Good morning dear lighted ones,
Inspirational truth of our Divine Universal genetic potential as Heavenly humans;
For those that so desire;
~~~ Heavenly God Seed ~~~
Remind your children as often as possible; 'You are Divinely unique, special, needed, and threaded within the Universe'
We are Divine Creational seed.
How could this be otherwise.
We are each in need, in desiring of our unique belonging, our Universal placement and requirement. We each are feeling and sensing the Universal Oneness and yet nowhere is this taught, offered, and mentioned in our societal structures.
The human value, the inner vibration as a collective that we each hold comes from within. In our understanding, exploration, and expression of;
1.) Who are we
2.) What do we exist within
3.) What exists within us each
Will allow for our rebalancing of inner truth, inner belonging, inner joy, self-love, self-appreciation, self-value and connection within all moments, all life. How may we begin? How may we step outside of what has always been and begin anew? Our children innately know and sense a much grander plan at play and confusion, despair, and frustration arises when what they see, what they experience is at odds with what truly resides within. This is where we begin.
You are Divine God seed; linked, threaded, entangled and enmeshed within all levels of life. Consciousness, the Divine pulsing fields of God offering is for our intimate and unique creative play to carve and enjoy our Divine Christic gifts, blessings' and Heavenly attributes that we each arrive with. As every Ascended Master taught; 'You are me; we are One' and there is nothing that you are not able to transcend, transform, and transmute within as without.
Here is our most recent Youtube offering of the Divine and Heavenly ride we are always co-creating our reality experience. How may we hold ourselves within the light of the most high?
Thank you Jamie at Awakening Our Truth for sharing our light and offerings.
You are Heavenly God seed; in this dear lighted ones, IS THE MAJESTY OF THE HEAVENS.
And so it is.
Blessings and graceful joy,
Book a
Universal Love Light
Ascension, Healing the Heart of Family, Expansive Human Potentials
Our Universal Belonging
Event now
~~~ If you would like to have Joanna come to your city and speak about the Divine human transformation, Divine human potentials, Universal unfolding within our global and galactic new story, and how opening within these heightened potentials can assist in the healing of the heart of family, healing of our human family, and the crystalline children that we create such fields of play for;
Contact us at; ~~~
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