In every journey there will be a point of awakening in which one's heart and soul will usher in greater devotion and commitment to 'loving fulfillment.'
We are shifting our perspectives upon and releasing all out-dated social conformity upon what a family should look like, roles, and obligatory definitions that confine true expansiveness; we are the only ones that limit our experience.
Sovereignty and self-leadership is empowering.
Knowing that there is a path, a service to the soul that will in its nourishing and honouring, will absolutely honour and serve others. This is the perfect Universal design.
Remember Who You Are!
How have you been holding back in furthering your souls desire to seek fulfillment?
How have you been hiding or shadowing the gifts that ache to come forth?
How have you been shunting your growth because others in your circle don't get it, or understand it?
How have you been hiding or shadowing the gifts that ache to come forth?
How have you been shunting your growth because others in your circle don't get it, or understand it?
These are the truthful self-fulling questions we all must seek to the truth to in our fulfillment of a lifetime that is meant to lived in its fullest by you.
You are the only one that will define and design you. You have all you need, and I know how frustrating this can feel when someone says this, however it is a Divine truth and Universal law. You are Holy and Divine. You are complete and you are enough. Perfect in all moments, however the landmarks and outlines we have judged ourselves against have dropped and being removed; thus then, we are being asked to gently and lovingly go within and begin again. This is the Divine gift that every person will awaken to; 'Remember who you are?' will be poised and offered to all and those that seek it, will feel the blessing and gift that it is.
Part of my blessings and gifts and lessons learned, is how to do this with compassion, kindness, and respect for those around you. This is part of our social and earthly re-design so that we all cultivate loving of the self, the whole self, so that our examples help all others; pave the way for liberation and joyful sovereignty.
Time to get it on for 2020; truthful and authentic loving living that is sacred and true joy for the soul.
How to Begin
Your soul knows, your heart knows and your emotional and physical and mental body will show you that you are out of balance. Our multi-dimensional bodies are what they are to ever-aligned us if we are listening and tuning in. We have never been taught that we have this much potential to attune and realign and shift the trajectory in our lives and thus then, why we are as a collective we are out of balance.
Check in with yourself daily; beginning and middle, end of day and ask yourself the key questions that can allow you to better align and tune-in to this ever-shifting and changing energies to give yourself the best potential to be 'birthed anew' and come to life for you.
Do you get frustrated easily? Are you chasing and choosing to run around for others, and put others needs before your own? Regardless of the role you are choosing to play; you have the potential to redesign it so that fairness and soulful living can be achieved for all. I am a mother, I get it. I get the old world drama's and obligations, and responsibilities that we simply just fall into because it was what we were taught. Or that the fear of 'not being like other mothers, or what others expect a parent should and should not be' will always play in the back of the mind if we choose to meditate for an hour as opposed to folding laundry.
Time to 'let go' and be 'ok' with how you want to redesign your world for a new year that will truly support you if you are doing so from your Divine Sacred Heart. When you drop to your heart, create your own inner silence, and ask; what can I do and honour to fulfill my hearts desire? Then when you get use to these daily 'check-in's' ask in the arena's that you will feel greater expansiveness in;
* Emotional fulfillment
* Physical fulfillment
* Etheric - Spiritual fulfillment
* Mental fulfillment
* Higher Vibrational Bodies fulfillment - expansive energy work and exploration
So.... Are you fulfilled?
This is a profound question that if you ask yourself with pure and honest authentic rhythm to truly caring for you, honouring you, will bring you to a beautiful journey of self-discovery and self-love.
Fulfillment is a moment-for-moment journey of exploration, as we are always shifting. Letting go of what no longer serves, allowing in what is transparent and loving. Your world cannot and will not change if you are not allowing for the truth of who you are to come forth and shine authentically.
Fulfillment belongs to the ALL that we are; multi-dimensionally in all things, all moments.
* Physical, Emotional, Etheric and spiritual, Mentally, and all are ever escalating upward and outward. Eternal path!
Fulfillment can be simple, fulfillment can be deep, expansive and Divinely rich.
This is, this can be a rich and deeply pure path of joy; if you so desire. One has and must ask and seek the transparency of the soul that is always available.
Every moment you make a choice; however small, or however life-altering; immediately sends commands to the Universe and you master the re-arrangement of what you will next experience.
Now that this is possible in the mind-boggling potential that this truly provides; how may your choices be heart-felt, Divinely aligned, and serving the souls creative blessings and the greater good? You are a quantum God-Goddess!
What is more key and ever-evident; we affect the All; the sun, the earth, nature, wildlife, one another, galaxies, and planets with life unknown, and thus then; are you fulfilled? Time to awaken to the depth and richness that you offer and are and how may your heart sing the song of joy and fulfillment?
Peace, self-love, and honouring yourself is the path to exploring it and offering it forth. As Within, and so without. This offering is gifted to provide you with the power and blessings you are and have within; it can seem insurmountable to shift what has been engrained and so deeply practiced as superficial living; however it is possible and with the Divine, anything is possible.
I offer this from experience and practice, and experience again. Ever shifting, again, again, and again, and allowing the emotional releases that allow for greater energetic space to bring in anew. The heart will break, and again and again, it will break; this is 'ok,' you are powerful and you have a tribe to soften the journey. Mastery is earned through experience and the honour of each experience. Not for the rushing through it, or ripping off the band aid too soon, it is a unique and Heavenly path and you will know when you know when it is time to 'let things go.'
Listen and honour the path of the heart and soul; it is your destiny to find yourself and declare yourself anew! You are worthy of the excitement and joy that awaits.
You are a master and you are so dearly loved.
Divinely Universal and blessed,
The path less tread is equalled in Its beauty and blessings,
Grace and joyful discoveries,
Blessings and joy,
Here are some new video's and offerings for re-alignment and enjoyment to your Divinehood.
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