Wednesday 27 March 2024

There are Codes to life ~ IT is Simple, Honouring --> That is the RECONNECTION #5D

There is abundance of opportunities and there are codes and equations to all life 

There is connection with spirit and life  and there is relationship with spirit and life 

Or living in your wounding --- > that is eternal growth 

For all in creation - that earthly realms 

* I will not take, sign, nor agree to be in any contract with any that have stolen, taken, raped, spiritually hit my life on every level and go into contracts with my own money's stolen - the selfish choices, binding spell work to me and my work, my destiny - 100% are not understanding creational laws - and universal spiritual courts - have no clue and I will rebuke 

* I will not sign any contracts and work with any for monies that is has been already mine but hidden under your names, and falsely signed, falsely claimed and somehow with our validation from and by any - my life was signed over to the devil that thought they had entitlement and ownership of me and my life 

* I will never be owned, claimed - NO MEANS NO ( Eric R PEREZ #Calgarycorruption I will not engage, nor entangle = all have been told, shown, ) leave me be - God said; 'there is uncountable crimes against you, and the cycles are done' 

All have to seek God with God - I will no longer be used, abused - heal thy wounds 

 All contacts of return of monies need to include a letter of intent and the karma you are clearing

to my lawyers - all needs to go through legal process due to a lifetime of corrupt, thieves, lairs, manipulators, * * I will not entertain any non-transparency, deceit, covert subtle dark ass games, mental, emotional, spiritual warfare and impaling for selfish gain; It must align Or all will be blocked I am not a babysitter to corrupt spell casters, warped masons, and deceitful unhealed communities that thrive off of breaking, bringing pain and loss to the innocent - I am not taking on any person, any experiences of the past - my karma is cleared, and my choices, my word, my knowing is aligned to higher realms - the past is toxic, corrupt, criminals - #corruption There was nothing given to me on any level but how to survive abuses and manipulation of occult crime 

Keeping others small so that you can have as many to harvest off of is not a 'happy living' It is psychological war-fare, it is abuse, it is trafficking of the human spirit, wasting of the souls creativity and when all you do is compete, fight, create chaos, destroy through corruption - love is abusive and tying a mate down into a cage for your own gain while you pay secret communities and families and hide your secret life from those you say you love
#calgarycorruption #ERP false leaders and false spiritualists I sought divorce for a reason - heal the rejection issues - I deserve my human rights without being impaled and punished to be a part of a sick toxic corrupt coven that takes, deceives, manipulates, and steals from the innocent - all were told for years to stop and release - #criminalintent All has been said 1000's of times legally, and personally, in videos, and in blogs - all know there is nothing more to say - all has been said All knew All were told Doing good will and doing crime to someone is not rocket science - selfish greed, gluttony You either do good for another or not - it is not rocket science Crime is crime - that is not rocket science Selling your soul lying, manipulation, spell work, and stealing others ideas rather than go within and do the inner work You either do what is right and make balance or your life will continue in karma and imbalance I choose for my heart and soul - the past is corrupt and dark as F - I deserve better I should not have to say the same thing, 9million times to be heard DF only needs to say one time Why do the corrupt get their way in society - the innocent and truth tellers have to be like baby-sitters to the corrupt unhealed warped, thieving all for 'taking, raping, selfish' greed - makes no sense-

#epstein like earth #newearth - eternal life All choose - I have spoken the same message - all have to do the work  #calgarycorruption  #fraud, #calgarytheft All know what they stole from me - I will not join underground sick corrupt covens masons, and secret fucking BS - Secret is not living The past is forever closed All know what they impaled, damaged, losses, and defamed me and stole, from my life when none knew me None even met me I deserved none of what occurred I sought divorce for a reason Stealing my life Vibrational raping Spiritual hits on my life to hold me back thieving and corrupting my work to make yourself better

I have spoken, advanced, enhanced humanity for fairness, equality of 3000 yrs of being erased and suppressed over broken, warped systems dogmatic, and social structures with 0 lifting of DF and 0 fairness on any level

- they know what an awakened collective will bring - there are groups that seek to keep humanity asleep and dark for the selfish gain of the 5% that finance and live off of humanities corruptipn and disconnect 

WHAT DO YOU THINK your brain mind, thought patterns will look like,  enhanced or decreased and malnourished when you do what you do * Dark or light or neutral * What you do affects all life and matter * Spirit is ---> Matter follows spirit and if your spirit is dark, warped, diluted and blocked - it is Wish, pray for harm - Intention, focus, direction - becomes you 

Energy is Matter is of spirit and energy All you thought, word, deed = your life Your life is your proof Your spirit is everything Practice Reconnection, Practice Relationship © How you re-late to all life - is it positive, negative, neutral How you in relationship with yourself on all levels

