Monday, 23 December 2019

Healing Through Loving the Triggers & What It Shows You

The Profundity of the Multi-Dimensional Bodies In Healing
The awakening process allows one to not only feel, see, know, hear, the truth within and without. How may we know this, or where to even begin when we feel the way we do? When there is a family, others, how do we know what to nurture and heal first? 

The answer my dear friends, are the subtle and not so subtle 'triggers.' These are the little 'pings' that mean everything; the 'pings' are the subtle body speaking to you, the innate and intuitive bodies, and wisdom showing you, the wisdom and the intelligence to shift, alter, and re-direct for benevolent outcome and richness. You will always be shown. Your higher self, your soul, your innate systems, the intuitive systems, you have a myriad way of 'waking you up' to what needs a re-write.

Bless, quieten, honour, hug, nurture, and gift your highest and deepest level of compassion to each and every trigger;
It is your portal to self-transformation.

Never doubt the master that you, the many versions and aspects, and energetics of you that is drawing your genius to a new level of awareness of Oneness, truth, benevolence, and love. In the path of ascension, it becomes quickly apparent that we, you, I, are the only masters of our own ship, and we hold ultimate control and power of our own personal and spiritual, earthly Omni-evolution and never underestimate the power of Divine lighted affect you have upon the ascension of the planet and our entire collective. Within every moment we love and forgive, we heal the ALL. 

For it is, in all moments, our Divine reflection of the potential of Source integration; our desire at a soul level to heal and live as One, wholeness, and Source Oneness; pure, true, and whole.

You are always showing you a new potential. In every subtle and unsubtle way; and the wisdom tip of the day dear ones, with our acceleration in full bloom, 'listen to the very subtle pings before it gets to a bump on the head wake-up call.'

Whether it be the dissatisfaction, judgments and energies being triggered through social and political unfolding; it doesn't matter what it is within the environments, we are all co-creating anew; awakening allows for the 'creating anew' and know that our own unique sovereign power is to create anew without restrictions and limitations and / or negative judgment to others/systems; regardless of the picture or story unfolding.

Unity consciousness; we are the ALL. Every unfolding, we have created together over eons of limitation and separation. We have the power and responsibility to heal, nurture, honour and create anew.

Mastery, maturity, experience will allow you to feel into holistic ways to forgive and move in a higher vibrational way that opens flow for great change. Why we talked about 'honour' what was in the forgiving and releasing process; honouring allows you to also open fully into 'what is,' and thus then allows for the highest potential for positive honouring change to be ignited.

Over the holidays; in any new way our reality will change in the new year; breathe with mindfulness and neutrality, and allow the inner heart to call forth personal healings and forgiveness, and compassion on ones path to unfold; we react negatively because we have healing to do; and if we are not honouring and reflecting, and forgiving this; the cycle of negativity continue.

Your multi-dimensional bodies will show you in every way what you are allowing to affect you; 

* Physical, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and all upper bodies now being integrated; and if we are not allowing for self-care, or self love, we can feel the 'over-whelm' that we are so use entangling with at this time of year, but can also choose to shift, refine upon what is necessary, what is ready to be 'let go' and what new traditions, and practices that serve a more soulfully based experienced for the All.

So how may we release the obligations or traditions that simply do not and no longer serve a new way of living in balance and harmony of the simple way of sacred living. I know how this may sound dear ones, and we are not offering this as a 'turn it all around today' type of offering. What this means is that; the greatest change is often the smallest one.  

For those that are parents, caregivers, and household managers; we take on the old world paradigms of what out-dated roles and definitions from our lineage, what we saw, experienced, and the imprints we carry in a multi-dimensional manner. The family and household roles; 'the perfect mother, the perfect father, and so on that we all try to strive to.' However roles were defined; through eons of earthly living, traditions, and what others taught of you, showed you; you can redefine to what suits you now. Make no mistake about it, we will all be faced with these powerful reality choices to completely create anew in a higher 5th dimensional Christic vibrations. Aligned with self-love, greater freedom within a family setting for all, self-care for the all, self-honour, and truly evaluating with what truly matters at the heart level. 

