitedly playing as co-creators to explore and create and share; feel into this shift of letting go and release the restrictions that we limit through our definitions. We are at the very first page of a new book, blank pages, and we are able to write, create, and allow for new versions of our human-earthly-Universal experience to be whatever we so desire. We get to choose.
We are limited only by our beliefs and perspectives; open, let go, allow, trust, and know you are the living within your version of sacred ALLNESS and it can allow for any miracle, any unfolding that you are excited to allow to live through you in loving co-creative intent with Source. This is actively and creatively being a co-partner in this new version of reality. NEW, NOW, NEW, NOW, YOU, SOURCE, no restrictions. Time to hit the 'GO' button!
These global awakenings, soulful advancements, and new level experience of earthly-Universal life is the transition from 'old world' to 'new world' energy and why we have been writing and preparing those that so desire with the concepts and musings about 'sacred living' and 'understanding the multi-dimensional bodies' for the unveiling of these new Divine energies that will open within the hearts new codes of service, new codes of experience that we each will partake in within our own unique experiential way.
Follow the Ushering of the Soul
Living within Source alignment is always simple, soft, elegant, and flowing.
Do what you love,
and love what you do.
and love what you do.
Love will be your guiding vibration of ALL unfoldment. You vocation, your creativity, your healing gifts, and all else. There are Divine multi-dimensional designs that go far beyond what we have words for, and holding this inner trust and faith of your Oneness with Source will be felt the more you practice daily joy in sacred living. Honour you, trust yourself, and know there is an intricate plan of benevolence guiding us all.
You are here to explore, expand, experience, and express the Source that you are.
This will be innate, natural, organic, exciting, and as if you simply must do, be, allow the essence from within to dance and flow to and through the ALL.
This is the Love of All that IS living through you, for you are, we are, the ONE; LOVE, CREATION in motion, Divine, and eternal.
And so it is.
And so it is.
For those that want to explore sacred sound, sacred tones, light language and bring it to life through their essence and joy vessel of love.
Thank you and deepest gratitude to Jamie @ Awakening our Truth for the sharing and sacred offerings of articles and audio's for harmony, peace, and love and joy of who we are as Divine Christic beings of exploration.
Here is an audio from our Soundcloud account in video form;
Thank you Jamie Hendon
Thank you Jamie Hendon
How valuable and innate we are designed, empowered, and begin to create higher dimensional platforms and exploring such expansiveness with our children at the earliest of ages; so they feel the Oneness and unity, and power within to direct their energetic - physical - multi-dimensional worlds and realities of joy.
Our site community; we now have open and ready our Divine Sacred Community open and available for those that so desire to register for FREE and have access to all our ascension, family healing, and higher dimensional platform offerings. It is a simple and easy process, and only used within the site for future purchases and freebies you wish to be a part of. This community will grow to a healers, and sacred community offering that will allow all those that join the ability to network within the sacred community and share wisdoms, insights, news and other great sharing and offerings.
See our website for new weekly video's, audio's, and sacred land events that help ignite us within new consciousness templates, healings and activations supported Universally within so many councils, realms, and teams of assistance and benevolence.
Community Log-In here; * Share loving and sacred comments, network, and join the Oneness of this special and unique NOW earthly unfolding.
We are this profound and it is time to begin anew.
New human stories.
From a child, to a sage, we are the pavers of new consciousness fields of potential. How may we play? Offer forth in loving and sacred intent; love, peace, unity, joy, prayerful hearts of Oneness; and so it is.
Blessings and grace ~ SO EXCITED!
Blessings and grace ~ SO EXCITED!
Joanna L Ross
Jamie Hendon ~ Awakening our Truth
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