Saturday, 23 March 2019

Tapping into New Consciousness Templates

Greetings dear lighted ones,
What if our current vibrational state was much more vibrant and filled with infinite potential that we thought? What if you, right now, right here, were filled with the light quotient to re-pattern all negative and dense or limiting beliefs that hold you back? What if you were able to step out into your own light with boldness and fear seemed to be transmuted into excitement to be authentically you?

Try listening to our new Soundcloud that offers this article within a sound and toning example;

How are our beliefs, our perspectives and our co-creating within this keep the barrel of expectation within minimum parameters? What if we release the idea of borders, boundaries, in every way, and simply soften within the infinite and eternal Source? NO LIMITS.

Do you believe that there is a constant flowing elixir of the infinite within every moment?
Do you believe that this elixir is held in what we call consciousness, God Consciousness and IS the essence that holds, supports, creates, enlivens, enhances, uprises, heals, transcends, offers, blesses, nourishes, and inspires ALL life, Creational experiences?
What and how may you completely 'let go' of what ascension, enlightenment, awakening was defined as, and step into the lush bedding of the infinite for exploration? This is through the soft, the loving, the compassionate heart aches in Oneness, for the experience of Oneness, of self-love, of self-honour, of self-realization with equal partnership and equal co-creation with Source. 

We each have our unique ways, perspectives, and stories to reach this unique Divine conclusion and how we all arrive at this point of remembrance is timed and ignited within. Unique. Spectacular. Heavenly. Divine. Revealing. Honouring. Loving. 
The Divine and Holy Creator would not have this any other way; for this is the catalyst to self-love, evolution, and the joy of loving experience. 
As Source is, you are.

Unconditional Love & Acceptance ~ Source Essence within Us Ready to Explore New Platforms of Human Potential
What if you were to lovingly command your cells, your DNA, your thoughts, your actions, your dreaming, your inventiveness, that you ARE INFINITE? We have all experienced, maybe even now struggling with 'lack' and healing our darkest wounds of the limitations and stories we have told ourselves over eons of separation. Within a moment, within a pure hearted moment, your heart can be touched, enlivened, and opened anew. How may you drop within your Divine Sacred Heart and feel into 'unconditional love,' and offer this for yourself throughout your day? 
Unconditional; in which forgiveness, purity of a soft and authentic love, care, and compassion are the intent to bring forth the opening of the sacred portal within that IS your fusion with Source Creator and ready to explore new landscapes of joy and self-loving expression.

Stepping Beyond ALL Human Potentials
We are transcending to a new level, a new vibrational offering to ignite new templates of consciousness.
This is so utterly Divine and graceful in the gift that It is.
We are truly co-creating new human-Universal potentials. 
With human value, human care, human genius, Universal essence of love and Oneness to be a part of our every expansive playground here within, upon earth, within ourselves, one another, and the ALL.
Consciousness templates are the vibrational templates - platforms that inspire, ignite, and support higher dimensional intelligence for collective exploration and expansion; to live sacredly, to live in harmony, to live in joy, to live in Oneness, to live in peace within thyself, and so too will this be in communion with the ALL.

Tapping into the New Consciousness Templates
There is Divine profundity upon and within us dear ones,
How may you celebrate what is within?
There is profound intelligence webbing that is co-creative with our consciousness and Divine majesty within all life;
Water ~ this soft and lush elixir of life, as is breath, will be seen in our near future, to be more and more, and more our highest regarded healing agent in tandem with consciousness and energy direction.
You are able to lovingly intend your bath water to assist in the healing, nurturing and blessing of the water body within you.
Perhaps we perceive our existence as far more malleable and magical than we thought; Gaia is a cosmic, Divine, benevolent essence of the Creator to grow, advance, expand, reach farther and wider with us; how may we honour, revere and bless our gracious entanglement and begin a new?
Time for a bath.....

Join us for our special SACRED LAND EVENT ~ 
April 25, 2019

For those that so desire to step into a day of sacred play, sacred ceremony with the land and other global soul tribe, open into Gaia speak, Gaia multi-dimensional portals, Sacred communion and sharing after meditations, alignments, and candle ceremonies and invocations; 
This event will include sacred light language, toning, and movement and walks about the land in Divine entanglement and engagement.
We are opening our Diamond Heart Sanctuary for a special day of celebration and sacred gathering;
Divine Heavenly Human - Spring Forth!
Join us in the brisk spring country setting as we open into new higher dimensional ways of behaving, creating, and gathering. Activate your Gaia light, creative inner spirited desires!
April 25th - 1:11-11:11pm MST 
(for those that desire to stay for lightship gazing & celestial prayer in Oneness)
So excited to share our heightened and expansive potentials with you all in sacred Gaia - Heavenly song.

Blessings and grace,

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