Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Simple and Pure ~ Love

Greetings Dear lighted ones,
How our Children Change Us So
Every parent, every parent, goes through the most profound life altering self-transformations because of those we bring into the world, and how those children change us so. There are moments in which we reflect and dissect every action, every word spoken, everything we have ever done to weigh how may love, peace, harmony, and balance be restored and realigned. I get it. I am a mother of this earth, I am star-child, I am a light warrior of purity of alignment with Source in all moments I muster the release of all that no longer serves and open to a higher and deeper truth in love. This is not always easy, not always smooth, but is the path of truly becoming love.  
The path of mastery is one built and carved step-by-step. Forgiving thyself in the moments when we slip into old patterns of fear, lack, or control, and love yourself purely as you are remembering yourself as God; and God Is for you, with you, living through you. Every awakened parent is feeling the intrigue and ushering from within to shift our perspectives that more purely align within Source, within love, within compassion and more expansive creativity. We are offering to ourselves, through the eyes and hearts of our children to transcend old parenting paradigms and begin anew; to align within the honouring of crystalline expansiveness, the honouring of free will, and knowing that each of us come with Heavenly lessons, gifts, and blessings that is not for any one person to dictate or to control from their souls yearning to experience. These are the collective musings that we all must walk, face, open and offer in as we continue the spiral of Heavenly Divine embrace. Source Creator offering ever new moments of encouraging us each to soften and love yourself anew.
Each spirit, each soul, each person coming into this Divine reality of profound Universal lessons; come in with unique soul contracts, soulful honouring and awakenings we each come with, we each sign up for, we each desire to soften, fall in love with who we are at our most deepest levels; purity of love for the whole self ~ our children, our family, IS the matrix we have each soulfully signed on for to elegantly sew a journey and exploration within deepening of self-love. For in self-love, we heal ALL THINGS, all dysfunctions we have ever created through fear; love heals all.
For those that desire the deepest and most pure journey to love; it can be as deep, profound, loving, and beautiful as you are willing to travel and willing to explore. For this is the Divine design of Creation; This I know to be true. 

Love; for this is the Source Creator within all life, all moments, all beings, reaching for you as you reach for It. Love is, dear ones, the thread that binds us all; allowing you to forgive so deeply and purely. Allowing you to offer so unconditionally and with Divine empowerment that a higher power is living through you and honouring you as you do. Allowing you to stand in your power and know your light carries lineage of the Divine and ancestors in offerings of wisdoms and grace. This is what I know to be a truth so deep, so wide, and we are able to tangibly see our reality transform because of love. 
How may you champion, how may you find the royal lion within and speak a truth so unique to you, so purely you that your heart and soul burst with fulfillment of your Oneness within the wave of Source living through you.

You are a warrior of the Divine in all moments you soften your heart, you open in the eyes of your own needs, your own gifts, to bless yourself in love; bless all others for their uniqueness in love, and know our earth, our grids, our reality is forever changed. 
The greater love we have for ourselves, one another, our planet, all life, allows us to make the most crucial of choices and decisions with higher knowing, centred knowing, and within the vibration of the benevolence through which life, all life was birthed and breathed.

These are the evolutionary progressive steps of an entire human collective stepping out of separation and fear. These progressive musings are the foot prints we each have to take; uniquely, specifically, and intimately with God. God that IS not outside within an unknown part of space one may never see, but within and holographically embedded, encoded, and designed within all cells, all breath, all life. You are the vibration, the essence, the embodiment of the Heavens, the beauty within ALL beings, all life, all things. How may we each awaken to a new level of relationship, of engagement, of entanglement to such profound simplistic yet life altering reflections and inner knowings?

The love of self offers the empowerment of truth, empowerment of joy, empowerment of Universal power that is undeniable and therefore choices in moment-for-moment life become fluid, flowing, and from the heart of God, as you are. This is our task now and has always been dear ones; how may we bring in greater awareness of the joy, the beauty, the elegance of soft loving moments being offered within all moments, all beings? How may we soften within the play, the laughter, the wisdom and intelligence that love opens us within? How may we purely allow our hearts to guide and nurture us through any and all challenges and all shifts we are each here to steward and inspire into higher consciousness? 

Our children dear ones, need to see, need to feel, need to know the emulation of practiced love, practiced and embraced self-love, practiced allowance and forgiveness. For are these not the vibrational alignments of the Heavens? Our world, our collective, our way of parenting, guiding, and becoming is being ushered within gates that are the vibrational match to the Christic mastery, crystalline grids, and how could it be otherwise; this is Divine evolution, designed purely within unconditional love and benevolence. How could this be otherwise.

These offerings will be written and storied dear ones, and how the profundity and simplicity of love, pure love, pure compassion and softened hearts will be the wave that pierced a collective awakening and ignited peace for ever-more. Simple, pure, Divine, elegant, gentle, beautiful and Heavenly; LOVE.
Soften, muse, open your hearts, feel into your simple mastery whispering Divine guidance, empowering and encouraging your courageous path, and know that in all moments you release attachment, in all forms, you will be brought to the greater peace and stillness that is LOVE. 

And so it is,
Blessings and graceful joy dear ones,

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