Monday, 21 January 2019

Divine Cosmic Mother ~ A Planetary Rebalance

Greetings dear lighted ones,
In these very profound, Divinely inspired, designed celestial and omni-present alignments; all that is within the Universe is being presented anew for a ongoing planetary - collective rebirths.
In this; how may we arise and be valued, honoured, and consciously create in a way that sets the vibration for harmony, balance, and peace for eons to come? 
Peace, joy, happiness, abundance, is and always has been our innate birthright to experience. This begins as a natural flowing cycle of manifestation as we open and allow and live within our innate and unique excitement. 
In truly living within this inner truth, one can begin to feel into the glory in being exactly where and with whom we are, and are meant to be with; for this is a system of Divine design; and it works.
We are each here to explore as fully our most vast and fully illumined remembrance with Creation, with Source; this is Divine Free Will; A natural truth and order. 
Living within Ones innate inner knowing, inner power to claim, and honour all aspects of the journey, allows for this fluidic movement of loving Creation to occur, and as we do, we heal the heart of the human - Creational family.

It is pivotally important that we begin to offer ourselves the time, presence, and respect of softening within, loving thyself, and honouring every step of this magnificent ride.  In doing so, you awaken the cells, the forgotten dreams, the inner song that IS you and Source within a truly special and unbelievably elegant story and gift. 

I have recently been deepening my own personal experience by posing to my most inner self, my soul aspects, to reflect to me my threading in relationship of who I truly am in the experience of Source, Creation, and love. This one simple musing can open the door to deepen any experience in any way that one desires. I have been sensing many deep releases and healings around our collective perspectives about our own innate value of human life; of our children, of our systems, of what we know to be true about our Universal belonging, and in doing so, I have been offered ever-expansive spirals to explore, to love, to forgive, and to heal.

These musings often awaken imbalances within my relationships within me, myself, Creation, within humanity, and to the soulful self I can feel into also healing other timelines, other star systems. What I find so inspiring is that when we choose that fateful moment to 'feel good' and shift what is no longer working, there is a new spiral of potential and reality that converges to bring forth the cues and synchronicities that guide you on a Divine self-healing and self-loving journey. This journey is infinite and as each spiral of healing and self-love cycles back around and you have the inner peace, balance, wellness, self-honour, and begin to stand in your light and own who you are with pure joy, a new spiral presents itself that is vibrationally new and embedded with new encodings, new potentials, new healings, and a deeper basket of loving truths to explore and experience with Source and Creation.

There are absolutely cycles of loving blessings dear ones; it takes but our softening, our releasing of the monkey on our backs, or walls we have built to see what truly lies before us and take it all in for transformative new beginnings. This can be daunting, painful, and highly rewarding. This is why this path is not for every soul. 
My own personal ascension journey is, and continues to be the most mind-boggling journey of intimate discovery, Heavenly remembrance, and most certainly of a Divinely sweet and elegant unconditional love that I am sure can really never fit or be placed within any earthly words. 

Ascension is, enlightenment is, awakening is your relationship with you in every way to ALL ELSE. 
What we will all be Divinely shown in our earthly unveiling is not only the profundity of the human in a cosmic-quantum potential, but we will also be privy to the myriad of profound energies that exist within us inherently needed, required, and dynamic to our continued growth and expansion. These energies I speak of are the Heavenly family within us all now recreating and anchoring within our imbalanced and aching human family. How may we softly muse about the infinite and vast ways in which we have each taken male, female, son, daughter roles to be exactly who we are now and in this, pulling all that we are as a Soul Divine essence to a new state of becoming and reunification? What is the relationship that we each hold within these archetypes and how may this loving reflective process take us deep within compassionate acceptance and allowance for the paths that ARE within us all equally to forgive, honour, bless, and bring greater balance and fairness within? 

Our reality and every we experience is shaped by our beliefs, our truths, our perspectives, and in a constant stream of awakening, we can choose to go as far and as wide as we choose to deepen and expand every experience. This is all free will and what we are each realizing, is that the more we honour and love who we are, the greater wisdom and compassionate understanding we have for those struggling; for in their struggle is our struggle. Our unity consciousness is being felt in every way and how may we stand within our highest vibration and perspective to bring alignment, peace, and resolve to the many familial imbalances that we see before us?

