Wednesday, 6 March 2019

The Language of the Angels ~ GRATITUDE

I am GRATEFUL for you.
For you mirror to me my humanness,
You mirror to me my beauty,
You reflect to me my courage,
You reflect to me my Divine honour,
I am so GRATEFUL for you;

For you mirror to me the love of who I am,
You mirror to me my desire for higher wisdom, deeper knowing, and self-joy,
I appreciate you,
For you are my reflection in Oneness, 
My brother, my sister, my mother and my father;
You are my softening, 
You are my strength,
You are my crystalline remembrance of unity, 
You are my human remembrance of perseverance and compassion;
I HONOUR you, 
I am GRATEFUL for you,

You are Divine, 
You are Holy,
You are Love,
You are Light sparking and igniting me within new horizons.
You are a story of the Heavens unfolding,
In you, I see me, I honour you, 
We are ONE.
Deeply grateful for YOU!

Blessings and joy,


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