Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Ascension Light ~ Divine Loving Care

The richness and depth of a love that cannot be defined.....
We are the Divine human explorers and life truly is an incredible journey of new terrain, new perspectives, new beginnings, new stories, new paths;
This is the human exploration and how may we offer our softened pure loving hearts in this journey? This will allow the ever-spiral of new be held in Oneness and Heavenly harmony. 

What's New with the Ascension Energies; 
The infinite webbing of consciousness that we exist within, that exists within us, and who we are is ever shifting.
Divine particles of living-light is being introduced through a new membrane of cosmic light; light will be felt, experienced, and integrated through us, by us, in a myriad of ways and manners. 
This is also why many are newly awakened, and many are struggling; these are real facettes of light processing within our planetary and galactic movement; all for the potential to nourish the Divine essence within and inspire what truly resides within.
We exist within truly exciting times of awakening and discovery. Have patience, compassion, and flexibility to what is unfolding; all aspects of what we are is being influenced by Light.

'What was' will surface offering us new heightened and expansive moments to perceive from our highest, most loving manner; one that will continue to spiral around our own self-love, self-value, self-honour, and gentleness. Soaking within a new reality story is here, now; soften, open, allow, accept, and forgive; All Is Well.
So Divinely supported and aligned for the many gardens of the Heavens we are moving forth within.
Blessings and joyful grace,
Joanna L Ross
Join us for our free weekly NEW sacred toning meditation, prayer, and communion - 
Friday's at 9:00am MST ~ January 11th (first one :))

Every FRIDAY 9:00am MST
FREE ZoomCast 
Meet, Gather, Align, Open, Allow, Surrender, Ignite, Sing, Dance, CREATE, LOVE.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 408 499 314
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acziPe79rV

This will be a very short global gathering to align, anchor, meditate, and unite in our human sacred intent.
For peace, love, unity, wellness, and sacred song in our One Human Heart essence of sacred play.
Please share, enjoy, reach up, reach out, and tune in for our new passionate play ~
We want to explore and try it all as our lush and ready hearts beat in Oneness with Gaia.

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