Sunday, 13 January 2019

Sacred Unfolding ~ The Divine Harmonic Awakening

Greetings Dear lighted ones,
Welcome to a new song!
There is a great aliveness, enrichment, diversity, eternal exploration of excitement and joy held within LOVE.

Love is the vehicle, the movement, the evolution of ALL Creation.
This is the expansiveness of our birthright and how the opening, surrender, becoming of our Christ essence is the path of evolution for all systems of light within our omni-presence. The ALL that we are sewn and dancing within right now; percolating the particles of God consciousness for us to each step up and out and dance in a new way.

The essence, the webbing, the offering, the encoding of the Christ Consciousness is our eternal threading of Oneness & benevolence; this is an essence of belonging sewn within us all.
The Christ Consciousness is beyond what can be define or described; for IT is ALL movement of love and evolution within systems, benevolence, joy, exploration, creative sacred play, and our ability to harmonize with ever enriched energies of love-light from and with Source Creator. 

There is a Divine and sacred living harmonic; this resonance is the foundation through which all other enrichment, encodings is spun from and lifted anew. As we spiral within new spirals of light and love offerings, so too is our harmonic song, Gaia's harmonic song, the encodings of life also upgraded, refined, and attuned anew. We are within the living elixir of love, a breath of new life, new song, and it plays within us; for us to bring to life through us in our acknowledgement, our awareness and living within this vibration of knowing, being, behaving, surrendering, allowing, and receiving.  This is our co-creation with Source Creator; together we sing. Together we co-create.
This is our becoming, this is our harmonization, this is our Soul~essence whispering of awakening to play, to begin. 

IT is our mastery vibration, it is up to us to activate and through free will, ignite new beginnings and stories of elegant, soft, loving, benevolent co-creations; Always available for us to choose to open within, love within, expand within, as It expands within the entire Omni-Presence; this is how much we are loved.

And so IT is.
Divine and Heavenly Councils, Christ consciousness,
Source Creator, all life within all moments, we are One.
                                                              MASTER SACRED TONING CLASS at 1:11pm MST TODAY
We go live at 1:11pm MST for a Sacred toning, light language and Master entanglement of joy, expansion, Oneness; and our website updates and upgrades are pretty well being completed but you are more than welcome to muse upon our new site and join in the weekly video sharing, sacred gatherings globally as you enter within a loving and Christed embrace of all that we are as a co-creative human family.

Blessings and graceful joy,

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