Monday 16 October 2023

WORLD SHIFTING #ascension #powersthatbe #5D NEW EARTH #HealingHumanity #GOD

 4D Accelerations,

The world shifting, Ascension and healing IMPORTANT HUMAN HEALING - SOCIAL HEALING, Entity ATTACHMENT, Programs for humanity ~ MASTERY! ALL IS HEALABLE - what you will see, notice, and then choose to create anew - you create reality! Violence, corruption, corrupt behaviours, and damaging vibrational behaviours - black magic, spell work, all is an elixir for destructions, and at this pace of our new shifting reality - We are seeing that those that are not choosing to heal, face their inner wounding, living in a true self loving path of healing, wanting to level up in soul growth, the experience of taking yourself from pain, suffering, confusion, to a state of utter self confidence and self design, self knowing, not being taken advantage of, not being stolen, taken from on a vibrational level, consciousness level, and to speak that of truth, pure truth, regardless of what others do with that truth; it is their consciousness, they have to work through what they must - truth is truth and must be called out for the breaking, healing, and bring new light, life to the all TRUTH is the only way through Nothing can be hidden any longer - 

There will continue to be towers, loss, until all is faced, brought new light and balance, honour and respect, - is brought to what was toxic, deceitful, damaging, and 'hidden' and all are given the opportunity to do 'what is right' and what their own spirit, soul are calling them to do - regardless of another's blackmailing entrapment plan, or illusions - the spirit is invincible and will blow away what any corrupt person states, or says, will be intimidation that the devil always works with - the devil works with entrapment, blackmail, paying people off, that is how the devil works; The devil is not healed, it is the shadow, of the wounding, the not facing, the not bringing truth; for then all will be known for who they are - but what if, those that choose to be their spirit and do what is right - is that very break through that alters all of creation and liberates millions - would you not want to be known in this, then believing in the 'devils' plan of blackmail' which is always spoken from a low vibrational wounded 3D very hurt person, and not spirit and usually such beings, if they are speaking like this, acting and behaving in rage, envy, jealousy, they have entity attachment - * entity attachment - rage, anger constantly on any and all actions, demoralizing, abusive, degrading of the sense of self for you to surrender so they can take from you, make you their pawn, it is all about control, domination * entity attachment - requires you engage - that is why they spur drama, chaos, confusions, spell work, spinning false narrative when people wake up to truth, they are confronted and then more spell work, more confusion, more projections, more deflection, blaming and until no one knows what is going on - it is a mess - that is what the devil spins and until utter destruction * choose to step away from all such people and behaviours - most experiences belong to addictions, obsessions, trying to feed the entity, attachment, or abuse not being healed - why underground activity is rampant in such * if someone has mental instability or disorder, due to other psychic, empathic, telepathic gifts going misdiagnosed, misunderstood, plus the toxic dark play of magic, human testing, it is an elixir for utter destruction, damage to everyone in the situation and great loss * there are no social structures dealing with any of these issues and not only that dear amazing human; there are the elites that have billion $$$ programs to perpetuate such 'race for survival' and elite organizations, secret society bullying online tracking, watchers of the elites to ensure that certain people are studied, herded into their programs, and how to use the sensitives for nefarious agendas * Every leader of our world has no idea nor practices consciousness in alignment of the heavens, that has nothing to do with religion, and all are hoping none catch on, and most stay, remain asleep to your own power, what the Christ offered, what every master offers,  * to herd you - and many are being used, as pawns in the living experiment for much gross ways for humanity to awaken to what, how much you give your energy, power, light, and gifts away to superficial debauchery -

the only way through is truth of who you are The only way through is reclaiming who you are and working with many tips, techniques of what we have shown you 
this is a new earth revolution - in which you are your own God of love, compassion, and standing fully in your voice, choice, and discerning what is before you in the breaking of those that have not done the work, hidden lifestyles and entities that can no longer be hidden in false politeness, because the light will agitate, and anger, bring rage to those entities that cannot face and be integrated with the light of the awakened one, who has reclaimed their Christ light, energy, consciousness 

- and some, depending on their wounding, choosing to suppress, not heal, none telling, showing the way on our multi-dimensional all-ness - will only behave from their level of consciousness and level of wounding - and will act out - unfortunately

- - there were those tested upon that act out and harm others - many children are being tested on - and many disasters occur - there is testing going on on many levels of our social collective 

