A Personal Story about Shungite
I was using my new iPad with my son last night watching one of his favourite 'Peppa Pig' shows; I do not have a Shungite sticker on this yet, and within minutes, I could feel the burning and energy friction within my body and field.
Like a profound irritation within only minutes.
Like a profound irritation within only minutes.
I then felt it in my hand as my two fingertips were holding the corner up for us to view, and the bottom sitting on my bed, next to my leg; this was profoundly alarming and evident.
I have selenite and shungite with me, next to me most times when I am on electronics, and so I took my 3lb shungite sphere and put it between the iPad and my body and instantly within about 30seconds, the buzz and irritation stopped.
I have been aware of my bodies being amplified over time and the inner work that I do, my awareness, and know how important it is that we 'tune in' to what our bodies are telling us, showing us. We can imagine how children feel when sitting for sometimes hours on devices and how this affects their fields and multi-dimensional bodies.
Balance and wellness is so key and know that we can have a beautiful balance with technology, it is meant for our evolutionary growth, and done in loving respect and honour with our bodies, our natural innate need for Gaia and the elements she carries will help us heal and set new boundaries that lift the human value and understanding we have for our dynamic bodies of light and love.
Thank you to these Divine ambassadors for our planet on bringing the depth and wisdom about shungite, 5G, and other energetic issues we are now stepping up into for the benevolence of our planet and future wellness for all humanity; Michael Henry Dunn and Maia Kyi'Ra Nartoomid and the many across the world that are now gathering to protest and proclaim the higher resolve, higher wisdom about who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us each and our birthright to claim health, wellness, and basic human disclosure when there are such known and adverse affects.
Placing 3 small pieces of shungite in the water that you bathe in, drink, and use, or filtering system can assist in re-organizing and patterning of anything that is misaligned as this natural element, and your intention of use, is the gift and blessings that can help restructuring to a more nature state of essence.
Smokey quartz, black obsidian, selenite, are also good crystals to have in rooms where traffic and energy disturbances are most possible.
There is much information and wisdom about shungite and its healing properties and how it can be used effectively around the home. Placing shungite in a small bowl in each of the kids rooms, stickers on the equipment, and even fridge or vehicles is also helping with how we are bombarded with electromagnetic variances that do affect our similitude and inner peace.
Grounding First ~ Kick Off the Day in Wellness & Balance
My teams have shared with me; suggest and allow the children to playfully and sacredly ground with the planet first, prior to electronic time, for older ones, before they go online, their phones or devices, feel into how you feel setting your own field first, ground, set intentions, set your own goals, and as you are grounded, aligned, and can really only be 15-30min., then go online.
I suggest and offer to my children to even sit in silence, gazing out their windows, daydream and set their intentions for their day, or merely just allow whatever to come to them; this connection to our planet is so very key in our moving forth in higher dimensional play and intellect alignment for higher dimensional wisdoms.
This will allow for the body and fields to reset and be in alignment and in tune with Gaia and the natural elements we need for balance and wellness. Expect your own perfect alignment and connect, entangle, and muse about how this feels; breathe, open your Divine sacred heart, and invite balance, invite peace, invite wellness, and inner calm to live through you. All That Is ~ is within you. For you to call It forth and begin being a part of your life; for entanglement, for creation, for play and manifestation.
Know more dear ones, and use the profundity of your inner wisdoms, your inner intelligence and higher knowing of what you and your bodies are calling for. As we each arise, we lift the consciousness and the entire value quotient of our species and generations to come.
WE are each here to sew new seeds of light, of potential, of loving grace, and live in balance as a new dynamic awakened earth; with technology, with loving grace of all that is life, and this begins within our desire to first claim and know we are worthy to bring our vast Akashic experience, healing gifts and tools, and our innate voice to live in this sacred balance, to be a part of this sacred unfolding.
I have gone through many dynamic waves of perspectives with my children growing up in this first generation of being always plugged in; and I have seen, felt, the shifts; in my experience, house and home inner balance begins within. The intention and inner knowing I set; 'I see and feel us moving through unconditional love and creating greater harmony and balance;' moving within a loving and open optimistic energy is far more allowing than 'throwing all electronics out the window.' In these dynamic energies and times of change; patience, compassion, and higher resolve are the path of Divine gate opening, and why the softened and loving heart will always prevail.
Know, see, and imagine peace and harmony, and being 'ok' for the allowance of these shifts to take place. Let go of the upset, or of the pushing something to happen; open, ask, know you are surrounded and with pure, soft, loving intent, a way will be made.
The Power of an Open, Loving & Optimistic Approach
When you open the playing field of love to live through you; anything is possible. Even daily struggles become less intrusive and frustrating. Open your heart and feel into the potential of Source to assist you in solving, your teams, your children's teams, are all holding space and within a blink of an eye, your intention, your loving grace, will bring the fields of quantum potential to you for new insights, new herbal remedies, or a playful nudge to get out and kick the ball around with your kids. Live optimistically in these changes times, and know there are high functioning God Consciousness fields and joys to help solve any problem and issue you have. You set the vibration for a miracle to unfold. You are the master here to ignite it, and in whatever way you need it.
Open, loving, caring, conversations about honouring the bodies, health, and wellness, and committing to engaging in 'family fun' again and getting outside can be a far more pleasing and joyful approach than setting a ton of limits that never work.
How may the playing field be opened in fair and aware use and sharing time together outside will open the door for those that feel daily battles occur when it comes to electronics. Bringing awareness and softly, compassionately guiding our children to their own wisdoms and intuitive gifts and connection with Gaia will be a new phase of this shifting new earth parenting perspectives. This new phase of new earth offering is all about 'letting go' and aligning in greater balance, compassion, and knowing that we can take the best of all that we have been, and begin anew. Together, in union, in alliance, and in harmony to truly open our hearts and play again as a family, a human family and ignite new Divine gardens of love; healing the heart of family, healing the heart of Creation; we are ONE.
Shungite, grounding, children's wellness, natural alignment with Gaia and how we are able to ask, know more, and tune in; https:// Healing properties & higher wisdom, resolve for balancing technology use & our ever shifting bodies.
I love my Shungite. I love Gaia. I love my bodies.
Thank you Source Creator;
Thank you Source Creator;
Blessings and Divine wellness,
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