Thursday 7 March 2024

Adaptation to #5D ~ Aptitude & Capacity - Cosmic Human - LETS go COSMIC DUST


Make no mistake about dear ones Light, the breath of God, Source, the divine plan for all of humanity will touch every ounce of life on our planet 
Depending where a soul is at in their own evolution - the more resistance to truth, light, evolving into wholeness and oneness, the rougher the ride will be and is utterly 100% unnecessary for there to be such deconstruction, * light is the most powerful essence that alters, shifts, and transforms all life * for those that carry a lot of density, unhealed wounding, the refusal to heal, the elites or programs agendas of darkness that target, push, force, 

go against Universal Laws; #epstein like, MKUltra like programs will be seen and known as the most vile to degrade and bring danger to all communities and why all underground = sub-consciousness of all humanity will have to faced and it will occur in every home

* what goes on under the radar that you do not question, allow for the half truths, and non-sensical behaviour or actions or blatant corruption * when you do not clear, cleanse, take your evolution in upmost importance - your healing, and the divine destiny for every soul as a new top mandate - there will be nothing but shaking until the re-alignment to new priorities for humanity is known, done, made real as daily activity and entrainment * we are being offered new codes, light, bathing daily and hourly we are shifting - our daily life needs to shift * taking hourly breaks to focus inward, breath work, focus on self love, affirmations of re-harmonizing who you are and the reconnection, and empowerment of new relationship with Spirit as spirited humans * we must evolve and those that refuse to evolve and become new - the issues will come out and all that was hidden will avail - nothing will remain under the carpet * Any person, any group, any sect that use children in any way - will be brought immediate karma in whatever way all guides, ancestors are directed by God and it will be swift and unwavering - We must shift our focus, direction of energy and importance & intentions of every day life from the superficial mostly incorrect, shady, dark, greedy, nefarious, corrupt agendas

* tactics of blackmail, enslavement, forcing any person to be in, stay in, be of something they are not will backfire, and this knowing, stand in it - none can force you to be what you are not and how you are not
* show the deeds, and you will see how liberated and the Universe will support you in STANDING IN YOUR LIGHT, STANDING IN OWNING YOUR LIFE, YOUR PAST, PRESENT, AND MANIFESTING A NEW FUTURE

* where ever you are - OWN IT and align to new - this is a profound journey - claim it! 
GOD IS GRACIOUS - soften and be such 
* NONE WILL TO ANY NEW LEVEL; healing, heights, or abundance of spirit, and otherwise until these basic processes of ascension is practiced and known, embodied - we must evolve beyond abhorrence to who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us each We are divine Our planet is divine All is a gift 
Eternal life is every new phase of ascension for all life systems we must adapt and change - that is evolutionary law and none will get away with 0 change - --- > all must change EVOLUTION is constant - PERIOD!

All will be touched by light and thank God for that - we need to transcend such behaviours, activities and harm to all of creation by the disconnection, selfishness, degrading beliefs that do nothing but entrain war=like animals in a sacred vessel - religions that create wars and kill innocent, and seed memories of hate and dissension on the land that births new life - how is any of our lack of attention within, above, ok to see and all will experience the darkness we all 'tried not to see' 
* human weaponizing programs are simply vile and abhorrent and not ok - not an ounce of such aligns with any universal laws and all will be brought down; I call judgment on every ounce of such - against all human rights and all will be called out by name and state, and title and what story will your collective know of your place in our human evolution? * all have a part to play - what role, character will you play? * No ONE is going to 'save; you' 
* you will see, face your beliefs about 'competition, loss, less than, separations in your beliefs' 
all will have to face their all-ness; their shadow, beliefs, ego; you are here to unify and bring harmony and peace - competition is none of this

* our planetary frequencies will continue to get more refined and higher in coding, refinement, purity of colour, sound - it will rock and break up the densest parts of all life for renewal and upgrade -
* copying, mimicking, suppression of others to make yourself look a certain way - will not smooth out your journey - all must face their shadow and beliefs and make anew
* go within and get to know, connection, relationship with you and God as Godly - no church, no so called religion calls nor knows of any ascension offering - to get though refined light and how to move beyond 'dark night of the soul' and how to honour such a sacred process

We are multi-dimensional beings - we have to learn how to alchemize what we have created and understand why?
This is where our greatest growth and up-leveling will be - and to make a corrupt program or business out of ascension will also fail - for all equations now are asking you align in higher light and intention - all is equational

