The Upsurge of a New Human Story
The uprising of quantum love piercing through all facets of our human experience is being seen, felt, and unveiling all that we are to reveal; We are elegance of Creation expressed in human form; we are the Holy beauty.
This is what we have always been.
Is your heart ready to open, to soften, and to invite this new vibrational swirl that will take you into the unknown, and within a new collective dance within Creation and soothe the very ache that keeps the same reality of separation playing? Are you ready to dance this elegant dance into a new reality experience?
This is what we have always been.
Is your heart ready to open, to soften, and to invite this new vibrational swirl that will take you into the unknown, and within a new collective dance within Creation and soothe the very ache that keeps the same reality of separation playing? Are you ready to dance this elegant dance into a new reality experience?
Humanity is awakening to the importance, the profundity, the necessity for our sacred and loving entanglement with Gaia, with all life and this shift begins within how we love, honour, value, and behave in who we are and know ourselves to be.
These values, these nurturance shifts from within ourselves, each of us, lift the entire vibration of our planet and ripple our Oneness through Creation.
This is the new human story and how we are each here to play our own unique part in the enrichment of human life, co-Creatorhood through self-love, self-acceptance, self-honour and in doing so, we innately invite this richness within all that we exist within to live through us in heightened and expansive multi-dimensional ways.
We are held within every aspect of life, as it is held within us.
We are held within every landscape, as it is held
within us.
within us.
There is nothing that we are not,
There are no boundaries or limits to our co-creative awakening and Heavenly dance that we are able to explore.
There are no boundaries or limits to our co-creative awakening and Heavenly dance that we are able to explore.
This is the richness of the Divine and Heavenly human.
The value, the richness, the authentic loving essence that we hold within, is mirrored within our reality experience. This is Universal law.
The value, the richness, the authentic loving essence that we hold within, is mirrored within our reality experience. This is Universal law.
How may we breathe and honour this elegant and reverent value of Creational blessing that we truly are? How may we affirm, before our feet touch upon the floor, upon Gaia that we ARE ONE and that we will honour her, honour all life, as it threads within and through us? How may we hold the light of all others before us in the God perspective and presence that they are? How may we emulate and radiate the light of the Heavens within to every child, to every set of eyes, and heart that we entangle with, to lovingly accept and allow their light to be ALL that it is? How may our children come forth in the softness and glow that we are to be the Divine joy that they are? How may we view our mirrored beauty as that which is Divine BEAUTY?
How may we arise dear ones - how may we arise.
These life-reality altering musings are activated by what we hold within thyself.
Simple Divine & Holy Life Altering Softening's within the Heart
Give yourself permission to acknowledge your Holiness, your expansiveness, your eternal gift of loving exploration and so too shall this begin a quantum alchemic shift within.
Give yourself permission to affirm and radiate these inner knowings, if only at first these affirmations be whispers of shyness, or unsteady voice, accept and love yourself within your own unique perfection and honour your dance. For in this gentle and loving practice, in loving devotion, you will find the inner voice of the Holy lion and cell-by-cell, moment-for-moment, your reality shifts anew.
Give yourself permission to view, to perceive, to own and claim your Divine and Holy inner beauty of the radiance of God essence and mastery that you are. Create the most profound inner perspective of vastness and beauty that allows your inner light to float playfully upon the warmth of the morning sun and the afternoon breeze. For these moments of self-acknowledgement, self-affirmation, self-love will invite the wisdoms, the intelligence, and the elegance of Gaia and Source Creator to live through in new and adoring ways.
Give yourself permission to forgive. Forgive yourself for keeping love, beauty, elegance, gentleness, the softness and the wisdom within grace from your aching and readied heart. Forgive yourself for believing or thinking that all that society shows or offers is the only path; forgive for all moments you held your own light at bay, your own love and acceptance at bay, and reach way up and offer the love of you in for a new story, a new beginning and new moment to live as the Holy beauty that you truly are.
Give yourself permission to love and accept yourself wholly. Look deep and lovingly into your own eyes, your own heart as you stand before yourself glistening in the mirror each day, each hour; 'I will love you and honour you in all moments. I will accept you and take care of you, for you are, I AM the flesh, the Holy essence, the Heavenly gift, and I AM WORTHY of the Perfection that IS Source, that I AM THAT I AM. Forever, for eternity, my perspective is now changed, and I honour, I love, I value, I enrich, I accept the love that I am. And so it is.'
How blessed, how alive, how pure, how rich with loving potential, and expansive with cosmic dust are you? Eternal, infinite, always threaded in a quantum dance with Source; and thus then, made within this image; as are you.
You are the elegance, the grace, the gentleness, the beauty, the majesty, the Divine blessing that IS Source Creator; how could this be otherwise.
Invite your greatness to come forth. Acknowledge that IS you, and affirm your soft and loving grace in all moments that you are able. For you are the only one that creates the story of your precious life here; you are worthy of such grand beginnings.
FREE WEEKLY Global Meditations
Join us for this weekly loving sacred gathering to sing, to honour, to anchor within our collective
joys in being the vibration that ignites new human-earthly-Universal vibrations of living Divinely.
Join us for our new WEEKLY FREE Divine Song sacred toning, light language, and meditation global gathering.
These are sacred vibrational offerings and will have the potential to ignite, smooth, heal, and shift the multi-dimensional all that you are.
Friday mornings at 9:00am MST
Zoom link here;
Meet, Gather, Align, Open, Allow, Surrender, Ignite, Sing, Dance, CREATE, LOVE.
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