Thursday, 14 March 2019

The Inner Power of Love

For those that so desire;
You are constantly enveloped in love.
Your celestial families love you so.
They are with you in your healings, they are with you in every hurdle you overcome.
They are with you in the silent whispers of your seemingly aloneness; 
We are threaded and threaded in the aliveness of colour, Christic joy, and Divine Universal Oneness that is like no other incarnation ~ we are the embodiment of the ALL in human form to create in ways that light will reign upon the earth for ever-more; and we co-create loving self-nurturing collectives and communities in which no child shall ever go hungry, or experience the pains of war, greed, or separation. We often forget in the illusions of density that we have so many beings and consciousness groups, councils, family that are here supporting and loving us into awakening. We only have to sit, be still and present, and invite the Heavenly entanglement to live through you.

You are the whispers and colour of the Heavens. We are here to remind you in all ways that we are able; through vibrational stories, musings, and song; we sit within new Universal Christic grids; this means we have access to the Universal benevolence and creative fields like no other lifetime has offered humanity thus far. This is why we also feel the intensities reminding us to 'center at the heart, feel into the blessing of the moment, release and let go into your fullest Christic remembrance.'

This sounds simple and it is. We no longer have to feel the trauma and days of release of the pain from an Akashic transition; and there are many as our timelines are threading anew. We only have to intend to be the open vessel of Christic love, embodiment of the Divine, and allow the emotions, the feelings, the everyday manifestations to present the blessing; honour it, allow it to serve you in this now moment that can expand your love presence, your acceptance of Oneness and wholeness presence, and release it to the waves of Creation sorting and weaving new galactic and Universal matrices. 
Breathe, Open, Center, Allow, Accept, direct and intend your new heart-filled excitement. This can be a mantra to align and realign as we quicken. My teams allowed me the see and perceive in a sleep-dream-vision; our entire galaxy, particularly Gaia, humanity, is being woven anew. I was shown the galactic space in which we sit is being spun, threaded, delicately woven within what looked like a Universal Heavenly spiral of the DNA strand. This weaving will allow all timelines not resonating within Divine Sacred love, the Christic vibrations of our Universal grids, to be released and harmonized in other systems of Universal transformations by the most High Councils and Source Creator.

We are eternally dancing within a Heavenly song, and we are more and more aware that our ego-minds will simply be the hurdle that our Christic hearts will soften and leap over. For we are no longer meant 'to do' and task ourselves into a new state of awareness; but to drop within our perfection, open within God essence, invite love in within, around, and through the ALL that you are becoming. Surrendering with a certain clarity and power that is the WILL blessed and gifted to us all. For now is the time to use this will and centred power to claim our right to know, to see, to experience, and to BE our Christic pristine loving human-self. You can do this. You got this! Your God essence, the one that you have always desired to see, to experience, to express, to feel, to know; is YOU!

In our weekly FREE global meditation, I will share a very special experience with you about my own Divine revelation that truly turned the tables on how these ancient scriptures of 'The Majesties of the Heavens' resides within your honouring and sacred exploration within you; within Creation, and within all moments with all others, all life. This is you as God experiencing Itself in new unconditionally loving moments; and what we have all been wrestling to truly grasp and bring as our own unique anchor to this earthly experience.  Breathe, you got this.

These inner promptings will be ever more guiding you to surrender and love thyself as the reality quickens, the ego resists for control, and the drama's spin within the social deconstructions. Celebrate. For these are the Divine and loving movements of our new earth being birthed through each of us and how our Universal light, our unconditional love within is a spark of eternal power that is gently tapping and ready to burst within you as you allow yourself to own and receive It.

Love truly does transmute all. Love is the ALL. Love is the answer in all moments. Love is.

We are enveloped, we are loved, and we are birthing the blessings of the Heavens in our softening, in our centering and in the compassion of every NOW moment. 
This is how profound you are, we are, the ALL is.
The All is LOVE.
ALL that I AM is LOVE.
I choose all loving help, guidance, assistance from my celestial and angelic, Ascended Master realms;
To open the gates of my Divine ascension in my service, in my resurrection, in my coming of the frequencies of pure love, pure light. 
My heart is pure in my union,
My heart is quickened with spirit,
I AM the Love of the ALL.
We are the love of the ALL.
This is my truth;
We are ONE.

When you open your heart; in whatever is seemingly transpiring around & about you, and surrender in your own Divine unconditional trust with Source Creator; Claim with your inner power that you are LOVE, you are LIGHT, you are worthy of the blessings that you are; in a resonance of Heavenly power rather than fearful worry, this shift of energy within you will be alchemically felt, and inspire the Universe within and without anew. 

This I know to be true.
The remembrance of ascension from many timelines and our ancestry that is shining our heritage within the silent and soft moments of our most profound earthly-Universal ascension shifts. Know your truth in self-loving power! You are worthy of this - this is when you awaken and realize that you are ALL that you have ever wanted, needed, and required to experience ALL that you desire. 
There are transitions of ascension in which various actions and inner knowings of your own inner truth will be ushering you to new levels of your own blossoming of self-love. Surrendering into the power of your unwavering knowingness and claiming the birthright of your wholeness, your en-lighten-ing, will be felt at some point along the journey.  For there have been many times of this shift, especially for those empathically attuned and heightened to the earthly karmic energies, and collective energies being released for healing and transmuting; our personal resonance is key to anchor and claim in our choosing through Godly power; this is the alchemic shift from releasing ego, worry, or other lower vibrating aspects and energies. 

There will be moments in which your higher self, your soul will desire for you to truly feel the loving power that is LOVE in action. Claiming your special and blessed place with God in all moments, and to claim this with your most anchoring of presence and inner peace.  

You are able to align within your loving inner power within the moment of a breath, a soft and loving intent, and a powerful opening of your heart space that is the sacred alter with you and Source and claiming what is yours in your Heavenly homecoming. In these final stages of ascension, this inner power, inner knowing will assist in shifting the physiology as the intensities can seem at times overwhelming.  Fear not dear ones, breathe; soften, know you are threaded in Oneness with Source, with love, with joy of the Universe within you and you are merely opening your heart to love and accept your Oneness within this. Do so in the 'loving expectation that you are, always have been, and always will be held dearly within the hands and heart of God, of Creation.' Claim this truth for yourself. This is consciously choosing your Oneness with Source.

Collective Oneness. Universal Oneness. Christ Consciousness. 
Pure. Simple. Profound. God. Love. 
And so it is.

Ascension shifts, ascension growth, and allowing the soul wisdom to live through you in such intense & diverse energetic times;

In the profundity that is love, that is life;
I honour the ALL for this Divine experience, I honour you.

Join us every Friday for our weekly light anchoring of Divine song, Divine love, and honouring our path of sacred play, sacred communion, and the purity of light that we innately are in our remembrance; it is time to play!
The link for tomorrow's meditation is here;
FRIDAY 9:00am MST - 
Joanna Ross is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Divine Sacred Song ~ Human~Universal Meditation
Time: Mar 15, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Fri, until Nov 01, 2019, 34 occurrence(s)
        Mar 15, 2019 9:00 AM

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Blessings and sacred joy,

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