* THAT IS THE POWER OF LIGHT - GOD and all that is meant at this time, in all prophecies to change, and unify

* blackmailing, superficial, petty immature, gossiping, degrading, interfering and targeting those you do not understand or judge yourself to - is where you need to go within and heal such
* Heal your wounding 

* No one is going to say 'get out of karma free' card and give you an easy pass, or quick pill, or say because you have an elite title and you know a few people - your ride will be a breeze, or your a 5%top elite DM 

- you will go through all every deed, every action you chose in density and you must face your density and choices, beliefs so you know how you affect the all - this is practicing oneness 
* 5D we will be manifesting from thought - you must know your affects on all and none escape this - from the top and to all life in between =- PERIOD I will call out what I see in my collective - this is my collective and the number one priority is and should be is healing of our peoples and lands - for we are One - the greater and most fluidic life is for all for each, the more we all benefit - the only 5% that are served, and paid, will simply no longer be ok and spirit, the ancestors, your own higher soul, self will bring down towers one-by-one to ensure you are growing as a soul 

- every deed against another, interfering, taking, stealing, projecting, harming, in any way is being called out and none will be missed - this is simply an equation of new #5D light and bedding - none will be missed 

- none remain stuck in their elite home and think they will remain in old misogynistic, disengaged way of being - light will bathe every person and it will not, cannot be blocked - It is essence and is from the inside out - and above- below and much as the agenda holders wish to keep us held back and in numb-dumb state - all will be touched - © * Oneness is the acceptance it is all US - all is one - One is all There is a divine density on this planet, there is divine diversity - there is divine light and ecstasy on our planet - we are all here to help each other see each other as ONE and come to a loving flow of harmony to new life higher life The more that any refuse and resist such transformation - the tougher the ride will be and it will manifest destruction © Those are the equations None play such with God and at some point - your soul, spirit which is far grander than your ego, will sit you down and until you face your shadow and beliefs - none will miss this - the most arrogant will be first, the top 5% will be first and the last will step up 

Why is it the DM inner core to deconstruct women - 
Why is there imprints in our collective field of plastic surgery 
Why is there fewer focus on natural beauty and what is this
Why is there the need for leaders, humanity to seek flaws, so that they can pattern separation
Why has humanity erased DF?
What damage has this done to our collective psyche and wounding - all will have to face all social conformity allowances we created - 

What is true balance and acceptance and 100% unconditional 
Why is it that when you see a new version of life before you - your inner core seeks to see familiarity or separation - discrimination
WE are levelling up dear ones - our psyche is aching you to be unified in higher intelligence 

- #5D is not the discriminations of wounding in #3D 

Envy, jealousy, greed, gluttony, all is the projections and imprints - how do we heal these human collective woundings 

The psychology of such, and the sects religions all are such that push such discrimination in its practices - and you have to ask - is this what I want to be a part of

- there are beings in our universe that are known for being the most beautiful of all our galaxy - - they Andromedas DF beauty Goddesses and they are striking on any and every level - they carry such pure sense of self and that knowing alters their DNA, and matter form - it is a natural psychological state of our patterning - however the new generations of children, non-binary, and so on are seeking no definition and simply being - this is serving us -

Sense of self is everything - and you will not be swayed by any others 'agendas' of falicy
GOD IS self acceptance
Beliefs are powerful - less than beliefs, competition and collective imprints are and have done much damage - so now it is time for healing and none will be missed on the impact they chose, beliefs and put on others- KARMA miss none

This is the prophecy And nothing will alter this I am available for lectures and webinars for #5D alignment and learning, activations, healing, transforming I serve all life within Creation of the Divine Plan, Systems of Light, Galactic Federations, and Star Councils for evolutionary light enhancements for all life The key is new practices, new becoming, entrain higher vibrational ways within every social, economic, planetary systems for all all to benefit and carry new way for all generations - none escape this journey - it is the most exciting time and we are all needed for this advancement - being well-informed, and well prepared will be key 

#truth #healinghumanity #ascension #Godsplan #Transcending3DGod #harmony #Creation #universalOneness #unity 
The more you resist and refuse Gods divine plan, the more karma and thus more weight you have carry, disease, density you have to clear - All choose Blessings and light Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

#1 Right Use of Free Will and Non Interference #2 Law of Balance #3 Natural Law of Flow Allow, honour, heal thy wounds so they do not become another's it is that simple

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at Blessings and light Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
#hybridchildren  ©

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