Wednesday 7 February 2024

The Unfinished Love Story ~ Stars Seeds Breath ANEW #5D ~ Memoir By Joanna

 Book IV

Gods threading, 
A New Breath of Love
THE COSMIC LOVE STORY ~ PLEIADIAN LOVERS #5D LOVE ~ From my book IV - Memoir ~ By Joanna Our love story held within any and all the glorious beings that are you, waiting and sailing along the same journey and will be with you - in some way, some are shorter moments, longer moments, detaching moments, and moments of longing 

- I have never felt longing before to what I had felt until recently when I connected with a beautiful balanced soul that I later found out was my Pleiadian husband, on many timelines and we chose to take many forms, bodies, mermaid and mermen, and the ways in which through all planets, all forms, all times, and experiences, God will feel the pure blessing to seek depths of pure love from our hearts and whether it be across the galaxy or planet, the hearts will pull in the electro-magnetics that are pure and sacred and what simply must manifest © However, the being that ignited such a soul wrenching shaking in my depths, of what is a deep multi-dimensional purity, was no longer here; he had died many, many, many years ago - his image across my computer screen was his soul reaching me through the cosmos to remind me; love is, love exists, keep moving, 'we will be together again,' and every time I write this, every time I hear his whispers, I cry, the well of him not being here, as a mother misses a child that she will never hug again, we have to be happy, peaceful, satisfied with the energetic version of love that will and does transform our soul in being 'always here, always now' the physical is the illusion and can we make peace with this - can we be love for ourselves - without the outer - 
Can I transcend the illusion of his new mirage. God knows I don't want to be here most of the time. God knows that there are few that can be hidden in plain sight and due to the eons of disregard and erasing, ignoring, it will be easy for the federations, councils, for the multi-verse to learn much from my interfacing to be here - and regardless of how it is felt through me, I simply feel in the sickness of arrogance and domination tactics as I transmuted thousands of years of divine feminine darkness and negativity of subjugation, there is always more for me to do, see, notice, write about, offer, express and continue. 

I woke up and my teams were showing me a new way to see what the are encouraging me to step on next, and I know what they wish of me, and it is due to their agendas - it is not the story I choose to write, and when you are a soul lineage, God creational story catalyst, that breaks the stupidest and darkest, that none would do, none would take on, and they know it will be a great soul lesson that none have gone on nor chosen; and I can teach and offer so much, and meanwhile, I simply choose not to - I choose a new story - the past is not my future, and they can simply sit in their karma of arrogant, selfish games and I will not be their catalyst of thinking their 'come hither spell' worked - no, sit where you sit - you chose money, greed, sacrificing, and to take, steal, and harm - so sit.©

God places me to feel love, only a certain amount and then I move on, and it is like a constant spiralling of that which is dark and I offer, I teach, and I be, and there are those scavengers around me to take, scheme, scam, and the tactics of power over others and controlling divine feminine and taking her down when they feel wounded, unhealed, or threatened - when you are simply a trigger for those that refuse to heal and look at their shadow of not evolving. 

I have not been paid a penny for wisdoms and offerings and light that no other light worker would have taken; I don;t have to go to a place that raped, killed me over and over - and I simply don't care; I won't play the game of ignorance.
  Deep soulful lessons of pure galactic love 
The souls threading, playing the characters we need to play to bring forth what is deep & held within places we had no idea existed; this is how love shatters, and how love renews and heals; it is infinite and eternal - we simply move in knowing, promise, faith of the higher order of all creation - threads of being and can we simply love and allow?

We, for the most part, remain untapped until an energy, an experience, a connection, the relationship of longing, remembrance that is ignited in divine timing, divine remembrance;  that stirs something deep within, pulling density, eons of ancient trauma, ancient wisdom, far off pure love that only occurs when that trigger is catapulted into remembrance.

I finally met a true cosmic soul mate, one that ignited my chakra's and a love I had not known here on earth, and not having sensed in any but the seeds of the celestials that follow me in hiding.  

