Wednesday 21 February 2024

Why Letting Go of what you thought was 'POWER' #5D New Earth


What you think will hang on to, and you think you force outcome, spell work and voodoo to make your narrative work

The drama, the chaos, will simply be piling on more karma
None have the right to say 'you must be in my life or I get what you made'

The devil is the devil - bondage is bondage and what do you expect if you conjure, do black magic, and voodoo and the over $50k spent on spell work to take me out - and none saw the benefit when I was in front of them - only when the rest of the world is and sees value - then the opportunists that come slithering back - to get some

My offerings have been free and unconditional and not any of the human collective, besides my few small group of loyal clients even after all the spell work to push them away and the years of blockages on my account and poverty and ugly spells and freezer spells, car crash spells, disease spells - it is sick domination and control and any that thinks any of these behaviours will get you reward and blessings is insane -

* any that does black magic, voodoo, at any level, being paid, or paying, that does not abide by universal laws - they will receive karma immediately and they will ruin their life and why karma is impaling all those that live in misogynistic hate and disgust simply because some walk, express, and live god in new ways

* all channellers speak of the One Source all in the same level - unity oneness and higher order laws -
* violence, domination, control, and satanic rituals, masonic rituals by the 4D 5D light we exist within - will ruin your life and I call judgment - on the 50+ people involved in my delaying, derailing, messing of my life, energy, spirit, soul - the degrading and not having my energy available for all humanity - all are being dished karma now

* what do you think will occur when you take part, choose poly, polygamy, satanic and rituals spell work conjuring demons and praying to demons every day to hurt, derail and block love when they have earned and deserve it

None play God

The past will not be allowed in my life - return what was stolen and taken, and raped from my life
8 yrs of my life was wasted due to sick toxic games and human testing. I will press charges on all and especially the practitioners that do, take money for those that are misguided and stepping into karma when seeking spells on others -

* deceit is not love nor is manipulation nor is spell work
* suffocating someones life with spell work to get them to reach out, contact you, spy on and target them and subtlety and covertly show them you are sly-ing on their way to your energy and siphon off of you - this is not love it is addiction, obsessions and all have to get life force within - get God within - you don't need any others energy

Why those want you to believe to conjure outer entities and doing sacrificing is the most powerful way to be powerful is an utter lie and these people want your life, light and energy -

* God has a destiny and plan for every soul - all you have to do is focus on the inner realm and love yourself - God will bring all to what they are here to learn, grow, and receive 

* God and all your guides, angels, ancestors want you to receive what you are due; are you doing the inner work and lessons of universal law of one - matters not what realm you are in - the universe is the universe and there are laws for every realm - 

* what you put out you will return, law of One, right use of free will and non interference, jealousy is no sense of self, no self love, and will attract such; conjure satan and satan will collect - conjure and prey on graves of dead people - their ancestors and not respecting the dead - will come collect - 

* it matters not what your 3D title is, or your bank roll, or your so called false sense of importance through limited religions or the bibles you hide behind - that are only a 3D version of ancient ways to know of a God but not the totality of god and all have their birthright to explore, express, experience the grace and sweetness of God

God is sweet - wars and genocide is not God - it is human ugly discrimination
* I had no connection with any of these people #calgary #corruption other than my ex and what he chose, what he took on and thus forced me and my children to bare the weight of his secret underground choices -

* these people - judges lawyers, police, false titles and those paid to take me out and be silent about it - none had even met me in person - none even know a thing about me and yet they had documents claims, paperwork photoshopped and all had meticulous plans to ensure I never receive, that I never see nor know love, nor be the vision of Gods destiny that only God and I plan, and earned, and none know the damage, suffering, pain, the alchemy I have to do with 50+ forcing, impaling me with hate daily, voodoo, chanting, mirror work, and sick relentless attacks daily -

* pre-meditated murder on 1 DF light worker, author, teacher, and healer - is insane - and the monies wasted, spent, and after 6 yrs they continued -
* who is the purse and spender - who is the top gun?
* who is the one that blocked all my platforms?
* who is the person and top gun that directed the human testing plan? to see if instead of connecting with God, my teams, there was 'gun imprints' placed on my consciousness and do you know how this feels for an empath, high functioning and the work energy I have to expend to transmute this shit daily

None of you have a clue -
You have no idea
I call judgment - karma for all 50=
Not 1 penny returned and any apology is 2 yrs too late - all knew what was being done on a daily basis and not doing anything is karma equally

* I don't care how any person of the past feels or is now supposedly awakened, you all have agendas and it is always about you and what you can get, and ride the coat tails off of others and you have called yourself leaders -

