Thursday 21 December 2023

SEEING beyond 3D Beliefs * WHO SAID 1 Woman Cannot Change the World * * 5D LEADERS * ARISE

 Discernment of NEW EARTH 5D path ways ~ Healing & Unhealed Behaviours

Have a look at our tree of light - life and the template for growth, healing, self direction, and self compassion for anew
Holiday Message

* discern that any environment you set yourself within affects your cells
* all affects the all

I know who I am
I am and have my right to be here - I will not sit down for those that want me to silence

My truth I will not apologize And who is playing God to un-alive another simply because they are different while those same people do 'what is so not conformity' behind closed doors - but they cannot face what they do behind closed doors and rather than face it - they join groups of cults, covens, paid by the elite dominance false leaders and haters to bring the innocent down simply because we call what we see, know, what God shows us -
My Destiny ~ 5D TRUTH GODS PLAN If God says 'say it' - we say it The stalkers that watch The spoilers spiers The fake false and cut off beings from my energy - but they will do anything to take you, your energy and your light harvest and voodoo you - all they want to do is swallow you whole thinking they will be your light - simply utterly misunderstanding and misguidance - do not know anything above devil sacrifices 3D darkness of the misguided ring leader that simply has no clue -

Higher intelligence is wisdoms of light and codes they do not get it because they have not chosen to clear density and heal their wounding thus then - the drama in their world will continue God has a divine plan and all have a right to be I know my purpose and I will not surrender to those that lie and sit in their victim mode while they steal, thieve, and do everything spend 1000's to bring death to me - while they have no idea about what energy is and who and what Gods plan for humanity is and it includes me I have my rights - all were given years to alter course - Sol let the song begin All have a right to be joyful and prideful I am just getting on my chariot - I have my light right to be none write my path God is I am one with God
* any person, 'teacher' or healer that tells you to act in vengeful and harmful, and stalking-like retaliation manner, revenge manner is not a light worker
* any person that offers abusive tactics ESP, Mental, Emotional, Pysical, financial control tactics, withholding tactics any of these are misogynistic, vengeful, distorted and unhealed wounds spoken from a wounded person, and if you choose to act behave in this way - it is negative karma and negative intentions and thus, you will receive negative return = 
* what you put out returns - healing means that you are able to see your part in all circumstances - its your reality 
* what wounds do you behave from?
* what wounds to you speak from?

* what wounds do you treat others with? It can no longer be hidden any more - those that choose to not heal, those that choose to heal - peaceable or drama and chaos and deceit - all get to choose but know that all around you, all around the truth of the situation will see what is wounding and pain, and what is healed, healing, loving and compassionate - 

* none deserve to be treated in abuse - 
* know that there is a global shift dear ones, DF will be placed in equality and fairness and we will not be told to sit down, and open our legs for the pleasure of being and living an isolated silent life for the means of a playtoy - this is not love, it is not respect, it is simply disgust, deep distorted wounds and misogyny that many on our planet cannot and refuse to heal and face themselves as projecting a new world potential 

* women have been suppressed for 1000's of years - and there are corners of our world that refuse to see and want to see women as valued nor a part of growing leadership, role models, for it would force them to look at who they are within to project such hatred - 

* these are people that have no idea about the inner realm for they are wounded
* every person on our planet has DF/DM energies - and why many of the most staunch misogynists and harmful do have their inner confusions about sexual preference - which being such, exploration of such is highly normal in an evolutionary path - we are at our heart androgynous - but based on warped beliefs, and dogmatic practice of worthiness, purpose to being and fitting into worlds of beliefs that are simply archaic and misguided and having 0 knowledge of grander creational realities and our energy bodies, fields, chakra's 
* there will simply be some shifts into liberation and higher consciousness that some refuse and will not make and thus every person has to discern and continue the path of profound liberation within - so without can be uplifted and never hold back who you are for any other - allow all their pacing, time, space to evolve or not
* you have your rights to be a divine role model, sacred being of joy, light, happiness and success and we are all re-writing DF in or new journey, elders, children, animals, Gaia - ALL HAVE A PLACE

* DO NOT surrender and be small for old ways - we are here to break through
We are meant to shine our light and challenge old abusive ways of imbalance and distorted notions of our potentials
Human - Spirit potential is equal on all sides - DF are powerful healers, leaders, teachers and creators
The children are profound and they will find their own voice, path - and all will be moving out of the way for them
We will not be held in small worlds and small disgusting manners of being a porn bot for the selfish elite that want to simply play-pay their way through life and have everyone bow to their whims and while they block, stalk, try to intimidate and twist truths, and deceive their way to get their way - there will be more and more every day awakening to see, know, sense what is truth and all have FREE WILL and all have CHOICE

#1 LAW ~ Universal LAWS

Love is love
Love is not disgusting in how you treat people - that is a basic truth but when you are around abusive and abhorrent self loathing environments of power over others - this is a thing and such advice to interact is a thing
Interacting in abusive, tormenting, toxic, mind-emotional-spiritual war-fare - is not healing advice - PERIOD!

