Wednesday 7 February 2024

Celebrate NEW EARTH - REPRESENT #5D Hybrid, Crystal, Celestial, SACRED HUMAN UNITY

 Light affects the physics of all life

God is the science of all life This is the omni bedding of the all Hybrid energy and DNA are the glitter, the essence of new dawning for our nourishment Channels, code breakers, crystal children, and indigo children, High functioning and all that are here to break what was - stand and arise because you shift the very light code of earth and the very science of God that is joy, breath, honour, and respect for all life

I represent all voices and all life light I represent all planets and all realms I represent the heavens - this is my birthright and I claim what God made Thank you God 
I am that I am - may I serve you in grace and benevolence Thank you to the federations, councils, and groups of all systems of light  God is  Source is Oneness is God is  Unity for all humanity - all deserve their voice, right to live in grace of their body, mind, spirit, soul - Alignment to universal laws ANY that do spell work, magic, voodoo, rituals of what 'they' think is for their selfish gain, Has 0 care, 0 health nor intuition of caring for you ~ nor will nor is abiding by your basic human rights What will that say for being in 'stable' and honouring relationship Why would you want to force someone to be with you  How can a person with 0 access to Source, light, their own higher self, 0 access to light, demons and entities attached to their vessel, degrading choices, intent, be the carrier of a conduit's destiny? It is like putting a straw to do what a hose only could - makes no sense and why darkness will always fail - God follows all moments, all prayers, all choices in which you choose to love, care, be in good will, and stand for the meek, and stand to make new ways - God, the heavens, the billons of the Karma Board of the 13th dimensional Creators - they see and know all - spirit is everywhere and in all beings - every person, even those that choose from the shadow - have higher selves, on the other side of the veil, and those higher selves will manifest soul implosions to the Divine Gods plan - there is always higher divine plans for the gardens that is our collective destiny  No money No payment  No hit  No false 3D robed title means nothing to the heavens and where and what timeline you create for your children now - you are their potentials for peace, health, next infusions of light -- none escape their every moment to live in love  None are your answer - you are Go within and heal

You should be willing to live a beautiful and happy life whether the person you think you want doesn't want you - the vibrational mismatch, the disrespect and over 8 yrs of stating so and behaving so will be proof -  All have human rights - and we deserve respect to walk peaceful simply being who we are -  How the criminal agendas for humanity have ripped every family apart and the elite, the leaders, all are being called out and these court cases will go all the way - God will see all in court - judgment! Just because we go against the grain, we are stalked, veiled, shadow banned, and targeted by the elites and their agendas to keep underground criminal  Why would you not trust in creation to simply bring you what is best - no higher order understanding, 0 trust in your own vibration, and 0 trust in your teams, guides, and 0 sense of self and insecure as any other manipulation and domination tactics LET'S BE VERY CLEAR DEAR HEALING HUMANITY ANY TITLE, ANY MONEY MAKING ELITES, FALSE LEADER ANY PERSON, ALL PERSONS, THERE IS EQUAL X 10 WATCHING YOU AS YOU WATCH ANY OF THE DIVINE'S LEGION LIGHT workers and healers, teachers, and the innocent will no longer carry the karma and debts of the ignorant and arrogance of what chooses to degrade and destroy the gardens of Gods plan; beyond what is known, spirit is everywhere and all beings and none will carry the karma on their lineage and souls futures to hide and be silent for thieves and liars - matters not of any 3D false title or government that wants to silent truth tellers and change makers - We have our birthright We have our rights in the heavens and we will be supported - I am I AM THAT I AM The legions are - love light and divine sacred life is IT is time dear ones stand and be counted humanity WE WILL NOT BE PUPPETS and we deserve what is rightfully ours and have earned - I healed you in all timelines and I have fed your children - you choose your earth and timelines - every choice is your future and there is no money that will clear your karma #GOD Is The goddess has returned and the all deserves healing and peace Understand the divine order, higher order and mechanism of creational reality You have 0 respect for any if you do spell work on them, you only care what you want, thus then, Heal your wounds Heal heal heal Be courageous Heal And so be it This is truth © We are crossing light-time zones and our galactic essence will trigger who you are deep within, your DNA will be activated and the light will bathe that wound deep within your chakras to stand and be who you truly are - and it will transcend all that is dense and small - your voice, your spirit, your soul, and your heart - the celebration of the heavens is our birthright - 

