Thursday 19 October 2023


 The Healed DF 

The Healed DM

STOP * TRULY DROP into your HEART and be silent, still, knowing within is your belly, the heart, all offering wisdoms to you - on what, how, where to direct your energy and how to intend and healthy loving inspired spiritually connected soul - mate - it takes devotion to know yourself - 

You will never ever ever regret doing the work - you will manifest the heavens in doing so ....©

When you are healed - when you have been devoted, chosen to be on your own for minimum 2 yrs & Get excited about your self-evolutionary path - there is nothing that will allow you such growth, self love, self knowing, self direction, self manifestation - than doing the work -  NO PERSON will GIVE YOU WHAT IS WITHIN -  When you are discerning to 'go to a person and offer yourself please go within and draw it out' Don't come to me when you are not healed nor sorted out©

Never expect any to take your baggage unsorted out, family density and messy energy fields, with no healing being done and then expect you have anything to offer that is balanced, honouring, sacred, understanding boundaries nor knowing what self care even is; If you truly desire a soul mate - - - > do the inner work If you simply want to keep testing, living in karmic cycles - ----> behave and act, be what you have been doing House hopping, relationship hopping, the going from person to person, the not living in your created life without healing, knowing what healing takes, no daily self care - is a toxic life * daily self care is mandatory before God, Source, your guides will place a divine mate in front of you - you have to know your own value, worth to know there is a equal match that will honour, value, and be of equal give, take, honour in creating together - otherwise it is karmic - and all is purposeful and all learn and grow - but if you are keeping toxic harmful people in your life due to insecurities, or to not have to do the hard work, and get right on your own feet, in your own way, in any way - you are not healed enough for a TF nor a divine soul mate 

* divine self expression is everything - express yourself emotionally, mentally, psychologically and psychically and spiritually and if you have to dim in any way - it is a space and people that do not accept you - * you are to be seen, known, heard, and experienced - - be around those that celebrate and rise above any that want you to be quiet around others, not want you to be you around their family or friends - they are not worth being around  * if there are those that constantly berate you because you are you, because you make your own choices and offer unique perspectives and so on - they are not worth being around for the weight it plays on your life, field, and mess you will have to clear in their negative projections of 'not fitting in'  Celebrate NOT Fitting in - why would you want to fit in to those that have no idea who they are Celebrate not going with the crowd - why would you want to be with those that think 'being suppressed, un-alive in the heart, spirit, is ok, and it is ok for all to be who they are - but NEVER ever reduce yourself, settle for how another wants you to be or write you into their life - SAY NO  * All DM - all people - spend 2 yrs minimum on your own - fully on your own - reduce and simplify your life - in every way so you understand who you are - with the stuff, without the stuff and what and how you gave your power away, your life away, your choices away, your voice away and how much you filled stuff around you not to be you, not to face you 

--->- until you go through 2 yrs of independent sovereignty of self loving living on your own fully devoting yourself to stepping beyond 3D trauma and abuse, pattens of dysfunction and co-dependence  * You can never know another, or think you know another, excited to know another when you have no clue who you are * You can never fully appreciate anyone, until you have nothing, lost it all and been through all levels of challenge and know what it takes to get right with God, with Creation, know how to create reality - and then not rely on any and giving your power away for others to make your life better - * others offerings are merely the cherry on top - can you 100 on yourself in yourself with you and God and be truly happy and loving of your life? * emotional, psychological abuse, mental abuse is any person stuck within their maladies, group of toxic maladies that create stories, gossip, negativity about you, a person they wish to keep taking from, bullying, breaking, derailing, and keeping from knowing a higher truth; many cults work this way - forcing to remain in the group, intimidation if they leave or want to leave, or have uniqueness of expression and creativity - this is the dogmatic corruption done through religions that force you to be, behave and reward for being robotic to say, do without feeling, and being the essence of God - * if you cannot ask yourself the tough questions about your life; all failures, challenges, ups, downs, and embrace all of it - there is no failure there is only experience but so many are judged and carry that compass of success within them - this is what you are breaking - break the compass - there is only unconditional self love and why you must challenge yourself to do the inner work

* ask yourself the tough questions and sit with it all - so you can lovingly and excitedly tell your story, share your story - share the dark parts, and share the light parts with utter self love - that is when you will meet, and God will place that before you equally - when you are not ashamed, nor guilty, nor hiding, nor shrinking 

Knowing you are on the healing path when you are faced with an old karmic energy, or situation and you choose not to shrink and be ok feeling less than, and quite and small for others to feel comfortable - get up and dance and sing anyway - 

You are here to shine and shine brightly - never be less than for another and certainly never shrink for a family image, or because a family doesn't 'get' your expression - - 

Them not 'getting you' is their issue not yours - be YOU!

NEVER SHRINK and never be the one that thinks you know what is best for another - they have to do their inner work
God is unique expression - look at one lush garden in the summer and see Gods unique blessing - we are too this way - and never allow any to force you to be tested, to take abuse energetically, spiritually, emotionally that some think, feel entitled to you, feel obligated to teach you for you to be like them; they are delusion and have no pull, no right, and no entitlement or authority to be in your life or experience -
CLEANSE and CLEAR your life, energy, and homes, of such energy - Much are experiencing and will have to clear family linage karma - entities that live with you until you accept, acknowledge and allow it to be seen and known, and then sent on its way - Religious trauma's will be this cycle until you choose to 
* do you know who you are mentally, what you need to give yourself mentally, can help where you need, mentally? * do this for all aspects of your life - sort it out! SORT OUT YOUR Life dear ones -

We are ascending - this is not high school mate sniffing time - We must truly mature and grow spiritually and none can do this unless they go within and seek what is within It will be a journey you will appreciate - nothing can replace what you gain in your beautiful sacred journey with God, Source, Creation - your guides, to know your guidance beyond any other - * do you know what your guides guide you in? If you do not know this - do not seek another for partnership Do you see where we are going ????? You are here to learn to be spirit in human form - heeding spirit on all levels - if you are not heeding spirit, listening to others about advice when they know nothing about you deeply nor anyone you ask about, giving your power away, filling your life with stuff, and others that are also toxic, and unchanging, is nothing but another karmic cycle - 

You will be placed with all that your soul must learn - your soul aches to learn what it must learn and grow - All return to Source, it is your sacred journey - none do this for you, none offer you what God does - so don't dump yourself on another's step thinking, saying you might be ready for something - you are not ready!

Someone that has done the work; will not be ok, nor continue such cycles All must DETACH AND GROW uniquely and grow and be Source SOURCE is your growth ALL MUST GROW Blessings and light Joanna
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

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