Sunday, 22 December 2019

Understanding the Souls Healing Potential ~ Healing & Faith ~ Communities of Light

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Inspired by years of experience in shifting from 3D - 5D within a Divine family environment and being a crystalline child, having crystal and indigo children, and infinite channels, dreams, and visions of  higher dimensional remembrances.

Higher Vibrational Perspectives in Healing, Support, Honouring the Multi-Dimensional Bodies

When we perceive the multi-dimensional bodies as intelligence in their own right, and in and of Itself, we can then amplify and magnify the blessings, lessons, and wisdom in every situation and our expansiveness aching for attention, nurturance, and care. 

Souls that we are unifying within; our wholeness, our experience here is not only about 'here' but within all timelines and wisdoms, and Akash that we come with to anchor and establish for human-Gaia-the All evolutionary programs and plans of inter-weaving that we simply cannot understand from the 3D perspective and old paradigms. This is also why there has been much in the way of misdiagnosis and understanding of many illnesses and healings of our definitions. 
If we are aware, awake, attentive, supportive in a purely unconditional manner, loving manner; we allow for a heightened potential for healing, communion, and space for human-spirit evolution.

Here is a link for our most recent 'Ascension & Awakening - Understanding Ascension Cycles' video on youtube for those that so desire;

In the coming years, we will unravel the importance and joy of remembering ourselves as quantum, multi-dimensional souls within a human-physical-earthly experience and begin to open the portal of potential of our healing, manifesting, and nurturing all repairs needed and that we face in the coming times of awakening.

This has never been offered in this way, and I offer this with profound pause; what and who and how we are 'here' affects the ALL.  All that we are, lives through us in synchronistic flowing manners if we allow it and are awaken to It. Healing, guiding, supporting, and honouring ourselves in ways that no other care and healing in outside potentials can offer; yet also needed, and we do not offer that statement with disrespect or dishonour, but to only bring great awareness to how may we honour the blessedness of our multi-dimensionality that IS a pivotal crucible to our healing and ALL evolution.

Ex; families and children moving through dynamic change and acceleration;
~ The outbursts of anger, frustration, confusion; stem from the inability to know thyself and feel the 'control' of the experience that one desires in a world, dynamic, patterning that we have been taught; flight or fight mechanisms; whence we live soulfully and honour the multi-dimensional perspective; we 'let go' living in Oneness; allowance, and subtlety moving through the intuitive nudges and wisdoms given before the 'outburst' occurs.
In summary; how may we open, allow, honour, have and create discussions around our multi-dimensional vastness and offer supportive healing and dynamics in this manner?
5th dimensional pondering; worth a musing moment for the future of our human healing and evolution perhaps may consider. 

In holiday celebration and setting Divine intentions for 2020
A higher vibration perspective upon 'FAITH'

On the path of pure soulful awakening, there will always be tests of inner faith.
Faith, not what we have known, or defined, but Omni-faith, the blessing, the gift, the wisdom, the benevolent opportunities to remind you of the sacredness and blessedness within every moment and step taken.

Faith and exploration of Source living through you in the infinite voices, experiences, and expressions that It may undertake. For the joyfulness to evolve beyond your imagining. We simply must surrender; for there is a multi-dimensional and quantum potential that simply cannot be understood by the mind.
The soul, the spirit, the physical service, and joys, all interweaving the miracle of spirit within a world in need, in joy of this need, and in the interweaving of Divine faith of this. Beyond. Beyond. Beyond.
There is and will always be a deepened meaning and blessedness; if you so desire.
And so it is,

How Do You See 5th D Living?
We will become very aware that each soul, each person, each aspect of life is far grander and comes with Its own sense of story, and healings, and potentials, and gifts, and blessings, and Divine expansiveness that simply cannot be categorized or boxed in.

I have found that in our awakening, there is much to explore, and to honour; healing, learning, expanding, and moving into a vibrant sovereign Christic community of higher vibrational living, should be done with care and attention to not 'box in' what any one group or person, or dynamic feels is 'the right way.' For this is truly what we are moving away from; but to open into a childlike responsibility that there are those being born, intelligences, wisdom, and shifts, awakenings within Gaia, consciousness and our human form that will simply require that we allow, open, and honour how Source will live through us to evolve.

Our futures will be that of the integration of many realms, star systems, and worlds, and of which we have not and cannot simply 'box in' any one modality of service or healing. We are entering into the exciting times in which the more open and allowing we are, the more in surrender we are to our own innate evolution, the more of our God-essence, our Spirit, our higher selves, our souls are able to direct the infinite wisdoms through us and anchor to planet Gaia and humanity that will need it. Many of my clients come to us with skills and gifts they are unsure how to offer; and we offer as an open invitation; 'be the child that you are and simply share.'

The vibrations and wisdoms you carry will serve someone, and we are channels of such Divine wisdom and our planet, our bodies, our collective is in need of wisdoms and teachings and potentials that simply are not and have not been tested, or written about; we must simply start and share, and allow for the Divine to guide us.

This is where trust and faith in a higher perspective comes in. You are a soul of vast experience and thriving in many realms and dimensions, and if you allow this to be true; you can tap into a wisdom of a geneticist vocation and excitement that you are in the Pleiades and live it through here.

Awakening and enlightenment is living in the infinite flow of Source; any moment can change and will and so too will our DNA, our form, our planet, and how we heal, nurture and manifest. This really is key to integrate and honour with pause in every moment we serve, we heal, we allow to our next phase of evolution and in how we as light workers move about our ever-changing world in healing and wisdom offerings.

We are infinite and so too will this be a part of our expanding walls, ceilings, and ways in which we offer, we allow, and we honour spirit and all sacred life. This is the Christic Sovereignty and allowing for such vibrations in our communities of light and service to Divine living.

Blessings and grace,

Take a chance on you.
Faith in the YOU that you are as Source.

blessings and much love,


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