This is not meant to sound like 'drop all responsibilities and live vivaciously in self-focus,' it is allowing for any aspect of discomfort to be the portal for a vibrational re-write and a way to heal what is calling for your heightened awareness to bring anew 5th dimensional vibrational touch to spiral within new timelines and offerings of limitless living. 

Step by step, and loving integration of what was to a new vibration of Oneness and soulful serving, will create a new reality in a very short amount of what we call 'time.' Unity consciousness is to unify through wholeness and Oneness; how can the ALL be brought into the experience of re-writing?

I get it, and part of my role is to take the 'mom, parenting, spiritual leader and teacher' roles, and however we have defined 'what we do, how we do it, and our passions and truly feel the ease to 'let it go' and simply 'be.' 

Years ago, I offered in our radio show, I stopped used words and definitions to define what I offer; intuitive, healer, author, channeller and so because really nobody asked, and my gifts, my authentic outpouring of love and gifts of excitement told the story for whatever was needed in the moment. I believe there are innate and infinite roles and wisdoms we all have; so why box it in?

As a single mom, caregiver of future Gaia ambassadors and Universal children; I say these offerings with not only my personal needs, passions, and responsibility in mind, but also what we are able to rewrite as a collective for future potentials that we have no way of understanding; there are truly infinite potentials before us; so how may we heal the ancient lineage, our family traditions, and roles that absolutely need our 5th dimensional hearts and perspectives?

How may we perceive and know that all that we do is now meant and being offered for the betterment of and to truly serve the All.  

We set the vibrational standard; so how may we open to greater alignment to what is in deep need of healing and unconditional love? Let go of the judgment of what is wrong, or appearing to be wrong, and open to the pain, the hurt, the healing within that is calling for the greater cycle of awareness and behaving that will come from it. We are truly turning the corner of eons of separation and much of how we 'react' will be found within ego wounds, and why we have suggested that perhaps the power of breath, aligning within the heart and calling in the higher self and God, Source, Spirit, for guidance on the response that will guide you in a new way of perceiving and co-creating your reality may be a practice to take your world and reality from a cycle of pain and frustration to a cycle of profound wonderment and synchronicity.  

I offer these as practical and powerful tips and how within its allowance, through your heart and pure intent to 'be present' and in love with you, to awaken to a deep and rich experience to live fully and divinely with 'Source' and a soulfully infused empowered you. I also say this for there has been literally years in which I stayed the course in something that clearly did not work, and felt the pains and lack of soulful fulfillment in doing so. Others were certainly being served, but I clearly wasn't and my soul, my spirit, my teams, my higher self would stop at nothing to remind me that the soul will ache and show me until I live truthfully and honestly, authentically as me. 

We can put ourselves through unwarranted guilt, shame, and patronizing hours of self-inflicting pain that over the eons we were handed down and imprinted within the collective consciousness and our own DNA that we are each here to re-write and align anew. How much of what we do and live by is really outdated? How may we open to the heart-felt and soulful truths that desire us to guide our lives? How may we release the superficial approach that serves little to the souls entanglement with Source and collective service and open to communion, sacred gathering, and knowing that perhaps sitting by the fire and sharing stories is far more healing and raising the vibration of the house than having a clean floor. 

How may we, in every way, live through our hearts and let go of judgement, specifically upon thyself; and all other aspects of our social - political uprisings, and begin to allow with heart-felt compassion, forgiveness, and anew alignment to the Christic flow of love that is always desiring a heightened potential for us to tap into and integrate for higher vibrational sacred living? 

Living Sacredly is a Soulful Vibration

Whether it is our home planet, Gaia, planet earth, or our home within our walls and roof, driveway and all, it can, it is sacred; if we so desire to live within this vibration. We are the ones that create it so. It fans and can fan out to any experience; social, physical, mental, emotional, and whatever other arena we choose to tap into. It is a vibration of experiential desire and it begins within and all cycles, all lifetimes, past, present and future are altered.