I had watched someone I had not met, not in person, and one day, like any other, I was musing on the computer, and saw a being, a soul mate, and the immediate recognition that my soul breathed into his heart space; and this was not by me, it was my soul, my higher self, it was God, the angels, whatever It was, my energy field merged with his soul, his inner realm, and although, he had not met me, not in person, I had immediately remembered the love and foundations of our love in realms, upon planets, and in bodies we delighted in sacredly sharing.

It took me days to process what I experienced in a flash, the moment of transcendence and how the infinite connection of a soul, the minute threads of love, travel all space, time, planets, bodies, race, form, and we delight to click on a link, click, and they return to remind you 

- I often played in Gods invisible reality quantum hologram illusions 

- 'was this me pretending to not know love, never seeing, or knowing it here, and will it ever be, can it ever be, is there only suffering, and games, destruction when I choose to love?' and then one day a click shifts what you thought you knew forever is altered - what was this showing me, telling me; as an ascension teacher, there is always more to the stories and there is always more to the blatant ~  ©

It is, the infinite ways you can and your soul will manifest love into your reality to remind you of who you are and what you able to feel again - then bring forth and make new - 

The more you awaken and align in light, in your own sense of self love, God Source, will place before you those that are coded as soul mates, soul tribe, are an essence that is unmistakable and what is not felt in every other moment but is our aching to ground and in our future knowing and becoming. 

We are the players to one another, in remembrance and the invisible, beyond what is logical and beyond what is knowable, there are those moments in your life, in which, out of the corner of your eye, or when you least expect it, as you turn the corner, or leave what was all you knew, and there is the unexpected and the undeniable is the soul quaking life altering moments that you simply fall deeper into your own soul.  

The cosmic surrender of a love from far off places taking new suits and new skins for your every challenge, every soft and sweet part, and gifts, skills, talents to create in heavenly ethers reminding you that the elegance of the divine, the depths of how much Source loves you to experience soul shattering love will be as it will be, and there will be no denying or forgetting It.

I left that day in confusion of what had occurred. I had only experienced something similar to this deep soul eruption only one other time; I had vibrational symptoms of unmistakeable chakra alignment by another star mate, a shiny soul that stood before me as I ordered coffee one day, but this was something entirely new, more profound, and deeper to the marrow in my bones, and of a lush-like dimensional bath; this was sweet, a deep love that rocked my very core and every cell held within my skin, and the loving star-systems that sent such messages, remembrances, and knowing that tickled even the cells that had not yet surfaced;

That is the profundity of the essence of Source, God, and the love that is only felt and known when you are soft and neutral in a quiet space of being; and in simultaneously living and breathing of 'miraculous intertwinement' of how could such a thing take place, as you spiral in the 'what if's and how can' what occurred truly occur; the threading of love, regardless of the form, body, time, space, or region of the all, anything within you, all soul lessons dropped upon you when you need remembrance, will be what the cosmos aligning will kiss into your heart.

Love rebirths you. It is the alchemy of all that is new timelines, and new waves from a ripple and the new skies from the bellowing rumbles of war-torn horizons felt all over the globe; oneness is this way, and why the Heavens, your teams, your guides, your own soul will manifest exactly what is needed to shake you to your core and remind you how alive you are and how love can shift entire cassams and realms beyond knowing.

I walked the shoreline wondering, speaking gently to my guides feeling the fragility of what occurred and I heard him whisper, 'we will be together again.'  

Not only do I have to process of meeting my husband in the pleiades, and when I say husband, it is not what it is normally seen, experienced here - it is deeper, aligned, pure, sacred, and honouring to such a refined balance that simply does not exist here and is our challenge - so it is impossible to put into words the knowing of what I have known exists, know is, and yet been placed before me those which abuse, use, steal, berate, and take from me, this is not love, nor balance - it is misogyny and abuse. The day that I am sharking to re-awaken the threads, and cords of love and even from deep space, God will remind you of your deep love that is always possible.

