Saturday 21 October 2023

THE IMPORTANT VALUE OF TRUST ~ Creational Navigation as Light & Eternal Growth #5D

 TRUST is so Key in Ascension

Ever building undeniable knowing in yourself, Source, Creational laws, Your experience has served you - 5D is not 3D You cannot behave in 3D wounding in higher and higher light - it will backfire, be seen, known, so obviously - why you never have to worry about those trying to stop, take, thieve, corrupt - simply keep going - State your truth with your conviction, stay to path, and keep deepening your oneness with Creation Keep letting go Keep accepting Keep your honour with truth, what that is for you - your connection with God, your teams, and Gaia and what you see in your collective is what is within you - bring it all to the table - and see all as a great game of transformation - all are being forever changed now. © What is for you will never ever leave you and your receiving - you are meant to receive Gods grace!

That is a promise from God Clear your 51% of karma 3D-5D by simply focussing on you and your healing, expansion, being new daily! Love forgive and offer compassion - in as many moments as possible and know you will be tested to reclaim your power, truth, light, energy, and understand yourself as divine and sacred and infinite - this is soul growth - all have this destiny and all move in unique and different ways - these are powerful multi-versal truths - Face your embarassments, Face what you thought was a truth, now a discarded limitation - there are always new cycles of greatness for you to explore and be new in Face your expressions and know all is ever-changing - always - that is eternal life and evolution -

You never have to worry about 'stopping, hindering, or forcing another, or spell casting' any other Simply be you and stay in your lane, and allow God, the ancestors to deal with God knows all paths, and what helps activate our growth and our purpose, our trust, our knowing, our path in alignment with God, Gaia, our collective Not all know your souls path and journey Not all know your souls experience, and expertise, God knows; Simply hand it all to God on what you are willing to endure and what is simply non-sense and enough Communicate with your teams daily Keep them in tune and in touch with daily inner working, where you are struggling and what you need help in lifting off of you None deserve to be delayed for years at a time because rather than focussing on their own healing, they want to stop you from being you - 
And why we will be shifting our perspectives on religions and how we were suppressed in every way of our creative individuality of such; 

The crucifixion of the Christ was discrimination and His expression of what God was, who we are, the Heavens, and his ability to be storyteller of new ways, concepts and why we see still unfolding in the various parts of our world - of the suppression and hiding behind what is not working in our journey to oneness - 

The powers that be at that time, the elites, no different than today trying everything in their controlling power to suppress that which is pure and heavenly truth - for humanity to claim the power and light, energy from what we have chosen to give to - beliefs and programs that separate is not our evolution - it degrades our DNA, cells, and planet - we are moving into oneness and unity -

We are meant to move in liberation of all life - Jesus spoke of the loving Oneness and was able to create the miracles he did in His own loving DF/DM balanced energy bodies, fields, and knowing of alchemy and heavenly wisdoms - 

Let God deal with them and re-route them in the highest and most valuable way for the greater good Why harm to any is never necessary When you work with God, the legions, and the ancestors, God - there is the most peaceful way to even the most insurmountable measures - David and Goliath - I have survived and transcended what most will not - and did so with full and devotion to knowing God is, the light is, and the alliance with spirit is EVERYTHING and all you need to do is focus on you, focus on your healing, focus on your offering, focus on your knowing, your intelligence and what is important for you Pure heavenly earthly self design That is 5D You design it all and allow God to deal with those that need a detour to do their own healing and self reflection God knows what God is doing Is it really a 'win' if you do so in cheating, harming, degrading, and not in purity of truth - you cannot hold what you are not the vibration of Source will move every 'false leader' that is not in pure benevolence, nor cares about the people, nor the universal laws, and order of the divine - those that choose to defy the evolutionary life light programs - God will move out of the way - Ascension will not stall due to selfish arrogance that choose to not heal - Surrender to God and those - any that choose to derail and berate or degrade your pure path of oneness and what is true for you - all have human divine and spiritual sacred rights - know them - and work with God 