Manipulation, spell work, voodoo - done at any level is not soul growth and will not  allow you to move into the 5th Dimension Spell work, dark arts, will give you such - dark arts manipulated reality  You will not understand nor know how to flow, trust in creational reality and equations of outcome You will not heed the lessons of life and honour what, how, why you are in the blessing of your souls expansion 3 A's  3 E's  You are meant to transcend control, fear, domination, false sense of power  Forcing, manipulation, spell work, root work, voodoo, spell casting is not being soulful and learning the lessons of the higher order  There is higher order alignment is pure natural, simple, honouring of all life and you will ascend  There is patterning of karma, losses of spiritual connection, soul growth disconnect, all that has been still acting, behaving, twisting and warping your life  * Stealing, thieving, raping vibrationally on a daily basis, lying, manipulation of documents, defamation of character, corrupt communities falsifying claims documents for selfish gain - nothing is missed in the spiritual realm - all have to face their choices - * none is missed you either live in centering or you live in your wounding of the 7 sins; greed, gluttony, selfish, impatience, interference through control, fear, domination, for a false sense of self, no sense of knowing  Live in your healing Live in your wounding - all will get you a result - sell your soul  Or live in your spirit  * false ID's and false handles, covert subtle messing, and playing games to feel your sense of self, petty games, having others do your dirty work, mind games, emotional games, is not higher order and is 100% IMMATURE, PETTY, AND DISCONNECT OF SPIRIT AND HIGHER SELF  * SPELL WORK AND INTERFERENCE IS IN DISCONNECT OF THE HIGHER SELF AND SPIRIT 

* MANIPULATION SELLING YOUR SOUL FOR FALSE CLOUT, TITLE IN 3D CONNECTION / RELATIONSHIP #5D IS A REAL THING LIVE IN THE DIRT, TRENCHES, DISRESPECTING LIFE AND YOUR SOUL - IT WILL EQUAL AND ONLY YOU CAN ALTER IT - THE SPIRITUAL COURTS CARE NOT FOR YOUR 3D title, or money, or what secret societies you belong to -  * corruption is corruption * criminal activity is criminal * living in truth and light - is such All get to choose and none can force, manipulate, or spell cast you forcing you to be in their story and the more they try and covertly make you, lie about it, and deny about it - falsify and force you into their life - they will get karma for the abuses of #1 Universal LAWS - WHEN SOMEONE SAYS NO - IT MEANS NO STAY IN YOUR LANE AND LEAVE ALL ALONE FOCUS, DIRECT, INTEND WITHIN * IF you are living in secret - you are not aligned with your higher self and you are living in wounding and why you live in the warping mind-set and trying to control life and control others  It is all coming out All have to know What is hidden, the light, the consciousness of humanity will not stop, will not go back to darkness All that choose love healing, unity will be shifted in thier intentions Those that continue to warp, deny, force, dominate, and sickly disregard life, God, Source All need to understand spirit, source, ascension work and daily ascension work is good will It is simply of 'healing your wounds'
Some of us choose to live in higher order with Source, God and  work with spirit and vibrations of love, compassion and truth aligning the multi-dimensional fields, bodies, minds with God Source  * God is and we have lost connection * God is and we have lost relationship  * Ascending beyond corruption, disease, trafficking human sacred spirit and life 

All you have to take peace in dear humanity - all will have to transmute and clear their karma  None miss karma 
The infinite realms God, Source, the essence of all creation is within Gods multi-dimensional blessings Universal Laws How to engage, work with grace, dignity and honour of all creation Honouring the Creational laws, working within them Allowing all that is within of pure passion Working from wounding will be such result Working from a centred balanced place, will bring such And when the light workers, truth tellers call it -  there are those that finance such underground silent attacks daily and all done covert tactics paid to cults, covens, masonic corrupt rings to bully, gang stalk, and do what is done to those that choose to NOT live in trafficking and crime rings to control, thieve, steal, and dominate life -  Some of us choose to live in higher order with Source, God and  work with spirit and vibrations of love, compassion and truth aligning the multi-dimensional fields, bodies, minds with God Source 

* God is and we have lost connection * God is and we have lost relationship  * Ascending beyond corruption, disease, trafficking human sacred spirit and life  All you have to take peace in dear humanity - all will have to transmute and clear their karma  None miss karma 

I am here to enhance, uplift, empower humanity for higher order living, receiving, eternal life 
I have my rights to be me without constant relentless attacks and following, stalking, spying, abuse of systems and abuses of power by those that want me to silence or want me to join their corruption and join the dark side - 

I have my destiny and wishes and dreams - I have my rights = 
None miss clearing, facing, and making right - none will ascend into higher realms until we get these ascension lessons, soul lessons 

All can be abundant All can be healthy and creatively genius - we are all born this way  and the secret societies tactics are never necessary 

You either grow and heal and evolve 
Or you remain in the wounding 
None that have done the work will remain in such toxicity - my God dear lighted ones 