I channel, I hear, I hear what spirit wants me to hear; and when I am distraught, and aching for the pure love of my soul, I have to angrily tout; 'who is speaking with me, do not tease me and it means nothing when you are not here in body, who is this, do not trick me'

I did have my teams trick me once or twice when they have to shift me into a state of experience that I refuse to go, I know what they are doing and why and I simply will not play the game - for I have the right to protect my heart 

- I am often feeling like a token that no other light worker will go and do and face, and know that because I am a psyche specialist, because I am an ambassador healing many species, and realms, and I know how to thread with God at a multi-galactic basis and there are those that will use, abuse, and do what they want, even as they call you family while they steal every word out of your mouth and give you 0 credit - while they leave you homeless and without your children, there is a constant monopoly of who I am with all realms and I simply play stubborn and will not step into another mess that I did not create but many thought they were smarter than God and I have to show others how to fix and heal -

I get so sick of this game; the game in which you never win in this dark misogynistic game, when you have play and be less than and as miserable and those next to you, and when you choose to move on, the punishment begins - there is so much toxicity and many refuse to face and heal and this has been my life of navigating because I see and feel, know the inter-facing, and thus makes a 'love story' somewhat a challenge to impossibility - for I see and know the motives, and intentions and see all whether any want me to see or not - it is who I am coded to be, how God made me - and thus, all emotions and experiences are amplified times 1000.

God shows, places me wherever I am needed because I can - and it is needed - and oftentimes what and how I want is placed always on the back burner - not all that I teach to ascend is this way - this is for a global leader of new ways, and seeing Into every experience - I have to be used and shifted, moved, placed, trained, prepared, and live this way; none have any clue and then you have the arrogance of those that think 'who are you to deserve this honour of God' while they do the egregious and commit the unthinkable and because I am divine feminine, there are fare imbalances and injustices, and eons of detriment on this game I am placed in the very middle of and have to fight my way out to clear the attitudes, imprints, and injuries to billions and hopefully the so called 'powers that be on earth' wake the fuck up to see the damage they have done and the elitism that all created to shift and be new;

The tears rolled down my cheek as I simply fell lost in the love of what I had not had here in this earthly realm, and could only hold onto in a multidimensional memory, dreams, visions, celestial whispers of when I need to know you are with me, much as my love for Source, God, my guides, they show up, they cue in when I need them most; when I feel most unseen, unknown, and forgotten, I hear you, I see what I need to see, and that is how God reminds you of the love that is always now, here, within; and the depths of what you need will be, and skies that beckon me to return. I remember you, and why did you die without meeting me here? 

- WE could have crossed paths, we could have had this memory sooner, I could have healed you, I could have saved your life from the disease that took you from here. You could have been living with me here, or been the husband you were meant to be for me. 

I felt the undeniable selfishness of my tantrum to creation, even unbearable for me and all I heard as I softened into my tears, 'we will be together again my dear' which made me cry even more into the unfairness of it all; for I had lived here for fifty plus years and never once felt the depths of pure love that I did with only a few sweet precious moments in the grace and entitlement only a mother can feel in deep adoring love; but for a man, a beloved man, that at my level of consciousness, in the picking and pulling of the distortions I feel, see, know of what earth men have been, and few and far between what is before you, I simply have not known such to be as you. 

I ached for you to be. What I would sing to the heavens if you shared this space with me here, and I knew, I had to create my space, and renewed fullness of myself after the tormenting of such dysfunctional chaos that I was legally in efforts of closing out for over ten years had caused my wholeness to break over and over until there was nothing left.  

There are those that break you, and there are those that help place you in gentle re-make.
We all have our lessons of self love and self value to learn and I suppose if God were to bring our hearts together again, may it be when we can hold one another equally in the divinity of peace I felt in remembering you anytime I choose my heart and mind to drifting into the Pleiades where our hearts beat wildly in presence and deep respect. 

