Saturday, 20 April 2019

The Allowance of Co-Creation

For those that so desire;
The confusion of light-dark, letting go, and truly living in allowance from what we are all now sensing and re-living as timelines criss-cross, as the soul-self is offering up a myriad of choosings and healings for harmonizing in new Universal grids and potentials upon earth.

Our most valuable tools for creating now, letting go of timelines that and energies that calling you to arise and create anew. Neutrality and becoming the center point, the inner light of neutrality of the vesica-pisces; ALLOWANCE of your ALLNESS. Unconditional acceptance, unconditional love, unconditional inviting of the ALL to present itself as you and your choosing anew. This is Divine co-creation. You are the center; you, Source, the center, the One, the ALL.

Allow the ALL to be ALL that you ARE;
Release and let go of the judgments of good, bad, light, dark, and allow the Source of the ALL to be the center, you, the ALL; through a visualization of you being the center of the flower of life, (the embodiment of love and life) that is the center of co-creation, or the Metatron cube, of its fullness; and through your Divine Sacred Heart, allow this flower of life to move from your back through your heart with Divine Sacred breath opening to the Highest version of you for a new earthly co-creation. Allow Source Creator to invite you into a purity of LOVE that is you; the love that is the alchemy of all moments. As your wholeness opens into the field of the ALL, love and the purity of your intent to be your fullest presence with Source, and all you knew you were worthy of experiencing. Whether you know it now or not, the vibrational experience of your Divine and most loving potential is in your field to harmonize with. 

The most crystalline version of your human self, the liberated, joyful, loving, and allowing being that is purely aligned in unconditional trust of your own moment-for-moment co-creations. In loving trust, in loving understanding of you in your most ALL soul self-presence with Source and as this is embodied, your moment-for-moment excitements will match the new vibration of this expansive essence.

Intend with loving compassion the offering up of resistance, judgments, lack, fear, and allow your teams, the angels, your higher self to bring neutrality and alignment to all that is meant to.

This can be done daily for the ever-shifting from our perspective of ''all light'' creation, to neutrality as time-lines harmonize within the Source undercurrent holding the 'Greater Good' vibrations; (we often feel that living in ''all light'' old traditional enlightenment work, is and can create blocks and resistance to our natural emotional body releasing the pains of eons of Karmic energy to be harmonized within new fields of potential.

This takes us to deeper levels of 'unconditional trust' and your highest level of trust with Source threaded with you; 'do you trust that I AM with you?' ~ Source Creator.

Open, bring yourself within breath, intention, to a neutral state of being, open, offer all that is YOU to the field and invite your highest and best timeline to live through you; you will feel the ALL presented before you, visions, energy, numbers; vast array and the under current within you that is Source rising to live through you in new paradigms of potentials.

Healing and a lightening will be felt as other energies release in your allowance of, your acceptance of yourself being the ALL; a Divine co-creator to choose anew.
**** Allowance will always align you with your highest and best. Always **** Allowance is as we have suggested for years; is alignment with your Source Divine Essence

Fear, worry, lack, limitation is the energy that shows itself when we do not trust ourselves as this profound essence of centering of the ALL, and why we feel the reflections of this in our reality showing us what is ready to harmonize to a higher state of being and knowing that you are the co-creator of the ALL, and you are able to invite in the most joyful and exciting essence of you; 'your highest and best,' to live through you.

I have been acutely aware of the shifts within my own timeline releases and allowance truly opens the field of lightness, creation, play and sacred purity that we are to begin our new alignments and co-cerations.

I hope this will help those feeling the push and pull, the harmonizing and the confusion we face when our daily lives unveil. And so it is.

Blessings and joy,

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