The cycles of abuse and corruption will not continue - we are ascending and evolving 
Self love
Self forgiveness 
Self compassion 
DO THE INNER WORK As above, the alignment of God and Source As below will follow As within, the inner healing, knowing, intentions of grace As without will follow There are those that will never choose to be love, be healed, nor do what is right There are those that will gather, gang, group those to pull you back and they will do what falsifying and taking what they can and do what they can to keep you bullied into suppression;

#karmic couples, cults, groups that bully the intuitive, purity of divine beings into suppression for their gain and games

Rebuking all monitoring spirits Rebuking all tormenting tactics Rebuking all spells, curses, hexes, spells Rebuking all that choose to live in attacking you Surround yourself in light and alliance with light Work within your chakra's, fields, and intentions None have the right to torment your life for their selfish gain, gaming Humanity is not a game Humanity is not toys, token for the sociopathic sick toxic beings that refuse to heal and do right They live in their devil, demonic, entity attachments ~ move away from the mess, chaos, none can dump karma, none can dump the burdens, Your chakra's Your fields Are your responsibility Are your accountability ©

#calgary #corruptcovens #corruptmilitary #corruptgovernments #corruptelites #fraud and #humantesting Bullying for the #epsteinlikegroups You either choose an #epstein like earth Or new earth You either follow normal earth respectful protocol and manners, codes of ethics or you will all be blocked and sent away in however the ancestors will deem - all have been told Judgment on all that have touched, harmed, bullied, damaged, tormented my life for personal gain, for abuse of power, abuse of systems and human rights #calgary closed and all done #corruptofficials #criminals 

None have the rights to 'study' any person without permission - Signatures and discussions - all acts upon someone pulls on their energy To a sensitive empath, and intuitive, high functioning - I will rebuke & return all karma Whether you think none will know, or the secret tactics of the testing government groups Experiments and so on -
#corrupthumanrights on sensitive intuitive and not honouring of Gods plan We are allowed to be exactly who we are And when we are aligned, when we are truth, When we are divinely aligned - the information, stories of the corruption of the so called powers that be to herd, degrade, normalize abuse and abuse of human rights by the elites and so called powers that be

* KNOW THIS - ALL THAT ABUSE HUMAN RIGHTS TO AFFECT OUR NATURAL FLOWING STATE, WILL RECEIVE KARMA - FROM THE ONES THAT DIRECT SUCH OBJECTIVES, SUCH DIRECTIVES, SUCH IMPLEMENTING YOU ARE POISONING THE PEOPLE FOR YOUR CONTROL AND DOMINANCE * OR WE COULD FLOW With Source and heal the wounding that thinks abusing, human testing, controlling, dominating and playing with, interfering with life in this way - underground
#hitler tactics #epstein tactics 
Karma X 10 - Holy legions, spirit, honouring all life spiritual laws broken human laws and right broken - Bring unto those karma dear spirit 
The spirit of the people deserve equal loving, safety rights and why universal laws are and trump all #1 Universal Law - Right Use of Free Will and Non-Interference All are affected - return within and love 

You have been called out - if you are aligned and honouring all life
If you are one of the #Epstein like mess control freaks - you are selling your soul and you will be moved None have the right to jail those that break the law and you walk Double standard leaders is the devil 

I HAVE OFFERED NOTHING BUT TRUTH, HIGHER WISDOMS AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND LIGHT - FOR THAT my life was targeted and raped on every level and God gave all lifetimes to merely 'treat others as you wish to be treated' 

HEAL YOUR WOUNDS so they do not become another's 
I have my rights - 
I have my rights to be me and live my truth 
Double standard for those that have money, elite, coven, cult, secret societies that abuse, harm, kill those that have done, said, and shown - stay in your lane and go within - live a life from within All that is not in alignment of the higher order laws - will be in karma and you are being watched by all spirit This earth is sacred Humanity is sacred Leaders that corrupt the soul, spirit - karma x 10 When you know you are a grand energy there is nothing you cannot transmute - You have your rights, spiritual and human


Return the monies to my lawyer - All will watched by the legions, spirit, none are missed - The sick games, tactics, are done. I deserved none of what was done and daily targeting - GO HEAL There is much corruption but there is trillions more in light and order You walk with the Heavens - begin there Ascending Mastery is the knowing of all realms All densities, all light And so be it 

State with intention I AM THAT I AM Breath with God Love in God

None miss clearing, facing, and making right - none will ascend into higher realms until we get these ascension lessons, soul lessons  All can be abundant All can be healthy and creatively genius - we are all born this way  and the secret societies tactics are never necessary
And so be it 

* 7 Wounding energies - heal your wounds and shadow integration = Ascension
* addictions, obsessions, disconnect and not practicing energy work and your essence as God
* heal your wounding and practice self loving honouring of all life

I am not a babysitter of the underground nor narcissistic warlocks -
If you are pure of intention to heal - book an appointment
Otherwise all will be blocked and all were told 6yrs ago -
God does not play with the innocence and earths plan for ascension

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; And that is MY WORD Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; Human - omni- evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

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