Open Channel ~ December 2019
Celebrating the Uniqueness of YOU
Feeling determined to persevere dear,
We understand that you tune in for the ability in friendship and communion; however, your own truths, your own potential to create limitless living, release what others may want for you or that predict or say of you; personally or at a collective level. You are all able to freely express Source, as Source, and are unrestricted in this, so why limit yourself in believing what others may say, do, or desire to hold you back?
Examine yourself as Source and to freely express Source within you. Affirm; ‘I freely express myself as Source, I live purely as love.’
The flower does not doubt or question its existence, or how it blooms, or its colour, or texture; it simply blooms, in its own innate becoming. There is no mistrust in nature; it simply IS.
The flower does not fear how it will survive or become in its environment, it simply is. Affirm; ‘I AM THAT I AM.’
When you worry and doubt you miscreate; allow your soul the freedom to be within its own beauty and perfection as Source; through the ease and flow of who you naturally are. (light language begins) Holy light and sacredness to ALL.
Translation & Vision; (these all occur, like a multi-dimensional movie, from our perspective, a channelling, and sounds, unfolding’s simultaneously)
The ‘Archer’ in the forest~ I am all aspects of the forest; the archer, the tree, the soil grains, the grasses, the nature energies and as the Archer, which is me, you, and all aspects of the ALL, the bow is drawn, the arrow sent to pierce the illusion, pierce the darkness and self-doubt, the shadow, the fear, and the Sun and truth is born. You are the flower. You are the tree. You are the moss. When you doubt any or all of this, this shadow must be pierced with the innate truth of what is within It; You, Love, Source. Or live in the shadow of separation. (I was shown a crack in a wooden floor, and an arrow piercing through the crack to illuminate the darkness of the crack same separation of the self within the forest vision as a comparison)
The Archer is symbolic to our own path of unveiling; our will to pierce the illusion of fear, darkness and shadow; we are the bow, the arrow, the air and the sun that breaks through the illusion. The archer does not wait or doubt in its intent and on the other hand, also allows for the strength to break open what is required to be seen.
When you doubt and resist who you/we are, we are shaken; as Gaia is shaking to release the doubt, energies of old, the energies of Akashic belief that we have been engrained with and require our healing and acceptance with; shadowing your own truth.
Me - So why do we hold back within the expression of beauty and the truth of love?
Teams; Because you have been entrained with doubt and placing much weight upon what you see and are told around you from what others have experienced to be their truth. When uniqueness comes to the fore, it is at first paused at to be 'different' not the usual or accepted within its blessing and gift.
Teams; You are each returning to your joy of being Source, and seeing such ‘cracks’ to pierce your own shadows, illusions, and create for yourself the epiphany that it was really nothing more than a belief, an illusion that held you in resistance of you.
You are the expression of love. As you live within this, explore and be this, you will experience Oneness in love.
What ever made you think that you were not the expression of love? This is where you begin.
You are the only one that can bring yourself to these awakenings and remembrances.
What have you locked away that needs to be pierced by your own love, your own claiming, owning, and to begin anew in loving wholeness?
Me - How may we celebrate, be in joy of, the legacy that we each are in the purity of our unique innate essence? I AM, you are, we are each unique and special and these attributes are the very thing, the very gift now needed to commune and reunify in a 5th dimensional loving co-creative potential.
Me – For many of us, we are coming to new ground, new grids, new beginnings, and our uniqueness, what we have locked away for eons’ and many years in many lifetimes, because of being shunned, persecuted and killed even, are now being activated to come forth and shine brightly within a supple world in need of our multi-dimensional gifts and Heavenly skills.
Arrows; symbolic of air, thought, and why these bows also symbolize to transcend the hurt, the pain of others thoughts my own doubts and thoughts, and how these arrows have pierced thy heart; to me (the immediate symbolism was the words, teasing, the shunning and lack of acceptance from others was the arrow within what any child may feel and thus be subjugated to conform within a very limited system of behaving and co-creating);
Teams - in your manifestations and why you have mistrusted and doubted yourself so much.
Teams - in your manifestations and why you have mistrusted and doubted yourself so much.
Again, why limit yourself through what others say, predict, or judge of you; for only you know you; you are limitless and are sensing the gifts and skills that are awakening and that go beyond what is able to be explained. This was necessary for you to see the wider range of story playing and how to rise above and BE INFINITE LOVE.
In a vision; I was experiencing myself within, AS, Source, Gaia, and the mossy ground, as I was walking upon the forest floor; I was the moss, and forgiving with grace, so that my feet would feel the gentleness and peace of Gaia, the moss and I were One, I was the moss preparing the gentleness for my next step, simultaneously I was me walking, stepping with loving intent, and was the floor and inner earth guiding the moss, accepting me, and loving me as Gaia in her grace. (now you can have an idea for how One, NOW, multi-dimensional that we are awakening to how we are able to experience our new now 5thD new earth light bodies)
Thank you and just be you, shine your light.
Be you. No one else can do this, but you.
I then saw me in the center of an infinite webb, infinite threads, and at the end of a thread was a door; infinite options, doors, potentials and you are the one to choose and walk and create in this way. All directions will unveil potentials and stories.
We are truly infinite - why limit yourself through the perspectives of others, in any way; you are your own council, magician, and all knowing seer.
And so it is,
Blessings and grace,