Saturday 16 December 2023

Judgment Day ~ End of Times, Are we AWAKE YET ~ Blatant Discrimination #youtube #socialplatforms

 Blatant #youtube Interference

They want you to see them messing with you Pilfering of my video's ~ when I close off a video, after recording it says 70+viewers live and when it uploads there is 5 - with 15+ likes - so where did the viewers go?
1` day my channel at 2.03, the next 2.02 - it is a game to them - - they follow me, stalk me and do whatever they can to intimidate and harass, bring their psychological warfare and voodoo to stop all happiness and people seeing me a love, honour and sacredness - they will do what they will do and I will still be light, joy, grace and speaking of liberation  - for that is the UNIVERSE, multiverse and it is far grander than a few dark gangs thinking they write the future for earth and they do not; elitism and sick corruption for the innocent and plans of agendas and entrapment - all now are being judged - every person touching my accounts, and youtube, and anything with my light on it - my work, my videos, and anything to do with Gods plan - all will have their consequences #Godsplan #evolution #creationalreality #source #humanrights All will be charged and I will see all in court and perhaps then you will face me! I call global judgment on #YoutubeCorruption and those that have received my 100's of feedback and done nothing and every person pushing the buttons, paying the 'grunge recruits' and all, any light workers platforms, my platforms times 10 A friends YouTube channel now at over 8K only 2 weeks ago at 2.5K and my channel is being played with Is this not a federal, DEA and Secret Service government offence? #fraud #blatant discrimination of DF and her offering, voice, healing, and tactics to play and psychologically attack my life in whatever way they think there is an intimidation, control, and messing with my life; I am no ones property and why no plan to 'sacrifice' me will ever work My power, light, energy, spirit, soul and consciousness belong to me  - God will protect equal measure I EXALT who I am GOD WILL MATCH EQUAL MEASURE None play God over any others life - period Be it music label, gang, mafia, government official, judge, police or sect of beliefs - this is new earth and truth is the only way through to new ground This is the end of times; truth is the only way through - all choose! #corruption Be it those that they are paid to follow me, spy on me, voodoo of the hoodoo - make no mistake, I have beings on all realms working and cannot wait for a person to think they are greater than a plan for Source to pay all in blessings - God blesses all that support the divine plan - dark or light - God is not biased in Creational evolution - God creates perfection and most are not wise enough to know such; why a wisdom speaking, tongue of sacred word is seen in a DF and how horrifying it is for those that think they have hold on our collective or children or planet or her resources will always loose; It will never be a battle any will win; it is not a battle - this is ascension and we will ascend and those that choose such infiltration and messing with others lane - will see their own karma through wrath - this is the end of times, and judgment to all is the facing and surrendering for a better timeline next time you choose and when you / all pass - all will see the power of choice and how to clear karma for a better life and healthy life through which they will not bring such hell to their offspring ~ all is choice Do you notice all of my youtube and those messing with it 1 day at 2.02 the next day at 2.03
How many masters that have to be sent here before humanity 'get's it' 
How many masters and their demising stories have to be read, heard in false churches before humanity remembers?
It is up to all - money, greed, jealousy, envy, gluttonous rich souls that want more, power over others and very very very wounded souls - and seers see and we will see and we will speak of what we see - 

On all my platforms there is abuse. - what happen to the fair treatment to wisdoms and healings that the entirety require? Your DNA your health, your next life, your children, all is affected by your choices - you make it all and none have any to blame!

The false agenda's the elites, whoever is paying for all my platforms to be messed with, they are showing everyone and laughing at how none do a thing - how unification is really not a thing for humanity - this is all and what all have to be ok with - karma is karma - - God sees what and every action done and not done and what who is ready for leadership and who is simply lazy and not even considering what unification is within - the voice that is never heard, never valued, and the inner child abuse - these are my voices and all see it on my platform and any employee at #youtube will see the blatant messing and nothing is done ~ #criminalcharges to all involved and God said; 'bring your best, for I see, know all' bring your best lawyers and your biggest names and every dollar threaded in every pay off, and all monies changing hands - if you choose to mess with Gods plan, you battle with God and so be it 

See you all in court 
Darkness is not intelligent
It will always implode and what I predicted for over 6 yrs is now unfolding -
Therefore - face thy choices

Judgment has been called on all ~ And Gods investigators on it all - so very amazed at how daily the divine and sacred are bathing all life, and all corruption, gangs, and underground trafficking and harming to the innocence is being seen, must be faced, and will be looked at square for the consequences all must face - cannot go into higher realms by committing crimes, officials covering crimes up, and so on ~ 

WE are evolving, What is key -----> morals, values, and honouring of what is sacred and divine ~ is life important? is life sacred and what has been learned by, of each person in your life? If the DF highest healer on the planet, the only one of her kind, is 'offered' and what would that do to the timelines, lives, energies of the mass children's collective that she is an activator for all higher realms, what will occur for all on the planet that did choose to heal, ascend? What will the person choosing to 'knock-off' a mother - tell to their children?  Would they say that 'hey had nothing to do with it and live with their sorrow and pain, suffering - would that be your story and your karma regardless of what realm and timeline you think you have sacrificed to a false God that does not write creation;  

Someone is paying these gangs, hitmen, and ring-leaders #karma is anyone seeing and why does all sit and do nothing? 