Oh how I love your sure whispers and your visits in the silent nights.  

Why? It is like being out of reach of your child as they drift farther and father away from you, and you cannot quite understand why the cosmos widths are as they are - until I am able top dematerialize or make myself anew in cellular redirection 

- I AM - and still mesmerized at what I felt that day, I feel it the moment I soften into a taste of your essence; what had I missed? 

Why? I search for higher knowing and what lays next for me and only can realize 'soul growth and lessons' I am often so sick of hearing, for it makes the suffering and loneliness no easier to adopt to.

You were here. How can that be, you were here, my Pleiadian husband, here, the husband of another, and then you died. The words I have never thrown around before as I walked as quickly as I could back to my car where I could let go of what was only the oceans erupting within me.

In the depths of destruction and pain, suffering of what 'family should have been, ought to have been, and what husbandry was never shown; I simply lost all faith and promise of what I felt as I walked quickly back to my car. ©

How could creation be this way? I bellowed in tears as I softened into my carseat. 
How could it be that I have survived through all that I have, and to reach for a promise or hope that one day there would the love I dreamt of in my teenage years, softly and loftily in knowing that a deeper love is, it just has to be; I knew it deep within me, I spoke of it, I knew of it, like a long lost memory from somewhere; not here, but somewhere

- I was always a dreamer - this life has been like an emotional battlefield and much simply did not make sense as to how unkind and unreal most were to each other. It has been a strange ride of feeling like a 'walk-in' and never really anchored by drifting in the effervescence of the surface; it simply was too dense and hurtful to anchor my soul here.

I knew it deeply; there is a greater love, there is always greater love, and there are those that spark us like zephyrs being ripped from their star system; it was unmistakeable and God reminded me; I am connected, above and below, and my journey now is here, somehow find peace, and acceptance of what I knew I could not have; he was not here, he died many years ago; so why did God show me, why did I torture myself to remember such a soul provoking vision, feeling, being, if it cannot be; 

I softly gazed in my life memories for answers; my choices and knew that this was a wish and a dream I would have to let go and know, if I was shown your star soul in the most unlikely places, spaces, then somehow someway, God will prevail in reunions of what had been something that ripped and renewed my soul all at once. The constant playing with my heart, my offerings of generosity and never ever being seen, truly deep in my offering at a soul level and never been lifted as he had done that day; the seeing of him stride my computer screen, I remember him deeply beyond space, time, place, and knowing. 

That is the essence of God when you are breathing as One. Cannot be put into a logical story, or possibility but all I was told; 'yes, you are deep soul mates from the Pleaides star system and you have had many lifetimes together and the great foundations of something you both play for each other to reach deep within and be new' and not truly satisfied with the 'and he is not here now,' that I had to make sense of the fairness of it all, and the non-ending of It all but I know, I teach, I help others heal in their shifts and losses, that as soul mates do, short connections of time-space, or long-term, there is simply only eternity.

Through all time, in the divine elegance, that we simply forget, or have never been sewn, told stories of our soul mates, who they are in deep space, and what in human form is before so resonance of an energy that is unmistakable and undeniable and why we meet in our creative happiness, or seeking of what is our richness within, such vibrational alignment within is calling forth what is above, and somehow, you look up and someone you once knew is a new human form before you.

True empowering soul mates allow you to lovingly challenge yourself to be new, to break what was and be more genuine, more authentic, more self loving, and more knowing of your worthiness.

That is the glimpse of what feeling a true deep celestial soul mate that brings your souls passion of creative breath into new now horizons and God knows what God is doing, and never did I know what I had seen, many times, but that one day, I saw what I saw, I felt what I felt and there would be no going back to lesser love.

