Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Realignment - Only a few moments ~ Peace & Clarity Within

Just a few moments through out your day can work wonders in realigning the natural forces of Creation and harmonize this through the Source - Soul self awakening within.

We are the masters of how we experience our reality, and although there may be much that is falling away, much that will come forth for us to re-examine and re-center within value, integrity, and purity of love and honour of one another, honour of earth, we can do this in our moment-for-moment lives.

We have been working with our multi-dimensional bodies for years now and even for those newly awakened, one can entrain a higher vibrational manner of behaving and living in sacred union within the Heavens-upon earth; ones own temple of love-light. This takes only but a few moments, and heart-felt intention to activate the fields of consciousness and the God Consciousness that we all dance within. 

When the 'overwhelm' is evident; breath is the fastest way to slow and centre. Visualizations activate new synapse for new energy to flow into a new story; nature is always a great guide and tool for children at any age. 'How far do you think the roots of that tree go and do you think roots of other trees communicate together?' Allow the pondering of our threading and richness of Gaia anchor new energy of union and Oneness and enliven what seemed hectic or chaotic.

Empower the children to catch themselves shifting into new energy; 'I see you dancing and singing; can I play along?' How contagious joy and happiness are! We can play along and dance with them in their journey of exploring who they are as energy beings of great light.

Children and their profound imaginations are able to acutely visualize a new story within seconds and then guide their own energies into a more pleasing and self-serving potential if we open the field of play for them with creative questions, fun play, or Gaia time outside to have them 'tune-in' to what they are remembering within them and their connection within the ALL. 

Crystalline children, crystalline adults, oftentimes find it overwhelming to walk about with so many varying energies, and earthly releases of karmic residue; at home they appear fine and at peace, when they are out, they can seem agitated and closed. So it is key to open dialogue for 'true self-empowerment' and honour, own, and claim what can be their most profound set of tools to co-create and explore within. 

They are able to imagine and visualize their way to new reality experiences and know within them they are able to direct their energy, guide their amplifications, and sensitivities to their own greatest joys; not feel as if it is 'all too much' and run home to hide. I have felt this; and it can be an overwhelm to live within in balance if I am not maintaining and managing my bodies and fields.

We can take our power of being engaged at such an acute level and use this to live openly and with great passion and clarity in our own confidence and joy. It takes practice and commitment to live with new perspectives and value of the human Divine self and can begin to awaken within even the earliest of ages. Honouring the light and abilities one comes with, and know that these are gifts they will be able to hone, manage, explore, and expand within in their unique journey.

* Breathe; and offer Source light, life in - full body, activate the multi-dimensional bodies in harmony, Source feeds and nourishes in this exchange and communion
* Feel and intend your innate grounding and anchoring with Gaia's crystalline heart beat - she feeds and nourishes in this exchange of breath and communion
* Claim your light-love - Call in any-all light, love to your centre Divine Sacred Heart - all that you have given away, left behind, disempowered yourself within; intend for all of your light and true heart power to return within and through your Pillar of Light
* Harmonize and call in your Higher Self, Source, All that you are anchoring and aligning in purity of love, light, new NOW moment
* Affirm - 'Now is New. I AM centred and aligned in my pure intent to be, to seek, to know, to explore, to allow love; in all ways and live unconditionally in this. I release all that no longer serves, and let go of limitation and density with pure intent; through my Divine will and Source Creator support and guidance; I AM THAT I AM to live freely in my highest will of peace, harmony, and abundance of all Creation. And so it is.'

Life may swirl and push and pull, but we are mastering our ability to remain centred in our unique desires and wishes and uphold within our own hearts what is true, Divine, and sacred for us. Intentions and allowance of your own inner knowing is that 'living from the heart' that will always bring you to higher lighter ground.

And so it is,
Blessings and great joy,
~ You will be surprised at how little shifts can create the most profound changes in your reality experience. A few minutes of meditation, peace, highest and best for the ALL can add within the flow of Creator light for Gaia and our awakening humanity.

~ You are a profound light beam of joy and creative potential; be of good cheer and share your being ness of Divine human love.

And so it is.


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