All have their right to ascend, to be of greatness and flowing glowing rights and benefits - How can any assume to gain Gods glory when one sacrifices with the Devil, denies sacred life, impedes sacred life, knows nothing about sacredness - ~ you cannot receive what you are not the vibration of If you act in corruption - then corruption is your return If you act in self deception - you receive deception The universe is your return There is never any need for any harm, violence, crime or corruption - only that which is in wounding, controlling, dominance and any fear-based issues that all need and can only do with Source, within - drama creators and those with abusing of the skills, gifts they have ~ for their own lack of sense of self, their own inner debt, their own inner separation - why we will see such unfolding of all that is not in alignment be borought for all to reflect and thus, choose to heal and choose to move on

All deserve to live in safety and liberation
Ascension Video - By Joanna Understand creational law And leave all else alone - stay in your own lane and get healed - I will never stop being me I will never stop working with God, of God, Gaia, and the collective Systems of light and the conduit for the Galactic Federations, the Heavens, and the All - I am that I am - that Is my birthright and fingerprint with God - period. All need to find their own - that is why you are here! 

Connect with us daily for the fullest divine and most elegant ascension
wisdoms and healings ~ I am the Galactic Tutor - Cosmic Diamond ~ Love and light is - all are worthy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joanna L Ross ~

Oneness is our practice - reunifying yourself within yourself - soul fragments into wholeness and unique expression - 

God knows your effort, your will to help, and be fully you - God hears, knows all and will vibrational match you with however, whomever, and what ever will bring your highest maturation of skills, gifts, abilities - 

God knows what God is doing!

There is always a divine plan, intelligence and higher evolutionary cycles.

Pray in the healing for all For you are it all Pray for the clearing of the way for all For you are in that too Pray that all feel undeniable in their own truth and fall in love with it all - For you are in that too Pray in the healing for all You are here, there, all That is our lesson Oneness is our journey - No need to take, harm, or corrupt All is Love All is One All is healable - 

When you can relax, trust, and know you are within all - you can learn and expand the most 
See yourself within all life - that is the gift, the majesty - your strength is in the accepting of it all - 
This is how vast you are - 
Connect with our youtube for our weekly ascension power-sessions for inspiration, collaboration with Spirit and Source God, your teams, and celestials; and connect with me for private and groups sessions -

The most compassionate thing you can do is love yourself wholly Every hour, love yourself and return back to you This is the key This is the healing This is the only wisdom God is all within and knows your pure heart and your worthiness of greater grandeur of creational exploration The greatest gift you can offer is compassion, forgiveness, so offer it Radiate that light - Forgive often, always - None deserve to be harmed in any way Even those that harm someone, in any way, none deserve to be abused. None deserve abuse. That is a new blanket statement to our collective healing
Creational Reality Wisdoms #5D All deserve pure truth All deserve pure love All deserve pure self knowing 

All deserve pure self exposure All deserve pure self breaking and then making again - face what needs to be faced and be ok, to look however it will be - stand true to your journey - none can judge what you have been through - Only God is - God knows your pure intent to live in your truth and love anyways, God knows your purity to make right, to be of good will and truth and help another God knows what healing you pushed through, when all were out doing their superficial life in how they live - God knows you journal and spend time in nature, while others are out running a deal or trying to scheme a way to take, copy or keep from being known, seen; or facing the truth - God knows all All you have to do is focus on you Face what you feel Heal what you feel by being more love Forgive your parents, Forgive broken systems Relax and know your forgiving brings great hope for new leaders, higher leaders, the healing of corruption, the healing of the need for gangs or cults, or any level of separation and degrading of any aspect of life Life is sacred How may we all go within and be sacred - feel for the vibration of sacredness and stand up for what is true for you while you heal -

© Your truth is not another's truth Your truth is what God aligns you with to carry - you are and will be a way shower for others that need a guiding light, and there will be challenges and tests to see that you can and you will carry that torch! Trust in the life God blesses you And recite 'It is an honour to walk in my shoes' Thank you ancestors Thank you God Thank you Guides
Self love is everything! Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness 

~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

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