* false spiritualists that give any advice on playing games, playing mental, emotional, withholding, making jealous and placing competition or deceiving, delaying, and inhumane tactics to get attention, is highly highly distorted inner child wounding and is nothing more than abusive advice

Any person that guides to competition, stalk, bully, should be referred to authorities 
- this is advice that ignites competition, harshness, and unhealed inner realm that ignites less than, it is psychological abuse if this is advice 

All have the birthright to be loved, given to, honoured, and uplifted -

-- any that research and dive into others charts, energy without permissions or have them in front of you - you are working with dark spiritualists and will be dark outcome - negative and karmic - period - all have been told, shown of the laws we are to align with and thus, all choices from here on out is immediate karma not only this timeline but any other timeline you choose to be birthed into
- - any that advise such to wounded, misguided souls is abuse and all need to be referred to proper authorities - thus is cult-like, hate-intended and very wounded souls that will only direct and gather in bringing trouble, loss, and hate to the innocent - this is corruption and is in every community - 

Discern the energy in your home - for many are a part of such and some may not even know it - they hide it and they suppress it - for they cannot be and live transparently - mason groups are founded in such secrecy - and all will thus attract the same - what ever the energy is = will be what returns - it is 4D now and nothing can be hidden, or seen as a false narrative or deceitful story or claim - all will be seen - 

Light workers and seers merely speak it 
Nothing can be hidden- hate is hate and however it is dressed up - all have to discern what life you choose to manifest and create 
Healing takes self loving devotion and work, care, and changing your whole world to be caring, truthful, and lovingly command this from everyone - no tolerance for the games, mental sick baiting to argue and act out to prove to others you have a breaking point - that is the human testing - and this has been my experience of those that call themselves 'professional community leaders' while behind the scene they were all being paid, to scheme, plot, plan how to abuse, push, twist truth, spell cast daily, rituals on graves and full moons with voodoo dolls simply because I am who 

I am and I will not stand down to another's will and not be dominated - 
My human rights meant nothing to these people and they gather to this day seeking to torment me and break me
My human rights for my voice and how humanity will break into liberation on all fronts - will be what many cannot handle and see, or fathom - 

Liberation and freedom
THERE IS MORE GOING ON IN OUR REALITY than the social world wars to admit but it cannot be ignored
** 3D - 5D is now - it is being seen everywhere

All have this right and I will be the voice for all that are harmed, killed, and abused because they see beyond the mind-games, the emotional mess, and spiritual war-fare because someone doesn't get their way and underneath, there are deeper issues, diseases, disorders that the 3D community, world and social world doesn't see, doctors will know, for none are seeing, knowing, sensing what is going on multi-dimensionally and why my work is so valuable

There will be charges of human safety and discrimination for any, all that have suppressed my wisdom for it is healing, and necessary for a balanced humanity and healing for the all-
The reclaiming our light, energy, soul fragments, the process of ascension is vital and those copying my work will not know anything about what I have devoted my life to - they are not seers - they are steeped in darkness of lack and how we must discern psychological issues - see beyond the behaviour
#corruption #healing #5Dhealing

I am a world healer, leader, teacher and I will transcend and offer such light and divine wisdoms for all -
We all deserve our birthright to transcend fear, bullying, toxic dysfunction, and deceit from our own officials and governments that know what they are a part of and what agendas to keep humanity asleep -

None have the rights to press humanity down the way we have
They did not anticipate us awakening to our power to heal ourselves and choose from an intuitive state of being and being in joy, love, happiness for life - God is the happiness of life and it is beyond dogmatic practice and form, and borders - Jesus - one of his messages - ONENESS - no borders - keep on that which is love -

Love is expansive and divine
There are no borders
LOVE is transcending and divine
It is the only healing agent - period - drugs will not get you through ascension 

You have to do the inner work 
It will not change and none get a free pass because of their name, or money or agendas they belong to - 
All nefarious groups, gangs, people, leaders all that choose to not follow universal laws - will see their karma and their own guides and God will bring it - 

The all of creation has its right to continue evolution - 
this is our innate birthright and it trumps all selfish low vibrational agendas of those that simply choose to not allow liberation, and fairness, equality and abundance and light for all - 

Light workers mirror the all to any before each
Face your shadow
Women are meant to be powerful, honouring, sacred, wise, and divine creators - who ever said we were not - why is there always this sick issues with underlying competition.
These are imprints all must transcend - all is one

Competition breeds aggression and closes down all systems of life to ever receiving abundance and health - for light is health

If you practice open vibrations, and if you practice open vibrations, you will receive - loving vibrations, understanding, respect, valuing others, compassionate vibrations - all is receiving energy - you will receive

Competition is a vibration of separation, better than, less than, pushing and pulling and forcing and spell work is such - interference so all get to choose -

Face your potential
Release the fears and old out-dated separative beliefs
This is ascension - you are a master - this is your evolution -

All past eons of abuse and imbalance must change and it is
Our species and our planet relies on this
There is no other way around this - 
Those that want to fight it tooth and nail - will meet their path of elegant movement out with God - 
The greater good is always at heart for the divine - abuse is not necessary, harm, violence, disease, all is unnecessary and this is our birthright - 

Joanna’s Heavenly Ascension Offerings


Private & Group, Corporate, Global Healing, 

Activation Sessions 


·       90min sessions $200USD

·       4X45min sessions $500USD

·       Creative Consulting Sessions for 5D alignment, on any and all levels of human-spirit potential and co-creation, celestial, alien, cosmic, galactic integration 

·       Christ Consciousness, Multi-verse unity, DNA activations, Christic healing & angelic sounds, light language art and sounds, guidance and heavenly guided direction ©


Paypal first with comment in the comment field of session, I will then email with dates, times, suggestions or email for price on consulting


Donations and payments for sessions ~ 

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I am that I am
I am Joanna
God made me this way, blessed me this way 
I cannot be copied nor taken from of my essence 
I offer it freely and with passion of the new earth 
All are accountable - PERIOD!

Heal your wounds, so they do not become another's ~ all are accountable and there will be change - embrace it

Be a loving positive part of change - allow your story be your success! 
#ascensionbooks #ascensionhealing #ascensionclasses #5dleadership #5Dcreators 
#healingDivinefeminine #healingourchildren 

Blessings and light

Donations are loved and honoured - THANK YOU EMAIL me for a limited space for this offer! *** To Contact me; *** To Donate use; PayPal link here;

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or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

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