I have been releasing more and more of the outdated obligations in my lineage in dire need of Christic re-write; and within each country, Akashic soul family, we each come with a myriad of energies and vibrations we are here to transcend; it is all dependant, but your heart and soul will show you through your innate feelings, emotions, and daily subtle 'triggers' so it is up to us to listen, reflect, go within, and tune in. I was and had taken on much of the care-taking household responsibilities that began to feel like burdens. Not a good feeling. So, I began to stand in my power and lovingly fan out to those living in the house, that we ALL live within and are served by. 

I was brought up in a house in which the women, the female were responsible for all the housework and cleaning, and meals; this no longer feels right or 'ok' with me and how am I serving my children in this definition? Regardless of income, regardless of jobs or work, or status, we are all equal, and a home is which all are served and all care for, bring new life and vibration to and have the equal participation to maintain the vibration within. 

A few years ago I began having loving conversations with the children about why chores were important to the vibration of the home, the walls and comfort that serves them, and in taking pride and honour of the home, the vibration and sacredness of the home, and how what we all put forth through loving offering, will be shown and returned in some way. For how may we take the concept that ALL is energy; the vehicle you drive, the home, the pets, everything, everything and everything has God, Source, within it; energy moving and awaiting for your loving entanglement to make and rebuild, heal anew. 

What vibration we put into anything, will reverberate in return; the home, the care, the bodies, the food, the pets, whatever it is; socio-economic systems, all will show you where a perspective and vibration is ready for a powerful self-soul-infused 'RE-WRITE!'
The 'trigger' that we all experience, in some way, in every day, will allow you the loving portal to where and what requires your soulful reflection, musing, calling in spirit, and compassionate loving forgiveness, acceptance, and loving play to release and begin anew. So why not 'love it' and know you have teams, a soul team and higher self that is showing you an outdated Akashic pathway needing your healing, gift of love, and compassionate leadership to be place yourself in a new trajectory that will innately serve your souls song with Source?

If I am not following my souls calling, my destiny, in my fullest, dimming my light and my souls joy to 'fit in' will serve no one, and no thing and keep the karmic patterns of lack and victimization. We can forget through our 3D entrainment, that we are linked, threaded, and connected with each person, life, and aspect of life within Creation, not only our planet but ALL THAT IS and if we can love and honour our own path, we activate a ripple of Divine flow and love through the ALL that will absolutely affect other aspects of you on other realities and realms also needing your greater flow and soulful allowance. There is and always has been Divine master plans through elegance, benevolence and joy for loving evolution, and it is the lower mind, the ego, and the fears we perpetuate through these separative experiences that keep the Divine flow from flowing.

Let the laundry go for a day, so you have dusty floors,

Honour how you feel, heal thyself, and know there will be a portal of new perspectives and new ideals, potentials, and ideas to help build and rebuild anew. What issues are at the heart of any trigger and then compassionately offer yourself your greatest love and forgiveness and acceptance; this is a never ending cycle of unity through compassion and forgiveness and pure unconditional love; your reality will show you through the subtle and not so subtle triggers where the wounds are that need attention.

We are One in this. Our human reality - what reality do you want to experience? Compassionate, loving, kind, harmonic, caring, and open to infinite loving potentials of healing; state in words of loving Source vibrations your intentions for your reality and see it through with neutral and positive reflections and care for healing it within. We are within a constant spiral of love with Source; in an infinite number of forms and expressions; IT IS ALL SOURCE.

In every moment dear ones, we are ever offered new beginnings to Oneness and wholeness, and regardless of what may unfold, what may present itself to you, there is a way to make peace and know without doubt and question, that a positive vibration of integration and wholeness can be attained.  It is up to us, our free will, to desire enough, the will to set the vibration, intent, and behaviour to create a new reality experience and a new depth of self-love and honour with Source entangling within the ALL.

You are always guiding you.

You are the infinite swirl of Source, always seeking a new re-write in exciting rediscovery of a new reality and a new you. This is Divine and loving evolution. How may we begin?

Trust and love thyself; you are infinite and powerful beyond your imagining.

Blessings and Heavenly Joy,

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