DISTORTED DM - EARTH SHIFT 4D HEALING ~~~~~~~~ DISCERN & Go within, THEN CHOOSE * healing of the distorted DM is built on * competition, reward for behaviour & has become warped and twisted, and thus created many underground cults, sects, covens, and so on - reward for bad behaviour and belonging warping the sense of self, morals, values, and detaching from spirit, soul - all karma #karma #corruption #understandingdevilenergy
* every person on our planet, must look at and acknowledge, accept, heal, through self harmonization to allowance of all lineage, akashic, human social, multi-verse experiences from 3D - 5D at a total of 51% of karma's explored that did not align with universal laws 
The 2 most important that we offer every day - and all must be healed for all is the portal to Oneness, unity, and return to Source, 5D

~~~Law of Balance #2 * Distorted DM - role, title, money, status, placement in society - again why now the underground is so deep and rich as it is - all make their choices and why entity attachment is such in these levels of creation - all must choose their path, their soul, see their wounding on why any choose to do what they do and if these wounds not healed, any mental imbalance, instability not being healed and 'harmonized' soul fragments, it will create greater psychosis, detachment of morals, values, and rage - dangerous and reckless behaviour - no sense of self care, and thus destructing from the inside out - and affecting everyone involved - all will be seen, thus, discern how to heal, make right, and create anew * refer those that behave and act this way to authorities and move out, on away from them; sever all ties, cut off all contact, do not engage - * whatever occurs on their end, their actions, their behaviour - is their karma - you cannot control how, what another does, acts, that is their karma - their entity - refer them to outreach programs, refer to authorities for the safety of the children, and those involved and begin seeking information within, meditation, presence, building inner self love and self loving connection with your guides, teams, God within - 

( look up any video with Whitney Webb) ~ discern what stocks, funds you invest in and energy you give to, what power, choice, voice you give to and is it the alignment within?
Elitism programs - investigative journalist Whitney Webb 
Whitney Webb * when you act in the 'right' greater good - doing what is right - you will be supported by the heavens - period. * blackmail, entrapment, any co-hersive and forcing, manipulations, deceitful scams, schemes will equal KARMA * this lifetime or the next - you will have to face, move through, be the victim of and transmute * all elites right now - are facing their dark truth - no money and no title © * be it vaccines, be it banking and be it those that are awakened and fully claimed with God within - are being watched and tracked by every secret system so that we do not reach too many people to throw off their false and fake programs - #gates #musk #clinton #epstein #rothchilds #elitism 

ASCENSION VIDEO - healing humanity & claiming your creative highest potential World healing - IS ASCENSION ~~~~ All of our offerings CAN HEAL any and all violence, corruption, disease, wreckage, all is not necessary - what has been is the illusion of the wounding - all have free will © billions is being spent on such programs and what will make or break your own manifestations, life, health, will be the equal measure you place importance on who you truly are - facing every shadow, and reclaiming the light within every challenge - 


Your reality is shifting - you get to choose - there is no more fence  There is nothing out in our reality - nothing - that will offer, heal, bring enlightenment and truth that way that our teachings offer - it cannot be missed and so very obvious and why I have been shadow banned, hidden - Please share our videos; share with the kids, allow the videos to play as you get breakfast and dinner ready - allow them to hear higher vibrational wisdoms for them to softly see, activate, new realities that are beyond the forcing, conformity, and illness of what is being purged and seen now - and why - it is normal part of ascension These are all deep human densities that must be purged, faced and every 'family' on earth - will see the wounds all have carried, and how to move through with grace, love, and compassion - for what we have allowed to be created - and how to heal it and transcend it - Todays leaders have no clue Religions will not get you through this ride - there is corruption within it all - you get to choose who you are and from a higher perspective 5D - you will have seen exactly how powerful you are to call it all out - face it, heal it - accept it all - that is where mastery resides - ©  Heal the anger in loving ways - techniques to deal with anger, release every toxic, dramatic person, environments, activities that perpetuate such beliefs and energies - 

Truth is Light is Love is Forgiveness is Compassion is this is the only way through ascension - this is the journey of the soul Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
#secretservice #corruption #corruptleaders #corruptprograms #galacticfederation #lightcouncils #god #source #arcturians #sirius #celestialwisdoms #5D #noreligion #healingwars #5thdimensionalintelligence #newworldleaders #5Dleadership #lighthealing
#ascensionclasses #ascensiontraining
#joannashealingprograms #joannasleadershipprogram #angelics

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