We have become this numb, dumb, to the normalization and at the end of times, there is no fence sitting; 

God is watching every human and every soul - in every day - your soul is aching for you to unify and make your world better - and who does what when they know, have seen, have done, and do nothing - that is your souls destination - all have a choice of what true unity, oneness and self love is - you set the stage for your tomorrow and none can blame any for what is before them - 

Violence is not necessary
Gangs, guns, trauma, abuse, trafficking
Self love is not conceit
Self love is healing for the collective

NONE shall have ownership of another's life and when you reclaim your spirit, energy, soul, with God in your heart - none shall surpass these times of transitions and all must sit in their space and place and choose what is worth the steps you take next;

This is where humanity has gotten, allowed, created and what sacred life we have sold, traded to be in the midst of such; all must face the darkness to transcend anew and what are your values now? Healing, transcending limitations, abuses and doing nothing - who are you?
GOD is all life
We are not religion
We are divine celestial honouring sacred light and eternal life - all get to choose

None have any clue what a light-worker sees and knows, experiences and we receive 0 respect and support nor protection - yet we pave the way for no disease and children dying that will be everyones karma - none know what we are to your own futures and 0 care and give a crap and the Mother and Father are calling everyone out -

UNITY means all act in love for another ~ #5D new earth is - and who none is standing with me on this - I have been solely with God, Source, my legions - none beside me - all are sitting watching and the discrimination is blatant - #twitter #youtube Elite programs and agendas do not want me to be seen, heard, known; 

There is a reason - they know who I am and all monies, and all resources have been stripped, taking, stolen, raped, and vibrationally taken me into any and all suppression status for any other to ride over my life to destiny swap, and take, for whom? 

#corrupteliteprograms #hireformurder #premeditatedmurder #occultcrime #elitecorruption 

Who is the payor - GOD sees and knows all - God is within every human and you don't think God sees every word leaving every persons mouth and intention and legions on all actions of harm to those that bring higher knowing, codes, light, hope, promise - ! The lessers Gods do not write creation - they do not know what light knows to write creation - they play a role for catalyst and for any that chooses to alter course and move on into new self loving care and impact ~ Target me or not, plan and scheme or not ~ the Divine's plan will move and we will ascend; all due to jealousy which is no sense of self, due to childhood and chosen wounds, all is healable - and all the pain, suffering, to those affected by the derailing of 1 DF ~ 1 healer - 1 truth teller; and the monies, wasted, hidden, energy, time, spell casted and every single human, trading of money to silence, pay off to make anything go away, corrupt lawyers and judges, and officials - EVERY ONE Will RECEIVE equal karma and then some ~ GOD IS SHOWING ALL TO THEIR FACES THE HELL YOU WISH FOR ANOTHER IS THY OWN HOME within I will not be bullied to go away and nor will I stand down,

I will not be silenced - I HAVE MY RIGHTS TO BE ME fully and that is a truth and lightning through out all realms and all deities that work for me ~ WHY ??????? its called honour and respect and the dark that are so wounded in jealousy do not know the vibration of honour, values, morals; why every plan of the mafia, gangs, underground, cults, for there is no honour of life - it is all giving power away to others, sacrificing, degrading of sacredness against the highest of Universal laws and movement - therefore thus then; it shall fall and I will stand and speak this until all on this jewel of a planet is restored ~ No human will be trafficked, traded, and sold or pushed for sexual and violent glory of the deranged and selfish of all which is and can be healed! Those targeting me have no clue who I am ~ God will not show you ~ Soften to your hearts dear ones, We will arise and we will ascend - light to every dark corner on this planet that has been bought, sold, traded, and bid for sacrifice ~ all will be restored - loving, grace, honour, sacredness, and the blessing of breath and light-life Eternal life is our birthright and I will not stand down #past #calgary #governmenthumantesting #humantesting 

Blessings be the greater good, When those choose to be involved with such work against me; the karma begins at the word go and be ready for GODS wrath ~ that is my word Choice = Reality I have my birthright to be exactly me As Gods design I AM THAT I AM Sacred Word Presence be the grace of God in all humans of soft heart and always doing what is right for the greater good of Gods plan of all evolutionary realms and celestial integration of higher intelligence to take humanity out of subjugation, fear, and suppression ~ and so it is! Dec 16, 2023
#ascension #God #Source #lovingearth #GRACE #ONENESS #UNITY

Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

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or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

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