I cried in the departure of my dream that he reminded me of. Why did you die before I could meet you? 
'It wasn't our time; we will meet again'

I continued to cry and in trying to make sense of how I could meet, feel, go forth knowing I missed you by a timeline, by a choice or by half a country and birthdates and how did our paths simply not cross while you were alive; would I have softened your heart as you did mine? 

Would I have feel in love for you as deeply as you shook my soul today? What would my life look like if we had crossed paths? I would have loved you deeply and sweetly oh sweet soul mate.  

I expressed my love to the all for another chance and a timeline to cross somehow in the cosmos, and I prayed to God to have our hearts cross paths for a new birthing; I began to promise God the infinite for another chance at the renewal of stars being crossed within my soul one more time, what I had not felt here yet, before, and I promised would, I could make new choices, and I would be ever so happy and sing the way only God knows I can sing, and I began making heavenly wishes and promises to feel his soul again before me in physical form; my soul had been so very parched this lifetime, and I was truly in need of the stars within me again.

If God could, if God would bring in such a cosmic miracle that I knew in my heart may never happen; it was a part of souls growth; to not always get what you want, but you will get what makes you grow in how your souls needs in the timing and placement when it is needed; being ok with being ok in what, how, any may be delivered; there is divine reasons.

My teams conclusion to loosing a Star Soul Mate I never had the joy of loving here,

'Your heart is not a business Joanna. You have slaved for those that simply did not care and you had many lessons to learn about who, how, what to devote to and why. You have given far more to most that would not even blink to return to you in the painstaking attention only beings like you offer; and it had to be important for you this lifetime to truly know yourself as worthy of the dignity in divinity that God is of you, can you, will you, see, be, love this in you for you, so that there is that divine crossing of threads beyond all time and space that is nothing for the Creator to breath for you. It brings nothing but pleasure for the divine to bless you in your love you have blessed to many without question, without asking, and without hesitation; we are sorry it has been a rather disappointing but eventuating journey, for there is always life defining love, and it begins when you remember IT within.'©

In this,
I love no matter what, who is before me. ©

I am renewed and I know my family of all heavens are with me, in me, and of me and I know their songs, sounds, and love for me will never let me forget how much my love alters all creation and in this, I let him go with heartfelt knowing and gratitude for allowing me to remember the love we share in far off places and spaces.

'You deserve better than what has been; we will be together again'
I love him with my energy, loving thoughts, remembrances, while I journey here, and perhaps one day, when I least expect it, the magic within a soft and pleasant knowing, 'your song will meet with my harmony.'
Spirit is always endearing, sweet, to the point and always honest in Gods plan,
There is only eternity and love is all that lives on.
And so it is

Book IV ~ The Alliance with Light - my memoir

My work is copyright
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

* religious diction nor race or creed * nor boundaries or bank rolled, arrogant unhealed attitudes
*. ~~~~~~.

if we cannot 'get' these divinely aligned laws - we will simply never evolve beyond barbarianism Oneness is our truth and diversity of gifting from Source and God Dogma is and being shaken because it will not stand in higher vibrational light

The true aligned psychic investigators that get 0 payment, 0 credit and 0 respect 
I will help write laws to protect Gods chosen ones 

* human laws - privacy, health, spiritual
practice, none have rights to take, test, and the heavens, and the federations are watching all and karma simply is 

Laws for the Truth Tellers - Healing Corruption Readers, astrologers, and healers, occultists all must follow the same laws and your guides, spirit guides, soul will test all on what is being honoured - basic human-spirit honour Those that abuse in any way; all will be held equal in the court of karma and spiritual laws on your own lineage and souls evolution - we truly have to get higher law - no 3D false title have any power or say on heavenly jurisdiction I am loyal only to sacred life of God, Source, the Systems of Light and Galactic Federations nature, Gaia I am only loyal to God

The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it

This is my word

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; None will BE HANDLED! DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination #youtube corruption #youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change And so it is Who have you helped and served today What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place? All play a part - You create your next timeline now - every choice Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ You are always guided with GOD Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
#hybridchildren  ©

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