Understanding the Profundity of Energy Refinement
Our 5th Dimensional Benevolent Co-Creation
Always Gifts from Source
For we ARE
The subtle bodies alert you to, energy for re-alignment and transmutation to anew.
When patterning, worry, or negativity, subtle energies between social families or social communities can be felt and directly related to a pattern or behaving for shifting, integrating to anew.
The subtle body will and can alert you to the deeper state of belief you have within yourself, what you project, and what you portray to others, will directly predict the reality outcome.
Being honest and authentic in your dealings, in your moving about life will allow you to always be purely aligned in your highest and best; you will sense, be alerted to, those areas in which greater love, truth, and honesty will be required and often be the first triggers we all sense in our every day unfolding to be the first in our daily self-care integration and healing.
As we accelerate, our mastery will come into play and why we can feel the urgency in paradox, to slow down to truly create with mindfulness and passion, and Divine purpose. The 'pings' and realignments, if you are in situations and experiences that truly do not match your heart felt souls passion and desires, will show you, 'pings' and alerts you in every way to make a change, a shift, and the accelerations will quicken at pace until we listen and change our internal-external processing and co-creations.
My teams, soul, higher self, bodies will alert; 'recenter, align at the heart and breathe; what is your desired outcome?' You have the ability to shift within any moment to anew; but how often are we aware and listening to the higher self and bodies as It 'pings?'
There is a heightening in which we as multi-dimensional beings will be aware of and awakening to for the benevolence of honouring all life, honouring one another, living in truth and honesty for the greater good - these are absolute musts in moving into a 5th dimensional reality perspective and co-creating.
Tune into what subtle energies you carry; then tune into the beliefs you have within. This is how one creates in greater awareness and honour of the ALL. Even the subtlest of energies cannot be escaped; ego will try in its control of the reality, but will at some point, through oneself desire to be surrendered; for it will be out of its comfort zone as we ascend.
All energy is affected even by the subtlest of vibrations; water molecules are affected by even the subtlest of intentions; and so too are we and what we co-create; thought, word, deed; and why love, sacred awareness, and honesty will be so key in the coming years. Aligning with the joyfulness of the Christic purity of Oneness.
And why, we will have to slow down and create from the elegance and profundity of the heart. One cannot rush through life in a 5th dimensional awareness. We affect the ALL. And again, why many Masters, Jesus, Yeshua, offered; 'ever thin and narrow path' of such was the meaning to refine who and what we are, in the ever refining mastery walk with Source; for it all matters. We are becoming more refined in our vibrations and gossamer and weaving within the ALL; it will be the responsibility to each in the management and mastery of this to clear out the clutter of what is not resonance of the 5th dimension you wish to experience.
For 2020, what vibrations and truth are you desiring to experience? Pay attention in every day loving, and living, what subtle energies you portray? Dishonesty in conversation in any way, joy and pride for life, or a subtle uncaring or rushing energy, judgments of any kind with anyone or situation will come to the fore for your own personal refinement atunement; so that in the spiral of evolutionary co-creation, we ever-refine our heartspace approach to all life, all moments.
All will be brought forth for the subtle atunement that we each will be paying closer attention to for it will arise in your reality to acknowledge and realign to create a new trajectory.
And why we will also have to more acutely tune into our planet that is also moving through subtle awakenings with us to support, empower, and heighten with us. These are subtle and very profound in Its alchemy.
One cannot co-create in hiding, or in manipulation of a higher truth; the greater good. It will be sensed and known immediately and our bodies and intuitive gifts will guide us. It will truly not only be exciting and so very beautiful to be a part of a reality we are each c-creating; where you resonate is what you experience; and why we move through what we move through.
Do not fear and feel overwhelmed; just slow down, create small and profound heart-felt shifts of what is truly important at your souls level to experience, express, and co-create. We will be faced with simplifying life in such a way that we step forth upon 5th dimensional fields of love and joy in truly what is necessary and what isn't.
Daily self-care, daily and frequent 'check-ins' on where you resonate and what needs attunement and adjustment will help and as you become accustomed to your heightened bodies, you will seamlessly flow in alignment with purity of love, honour and sacredness; but first we must stumble, fall, and even create the hiccups that make us pay attention; for we truly do affect the ALL and it is important that we remember our Divinehood in this.
Balance and self-love is key. Love is always the answer in the realignment to the soul.
Do not fear and feel overwhelmed; just slow down, create small and profound heart-felt shifts of what is truly important at your souls level to experience, express, and co-create. We will be faced with simplifying life in such a way that we step forth upon 5th dimensional fields of love and joy in truly what is necessary and what isn't.
Daily self-care, daily and frequent 'check-ins' on where you resonate and what needs attunement and adjustment will help and as you become accustomed to your heightened bodies, you will seamlessly flow in alignment with purity of love, honour and sacredness; but first we must stumble, fall, and even create the hiccups that make us pay attention; for we truly do affect the ALL and it is important that we remember our Divinehood in this.
Balance and self-love is key. Love is always the answer in the realignment to the soul.
We are Divinely awakening dear ones, and for the greater good.
Blessed be the sacredness of all life,
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