Thursday, 26 December 2019

Manifesting a 5th Dimensional Environment ~ Clear Away the Indifference

With company and visiting coming and going; breathe fresh life and love into the spaces, the vehicles, and in all of your steps; 
You can reset and entangle within a new vibration in any moment and can be easily and joyfully done.
'I walk in love and light, all is cleared and cleansed now.'
Set the intention for the home; 'I walk in the light and love of Source, my space, my vehicle, my bodies, and my fields are cleared through the love and light of joy and purity of love. All energies not serving Source, love, or light, be gone now. Return to the light, respectfully with intent; but you must leave my space and bodies now.'

Energy; in my personal experience, sensing, is best aligned when done with honour and respect always. You can be empowered and gentle in loving strength; Source IS the ALL. It is our limited beliefs, pains, eons of healing that react within ego of fear; Energy is how we perceive and interact with IT. 
The vastness of energy that until we are purely in our own sense of Source Self, can be subtle, sensed, and felt and can feel like; negative, thought forms, and energies that simply do not feel like 'you' can linger - walk in your centre, radiate your light, anchor in loving presence, and all will be cleared. 

Join our mastery classes to know more about the fields and consciousness that we are all awakening to and how important it is to 'tune in' and walk in your Divinely empowered light.
All is Source; this intention and joy clears and alters, transmutes, love is, love simply IS. 
In much of our Divine radio and audio offerings, we tap into and muse about 'sacredness' and how this affects the ALL that we are and what we experience. We set the vibration, and in doing so, we allow all that is not sacred; the pains, the old beliefs, the density to surface for your own innate mastery to shift and alter and transmute. 

If we react, in any situation from an ego-ic perspective, fearful, or overpowering energy, then we continue the play of this energy. We are the makers and shifters of energy, and how we ignite from within will dictate what occurs without.
Bring sound, tones, singing, and scents to brighten and freshen your sacred space. 
You are the temple, the entirety is a temple and how may our sacredness bring new intentions of clear and joyful love?

Blessings and light in your mastery and joy to walk and be in love,

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