We are being Divinely offered to love and resolve. Whatever it is within us that feels untouchable, unreachable,  dark, out of balance, or shadowed by resistance, repression and / or the lacking of our own confidence to face; will present itself. We can choose to be 'ok' with this and own it as a mastery design in our own readiness. For we are the co-creators of our path and we call on exactly what we are ready for. We can choose to stand within a sense of mastery and light; breathe, drop softly to the Divine Sacred Heart, and offer in what seems to be the thorn in our side. For recognizing this thorn as a step upon your path in Divine mastery needed to pave the way that is forthcoming and will require your skills in doing so.  All serving higher plans of service, higher and expanded plans of Creation, and why we choose to come forth in the ways and forms, and roles that we do. 

We then begin to feel into the threading of 'why' and what Divine blessings and lessons such pain has taught and brought us. We begin to see, envision, or sense the matrix of love that we are each sewing, manifesting, and shifting within a myriad of other vibrational matrixes and systems.  There are infinite weavings of love and healing and exploration that we are each sewing; and there is a point in which this reverberation of your loving persistence, your loving devotion, and sheer will is absolute and felt within your awakened presence.  You can feel your own love flowing through you; this is the reverberation of 'what you put out comes back' and can now be sensed and opened to.  I have felt this, for the first time ever; my own love, my own grace, my own efforts of will and inner knowing is being presented and I feel I am preparing myself for ever-heightened spirals of reverberation. We must. We must feel into our own mastery to feel the blessings and truth of who we are for this is how we evolve, how we emulate, and walk the walk. 

These are the gifts of love that simply cannot be overlooked or surpassed. Every step IS your own masterful making; however painful it may appear, you will be overjoyed that you made the journey to once again soften, to forgive, and to open in your own loving embrace. For the inevitable cycles that open just after you release and heal are indescribable and become ever more fascinating and profound within every new phase.  Our souls knew we would want to move through every challenge and perceive obstacle to feel what is on the other side of limitation. This is the quantum ricochet affect as we 'let go' and soft within a new state of Divine human allowance. You will always be gifted this remembrance.

On a collective level, our paths serve the ALL, and as we open to live within our own innate Divine flow of self-acceptance; we create the richly soulful flow that so many ache for. It is the richness and abundance of you that you truly seek. The richness of loving wisdom, loving compassion, loving forgiveness, loving power to transcend any illusion for the service to your greater good; the greater good of the All; this is what living soulfully empowers within us. As we live sacredly, soulfully, and richly in who we are; Divine liberation in being Divine Feminine, the Divine Cosmic Mother in all of her offerings, we heal, activate, and bring forth the rebalancing of ancient wisdoms and planetary encodings that take our entire collective within new vibrational potentials.  

Our planetary ascension would not be what it is, or will be if we are not bringing all facets of our human family within a pure and loving state of balance. Each archetype, each element of our story is in need of our re-valuing and honouring. For we are not one above another, we are not in replacement of another, or greater than, or however we have experienced it in eons before now; we are being opened within channels, portals, and matrices to align more deeply within the Divine wisdom held within the womb of the Cosmic Mother within us all. This wisdom pours forth what is needed to entangle within our reality in new ways and how we evolve to ever-heightened ways of behaving. It is far more intricate that we have ever imagined; and why the Divine Cosmic Mother, the Heavenly Universal child, is within us all to muse softly and ponder what our relationship is within each to bring about these quantum activations and soulful remembrances for such sacred living and Universal evolutionary orders. 

We are aware of, awakening to our multi-dimensional existence; the inner knowing we are more than we see in the mirror. We are sensing into the 4 lower bodies (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Etheric) that we are each here to nurture, honour, rebalance, and bring to new Christic alignment with our planetary grids. We are asking, seeking, and allowing to new levels now, and so too are the Heavenly offerings in return of every new phase. This is also why we feel and move through the cycles of perfection that we do. We are ever being brought to new levels of soulful awareness; our bodies, our soul threadings and teams that whisper loving guidance, offer loving pathways to fulfill what our souls desire was to fulfill.  

In each of our unique paths, we offer all that we are threaded with a quantum blessing in every moment we choose to love, heal, and to forgive. The ALL feels your inner work, your inner loving joy, and your own souls essence, your higher self and teams will stop at nothing to ensure paths, cues, and offerings are brought in every step you take to deepen within love. We are all along for the Heavenly ride of loving reunification. We get to choose how our own unique stories unfold; even if there are those that may not be consciously aware of it. We create it all.

