We are just in the final phases of our new website platform that will allow us to create, stream, and offer a user friendly video - audio portal. WE are really excited about the way we are able to our passions in expansive ways;
Stay tune for links and new classes and dates;
We have a new google+ account and hope that you all follow us on there; this google will eventually be closed; new starts and new beginnings!
NEW GOOGLE + ~~~ https://plus.google.com/u/1/105731035403469429578
I will be offering a weekly sacred toning, meditation, sacred communion zoom cast for all global light-workers, healers, and those seeking a powerful alignment with the Divine Heavenly Councils, Source Creator, and be soothed, and healed through our most profound healing tool ~ tone, sound, and light language.

Sacred toning, sacred Divine song is what I have remembered Akashically been deeply embedded within my soul, my Omni-essence; from my first incarnation; pertaining to the blessing of the Divine harmonic sound of Source-the Holy Father Creator. I humbly offer this FREE weekly communion for ALL to partake in the joys of living sacredly, living joyfully within our new Divine human gifts and sacred soul tribes awakening anew upon elegant fields of play.
Sacred sound will be very key and paramount for the humanities future for downloading higher dimensional wisdom, intelligence, and healing-aligning our multi-dimensional bodies, activating wisdom within our consciousness bedding.
This weekly global offering will be FREE and the first of its kind to gather over tele-cast; share, invite, and offer these free communions to those awakened, newly awakened, and those desiring to entangle and connect in deeper ways, levels to the Divine within.
Our first class; see facebook in case the site is not quite ready;
~~~ Sacred Toning & Light Language Mastery Class ~ Sunday January 13th,
~~~ Time; 1:11pm MST
~~~ Price; $13.33 CDN (PayPal ~~~ Joanna@ULWHC.com). until links are up and ready
~~~ MP4,MP3 included
Stepping up into sacred living within our multi-dimensional consciousness through sound, telepathy, mudra's and other dynamic star-ancient wisdoms brought to earthly ~ Heavenly ~ Human living.
Stay tuned for these links and join us on our facebook and other social platforms; https://ULWHC.com (should be up and ready by this weekend)
Blessings and graceful joy,
Divine Sacred Christed tones, light language, and vibrational healing, offerings, and teaching through the expansive Divine within, without, the All that we are.
And so it is.
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