Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Crystalline Children - Harmonizing the Soul within the Body

Greetings dear lighted ones,

This is a beautiful video and meditation, activation by Natalie Glasson, that can assist those moving through the awakening, the embracing of the new world dynamics of our vastness; our crystalline genetics, the soulful harmonizations needed for higher intellect, higher dimensional play; for us and for our children.


Please share and offer as you feel guided.
These are helpful wisdoms and understandings for our transforming world, planet and those of varying crystalline DNA within our human family.  Bringing forth greater awareness and living within Divine empowerment for a new earth frequency and sacred care for who we are.

This may also give hinting to why our generations of sensitives and children have found challenges being here, being physical, and understanding the density and aggression they see, experience in our everyday human - earthly, transformations upon earth.

We are ever being offered grander perspectives of our wholeness, our Universal vastness, and our multi-dimensional quantum potentials; thus then, we must look within these aspects for greater health, wellness, balance, creative joy to flow forth through us being the Creatorhood of our birthright.

Enjoy dear ones, we are opening within such profound gifts, blessings, and joys in who we are, and how utterly infinite and dynamic our human existence is. We belong!

Blessings and graceful joy,


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