Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Soul Mates & Twin Flames

On the topic of soul mates and twin flames;
There are many varying ideas and concepts of this and much can feel misleading;

When you surrender love - soul love to spirit, your teams, your Higher Self, Source, the Creator, God; the higher power; you allow for the Universe to thread, to work, to sew two souls of equal awareness and heart-felt desires to commune, to gather, to meet - somehow, synchronistically to awaken the heart and engage in calling forth a deep soul love that has been built and experienced over many realms and lifetimes;

When souls have agreed pre-lifetime, to sew together and bring the essence of love to a new level; engage, draw, challenge, and honour what we are truly aching to surrender to.

There are soul mates that challenge in a Divine loving way, and those that allow for your heart and soul to grow through discontent, imbalance, suffering and even pain; all however can allow for a truth and purity of love to be unveiled and in this, all relationships serve in love. We, at higher levels of consciousness, co-create agreements, and timing that will, always come about in effort to advance our souls evolution. Plans and back up plans until we in the physical are connecting with as the cues and timing of the Divine are offered and inner trust and tuning in is key. (Artist )

All serve in growth; we decide, we choose, we set the soul call forth. Why it is key to know first what you and your soul, your heart truly desires, and allow for the Universe to bring forth the potentials for greater expansion in miraculous ways. Our teams, the Higher Self, Source, can see, over many lifetimes, and the pre-life contracts we have all designed, what and when our souls are ready for a new growth and depth of evolution; and why we can, if we desire to surrender this idea and know you will, through pure intent and open allowance, be shown to your highest and best in all manifestations. Trust.

In 2020, what are you ready for? What depth and richness of love are you ready for? Be honest, be intrigued, be allowing; for there is nothing impossible for spirit.

As all manifestations, it is key to open, invite, allow, and release all expectations; for that is ego and ego likes to control and manage; open, trust, allow, and the Universe will bring forth the cues, the hints, urgings, and higher knowing, even if you are desiring to deepen the relationships you have; we are never alone, and if we trust enough to surrender to Source, we release our hold on what we thought we had to 'figure out' and live from a pure heart space of flow and Divine faith in action and living through us.

We can choose in every moment to live from a more sacred and deepened soul place; Affirm; 'I choose to call in exactly what my soul needs for greater joy, love, and entanglement that I can truly bring all that I am to new levels of ME.'

Spirit, your teams, your higher self can help in the manifestation of anything you desire to explore, experience, and express in this lifetime; all matters can be surrendered; then 'trust' ~ A miracle will unfold. 2020 will be a year of great newness and the healing, activation, and deepening of how we perceive and how we experience 'relationships' and begin to live within 5th dimensional allowance of this soul, spirit, heart, physical, etheric energies that bring new emotion and joy to the human-spirit arena of exploration. This is meant to be. Love is evolution, and evolution is love.

Loving ponderment,
Joanna L Ross

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