New stories of the Divine Cosmic Mother, how she is Heavens Gardner and sowing seeds of Divine grace, life, and nurturance, and ALL that she is and have yet to explore will be a part of our deepening as awakened humans. For those feeling the sensation of needing to heal deeper self-appreciation as a Divine feminine, or one may be in need of self-empowerment in a role, or new leadership skills as a Divine Feminine, or healing sexual dysfunction or repression, abuse, or any issue of nurturance or trust; calling in the healing energies and wisdom of this energy will bring forth a new perspectives for your own deepening within self-love on your path. As we see these socio-economic structures and rebalances come forth; some hidden scars may come forth for your own healing. The Divine Cosmic Mother is within; ready to take you more deeply within the womb of Creation and heal with you. 

We can simply access the Divine Cosmic Mother within easy alignments and invocations. Within the invitations to begin to deepen within love; new Heavenly cycles of synchronicities unveil and new vibrational human stories for you are offered. Your free will, softening, allowing, and openness will then spiral manifestations once again to continue an ever-rich journey of cosmic love. 

We can even begin to teach our children this at the earliest of ages. Have them remember to 'tune into' the wisdom and eternal love that is available to them, when they feel the intense moments of discord. 

For example; 'How may I nurture my physical body right now? Am I feeling closed, clenched, or open and loving? How is my mental state right now? What is my emotional state guiding me to act upon? How may I honour my spirit and be still for inner sanctuary? How may I take some still silent time with Gaia, or how may I play with and upon Gaia?'

We can begin our sacred living by feeling into our truthful presence within all moments of the inner imbalances or inner chaos, and when such times arise, masterfully stand in your light, own your grace, own your power, and wisdom, and breathe within the empowerment of this and this being the Heavenly threading with God in all moments.  We are each offered such presence and perfection with God. We are each offered the Divine Christed gifts, tools and empowerment to bring such miracles to life. We are each gifted this and we are here to remind you.

Acknowledge your Divine belonging, your Divine mastery to rebalance and cherish every energy that is available to us in our expansive re-ignition. We are able to gain all wisdoms, insights, energies within all archetypes and we choose within our paths to bring our growing mastery to each level and honour ourselves anew within it. Every new phase will offer ever-new Male, Female, Mother, Father, Child experiences for refinement in our healing. This is why softening, living within an open and powerful heart will be the invitation to offer new Heavenly grace and genius to come forth and live through you. 

Simple activations and invocations to live within greater inner peace, inner balance can be what allows the 'out-of-date,' 'out of order' to show itself through your own unique experiential matrix for you to lovingly resolve.
In these Heavenly offerings and reflections, we softly muse and ponder; we often forget this in our human patterning and behaviours. To live sacredly is to live softly. To live with greater passion and live softly and elegantly within it. Allowing, acceptance, and honouring is graceful. It is a soft and malleable energy that is the Divine. There is nothing beyond the unconditional love and trust that you are with Source Creator. It is a choice however to bring this into your own awareness and live this energy and intimate path within all moments you choose. You are, you have, you can do, create, and transcend anything. It is a question of what truth, what relationship to Source, to the ALL are you choosing to believe in and live within?

Miracles occur through an undeniable shift within. 'I am worthy of the Divine Cosmic Mother energies of healing, grace, love, and nurturance, and I am worthy of whatever miracles that will allow me to unveil within my own highest and best to serve the greater good. Amen'.  Speaking sacredly to Creation, to your own higher and inner self, soul essence, to Source within you; CREATION IS LISTENING and will respond in kind.

Letting of limitation, fear, and choosing joy, choosing forgiveness, opens immediately a higher dynamic perspective, belief, and truths that can align within higher dynamic cosmic order. This is what ascension truly is; the awakening from chaos and disorder and choosing to believe in a higher order of potential.