* there will never be reconciliation of such satanic intentional mess on my life, my lineage and the baby-sitting spirit has had to do to ensure my liberties and birthright are respected for God knows none on earth are levelling up to this regardless of the integrity and oaths they say and speak in their work contacts

See how many documents were falsified to get money, and authority over what is legally mine and of my life energy that I have earned - see how many photoshop mess, ID and signatures that were never signed and given from me

See all of these professional officials in the groups, masonic and cult church mess that these people seek, recruit, spy, stalk and study a person to attack them and do birth chart readings to get into their psyche to attack them and do human testing - it is sick as fuck - and these people wear masks of who they want you to believe they are
* abuse of power - discrimination on every level and they play nice and when you let your guard down a little they want to do spells and voodoo to bind and control, dominate you - to bring up their manifesting tools -

* my ex was one of these people =- doing all and so much behind closed doors and telling an entire different story to all before them - masks, lies, deceit, spells and binding to make sure they manifest and then they withhold and lie, hide in off shore accounts all the money they pilfer and steal take from you while they tried to hide what your work earned while you were merely a token, the one that batteries up the crew while you get paid literally 0 not 1 penny and the sick afflicters take off and run with everything - they look to the next innocent person to rape and siphon from

* they are loyal to not God, they hide, they deceive, they are loyal to the dark deeds and thus then; 'any person, group, cult, that has to reside in secrecy - they are loyal to the devil and the devil only and they will eat your life whole and everyone within your life and family ' ~~~ Such is not Godly

* vibrational raping on my energy with sex orgies trying to manifest my death off of my own energy and do spells over the entire city - to not know their crimes, not know their damage they daily sickening impale me - they have no clue - they are only now scared because they are all being watched and questioned by authorities and not 1 person did anything to help or seek the police for ceasing of this sick underground targeting and bringing 1 healer down

* if you do not want to be seen for being corrupt, cancerous to all that is good, light, and honouring of life to bring safety to a community that is false and lies, then don't be a criminal - your hate is and does affects all

* deceit, manipulation, games with peoples emotions, the innocent, energy, falsifying documents, inheritances and schemes to get what you get while the entire linage are put at risk to being sold to satan is not love - it is the most careless reckless acts of any person that has 0 clue what they are doing and no clue the darkness they call to all in their lineage for false and always erupting to self implosion - when you have no idea of creational reality and laws of love and one

WE all truly must get this - 
When you in all ignorance - because it is ignorance - when you try to kill 1 DF angel, master hybrid, and ultra human from the heavens to help humanity in all ways; you have instantly blocked your abundance, health, future, and lineage life you will return to - all have no idea 
* all is energy and if you choose to not respect energy - it is in your face until you get that

New Earth 

Those that are paid money to take someone off the path of love is simply very wounding and sick and needs assessment 

We are here to break all conformity to hate, violence, and separation -
All return to God - regardless of what human belief and human thing you think is your answer - it is not 
God is God 

These are merely truths and laws
We are ascension

I know who I am
My destiny is
I am
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
All children are breathed from God DONATIONs; PayPal link here; #calgary #corruption #undergroundcorruption #elitefalsetitle #masoniccrime #humancrimes #humanrights SHARE MY VIDEOS AND SEND FEEDBACK TO YOUTUBE 

~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs;  
PayPal link here;
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* religious diction nor race or creed * nor boundaries or bank rolled, arrogant unhealed attitudes
*. ~~~~~~.

if we cannot 'get' these divinely aligned laws - we will simply never evolve beyond barbarianism Oneness is our truth and diversity of gifting from Source and God Dogma is and being shaken because it will not stand in higher vibrational light

The true aligned psychic investigators that get 0 payment, 0 credit and 0 respect 
I will help write laws to protect Gods chosen ones 

* human laws - privacy, health, spiritual
practice, none have rights to take, test, and the heavens, and the federations are watching all and karma simply is 

Laws for the Truth Tellers - Healing Corruption Readers, astrologers, and healers, occultists all must follow the same laws and your guides, spirit guides, soul will test all on what is being honoured - basic human-spirit honour Those that abuse in any way; all will be held equal in the court of karma and spiritual laws on your own lineage and souls evolution - we truly have to get higher law - no 3D false title have any power or say on heavenly jurisdiction I am loyal only to sacred life of God, Source, the Systems of Light and Galactic Federations nature, Gaia I am only loyal to God

The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it

This is my word

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; None will BE HANDLED! DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination #youtube corruption #youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change And so it is Who have you helped and served today What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place? All play a part - You create your next timeline now - every choice Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ You are always guided with GOD Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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