Wednesday 6 March 2019

How Blessed We ARE!

We are the walking, breathing, co-creating embodiments of the Divine.
Within our essence, we are essence.
Within our structure of physical matter, there is spirit, as we are spirit, and are of It, as It is us.
With many stories, energies, illusions that we call forth to show us, to invite us, to invoke within us our higher deeper knowing that we are purely Divine and pure love.

All that we call forth; ALL; visions, dreams, experiences, co-creations, energies, memories, challenges, and victories; we manifest it all for us to drop within our Divine Sacred Heart and choose with purity of intent how we choose to proceed anew. 
This is truly profound and these subtle inner knowings, these subtle belongings within our grander Universal families, Gaia family, sacred soul tribe; we can sense the stories of the Divine living through us.
Are you sensing the majesty of the Heavens living within you? Are you sensing the earth, the soul tribe, the energies of action, passion, and excitement inspiring you to begin? Are you sensing a depth of forgiveness that liberates you from every ill thought, lack of, and limitation you have believed to be true? 
This is your soul calling for surrender into your vastness of love and union within the ALL that has ALWAYS been.
How profound this Heavenly story is dear lighted ones, and all that you manifest is a golden brick upon your path of self-acceptance, self-love, and compassionate action to healing thyself of the God within the ALL. 
How blessed we are, how blessed we are.
Divinely Christic and resonating within purity of gratitude as we enter into new versions of collective co-creating. 

Join us every Friday for our FREE Global Divine Song anchoring and celebrating of sacred life;
FRIDAY 9:00am MST - Global Light Dance & Song
Global Sacred Land & Sacred Communion Events
For those that so desire to connect and entangle for global Divine Sacred events, sacred land activations, and sacred ceremonies; we are excited in this reaching out in our gatherings. 
We feel the immense joy of such energy pulls and honouring of communion, healing, activations, and inspiring of higher dimensional sacred living upon and within our Divine Human earthly experience. 
In the matrix of Heavenly JOY ~ we wish you well and much Divine blessings.

Our next Sacred Land and Soul Tribe Live Event
April 25th 2019
1:11pm MST 
Calgary Alberta
Meditations, Channel Discussion, Christic Resonance Vibrational Healing, Gaia Speak, Candle & Sacred Land Ceremonies, Activating Sacred Gaia Portals, Sacred Soul Tribe Sharing & Communion, Lightship Gazing

And so it is,
Blessings and gratitude of joy,

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