We are each becoming the conduit and the master to reshape all that we are by releasing the density of all that fear creates; dominance, control, greed, injustice, limitation, and other such experiences of separation. 
Fear inspires to live purely from the ego perspective; the ego's role is to inform, help us get things done, manifest, alert us; historically for safety and balance within our environments; ego has been overworked through our myriad of fears. Fear ignites and perpetuates chaos, disorder and distrust in all things, everyone, and looking outside of ourselves for the love and wisdom we can only reach from within. Chaotic and unwanted manifestations cycle within service of the ego to maintain inner control and safety of ones reality. In our awakening however, we become ever more aware of our own inner illusions and stories of fear that we are here to transcend and heal. In such awakening, we begin to feel into and allow, honour, and own the Heavenly stripes of such light warrior path work, for this path work will always sing the song of love, peace, truth, and the honour of all life. 

These are the many paths of the ascending human, and how may we honour this dynamic blessings within the perfections that it offers and arise to a new level of Heavenly self-unity? Every moment, every step of the way, through self-love, forgiveness, and compassion we align within a higher light reality quotient; we reunify with Source Creator and our natural innate self. There are infinite aspects of our vastness at varying light potentials for us to reunify with; to reach up, way up and reach out, way out; we are there!

Living through purity of love, in and of thyself first, allows for the rippling of such beauty to the ALL and is the quantum collective ascension potentials. As we heal, offer, own our own light, we then offer our light for others to also take their own unique paths, opportunities to also arise, but do not have to.  

What is our relationship with the Divine Cosmic Mother energy? 

As a collective, we will see and experience our reality continue to be refined and re-structured as we bring love and balance within all roles of our human family. We begin healing our collective by healing within.

What is our relationship with the Divine crystalline child? What is our relationship within the Cosmic Mother, the Cosmic Father, and the Oneness of the family; whatever your family may or may not look like; Unity Consciousness IS the family through which we all exist;
Gaia, nature, wildlife, collective family and how may we bring valued honoured to each circle we flow within.
The Divine Goddess energy, the Heavenly Mother energy is pivotal in our planetary rebalancing; make no mistake about this. This Heavenly Mother energy assures of the nurturance, the reset, the embodiment of fairness and equality through compassionate action, intelligence, and empowerment. Constantly sewing seeds of love, Divine growth in encouragement and bringing new life to form.

Daily Soft Invocation & Musing; 'How may I bring forth this Divine Cosmic energy within our daily lives and invite any imbalances to come forth for forgiveness, loving self-healing? What is my relationship with my Divine Cosmic Mother and how may I invite her in today in this earthly, Universal, Divine healing for me?'
Move about your day in unconditional trusting and loving flow. 'I flow within the abundance and prosperity of balance, joy, harmony, and my own unique Divine inner truth and this is my path.' 
You will very soon feel the wisdoms, blessings, and stories within you, the teams and Higher Self guiding you more richly, more deeply within your mastery, and your Heavenly path with Source Creator.
Our journeys are infinite and widely expansive; this is a Universal truth. To fully explore all that is available to us, requires that we actively participate within this sacred journey of Creational entanglement. For we are awakening to ourselves within it all, and how may we be truly present for the soulful lessons we seek, the soulful blessings we desire, and the Heavenly gifts of majesty that await.

HOW do activate soulful blessings? By slowing down, being still, being silent, being present with others, and knowing that you are Divinely perfect will begin to open the door to whatever is the blessing next to be revealed through you.

How may we feel into the balancing presence of inner value, inner love, inner beauty within thyself, within the ALL in all moments? Simple realignments as you move about your day bring forth your own mastery; this is our soulful harmonizing in which 'wisdom appears' and through the ALL that is now available to us, through us; this is consciously being aware, desiring reunion, desiring self-acceptance, self-allowance, self-love to re-kindle and heal what has been 'out of sorts' in limitation and fear for eons.

How may we co-create within higher intelligent and compassion wisdom ways in living sacredly, living Divinely and honouring the God within in all moments?
Behold ~ we arise, we are in balance, we are the sacred God seed, the sacred Heavenly child, and we are the benevolent loving light; our hearts are purely open, and our voices will be heard. 
May the piercing light from our center soften the archaic disorder and bring all within loving balance and may we forever remember the presence of the Heavens in all that stand before us; 
The children will sing, their hearts will unfurl, for it is the seed of light, the seed of love, that is our garden stand within. 
Behold the children of light, birthed through the balancing wisdoms, essence, and clarity of our true placement and sacredness within Creation. 
The womb of Gaia blessing us all and may we all arise in these Heavenly benevolent songs.  

For all generations, for all peoples; we are the children of the Source Creator.
Blessings and sacred co-creations,

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