Creative Creational Stylist ~ RETURN OF the HEAVENLY GODDESS-HOOD© ~~~ I AM JOANNA #5DBEAUTY #5DGoddesshood #5DElegance Hair, makeup, product promotions, epidemiology of the consciousness of our collective, future integration of our celestial lifting to unity, cosmic oneness ~ creative divinely unique nail ideas and concepts  ~ The richness of spirit, the depths of the soul of God, the Divine is eternally expansive, and it begins within, that welling of knowing within you - is your soul awakening - reach out and let's play!  You are vibrational rich in spirit and you are here to bring it forth in new styling, creative bathing in every way and alter your life and all relationships in your new found connection of the 'heavenly you' Love is the creative in motion When I style, I read the fields, Akash, and playfulness of your own inner depths, Your entire playful teams, celestials, faeries and Gaia, the angels tune in We have missed out on eons of Divine feminine play, and being the blessing of Goddess-hood How to be and live in the soup of elegance, wisdom, peace of being upright, uplifted, and be in joy of being exalting in our playfulness of being Divine feminine Activation of the God-hood is also available for booking ~ take devotional practice in being anew - Call me, book me, 2024 will be the year we become! #5D style, more vibrancy in colour, playfulness in our beauty and not that 'changing with a knife' but simply deeply loving all of your canvas of beauty that was designed purely with source, God, and how would and how could any of this be less than divine and sacred? © Let's play dear lighted ones, #5D Creative Consulting Bringing the essence of the Heavens through all you are, and all you do, Make-up, hair, home, land, all is sacred - bless your grace and your space © I am open for divine hire to play in the new awakening of #5D Divine Mother, Goddess-hood  

Every session is recorded, clearing, setting, calling in Heavenly energy, sacred crystalline angelic energy, and our celestial codes of your fields, heart, and knowing who you are, where you are always 'live-streaming' from and as the elegance of the soul and vastness you belong within - bring It out - play, color, sing, pray, pretend, dance, be of the Mothers Milk and see how your soul, fields, and activations within will be a new playful part of your connected life -  I simply remind you and activate your codes, remembrance and divinity with God Source, Creation and all realms  * all sessions, will be recorded and playful for your reflections, notes, and practice  * all sessions will be held in light, angelic protection, clearing, healing, activations, with sound, light language and Christic Reiki Omni-Mudra's ~ always from and how you are linked, connected, and threaded with 

~ Systems of Light and Galactic Federations, and celestial streams of love, light, fairies and earth magic  ~ I was hidden in plain sight, so too are you! I am a conduit, empath, high-functioning and the activations of God is - let's play
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; $233USD per 90min $533USD 4x45min Leave a comment with email address in the fields on the payment page of PayPal - I will respond within 24hrs Home, beauty, business, family, fashion, product refinement in pure alignment of 5D codes, heavenly offering, earthly service and integration 
~ Celestial Oneness

And so be it I look forward and I am excited about our connection and co-creation ~ Joanna
Sing, dance and be of great joy, exalt in who you are - you are divine and sacred When you claim your divine pillar of light, truth, authenticity - you set right the Gods plan, higher order 
All it takes to fall into the Law of Natural FLOW is let go and be Simply BE Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

* religious diction nor race or creed * nor boundaries or bank rolled, arrogant unhealed attitudes
*. ~~~~~~.

if we cannot 'get' these divinely aligned laws - we will simply never evolve beyond barbarianism Oneness is our truth and diversity of gifting from Source and God Dogma is and being shaken because it will not stand in higher vibrational light

The true aligned psychic investigators that get 0 payment, 0 credit and 0 respect 
I will help write laws to protect Gods chosen ones 

* human laws - privacy, health, spiritual
practice, none have rights to take, test, and the heavens, and the federations are watching all and karma simply is 

Laws for the Truth Tellers - Healing Corruption Readers, astrologers, and healers, occultists all must follow the same laws and your guides, spirit guides, soul will test all on what is being honoured - basic human-spirit honour Those that abuse in any way; all will be held equal in the court of karma and spiritual laws on your own lineage and souls evolution - we truly have to get higher law - no 3D false title have any power or say on heavenly jurisdiction I am loyal only to sacred life of God, Source, the Systems of Light and Galactic Federations nature, Gaia I am only loyal to God

The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it

This is my word

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; None will BE HANDLED! DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination #youtube corruption #youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change And so it is Who have you helped and served today What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place? All play a part - You create your next timeline now - every choice Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ You are always guided with GOD Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
#hybridchildren  ©

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