Monday 4 December 2023

5D leadership - Blatant and in our Face - Sovereignty, Self Love - Design new realities

 New Earth Will not ever have 'arms race' nor underground nor the trafficking nor erasing of DF and children

So essentially a world of just men - power playing, greed, ego against one another - I called out - this video - before it came out - and thus it disappeared on my youtube page - How and who has access to my page! Stealing my mail, stealing my work - big business trying to suppress me further - a little old account of 2K 
This is truth dear ones. Look at the headlines and behaviours of #epstein island and leaders that have all found themselves in such grips of the corrupt vampires to take, thieve, suck, siphon, harvest, and pimp you in any way possible and then to sell it off as if it is a political ploy of leadership - this is not leadership - this is human pimping.

We are here as sacred souls.
It is very simple.
What you see in the world, is the confusion erupting from the
devils corruption 

All must be called and make no mistake about it - this is the end of times judgment and I have been bringing forth such for 2 yrs for all to alter course and shift their inner outer - 
If you choose to not seek the soul, spirit within - there will be out-folding - the passive allowance of the human collective choosing to continue the sick pimping enslavement by those that are simply crooks, thieves, and high level warlocks and conmen.

My the fear, limitations, and work, money spent to suppress the truth tellers 
- none write humanities destiny but humanity and God - period - all have rights, and all have the liberation of exploration, expression, experience  

How much has been spent on trying to harm, derail, take me off my path - when the monies would have been spent on healing humanity - allowing all voices as equal - for the people - is that not the role of the leader?

money and time on a DF of truth - For some strange reason, this post I posted a few days ago disappeared - And then you see the shifts in consciousness I called this In my video 2 days ago - the arms race and the 'barbarian' leaders that care nothing for healing the people, or sacred land, they care only for greed and need of their selfish agendas' The Federations called such leaders in their discarding of human issues, while humanity is sick, needing my voice, healing, wisdom, I get blocked - people playing with my platforms to ensure I am not seen nor heard and I called this - I call judgment on such - all are being called out - Selfish agendas of the elites, haves have nots, and why are such leaders? #5D #5DLeadership #Healinghumanity Why is healing humanity not the top concern for all leaders? And so be it Judgment is called Who are you - and what new earth are you manifesting - healed and clean, clear, higher vibrational honouring leaders, and empowering the all for the all - inspiration, and monies going back to the people - healing our land, and healing our minds, bodies, hearts and souls - or hoarding gold and resources and war-arms 

Why do the leaders not speak anything of the thousands displaced due to their wars, and where is the money going to that - Maui, or Gaza - where is the monies returning to heal the people displaced by corrupt choices?

Is there care and unification - all is blatant before you -
Blessings and light Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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China is sitting on a massive secret that the west is totally ignoring. Propagandists are pushing for war between the U.S. and China but the real war won't happen on a battlefield it'll happen...

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