Thursday, 21 March 2019

Divine and Sacred Play with our New Universal Energies

Good morning dear lighted ones,
Happy New Beginnings!
I wanted to share some amazing photo's of our past few days here at the Diamond Heart Sanctuary in prayer, meditation, and sacred Gaia speak-play;
My teams have been preparing me for the sacred play of Gaia consciousness; elementals, faeries, pixies, celestial consciousness with us and celebrating our re-awakening to / with Gaia, God Consciousness; 
On our property, I sensed from the beginning that there are a few portals here and sacred Native land that I feel when I am out; there are pictures I have taken that have captured the portal energies, a being with their arm up with portal window and faces gazing in to watch a ceremony I was doing; and forest energies converging with other consciousness I was interacting with while toning and appreciating Gaia.
Many beings, collectives, energies entangling with us in a distant ‘soft’ manner that is allowing us to know they are there and opening to creating a little Divine magic:
The 1st image is the area in which is the same background as the 2nd photo; 

The 2nd photo showing lush green cloud like structures, red auras of groups of beings and electromagnetic energies playing with Gaia plasma and nature, celestial consciousness.

The 3rd photo is the one in which you can see what looks like a branch but is actually an arm of a being (that I couldn't see with my physical eyes) holding out a consciousness portal for the beings and faces to partake in our co-creations and ceremony with Gaia.

When I was co-creating this ceremony I sensed beings watching me, and although my eyes could see them, I knew that somehow in the images or pictures, I would have reflections of their presence and love. There are no branches on the tree's in this particular area that of this nature, as they are all very tall old tree's with little shrubbage this low. 
I was told that there are so many across the Universe that are very excited for what we are now deepening within as this sacred play and entanglement affects the entire Universal energies and potentials.

Thank you so much for this Sacred Play and Divine energies that we are all dancing within and know that you are always supported and lovingly embraced from all directions. Explore, Create, Express, and open within for Divine sacred living with reverence and gratitude within your hearts and the unexpected and miraculous may unfold. Gaia is profound and she is ready to dance and spiral with you. 
This I know to be true.

Welcome to Divine Sacred Earth.
In Divine reverence for all life, in all ways; Namaste
God Bless and joyful dancing,
Love and light,
Joanna L Ross


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